Ayel Rozenfeldt
This boy. No. This young man whose ruby eyed gaze have fallen upon me, seems to possess the power to detect those like myself. Such a magnificent gift. A power which is irreplaceable, a weapon which could bring terrible effect on our kind, but at the same time find them and ferret out those whom be not. He seems to be quite the calculating mind too, ferreting out various things to come to the most likely conclusion. This young man must not fall into the wrong hands.
The young man had in his ponderous manner appearantly thrown a small stone in his own face.
He is capable of some form of telekinesis aswell? Just how gifted is he?
"A young man of incredible talent I can see... but let's not get too far ahead shall we?" That's when he felt how Aya started to move, and at that Ayel carefully let go of her by placing her down on the ground, on top of his jacket which he took off her head. To Ayel she appeared to be quite ill overall, as if suffering from a major headache and lack of air. Her coughs did sound quite intense, and her voice was very quiet yet with some obvious urgency. The hooded blonde looked her over as he knelt down.
Nocturn? Una? More students? He thought to himself, watching Jason approach his ill friend. But also telling the girl Aya about his name, stealing his chance of introducing himself. Though it mattered little, as time was obviously of the essence. Jason had however taken amusement in Ayel's choice of calling himself a gardener. Ayel decorated his face with a smug look.
"Indeed. A friendly gardener… I'm Ayel, pleased to meet you, despite the circumstances."
He will realize in time that holds true, more so than he might think. It's not an enjoyable profession, but it is one which is much needed. Heidi was ofcourse not disappointing, she knew of what Nocturn was. A place appearantly. And this Una was a person? Another student? If that was the case, it did sound like they needed aid.
"I take it this Una is a person?" The blonde man exhaled softly, he was going to lend them a hand with this. Not only because a fellow kin were possibly in danger, but also getting to know these two very, very capable young couple of students better. "You are a very resourceful group, perceptive and quick at making up your minds. That's a good thing. Let's however not waste time, there is someone in need of aid I do believe." Ayel said, as he stood up.
"Choices can be difficult at times, yet even so one must chose. You have friends inside the building close to here, and another whose at this... Nocturn place? Miss Heidi, if you would be so kind and tell us where this place is, we can make our way there swiftly. Jason and myself. That or we can wait for your other friends to show up, though we do not know how long that will take. And whom knows what will happen with this Una, If we do not seize the moment when it presents itself, it may slip through ones fingers. If we are to leave now, one of us ought to stay behind to let the rest know where the tracks have led no? Miss Aya, could you perhaps do this?" He said in an as calm as possible manner, although abit hastily uttered.
Jason, I will learn all there is to know about you, and make certain your incredible gift is put to the best use possible. If the others come to worship you as a hero, all the better. The blonde man looked down to his jacket, to see if Aya was still in need of it or not. Otherwise he would just have to liberate a human of theirs later.