Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Celestine Lightbringer

(Guest Party Members, Diana and Ria)

Ria bits transcribed with permission of @Gentlemanvaultboy


Chaos. Delicious chaos soon followed after the instructions. Bak was an earnest girl, but her frame wasn't fit for subtlety, as the screams and yells soon followed. She didn't manage to stop the stab in time, but she had managed to bring Vittorio back with her... with the intervention of Mr Wet Noodle himself, who Celestine thought that he should search for a new nickname. Napping nightmare, maybe? Well, that and a few drinks. Specially if his girlfriend was invited. They seemed to disappear with the help of one of Clara's creatures.

They were her problem, now.

He sighed, amused. Heaps and heaps of work would await him... "Well, isn't it great when they are all grown up, causing all sorts of trouble?" He let a faux laugh and tear, before trudging the path towards the medical pavilion. Would he need to stitch lightboy's wound caused by Vittorio? That was all sorts of amusing, and awkward. Speaking of which.

The chief princess of awkward was not there. His memory never lied. Diana was kissing a pillow. Ria was still groaning. The other charred vigilante was trying to do tongue tricks with a pencil. But Alexandria Sova, better known as Andras, was nowhere to be seen. Celestine frowned, as he went towards Ria. She was probably the one with the most sound witness report right now. Those awfully accurate eyes and all. She took her by the scruff of the neck and shook her. That should have gotten her attention.

"Where is Andras?" He demanded, in a composed tone that oozed annoyance.

"Wha? I dunno. Think I heard thot patrol though. Oh fuck, you don't suppose she's eating her?" Ria answered, with her own flippant attitude. Who was toth patrol? And why would she eat Andras? His gears didn't clicked at that precise moment. He shook her again.

"Toth patrol who?" He affirmed once more.

"My dumb teammate. Demon bitch. Meredith! God." It was Ria's annoyed reply. Even the most keenest minds like Cel had their share of daft moments. Usually in times of stress. This aggravated him greatly. He had to do something. It was bad enough Andras going missing. It was worse than the titty monster had not heed her advice and had taken her... and if Diana's nonsensical rant of earlier was true, it meant trouble...

Speaking of which, he really needed an stand in. Grabbing one of the antidote syringes for the sedative he had just given to the Witch, he ruthlessly jabbed the frail body of Diana with another shot, waking her up all in a sudden. She seemed to gasp for breath.

"You are on healing duty, Diana. I will send you a cheque." Cel said, his body language finally showing signs of exasperation.

"Wait, she's not actually gonna eat her right? I know she's a bitch and all but King can't have her eating Andras. She's real...like....real good at stuff. Like, trump card stuff." Ria seemed to chime in, confirming Celestine's suspicions. Andras had vast hidden powers.

"Diana freaked out. There is some truth on her ramblings. " He added, as he, without a word, left the medical bay, heading for where he had hidden his getup. He had to find the titty monster. Now, he did not know much about him, merely what the tournament information had given. But the key in this life was not knowing the information, but finding the information from someone who knew.

Maybe the knight nerd of the armor was still in the locker room, getting ready...

Diana let a drawn out sigh. "That man, he just knows how to dump his problems on me, huh." The witch said, as she got up on unsteady feet. She was beyond drained, but the quick medical aid Cel had provided stabilized her condition. She concentrated, a minor healing spell forming on her hand. "You can help me, trap master." She said to Michael, offering him some magical healing to at least bring him back to his feet. She had caused the majority of damage after all. And he seemed to be more helpful than Ria when it came to mystical and healing arts. Her foot would have to wait.

Not too shabby. Celestine thought, as he ran his hand through his wig's black hair and looked at the ornate brass mask, couple with the boots, medical aid waistpack and tonfas. It was a good thing he hadn't immediately disposed of them. Now he was once more, ready for action. Pity about the lack of blade. Shanking the titty monster would be a great pleasure. There was his target, the vigilantes locker room.

Well, it was lucky he had seen the feeds well enough, otherwise he would have not recognized him. One of his teammates, the bird-man thing that had opposed Diana, Ria, and that flying harlot was there too. Naseraph, he was named. He put a hand on his hip, and let out his feminine voice, of his Fallen One getup.

"Hey nerd, now that the show's been crashed you up for some knighting?" He said to Wolf. "Rescuing princesses, damsels and that fare? Cause that special you-know-who who wants your babies has just taken leave with the Demon Lady of Despair. And people at the medbay are really cross." He let his hand slip to one of his tonfas. "I suppose you don't know where your pet demon lady friend is, do you?"

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Wolf made it to the street, barely even noticing Nas had followed him. Eventually his mind caught up and processed what the other boy had said. More importantly though, the more he looked at the map, the more he realized how far away it was. There were a fair number of taxis that had been sitting around that were starting to take off. They weren't the only people hurrying out of the arena. Some of the taxis were taking off empty, afraid that whatever danger was making people panic would catch up to them.

"Vera's missing... think she was taken..." Wolf finally managed to speak to Nas. As awkward as it might have been to take a taxi in this situation, he needed something faster than walking. He was too tired to run that far, he'd just end up collapsing half-way as much as he hated to admit it. Before he could try to flag one down, though, someone new appeared. Or... not so new.

Wolf immediately bristled, but as the masked person spoke, Wolf's eyes began to dance back and forth as his mind raced. They suggested that Meredith had taken Andras. Something that a day ago would have been inconceivable in his mind. He refused to believe it, but right now he couldn't convince himself it was impossible.

He grit his teeth, "Just stay out of my way!" he snarled and turned back to the street. He tried to flag down a cab, but it just rolled right past him, the driver's eyes filled with fear as they kept glancing at the sky, as if expecting demons to swoop down at any moment. Wolf's teeth threatened to shatter if he clenched his jaw any harder...


And suddenly Wolf's hammer crashed into the street in front of the cab in a plume of dust, causing the driver to slam on the brakes before he hit it. The passenger door opened and Wolf climbed in.

"Thanks for stopping," he held up his phone, "this is where we're going."

"L-l-look, I don't want any trouble-" the driver stammered.

"Then drive fast." And with that Wolf dispelled his hammer, clearing the road. If Nas and "The Fallen One" wanted to tag along, well, the back doors were unlocked.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rawkhawk64
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rawkhawk64 Master Gamer

Member Seen 1 day ago

Yuuto stared incredulous as his shuriken had flown over the intended target. He never missed... unless the target had moved. Indeed, he saw Christine's handiwork. As the events unfolded, Yuuto had his new standing orders. With his Void Energy now fully restored, he stepped in front of David after his attack on Rurik, ignoring the boy's absolutely horrid butchering of his mother tongue. He hadn't even bothered to deflect the projectile that Rurik had sent at the kid's way.

"Clara-dono say you no interfere. Make life easier and stay. I will hurt you if must. I will kill you if must. You no interfere, Void will keep you alive." Yuuto said to the kid. Sure, it was unlikely David was gonna be able to do a whole lot with those holes in his legs, but Yuuto disliked loose ends in missions. They were troublesome. Yuuto ignored what was going on behind him. While they attended the same school, this 'David' was a loose cannon helping a foe. He was not to be trusted.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Michael Angie


Michael raised his arms, flexing his fingers, then pushed himself up into an upright position. His body was still pretty sore, especially his arms, but he definitely felt better than before. It would have to do, and wherever he was going, it was a lot better than resting and recovering in bed. "Thank you, Diana. That feels much better," Michael said to Diana, nodding in appreciation. "And for the record, my name is Michael, but 'Trap Master' is not bad," He slid out of bed and got back onto his feet. There was a small but painful throb when he landed on his injured leg a little too roughly, but otherwise he was fine. Michael paid it no mind. There was work to do.

"There are a few questions I want to ask you while I still can," Michael continued. "First of all, how did you dispel my Trap Arts? I've never had that happen to me until now. Secondly, what are you planning on doing right now? From how panicked everyone's been recently I assume the trouble must be severe."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Celestine Lightbringer


The Fallen One clenched his fists as he walked after Wolf, being so rudely brushed. "My my, aren't we touchy today." However, he reasoned that even if he followed him, by the grim looks of his face, he would find Meredith. And probably a lot of delicious, delicious chaos. He smirked upon seeing the ruthless handling of the taxi flagging, and he grinned wickedly under his mask as he went towards the driver's door.

"Shh, it's okay." He said. And with that expression, his hands shot around the driver's neck, clamping the bloodflow and turning him unconscious swiftly. He could've used a strong medicine to sedate him, but there was a major scuffle incoming, he thought, as he tossed the driver carefully outside the taxi. "I know what you're thinking. Yes, I might be a bastard. But I just spared you having a hesitant driver and collateral damage in whatever awaits. He will wake up, and may find his Taxi with a couple of scraps some time later." He said, deftly sliding in the driver's seat.

"Besides, you don't need driving. If you want to do it in style, it will be street racing." Celestine said, as he took the driver's seat and revved up the engine, waiting for the signal to race towards Wolf's destination.

"Understood Michael." Diana said, almost in a grim monotone, as she steadied herself and started checking on all the inventory and medicines for magical reagents. She wobbled as if she was about to pass at any moment, but she stood on her feet due to sheer grit and experience. She looked at some alcohol. "Mm, alcohol is a purifying agent also used in alchemy. Might squeeze a couple of advanced healing items out of this. If I can find some more rare ingredients." She mumbled to herself as she set up her task.

"Oh, magic is but another use of power like blessings. Although since it's not directed from a God's will, you need to control the flow through diagrams and drawings. Powers that rely on such structures can therefore be disrupted as long as you identify the patterns." Diana said nonchalantly. "And to answer your second question, I might pass out again soon, so I will need backup to heal all the people that quack had the gall to leave abandoned. I will bleed him dry out of his money for this."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crowvette
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Crowvette Shock Unlocker

Member Seen 1 day ago


Lise didn't pay much attention to any of the other fights. While she knew many of her family were fond of watching peasants scramble amongst the dirt of an arena, she considered it rather pedestrian. She felt that entertainment fitting for her would have to come from a higher degree of human ingenuity, something that can be considered art. Her most recent purchase of a television had shown her the breadth of modern entertainment, and although she considered most of it base drivel, there were a few things that piqued her interest.

If only she could manage to make them appear when she wanted to. She would have to bring in someone who was more inclined with such strange creations. She was going over the mechanics of the seemingly magical technology of the black glass television as well as the wonders it displayed to her in her mind as the fights continued.

Lise was knocked out of her internal musings when Andreim spoke up. She didn't really have a good grasp on what was going on, but it seemed like one of the peons on the enemy team - or, wait, her team - went and made a mess of things, and someone hurt someone else? 'Well of course they would get hurt, they can't seem to grasp the spirit of a friendly duel and end up making it personal.'

"We're bailing them out? Are they really that important?" Lise groaned. To her, it seemed like a waste of effort. "Or is this a case of sponsoring a fighter for promotional purposes?" Lise had never really paid much attention to the more business-oriented side of Valois-Saint-Remy, but she knew that sometimes lifting a grubby lowlife to spend some time in the spotlight with the royalty was a common tactic that boosted popularity of both participants.

She sold herself on the idea. 'I may have to hire a manager in the future, so I don't have to do this. But for now, it's a necessary evil.' With that, she took Andreim's hand.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 2 days ago


He had a slightly surprised expression on his face on hearing Lise's questions. Ofcourse their comerades, comerades such as Katherine was important. Not only to him but to the future which was soon reaching it's new dawn.

"Ofcourse our comerades are important, and yes this is our way to sponsor ourselves for the coming future. I want you to give it your all, like I will. So we may all reach the stars. In chess, the King and Queen are the most important, but they need the rest of the pieces aswell. And this particular rook, I am not willing on giving up on. Hold on tight and watch the arm." Andreim said reassuringly to Lise and nodded towards his arm which had taken some damage during the tournament, then quickly he began to move the large vortex of water, which spun away along the ground. Andreim kept yelling along the way for people to move out of the way, so they could get to Katherine as fast as they could. Also these other people had to get out of the area, or they would get caught up in a fight. He gazed off towards where Katherine was, and there was some fight going on there.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

With Andreim & Lise

People dove and scattered like frightened rodents before Andreim's charge. The crowds thinned but didn't disperse as he left the arena. There had been plenty of those who'd been much closer to the exits when they'd begun to flee and so had had a large head-start. This meant even as he raced down the street and around the arena, there were still people running ahead of them, either trying to escape on foot or attempting to get to their vehicles.

He didn't make it far from the arena before he'd have seen a flash of orange light, that faded to a dim, ominous glow. Getting closer, he'd have seen strange men in cloaks and masks. Some of the feeling tournament goers had unwittingly charged right into their grasp. One man lay on the sidewalk, neck gushing blood. One cloaked individual was picking themselves up off the ground. Clearly the man had been killed for attempting to retaliate. The others weren't so lucky, being dragged off toward the light-source, some sort of pulsating rip in the air itself.

One of the strange individuals, his appearance unique from the others who wore mostly the same outfits, noticed Andreim's rapid approach. His robes were pattered and had no hood, though a mask still hid his face. Lastly there was a staff slung over his back.

"Another meddler," he spoke under his breath, mistaking Andreim's pursuit of Katherine as an attack on them. He pulled a curved dagger from his belt with three rapid movements carved a shape into his own palm. He then thrust his hand at Andreim and a massive glyph burnt itself into the space between them. There would be no time to change direction. It flashed and sparked violently in reaction to Andreim's water vortex, disrupting it and dropping him and Lise to the ground. The glyph also vanished. "Quite the display... this one may be too much for you." The man turned away. He turned the blade against his palms once more and them slapped his hands down on the shoulders of two of his compatriots.

He then took his staff and slammed it against the ground. The glowing rip pulsed and beams of light shot out and seared into the two men he'd marked. They writhed under it, light pouring out of the holes in their masks. "Come, we must move on," the man with the staff motioned for the others to quickly carry their victims into the rip before following them, the rip shutting behind him. The few tournament goers still in the area picked themselves up and fled, likely saved simply by Andreim's appearance on the scene.

Thus Andreim and Lise were left with the two the man had left behind. Their eyes could not be seen behind the masks, but suddenly they way they carried themselves was like they were starving predators, staring down Andreim and Lise like prey.

With Diana, Michael, and Co.

A flash of light illuminated the maintenance corridors of the tournament. A large, barefoot man stepped out of a rip in the fabric of the world itself. He wore a frightening mask and wasn't alone, though he towered over those who were with him. He tilted his head back and inhaled deeply.

"So this is the epicenter of the latest activity... but its source has left. Very well. Go, their spawn have torn each other apart and are ripe to be plundered. I will give them something else to think about." And with that he marched off alone.

At the medical pavilion there was a frantic knock on one of the doors. One of the physicians left behind after Cel had left hurried over to answer. The door had a window, but there was no one beyond it.

"Hello? What the hell is going on today!?" He swung the door open to look only to have a being who had been hiding around the corner lunge and drive a knife into his shoulder. A gloved hand shot out to cover his mouth and silence him, pushing the man back into the room. Three more cloaked and masked individuals stormed into the room. Any patients who had the strength to move were quickly pinned down by them, while the rest could only watch in terror. A fifth entered the room as the physician was dropped like a sack of potatoes, having been choked into unconsciousness. This one had a strange, wooden mask quite unlike the others.

"I will prepare our exit. You, go check that other room. I believe that is where the most injured and most vulnerable will be," he told the first, pointing to the area where Diana was speaking to Michel. Only the cloth privacy flaps separated them from their attackers. "We should have plenty of easy prey."

And Elsewhere...

But these were not isolated incidents. Throughout the city, little points of light unleashed hell upon the unsuspecting. Some could fight back, but most were caught unaware. The world was filled with those with the power to do battle, but few had the will. The world had long become soft. They weren't warriors -- they were cattle.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago



As the two tumbled forward Katherine feel the claw on her wrist tighten and yank, pulling her back into the darkness as the demoness reasserted control and caught herself, her hand landing in the pool of strange, multicolored blood that was now seeping from the boys legs. "Could you not have just portaled us away?" She asked, unbeliving not only their bad luck but that all of her enemy's had gathered in one place so incredibly quickly. If she'd known this would happen maybe it would have been more advantages to remain in the stadium. At least there was an ready supply of victims there compared to this desert.

There was no time regrets now, though. She would just have to make do with what she had.

"Look here child." she said inwardly. "If we're going to still be working together after this then you could use this knowledge. My fire, unlike yours, is hungry." As she spoke with Katherine the blood began to bubble, steam, then suddenly erupted into flame. The fire devoured it, following the trail up the boys leg to the source and digging in greedily for just a second before the demoness pressed her will down on it and it pulled back. From that moment, besides that momentary pain where it had cauterized the wound, the fire on his leg did not hurt him at all. All it did was burn until the blood was gone, and as the blood disappeared both the demoness and Katherine could feel power welling up in them. Not enough to fill the void, but more than the demoness had expected. The boys blood packed a tremendous potency, almost as though it were the base of his divine gift. "The more it consumes the more it grows, and the greater the sacrifice made to it the stronger you become as a result. If you are ever in a position to use it, be careful. Had I not exerted the strict control I keep on my flame, it would have devoured our erstwhile ally whole."

As if to affirm this commitment to Darts safety she reached out as Rurik launched one of his projectiles and pulled him out of it's path. It was the least she could do after he'd soaked that annoying boy. Turning, she pulled herself up to Katherine's full height and stared Rurik down. Despite how it felt she knew it wasn't pure arrogance that drove him. That lout had been annoying when she'd been at full power. Still, this challenge might be the only opportunity she had to turn this situation around somehow. So long as this was going on, Clara seemed happy to let it play out.

She would need to be careful. She couldn't surrender herself to rage like she had last time. As she fought, she had to also search for an escape. Conserving energy, fight conservatively, and be on the look out for any sort of trick.

"Hey, Kath! Rurik peeked at me changing at the locker room today! Can you believe it?"

The world went red. "Know your place you piece of shit, don't you have any standards!?!" The demoness threw out her hand without thinking and one of those seals from the roof sprung up around Rurik. Instead of causing a pillar of fire to shoot out, however, this one sent a pulse of pure fire across the ground around him. The water left behind from darts hose attack, along with the water in the park grass, flash boiled and exploded into a cloud of scalding hot steam all around him.

The demoness stared at her hand in legit shock. That hadn't been her speaking, not really at least. That emotion hadn't come from her heart or her head, it had been an automatic response like pulling your hand away from a hot stove top.

Was this a disgust so palpable it has been engraved in Katherine's very nerves?

She was so distracted by this she hadn't even noticed that Thobias had swooped in to cart off dear Christine.

Naseraph Sana


Naserph followed along with Wolf and the Mysterious Stranger as they went out to the car. First Versa, now Andras? It sounded like that someone was targeting Wolf specifically. "The woman you love and the woman you were sworn to protect? You don't suppose this could be a trap for you?" He asked as the stranger pulled the cabby out of the cab and took the drivers seat for herself. Nasearph was unhesitant in taking the back seat.

"Does this have anything to do with those rumors I heard of you killing twenty-one demons and their dog last month?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Rurik really wished Christine hadn't done that. Testing the situation was fine and all, but why did it always have to be at his expense? He dove clear of the rune, rolling across the ground, a trail of steam following him. He jumped up, pulling at the back of his shirt to keep the hot, steamed cloth away from his skin. He was hardly unscathed.

He also realized a moment later that in his mad scramble, he'd practically stumbled right up to the demoness. He glanced about, but there was no help in sight. He looked back at the demoness and shrugged. He'd said he wanted to punch her in the face, right?

Well... he went for it. He cocked his fist back and aimed to let her have it.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 2 days ago


The close proximity to Lise had appearantly distracted him, as his water manipulation under their feet ceased to work when some kabuki-type had gotten into the way with his group of equally odd dressed and masked entourage. Having cast a flashy and big glyph. Andreim landed on his feet, making sure that Lise didn't fall to the ground, it was not befitting for either of them to crawl in the mud with the maggots.

Who dares to attack me? But more importantly lady Lise? What? Andreim looked to the dead civilian ahead, who'd had appearantly tried resisting these guys. The person had a gash in its neck. On seeing this, Andreim widened his eyes.

"Get behind me, Lise..." Andreim stepped forwards abit to make sure Lise was not in the firing line.

This is why the world needs to change. People like these robed individuals need to disappear forever, to be rooted out permanently and mercilessly exterminated. When the law fails to protect the people believing in it. The militaristic clad young man grit his teeth together and narrowed his eyes.

"You bastards! I'll find you and wrench your soul from your wretched excuse for a vessel!" The leader of these thugs then made for his escape and carrying some victims with them. "You have quite the nerve to attack us and then flee! Then look upon my determination and tremble!" Andreim yelled out, gathering two smaller vortexes of water in his both hands. This person had appearantly challenged him, and then realized his mistake, as the fool fled into some crudely made portal. He changed his sight to the two minions the kabuki-man had left behind.

"There are those whom wield power, and there are those whom are wielded by the power. I know which one you are... DISAPPEAR!" Not waiting for them to get the first move, he held out both of his arms and created a cone shaped attack as one of the vortexes moved to his right hand to join it's twin, reaching out to engulf both of the peons in a whirling watery tornado, while he readied his left hand by heating it up to high degrees.

I'll fling them my way, using the water pressure, then I shall cut them down like a hot knife through butter. Andreim focused as he kept his left hand flat and beaming from the heat. This is no longer a tournament fight. No mercy for the unpure.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

"Interesting..." Michael said to himself. That would mean that he'd need to come up with anti-magic countermeasures the next time he faced a magic user, or at least a way to protect his Trap Arts. It seemed like it was a topic that would be worth studying. "Well, healing's not my forte, but perhaps I could-"

Michael stopped, as he began to hear voices. Normally this would not have raised an alarm in his head, but there were many factors already contributing to it. For one, the place had been quite silent for some time. That alone was not really much, but there had certainly been at least some noise outside, whether it be footsteps or the chatter of some physicians. Also, there were voices now, and they did not sound particularly friendly. He was pretty sure he heard the words "most vulnerable."

"We have company," Michael said as he drew up a defensive buff on his chest, and enforcement buffs on his arms and legs. These would ensure he wouldn't get much more injured than he already was, or at least that was the plan. He then began to draw a Trap Art near the privacy cloth. It was small and simple, but it was all he had time for. If it went as planned, the would-be assailant would be entangled in black, inky tentacles, hopefully leaving him disoriented enough to be quickly taken out.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rawkhawk64
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rawkhawk64 Master Gamer

Member Seen 1 day ago

Brutus had spent the rest of the time after the medics had revived him just laying in bed. Why? Why did he lose to Bak? Why did his electricity cut out? It seemed it wasn't his powers, either. Aram hadn't been able to perform his Alchemy. Still, it seemed that dear Bak and her explode-y pal were due for some payback next time he saw them. However, those thoughts would have to wait, as he heard voices. Foreign voices. Damn. It was a bad time for him to try and fight. He had his electricity back, but he was bruised and sore all over from Rurik's explosion and Bak's repeated shots from her flak gun. Not that he knew what had caused the bruises.

"Alright. Let's see how this goes." the electric boy muttered, sneaking to hide behind a curtain. As soon as any of the cultists walked through, they would feel the sting of his tag, followed by a 10-second burst of electricity from his Flashfield.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Crazy Scion
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Crazy Scion Luck is a Lie

Member Seen 8 mos ago

David was disappointed by how ineffective his fire hose plan had turned out. It seemed Rurik had some kind of shielding ability, which he thought was bullshit, but he now knew he needed a better plan if he wanted to beat the cocky jerk. As he pondered a new strategy, Yuuto stepped out in front of him. David had almost forgotten about the strange ninja guy since he had stayed quiet this entire time. Yuuto told David in a few, strangely phrased, words that he wanted David to stop resisting and threatened to hurt or even kill him if he didn't comply. David only felt more pissed off now, "If you think your threats are going to stop me." He started to say but stopped. "Shit. Maybe I watch my mouth before it gets me killed." He thought morbidly, "With my legs bleeding I'm not going to last. Holy shit!" David's train of thought was derailed as he felt a sharp burning sensation from his legs. He saw fire crawling all over his lower body and in a panic readied his fire nozzle, but before he could foolishly shoot himself the fire stopped. He felt a tingling sensation from the burns but noticed that the bleeding had stopped. It seemed that the Demoness had helped him. "Hey, thanks Kath...Whoa!" David had started to say, but his words were cut short as the Demoness yanked him to the side. He felt something invisible blow past where his face use to be. "OK, thank you's later." David quickly added as he glared at Rurik.

David chanced another look at the Demoness and noticed her intense gaze, she stared at Rurik with a stoic but determined expression. David felt anxious as the tension began to build. He was starting to get the impression that things were about to go down. However, it was all shattered when he heard Christine yell, "Hey Kath, Rurik peaked at me while changing in the locker room today! Can you believe it?!" David couldn't even process what he just heard before the Demoness' expression did a one-eighty from stoic determination to disgust and rage, "Know your place you piece of shit!" she screamed while throwing her arm out, "Don't you have any standards?!" David watched as a very demonic looking circle appeared around Rurik and for a moment felt some pity for Rurik as everything suddenly burned around him. "Wow, I really need to not piss her off." David thought, "but this is an opportunity." As the steam rose David hardly needed to adjust his aim. Yuuto was standing right in front of him after all. David slammed the handle of the fire nozzle forward and shot at Yuuto from blank range. This close it would be like getting drop kicked in the legs by a bear wearing high heels. "Let's Bring you down to my level!" David screamed through the torrent of water.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

@Dezuel, @supertinyking, @Scarifar, @AtomicNut

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago



Her head turned as the boys punch connected. Then she slowly turned it back, incredulous. As though she could not believed what had just happened. It had been the first time any human had ever struck her in the face.

Then she felt it, and grinned. There was something happening. When could feel point of demon energy flaring to life. "Oh it seems you lot have more problems to deal with than just me." This was a boon. All she had to do was live and wait for the chaotic situation to open up an escape rout.

Then she reached out to take him around the neck and shake him like a dog toy. The thing about the boy was she knew his tricks. Shoot something at him, come at him fast, and he'd just deflect it. Oh yes, she remembered. He was on the list, right after Clara, Alto, and King but above the explosion boy, the ninja, and the tank girl. So it would be fun to get him and then let whiplash do the work.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Rurik was probably more surprised than the demoness that his punch had actually hit her. Though, quite frankly, he was pretty sure it had hurt him more than her. There was a reason bare-knuckle punching someone in the face was frowned upon -- too many bones.

And then he choked when the demoness grabbed his neck and swung him about as if she intended to thoroughly scramble him. In desperation he tried to shoot her, but his bolts flew off in random directions, far wide of her as he was shaken back and forth. Before he just blacked out, he was able to focus enough to realize that he didn't have to hit her, just make her let go. He focused his energy and fired at her wrist which being attached to him by her hand, was a much easier target.

It was just enough to break free by forcing her hand off of him. He fell to the ground and frantically crawled away. He tried to fire off more bolts behind him, but his vision swam and those went wide as well. He stopped and steadied himself, finally managing to take aim and fire two bolts directly at her... but at this point he'd expended too much energy without stopping to recharge. The bolts were weak.

He probably should spent that time getting back to his feet. If he even could. He tried to push himself up, but his legs felt like rubber.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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The demoness side stepped the bolts that the boy had somehow managed to aim true. "This is it? After all that talk is this all you can muster?"

Waste time, that was the ticket. Don't kill him yet. As long as this went on it was unlikely that Clara would interfere. Keep it going long enough and she'd get her opportunity. But the boy was going to have to put on a better show than this.

"Come, where is all that verve from the rooftop battle. Surely you have not devolved so far since then." She taunted, then charged in to return the punch he'd given her. "And in front of your lover, honestly. Aren't men supposed to get some kind of power boost from that?" She continued, whether or not the shot connected, throwing a flurry of blows. Enough to hurt, no doute about that, but she had no intention of killing him. Come on, boy, get mad. Get one of those heroic second winds. This going for only one round wouldn't be advantageous for either of them. "Does it hurt knowing she's probably rooting for me over you? Or did you even take her feelings into account when you started this up? Oh, who are we kidding? Someone willing to wager the love of a girl like that away could never understand her feelings. A thief dealing in stolen goods, never understanding their true value, that's all you are!"

Was she actually getting mad? She could feel herself punching harder and harder as she talked. She clamped down on that feeling mixing with the ones she knew were hers and let up on the gas a little bit. Calm down. Calm down!
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Rurik thought he might've actually blacked out this time. The beating must have stopped before it did permanent damage though, because he came to soon enough. The demoness seemed distracted for a moment, she he began feebly crawling away. He made it a few feet before he just stopped, needing a moment to breathe.

He lay there on his back staring up at the slowly darkening sky.

He was trying to remember what he was hoping to accomplish here. He had a vague notion that he'd wanted to help Christine... and so what was he doing? There was a reason he just didn't... do things. You didn't get to decide if you succeeded, life did. And life always turned on you.

The fall hurt less if you didn't climb too high to begin with.

So what the hell was he doing here, half-assing it and getting his ass handed to him? What did that accomplish? Why had he even let Christine into his life to begin with? He told himself it was what it was when she would finally, inevitably, drop him, but part of him wondered if he'd survive the landing intact.

Knowing all that, knowing it was inevitable, why was he trying to drag it out? He was garbage and she wasn't. He was supposed to be OK with that. He'd wanted that safe, shallow existence where he'd never fear walking off another cliff. That was who he wanted to be -- who he was.

Even the demoness knew it.

And that really...



Rurik shot up onto his feet like a vampire rising from it's coffin.

"So... it's really you deep down after all, huh Kath?" Rurik stared her down right in the eyes. "Yeah, you're so far above me so it's up to you whether or not I'm good enough for her, right? Well get over it already, I'm not going anywhere. But hey," Rurik pointed at his forehead with his thumb, "maybe if you hit me hard enough I'll forget all about her." And then he shoved his hands in his pockets and he let every ounce of resentment he'd stored up toward Kath over the years show on his face. "But I don't think you've got it in you."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

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Diana furrowed. The events of the day had gone from bad to worse. Just when she could not think it could get any worse with Lightbringer abandoning them, now some strange freaks with masks had taken to assaulting the medbay. She hefted the alcohol in one hand. It was nowhere near enough any kind of decent spell component, as she scratched the back of her hair thoughtfully. "I know, Michael. I hate cultists." She whispered to herself. It was then when she realized... she had another spell component to use. She hesitated as she took the scalpel, and cutting a chunk of her luscious silver hair, pressed it firmly against Michael's brush, uttering a few words. The brush glowed, and the hairs now very much resembled those of Diana's.

"I used my own hair to strengthen your tool. This silver Brush of the Witch should be useful. Battered as we may be, we need to win this. Cultists abduct and sacrifice people." She said somberly as she readied the alcohol, remnants of her own hair and...

She spotted a tooth among those things that had been taken out of wounds of various fighters. An imp's tooth! Luckily, her luck had not vanished alltogether. With those she could conjure something decent... She began to draw. Any kind of undead would do really, but whose undead would answer her meager summoning of alcohol, an imp's tooth and silver hair?

An arm shot through the circle, full of gray muscle and tough sinew. This was odd, Undead powerful like this should never appear...

"You denied me my fight, Volva. But it seems you are getting desperate. Which means that I Ulf, will get to fight my share." The booming voice of the war-happy Draugr claimed.
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