Avatar of Dezuel


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Current Some of the damn quotes from old 80's animation is damn gold. If english isn't gonna cut it, just swap to ones native language and you have yourself some good comedy. Unlike hollywood post year 2000
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Prepare for oblivion...
2 yrs ago
36yo today, one step closer to oblivion.
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Let the roleplaying shenanigans ensue! Fun times!
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Nationbuilding buisness is underway!


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The flight had been a somewhat calm, the demondragon had watched over the scene and could see some accident on a road leading up towards the scene of whatever made the big boom. That explains why there are no law enforcers or medical personell on the scene. They have been delayed by some traffic accident. That's unfortunate. Surely they must have Heard it though. The teachers of the school not leaving to find out make sense though, as it would make them leave the schoolgrounds on their working hours. Perhaps they mistook it for one of the geocaching blasts in the mining area.The demondragon was popped out his own thoughts as he was hit by something in the chest, he felt it land on him but it did him no harm, it harmlessly slammed against his chest. He also heard a scream below, coming from whomever was located below.

"Hmm?" He reached out with large clawed hand to grab what it had been, as it had already begun falling. What's this? Nidgardt thought as he looked at the stone heart then to the ground where he saw Kakra quickly leaving the landing zone, where Alexei stood.

"A student? This heart-shaped stone?" Nidgardt looked puzzled and that's when Alexei informed him of what had happened.

"A helicopter crash? Where are the wounded?" The demondragon asked as he landed, taking a few steps before pulling his wings to him, turning to look directly at Alexei. "Also what altercation? I will assist in whatever way is possible, lead the way..." Nidgardt nodded towards Alexei, if there were wounded in need of air they had to be found soon and then taken to medical staff or someone who could heal them.

Feeling and also seeing one of the copy-man's bodies try run out of the water made the young man grin as he shot up a couple of jagged ice peaks out of the watery field before the man and then homed in on the centre where he stood. Lise had wanted to deal with the by her own, but time was important and they could not be wasting their time fighting these pests. Then came the explosion, and how the clones appearantly came to detonate on losing their masks. Andreim set his sight on the fireball using enemy, and quickly made up his mind on how to defeat his opponent.

He shot up several peaks of ice around the fireball user, seeking to fully envelop him in a coffin of ice, the ice pillars tilted in a manner to also prevent the man from jumping out. With just enough air and space for his fireball to detonate right on himself, and being in such a tight space he wouldn't be able to dodge his own power.

To be destroyed by the power you have sought to wield against us, is quite the fitting end for unpure things like you.

Though it was always good to have a backup, as he had seen how the enemy seemingly were exploding upon having their masks destroyed. The young man quickly gathered a small orb of water in his right hand, ready to attune it to ice and fling a ice dagger, using the tip of his finger in a flicking manner at the fire user's mask would he somehow survive, or sling it on one of the other remaining targets.
Ayel Rozenfeldt

"Pretender hunters laying snares, thinking they can catch a deer or two. Not ever considering that in the forest, they are not the only hunters." Ayel tried to reassure Aya, as he moved towards Heidi. "Time is of the essence, we must make haste. Every moment wasted is a moment longer your friend is in danger." The blonde man nodded towards the much shorter Heidi.

"That's right Heidi, it would take too long on foot. Yet there are swifter ways to traverse our beautiful world." He gave a soft smile and then tried to walk up and place his arm around Heidi's waist and back. "I suggest you hold on. It may get abit windy." Ayel began to shortly afterwards lift himself off the ground, with Heidi aswell unless she would struggle and try get out of his grasp. The hooded man gave a look back to Aya and Jason.

"You two stay behind and let your other friends know what has happened. Tell them to proceed with outmost caution."

Ayel waited to hear Heidi's instructions as to how to get to the place, as he gradually levitated higher and higher up. There was surely going to be all manner of problems, if there were guns involved then it was likely humans behind it. Seldom would those amongst their kind turn to using human weaponry, not when having been bestowed with the power to be a god.


As the copy was cut down by Andreim, he allowed the vortex of water to simply cease and to allow the water to cover the ground. Like rats on a sinking ship... He thought as he called forth more water to fill the ground around and ahead of himself and lise, coming into contact with the water from his previous attack.

"Very well Lise, I leave those for you. I shall prepare his epitaph." It was important for her to also know how to fight well, the young man had more than once just acted as her protector. But she needed to stand up by herself and also become stronger. One of them, in his blinded arrogance or so Andreim believed took the moment to hurl some balls of fire towards him. Such which would seem petty compared to someone like Katherine. The other enemy split into five, whereof four of them dashed towards him and Lise.

You insult me... If you are stupid you left behind your real form over there, If you are smart you sent your true self to attack us right ahead. Either way you are outplayed.

"Hmph! It's useless." Andreim allowed to escape from his lips, as he shot two jagged ice peaks up from the watery field to block the two balls of fire launched his way. The young man then proceeded to shot a jagged peak of ice from under the lonesome copy-man which had been standing behind. The entire area now was under his water and ice powers, every little movement on this surface he could feel it. Would the copies get past Lise's shadows he would skewer them before they would lay their unclean hands on his diamond.

This is what it means to have a nearly perfect defense and offense... no matter where you go, I can trap you, skewer you and ward us from harm. Woe the day you came before us, and get purified by the powers we possess!

To do this work was something he had prepared for in his mind, to vanquish those whom he found to be evil. But he never thought it would happen so early, that they would make the first move on him. Such arrogance had to be shut down immediately. While he had both heard and sighted the large airship in the distance, he had his priorities which had to take first spot. Keep Lise safe, and rescue Katherine.

The bath itself had worked wonders for the demondragon, he felt alot better now after all the odd things which had happened today.

"I wonder if anyone else is having a bad day..." He said out loud to his empty room. Hmm. I should go check out what that loud distant sound was... even if that's out of school grounds, someone might be in need of aid. He stood up and the water slid all the way his enourmous wings and scar filled, yet muscular body. Just have to get dry first. Nidgardt spread his wings wide, in a quick flashy manner, causing some of the furniture to fall over inside of the room. Although most of the things had been nailed due to past accidents.

Could be good to stretch your legs and wings abit too... He allowed his non-deformed hand to stroke his own chin, pondering on his options as he stood there in the bath fully naked.

"Hm... towel?" He said to himself and moved out of the bath, uncorking the plug in it to have the water leave it. He stepped over to a nearby dresser which was nailed to the floor and wall, he opened it and took out two towels, he put one on his head and wrapped the other around his waist. He'd made his way over to the bathroom area where he looked at himself in the mirror.

I guess theres no way to get Alicia on the team now. Too bad. I should go and find Rat King after I've checked out what made that large boom. Probably just some alchemist playing around with the wrong things or someone blowing up a site where they can find precious gems. He pondered for a moment on gems, they were fancy, his father enjoyed them. But not to the degree he loved gold. Women seemed to also have a stronger liking for shiny stones than men in general though, or so he thought. Having been raised in seeing his father's servants walk around with the least amount of clothing as possible, and jewelry on everything that you could put jewelry at. He shook his head as he remembered specific servants, followed by a more recent image of Alicia's undergarment.

Foolishness... It is stronger to resist this nature of ours than fall prey to it. A challenge worthy of someone like myself, but not limited to only me. To have what I have, and not succumb to arrogance is a challenge too. Nidgardt exhales through his nose heavily. To take powers for granted and allow yourself to follow your natural urges are a one way ticket to dooming yourself to a pit you will have difficulty escaping from. Then again.. that too could be considered a challenge? The demondragon gave the question he posed to himself a long thought while he dressed in clothes resembling what he wore before his bath, albeit clean that is. As boring as some would regard that, Nidgardt didn't care overly much for clothes other than he prefered them to be black. Images of Alicia again came to his head and he quickly shook them away. As he was done dressing up he went out of his room, locking it and went down the corridor to one of the large windows. He took a slight look around.

Generally it was frowned upon jumping or leaving the buildings via the windows, but since no one was around the demondragon took the opportunity and opened two of the large windows, so he could squeeze through and then he jumped out. He spread his wings widely and gave a few strong flaps with them to lift off from the ground, then set his way over towards where the boom had come from.

His dark wings and overall dark attire and look would surely be seen from quite the distance, he proceeded with a slight bit of caution. As he didn't know what to expect to see once he would arrive on the scene.

The close proximity to Lise had appearantly distracted him, as his water manipulation under their feet ceased to work when some kabuki-type had gotten into the way with his group of equally odd dressed and masked entourage. Having cast a flashy and big glyph. Andreim landed on his feet, making sure that Lise didn't fall to the ground, it was not befitting for either of them to crawl in the mud with the maggots.

Who dares to attack me? But more importantly lady Lise? What? Andreim looked to the dead civilian ahead, who'd had appearantly tried resisting these guys. The person had a gash in its neck. On seeing this, Andreim widened his eyes.

"Get behind me, Lise..." Andreim stepped forwards abit to make sure Lise was not in the firing line.

This is why the world needs to change. People like these robed individuals need to disappear forever, to be rooted out permanently and mercilessly exterminated. When the law fails to protect the people believing in it. The militaristic clad young man grit his teeth together and narrowed his eyes.

"You bastards! I'll find you and wrench your soul from your wretched excuse for a vessel!" The leader of these thugs then made for his escape and carrying some victims with them. "You have quite the nerve to attack us and then flee! Then look upon my determination and tremble!" Andreim yelled out, gathering two smaller vortexes of water in his both hands. This person had appearantly challenged him, and then realized his mistake, as the fool fled into some crudely made portal. He changed his sight to the two minions the kabuki-man had left behind.

"There are those whom wield power, and there are those whom are wielded by the power. I know which one you are... DISAPPEAR!" Not waiting for them to get the first move, he held out both of his arms and created a cone shaped attack as one of the vortexes moved to his right hand to join it's twin, reaching out to engulf both of the peons in a whirling watery tornado, while he readied his left hand by heating it up to high degrees.

I'll fling them my way, using the water pressure, then I shall cut them down like a hot knife through butter. Andreim focused as he kept his left hand flat and beaming from the heat. This is no longer a tournament fight. No mercy for the unpure.

He had a slightly surprised expression on his face on hearing Lise's questions. Ofcourse their comerades, comerades such as Katherine was important. Not only to him but to the future which was soon reaching it's new dawn.

"Ofcourse our comerades are important, and yes this is our way to sponsor ourselves for the coming future. I want you to give it your all, like I will. So we may all reach the stars. In chess, the King and Queen are the most important, but they need the rest of the pieces aswell. And this particular rook, I am not willing on giving up on. Hold on tight and watch the arm." Andreim said reassuringly to Lise and nodded towards his arm which had taken some damage during the tournament, then quickly he began to move the large vortex of water, which spun away along the ground. Andreim kept yelling along the way for people to move out of the way, so they could get to Katherine as fast as they could. Also these other people had to get out of the area, or they would get caught up in a fight. He gazed off towards where Katherine was, and there was some fight going on there.

Just a few more steps... justice and the final requiem. His eyes all of a sudden was drawn to the side, it was a voice in the crowd calling out to him as he mentally hymned on the song Charlotte had sung, what felt like so long ago. Every now and then I hear you calling out to me, say won't you come here... ? It was Bak, not mistake about it. She had come to try to stop him? To try save the lamb from the butcher's axe. But it's too late. Too late.

...when I'm my weakest and nothing can rescue me. Vittorio own voice echoed in his head. He then saw her through the crowd of people, followed by Celestine. He allowed a slight smile decorate his face, his eyes closing for just a brief moment after meeting with Bak's and Celestine's. Vittorio formed something simple, yet something which many people could read out just by appearance alone usually.

Good...bye. His dry lips formed, without actually saying the words, spotting Rurik also appearing on the scene, he knew he had to hurry to not be interupted, as his eyes set on Alto whom was just within reach of him. The way they were yelling his name in the distance would be caught unto by Alto if they kept this up, he had to move now. It was his one and only chance. He pulled out the improvised dagger made out of glass from his hoodie pocket and did the quickest thrust forwards he had ever done since his injury, everything was put into this strike. Two years of pain and reoccuring nightmares.

When the glass blade finally connected, he felt as if every part of his being recoiled as an effect. He looked down to his chest, stumbling backwards abit. The glass shard had found it's way into Alto's side, the boy had quickly turned and shot Vittorio through the shoulder area using his finger lasers. Abit of blood poured out from Vittorio's mouth. It also felt as if it had not been the only thing hitting him, but he wasn't certain.

"This is for you Alto... from all those lives you led astray and destroyed..." He said in a mix of pain, weariness and anger. His vision going blurry, he fell backwards with his hands held out. The surrounding people gasped and panicked around him, but their voices were now being muffled to him. Some of the security were on the way, as was Bak, Celestine and Rurik. He could see them well enough, as he tried to focus his vision. As if everything was happening in slow motion.

This world... I hate it. You made my existance in the end a little less painful. For that you have my thanks... Am I forgiven for failing you, mom... dad... Charlotte... Geon...? At the end... I cannot help but feel it, the wish... to live. Is is allright for me to let go? To finally let go..? He made a faint attempt at moving his left hand, the pain he couldn't feel it now, but the movement was not overly refined. He made a crude childlike motion of a wave using his bloodied hand. Goodbye Bak... Celestine...Rurik.. Then his eyes closed and the darkness was all around. He saw Charlotte as an ghostly manifestation in his mind. 'There's still alot of things you can do Vitto! Don't give up! Fight on!'

Charlotte... A single tear fell from his right eye. Those present by his body could now see the astral manifestation of the boy, how he looked two years ago, just for a brief moment. His sight set on Bak, with a smile on his face before the astral figure broke apart and began to fade away.


The first match of the tournament, had been between Christine, Rurik and Bak, against Brutus and two other vigilantes whom he did not know of prior. From the beginning Andreim had thought it would be a fine showdown between two individuals whose skills he'd respected. Christine and Brutus. Both of those were after all a threat to him would he ever have to fight them. Though it came as a surprise to him, just how badly beaten the vigilantes were.

Bak had a natural weakness against Brutus, even so she managed to get through the fight without having passed out. Even that careless slacker Rurik was standing at the end. Was Christine's defensive powers really that effective?

"Looks like they've underestimated Katherine's sister... now they pay the price for doing so. I am certain it will come as quite the shock even to Brutus." He mused and looked Lise over, before they were the ones to get into the fight. Their own fight had gone quite smoothly, despite the annoying start it had ended up with a decisive victory. Andreim had afterwards wrapped his hand with some bandage he was carrying with him.

"Water bore our ship of victory, and also sank theirs. Fitting as our goal is to sail to the stars..." He softly began to smile to Lise, then gave an approving nod to Samoth. "Well done Samoth, you'll be a great military leader someday the way you charged into battle like that." It was true, Samoth had performed really well. Andreim did respect him for his dedication to honing himself, with or without his power. Samoth was an adversary like few others, someone who could do battle with both mind and body. A valuable ally or a horrible enemy. Andreim recalled having thought of how he would best fight his fellow St.Laurel student would such a moment come. It was however not an easy task, as that boy whom was a few years older than himself was not typical combatant. Then again. Same could he say for himself.

The match following theirs was one which didn't interest him as much as the other ones. This was partly because the St.Laurel students which partook in it was not any favorites of his. It was the tainted Meredith girl and the completely unbearable Ria. You either had to be an idiot or someone with leacherous intent to find any interest in Ria at all. She was blunt, repulsive and overall foul mouthed.

Their third member was someone they had appearantly just picked up. The other team were the second set of vigilantes. Among them were Michael, whom they had met recently in that apartment incident where he had appearantly been supporting William's older brother. While Andreim never had really talked with the guy, he didn't seem that bad of a person. His two teammates were a knight looking boy and that weird birdlike boy.

He had cheered slightly on the team with Michael, despite knowing it was up against a fellow St.Laurel's team. To Andreim it didn't matter much though what school you were part of, what matter was what you stood for as a person, what ideals you would try uphold and overall impression. The St.Laurel's team had in the end lost, much to Andreim's amusement. "That will likely taste bitter in Ria's mouth for months to come."

Then on the final match, it was highly anticipated. Katherine and Cassius, the two powerful fire users of St.Laurels and William, whom was an adept support type in a fight against that weird butler guy, a ninja and that witless ghost guy. There was no way in a million years Katherine, Cassius or William would end up losing against them. The ghostly guy and the ninja had suddenly grappled and simulataneusly attacked Katherine. Andreim narrowed his eyes to seeing it. Come on Katherine... He had his rivalries with Katherine, but even so she wasn't someone which he really disliked. They teased each other on a regular basis, so it did trouble him seeing Katherine in the situation she were in.

Twice the victory if one could come out on top, Katherine for certain had that kind of potential at least in a short term. Cassius had engaged that weird butler guy and was being thrown about, while William had tried his best to aid Katherine. The match had gone on for awhile, but had taken an interesting yet odd turn when the ghostly guy had opened fire on his teammate, the ninja. While they were ganging up on Katherine.

"Hm.. what's going on in there...?" Andreim asked as he looked at the scenery, then to Lise, pointing over to what was going on. Then as the situation got worse he got up on his feet, stretching out his hand to Lise, while starting to call forth a vortex of water using his other hand, gathering it around him where they stood. With just enough distance from other people to be caught into the whirlpool.

"We are going in there, something is really wrong, this isn't going according to the rules. We have to aid our comerades!" He proclaimed and motioned to any other nearby student of St.Laurel's to also get up and join in. His sight set on Samoth for a moment. "Samoth! Use your power to make people clear the way and get to Katherine as fast as you can. We are going to her right now!" Andreim would wait for Lise to take his hand, as he would not leave her during such a crisis. Protect his queen, aswell as his comerades in arms. The Mephisto team was somehow involved in this. But perhaps not all of them, as there had appearantly been some disagreement. Whatever was going on down there, they would find out soon enough. He was preparing himself for the worst, as he always did.

Vittorio raised his head slightly from where he sat in the crowd, a small trail of blood leaving the corner of his mouth. He had overdone it yet again, but this time he could move. He had to move. He reached up with his right hand to his mouth, wiping the blood into the palm of his hand and then pocketing it into his large hoodie-pocket, wiping it off on the inside of it. He got unto his feet and began to walk in the quickest manner he could towards the St.Laurel's students corner. Alto had to be there somewhere. Along the way he found the instrument of his revenge, some less known members of Mephisto's school had broken a window to a cleaning shed which was outside the stands where people sat or stood in. Vittorio approached the shattered shards of glass on the ground, he leaned down as best as he could. Pushing back the feeling of throwing up and passing out, he'd grabbed one of the larger glass shards and then went around the shed.

He quickly raised his hoodie abit to grab the shirt he had under it, using the glass shard he began cutting out straps of cloth from it. Some smaller glass shards would get into the palm of his hand as he did this. He flinched at the pain, but pain was something he was used to. His entire existance as far as he knew was a pain, he could handle this. After all it would soon finally be over, once and for all it would be over. The long haired young man began to swiftly wrap the pieces of cloth around the bottom part of the shard, giving him a good grip to hold unto. This improvised dagger which would surely find it's way to the core of his suffering.
Vittorio pocketed the glass shard into his hoodie pocket and hid it there with his bloodied hand.

He said in a low voice. "I'll put an end to everything... this time for certain." Vittorio stepped out into the St.laurel gathering of students, moving slowly past several of them, his hood over his head. Where was he? Where the hell was Alto?

In the end, all he believed he could count on was himself. The Mephisto school and it's members had aided him, but the way Yuuto had attacked Katherine. With the same look in his eyes as Vittorio himself had reserved for Alto. Maybe there was something he didn't know? Well it didn't matter. Katherine was not his enemy. Neither was William. That's when he saw his enemy. Further up ahead. Standing close to some of the St.Laurel's staff.

Nothing can stop it now... just a few more steps... I won't let anyone get in the way.
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