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In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Elthrael allowed himself to hover up from the ground as soon as the apple was taken by Dionaea, the moth looking fairy flew up and sat down midair again.

"Oh by all means, lessen the worth of your companion which died trying to save you. I'm sure the bloodied human girl which led him to his demise would agree. Oopsie. A slip of the tongue." Elthrael put a hand before his mouth in a manner of fake surprise.

"Some prefer to take the wind under their wings, others burrow underground. The latter be you. Oh what would you have had me do? Fight the dark elf, the angelic woman and a large demon on my own? Oh your faith in me in truly stunning, as is your folly." The fairy gave an amused chuckle, clearly entertained by the thought.

"While I wouldn't mind to toy around with the dark elf, there are other things of more importance than concerning yourself about someone who makes a living out of kneeling." The dark winged fairy tilted his head and smiled, looking over the gathering of people.

"Care less? Yet I am here now. Though not to spend the entire morning speaking with a pungent vulpine. Even if my voice would be soothing, you seem incapable of hearing it and the wisdom behind it. I suppose reason falls on deaf ears for you. Oh and such hospitality!" The fairy gave a slight laughter, reaching a finger up to his mouth, to tap his lips. His attention switching to Elsea, as his keen ears picked out something. His eyes narrowed slightly as a result, before shaking his head softly.

"A pity. But theres no need to feel discouraged by every little thing." Was all he said as an answer to Elsea's words, he had a slight bit of hope the recent occurances had impacted her in what he considered a positive manner, but that did not seem to be the case. The fairy did a soft exhale through his mouth.

"Princess Millinia, you alone have the power to save the fairy kingdom. I simply cannot leave the heiress guarded by a vapid vulpine again, I mean have you ever felt as unsafe as you did down in that fox den hm?" He said in a soft manner to Risa after giving Kyran a stare with a slight smug look on his face. Risa had amidst the talking and fierce conversations pleaded for the group to be kind and get along while she had gone inside of the house shortly after. To the moth looking fairy however the group was not falling to his liking. Despite the human male by the name of Jean no longer being there, Kyran and Elsea were both causing him trouble. At least from his point of view. Had he'd been left alone with Risa and Dionaea, things would have certainly taken a more positive turn, that he was very certain of. His impression of Dionaea seemed to be of a positive kind, she seemed alot more reserved and collected than the two more hotheaded redheads.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Fun time
Location: Kenia's father's estate (Roshmi)

The ears perked up, the tail wagged from side to side, his eyes peeking towards the large building ahead of him, but there were a wall in the way. For most people that alone would have been a challenge enough, not for Zelginn however whose very nature made him an excellent jumper. The small fox eared troublemaker pressed his feet against the ground and then pressed away from it at high speed, flinging him up into the air and landing on the top of the wall. Taking a good look around the premise of the large building, looking for any sign of guards or watchdogs. He really didn't like those, their noses were way too curious for his liking and could get him into proper trouble.

When the small figure had finally gathered in his surroundings he leapt of the wall and towards a neatly trimmed bush. Surveying his surroundings before proceeding to run towards the building itself. Looking to the left and right, before jumping up to grab hold of a window frame, looking through it briefly, blinking as he did. Then proceeded with his goal of reaching the roof, his small feet began to traverse it swiftly on light steps until he reached the chimney. Looking down into it he couldn't see any fire or smell any, thus it was an obvious entrance for someone small and curious. Which was just what he was.

He began to climb down the chimney, making sure not to fall. He did catch unto alot of ashen sot along his path down however, and he peeked out of the fireplace first with his head, to make sure it was clear to move. Then allowed his small frame to move across the floor, looking around corners to make sure he wasn't spotted. His feet leaving ashen steps behind him as he proceeded down a long corridor. His nose then picked up two curious scents, one which was something highly familiar, the other thing not so much. He settled to go for the more familiar scent, which led him to the place where food was being stored to avoid being spoiled. And there before him stood the golden door of opportunity. He hurried over and looked at the door handle. It was too far up. The short creature began to sigh softly, then leapt up and grabbed the doorknob, then twisted it to open the door. Hanging unto the doorknob as he did.

The sudden scent of sausages, cheese, beverages and other forms of dried meat caught his nose and he knew he had work to do. He lunged for a row of sausages hanging above him, tearing them down in the fine rope-like structure they were extended in, then wrapped it around his neck and shoulder. Then went over to one of the barrels, jumping up on the top of it, then using his claws tearing the lid open after some struggle, inside he found cured meat, from which he began to take bites out of. Then began filling his attire with as much of it as he could. Including some fine pieces of cheese. Once he felt that he had eaten enough of it, he dashed out of the room and back into the storage main room, and out into the corridor. Where he came face to face with one of the guard dogs.

"Uh oh." He said aloud, then dashed back into the storage main room, with the dog now lunging after him, barking as it did. It's paws slipping slightly along the floor as it chased him over the table which stood in the middle of said room, up into the wooden shelf holding all the porcelain and then into the smaller room, where the dog slipped as the small foxlike figure made a sharp U-turn and ran towards the main room door and then kicked it shut. Leaving the canine in there with access to the food supply. The short figure did ponder on what would happen when whomever owned the building would find it with it's guilty face in the food storage. The very idea made the short figure chuckle as he began to stealthly move towards the stairs leading to the first floor. That's when he saw the other guard dog which picked up on his scent and instantly gave chase. Zelginn jumped up at the stairway railing and allowed it to carry him down to the first floor, the dog chasing him down the stairs at full speed, barking as he did.

Zelginn found himself running down another hallway, spotting a bucket of water along the way which he ran over, spilling it's contents over the floor. The dog sliding over the dirty wet floor. The short figure didn't stop, he took a sharp turn around the next corner, into a kitchen and that's where he saw two individuals, who were most certainly what caused that odd scent. His eyes blinked as he was running towards them at high speed, the dog right behind him with it's jaws clasping trying to get him or the treats he was carrying.

"Excuse me! Passing through!" He yelled out to the two oddly smelling elves, which were in fact humans. Zelginn allowed his small frame to leap up towards Rei's shoulder, attempting to use it as a springboard, and dog-obstacle. So that he could jump up to a nearby bookshelf which didn't look like it was made for fox-person climbing at it.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Baraian Paladice

Time: Morning
Place: Ra Monde (underground)

Baraian knew for certain that his tactic had not been the most kind, but it was a necessary action. Without the support of a human, there was no chance to rally the people under the banner of the Golden Death. Originally the dark elf had considered using Belladonna as an icon, while he would do the leading of the group himself. But he had underestimated the girl, she was proving herself not only brave but a capable speaker. More capable than he was. It was not jealousy nor disbelief that struck him, but rather approval. He had never imagined he would have gotten a human down to Ra Monde, and also one which could inspire and lead others.

Baraian had spent over a hundred years gathering support for Golden Death and sheltering people in Ra Monde, he knew that there was a change coming to it all now. However he would take it with open arms and not let this opportunity slip through his fingers, this was exactly what Avalia needed. The dark elf stepped up next to Belladonna, placing a hand on her shoulder would she let him.

"Well spoken. This will also be the day when I step down as leader of Golden Death, I would like all of you to give this young woman your best. I will remain as her advisor and guide for the coming war. This is the face of your new leader, heed her and praise her! Her path is the future of this world!" He shouted and raised his arm to gather support from the crowd of people listening, with more showing up showing their approval. They would cheer their support for their new leader, she who would no doubt guide them all to the promised land.

'I couldn't have planned this better myself, you have no idea how glad that makes me.' Baraian thought as he stood there, arm still raised, looking over the crowd and then to Belladonna.

"We are at your disposal." Baraian saluted, then knelt down. Whereof the crowd began to do the same, some looking at oneanother with hopeful eyes and elderly people smiling with teary eyes, looking at their messiah. As the cheers began to die down, Baraian excused himself from the stage. "If you require anything, send word to me." He said in the same stale and firm voice he had gotten accustomed to. When he finally entered his pavillion tent, passing past the two guards and into the chamber holding his bed and war table. He went over to the table and leaned over it, looking at the old map of Avalia and the small wooden figures showing rebel cells and enemy outposts. He drew his dagger and jammed it at Aklenroth's fortress.

'Your reign is at an end your majesty, and the world will finally be...' Baraian thought to himself, his eyes wandering off the map to the nearby lit brazier, his eyes glimmering in the blazing light. A small upturn at the corner of his mouth, before showing teeth. He began to laugh, it began as a low humming sound but escalated into an almost hysterical laugh as he struggled to hold unto the table.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Terneus Andros

The light elven governor shuddered as he heard a voice in the near distance, it was not because of how the voice itself sounded, but how it addressed him. Him of all people. He who shone brightest of all the elven stars, the only one to guide the broken elven race. Driven weak by politics and the filthy dark elven plague, not to mention the lich to which even he now had to answer to. Terneus despised having to bow before Aklenroth, but there was no chance to defeat him. Many had tried and failed, as powerful and as beautiful as he still regarded himself. In the lich lords presence he would pale. This fact was a constant gnawing disease eating away at not only Terneus, but all of the light elves with the purer blood.

To Terneus there were two kind of light elves, those who were true and proper elves and those which were not and were susceptible to dark elven antics. The very thought brought him back to thinking of his brother of all people, and that caused his eyebrows to twitch in irritation. The governor turned around dramatically and set his eyes on who had called him out without his title, and motioned for his men to turn around and line up. Whereof commander Feldrin saluted the dark elven commander with a straight face, Feldrin was a highly conservative and thoughtful elf unlike Terneus and had no issue in formal greetings no matter the race.

His superior, Terneus however would have none of that. He leaned over to commander Feldrin. "Whose this?" He asked in a hushed manner. 'He dares to address me without my titles? Such arrogance from such an unclean creature...'

"This is commander Xenelith Dreadclaw, serving under the king. And Commander Leandron serving under him." Feldrin explained in a hushed manner, to whereof Terneus raised an arrogant and noble eyebrow as he turned to look Xenelith over, now taking a few steps closer.

"I, I am Lord Terneus Andros, governor of the light elves, protector of the realm, loyal servant of the king, richest in wealth and beauty on this side of the kingdom and the leader of the Androsian knights, which happen to be named after my prestigious family." Terneus said in a very self-important manner, his hand on his waist as if posing for a royal painting, his head raised high and chest puffed out slightly.

"I will forgive your lack of formality due to your lack of knowing better, commander Dreadclaw. I cannot imagine the schooling in the exiled lands be of the same quality as amongst -my- people. Oh and certainly, I have indeed. But not only you." He took a moment to sound conceited and high and mighty. "But all servants of the king, we cannot have rebel elements running amok. It appears you are incapable of doing this work on your own, be it a lack of manpower or something else, so that I have to come down and mingle with the commoners to see things done properly." Terneus allowed one of his hands to caress his frilled shirt, as he reached into his pocket to take out a napkin to place before his nose.

"By the heavens, see to it that you bathe yourself and your men commander, if I am to be settled with having yet two more commanders. At least clean yourselves up, as much as you can. I suppose you cannot remove every filth you happen to come across, some is far deeper rooted than the skin. Just like the orcs." He chuckled to himself in a manner which implied that he expected his men to join him in it, which they did after giving oneanother a few looks.

'You disgusting piece of exile filth, your exile has indeed made you even more wicked and vile. I would throw up, would my breakfast not be more valuable than your life. To tolerate your existance, this is surely a test from the gods themselves. To be settled with this deformed and perversion of a creature. To even think some may even have considered it to be part of our race. How completely unbelievable.' The governor thought to himself, as he waited for Xenelith to reply to him.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

'A large demon? An angel demi-human and a dark elf? So that's what was coming. Jean dead? Oh he must mean the foolish male human who brought his own death upon himself. How fine of you to share this information so freely, you mangy-mutt. Now I do know what is giving chase after us and can dispatch them at my terms...'

"How I managed to survive? Hnn hnn..." He began to chuckle softly to himself, he 'sat down' midair, while his wings fluttered, he crossed his legs slightly, reaching up one hand to stroke his own chin, tapping his cheek with a finger as he did. "...well first of all, I am not you." He said with a smile on his lips, which showed a few of his teeth, especially his sharp corner teeth.

"For spending time with my kind, you certainly don't know much about us fairies do you? But then how could you ever truly understand us, when you cannot soar the skies like we do, when you cannot feel the very earth and plantlife surrounding you. No, you are as blind as a mole when it comes to that. But you do have something going for you. You smell. Helps keeping track of where you are, even if you don't know that yourself. " The fairy said in an amused manner, looking down on Kyran, from his invisible throne.

"I am good at what I'm doing, which is surviving and thriving. You've ought to try it someday." Elthrael said, as his voice lowered into a mumble. "If you had it in you." He fake coughed into his hand before proceeding. "This... Jean, I suppose were that armored human male. His own death was his own doing, he tried to chew off more than he could swallow and paid the ultimate price. A pity. But unavoidable since you were eager to go with his plan rather than mine. His demise may serve as a reminder that choices do bear consequences. Perhaps the next time you'll go with my suggestion hm?" Elthrael said in a soft tone of voice, looking over the people gathered.

"How I appeared here? I did nothing so underhanded as to follow this here young woman, I don't make a living out of... stalking. Do you? I just happened to be here before you even got here, when you can fly instead of walk you can get to places alot quicker." He gave an amused grin to Kyran, then set his eyes on Elsea.

"I feel the very same, Elsea. I could ask you all the same how you got away, but does it truly matter that much when what matters is that you did get away. Same can be said for myself. Jean got... compromised so I had to withdraw lest I would have joined him in his untimely death, which would not have served anyone any good other than our common foes." The fairy explained in a very calm manner, as if his mind had already been up right then and there, no hint of doubt in his voice, no regrets whatsoever.

"What if I would have done this? What if I would have done that? What if I was born rich? What if I were powerful? All these questions are meaningless when regarding past occurances for most beings, if you start thinking like that when it truly matters you'll run out of time. Make up your mind before you get drawn into a scenario which forces you into making a choice, that can save you and others valuable time. A time is of the essence, as we all ought to know by now." He blew some small plant dust from his hand and allowed it to carry through the wind.

Then his eyes set on Risa as she had placed herself by Kyran. "Ahh that is true, you need to consume in order to live, like the flame eats the air around it. We too must do akin, to grow stronger." The dark winged fairy said in a softer tone of voice, holding up one of his hands with the palm facing up to the sky, then using his chlorokinesis, he created a single seed in his hand. Which he shortly after allowed to fall to the ground below. The fairy stretched his arms abit and uncrossed his legs, as he gradually hovered down to where it landed. The fairy held out his left hand towards the seed, and then it began to grow, vines and roots spreading and it's shape twisting and becoming larger until it held a final shape. An appletree.

Elthrael gave a smug expression to it, then went over to pick up a red apple hanging from the newly formed tree. He held it out towards Elsea.

"Nature provides to those which respects it. This here fruit may not give you the wisdom of the gods, but it will stave off hunger." He said with a smile on his lips, then mumbled in a low whisperlike manner. "Unless you hunger for other things..."
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

The moth fairy exhaled slightly on hearing Risa's plea for him to stay put. He wasn't fond of people ordering him about, but this was a plea, and that was something he could indeed work with. He thus stayed put and waited for Elsea to return, a part of him was thrilled in being reunited with the group, despite his disappointment in Elsea when she had joined the rest down in that dark hole in the ground.

The look on the demi-human's face, how he would treasure it. He knew the type of person he was, the overly protective and aggressive one. He felt that he could lure him to just where he would want him, his emotions would surely be plain for all to see. That's at least the impression he had gotten from their meeting. Then there were that blonde fairy girl aswell, unless she had died. She too intrigued him, perhaps she had been the driving force behind what they did in that forest. After having been in the building for a brief time, Risa came back outside and flew up to him as he hovered midair. He had recalled how fiery tempered the fox boy and the armored human had been on their first meeting, abit of a distance could be good.

The fairy girl was also holding unto him, this was something he highly approved of. Not only did he like her presence and liveliness, but also that being so close could surely anger the fox boy, and this was priceless. He almost felt that he could taste the sweet irritation in the air. Knowing how that one had reacted on the kiss he had given to the girl.

"My my, well look at that. You made it. Well done. I happened to come across this young lady this morning, how good that I did. This is a dangerous place to stride about alone, especially if your protector is... ill equipped." He said in a soft tone, and looked in a smug manner for Kyran, his eyes clearly displaying amusement, then the dark winged fairy gave a soft smile towards Elsea and Dionaea, would they have headed outdoors after Risa. "My pleasure to see you again."
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

A short and otherwise small demi-human looking boy was tracing the streets of Roshmi, barefeet but seemingly cleaner than some might expect. His fur ridden other set of ears on his head, at his rear was a fluffy looking tail, his fingers carried sharp clawlike nails. The clothes worn seemed slightly oversized, but flashy and with much inspiration of the vulpine way of dresscode. In a city full of all manner of people, whose height were double or more his height, this particular boy was careful where he walked, sliding about along the house walls to make sure to not bump into people.

That's when his eyes caught two dark elven guardsmen sitting by a table, appearantly gambling and playing some cards. The boy blinked a few times before approaching them, his steps light and somewhat swift. He made sure that no one was coming from his left or right, to acertain to not be ran over by a cart or mob of eager customers. Upon reaching the table, the boy nudged the cape of one of the dark elven guards, who in turn looked at him with an annoyed expression.

"Beat it kid." The dark elf said in a disgruntled voice, as he set his red eyes on the short boy.

"I can't find my mother.. have you seen her? I think I've gotten lost.." He sniffed slightly, wiping his eyes with his both hands as the dark elf raised an arrogant eyebrow. The short boy moved his hands from his face briefly, his eyes turning into slits.

"Eh? Didn't I tell you to beat it ki- Hey!" The dark elf spoke out and raised his voice as the small boy reached out and snatched his coinpouch from his belt and began to quickly run off. The dark elf enraged getting up from his chair and chasing after him at full speed, throwing people out of his way.

"Thanks for the coin kind sir!" The boy yelled as he ran into the crowd of people, laughing as he did.

"Get back here you little runt! I'm going to flay you when I get my hands on you!" The dark elf screamed in reply as he chased the boy past a few fruitstands, breaking crates and crashing into various stands as he did.

"Stop! Stop that thief! Get back here!" The dark elf's voice became more and more dark and loud, but the short boy was already too far ahead and pressed his legs against the ground and took a long leap upwards almost as if taking flight. Propelling him into the air and up on a clothing line, from which he began to climb on unto a roof. Giving one last look to the dark elf behind him, putting out his tongue and grimacing at him.

"You shouldn't really gamble, you just lose your coin!" The boy said in a cheery tone, tossing the coin pouch up and down in his hand, so that the dark elf could clearly see it.

"Give me back my coins you little shit!" The infuriated dark elf screamed, with many of the nearby merchants smiling or being disgruntled with their wares being ruined because of his trampling into them.

"Catch ya later~ Maybe not~" He blew a air kiss towards the dark elf and giggled, aswell as salute before running across the rooftops, jumping from one to the other. Until he came into sight of a big building, which caused him to stop and look it over. Curiousity got the upper hand.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Baraian Paladice

It had been a week since he had first drawn the trio of Belladonna, Ilan and Kuroi down into the dark and dank paths leading to Ra Monde. The underground haven for the rebel cell, Golden Death. There were approximately a little over a hundred people living down there, while their standards of living were not as good as those up into the city, it was alot safer. With no fear of dark elven servants of the king to go through their homes or otherwise exercise terror on them.

Baraian himself also lived in a tent, which appeared to be more like a pavillion, usually guarded by two armorclad people by the entrance wearing golden coloured skull masks.Though at this morning he was up by the wooden built stage, where he and others had various announcements to give to those living underground. The dark elf strode up the wooden stairs leading to the top platform before speaking to the people which had gathered up, most children were however still sleeping, and the same could be said for those who had the guard night shifts.

"People of Ra Monde, as some of you may already be aware, the day has finally come. Where humans from earth have come to our world, to aid us in our struggle against the usurper king, to give freedom to the oppressed. Your prayers have been answered!" He said most of his words in a rather monotone manner, aside from the very last sentence where he was seemingly trying to stir up some people's feelings.

"Soon from now, we are going to wrest control of Roshmi from the oppressors and release any prisoners, our city will be the heart of the rebellion. Just like how we have been, keeping the spirit alive down here. Once the city is in our control, we can make our proclamation to Avalia. The battle will be hard, but with enough brave men and women fighting we can win it. I want you to give it your all. After the next ball of the city, when the high officials of the king are here celebrating we'll make our move and make them pay for the blood spilt." Baraian said, pointing to the tapestry behind him, which displayed historical people which had died in former attempts to overthrow the king.

"Eye for an eye. The streets will run red with the blood of the guilty, the victims of their oppression will finally have their justice done, and then we will make the king answer for his crimes on our world. We are not alone in this fight, there are more rebels in hiding. And these humans which have come to aid us in our darkest days, praise them and show them outmost respect. I like all of you to thank the human which is now among us. Thank her for giving hope to us all." The words spoken were monotone, but abit more inspirational in nature than how he started. Baraian didn't seem to be the perfect leader, as his outward going charisma and appearance was nothing special, but his choice in words often helped him in his intentions. Baraian got down on his knee, as the rest of the men and women listening did the same. Hoping to see Belladonna and her two companions. Some of the ones kneeling would begin to whisper among themselves, their eyes and heads turning abit looking for them.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Terneus Andros

On his arrival to the River Kingdoms approximately one week past, the governor had not encountered a single rebel or sighting of a human, for each passing hour he grew more infuriated, to the point he finally returned to the sun elves. Before proceeding to join up with his commander, Feldrin, who had travelled in advance to the city of Roshmi. Little did said commander realize that his employer would soon step out of his carriage, seeing them standing around for idle chatter.

"Right, and then the dumb faun said-" One of the elves serving under commander Feldrin said, stopping mid-sentence on seeing the overly familiar sight of the highly decorated carriage approaching, it's door flinging open. The small but finely crafted red rug being tossed out of it, and then the unmistakenly flashy governor himself stepping down, accompanied by the rest of the knights. Commander Feldrin's grin vanished as soon as he realized what had happened, turning towards the incoming lord Terneus, after slamming a mug of liquor out of one of his subordinates hands. Then assuming a salute with them all following suit. The governor, Terneus looked all but pleased, two of the knights accompanying him had visible bruises on their face.

"Commander Feldrin!" The highly intoxicating and holier than thou voice of the light elf carried through the air, his mirror in his right hand, whilst the other hand rested at his waist.

"My lord Andros, I trust your trip was pleasant enough?" THe commander asked, swallowing slightly soon after. Knowing fully well that his superior was likely in a foul mood.

"The trip is of little concern, what is of concern however is if you've managed to find a disgusting human?" He said through gritted teeth as he stepped up to inspect his troops, as those from the carriage parked it before scurring over to join the rest in a line, saluting to their superior.

"My lord, we've-" One of the soldiers began to speak up.

"Don't interupt me!" Terneus spoke up loudly, as he walked over to backhand the knight over the face, causing his nose to bleed. The soldier fell in line, gave a surprised look to Terneus, on the border of narrowing his eyes but he knew better and thus fell back in line.

"I was taking a pause for dramatic effect. Something louts like you would never understand. Ahh now look what you did to my glove, it was Worth more than your upbringing." He exclaimed as he slid the bloodstained glove of his hand and threw it towards a trash barrel, missing it. But not caring to pick it up. The governor took a deep inhale. "Now, have you found anyone, commander? Any human? Any rebel scum?" The white clad elf asked as he walked closer, inspecting Feldrin's attire for any signs of flaws.

"Not yet, my lord. We... we wanted to wait for your prestigious arrival so that you could be here in person to have the glory." He said in a firm tone, if not abit hastened. As he knew the governors patience was limited.

"Not yet?! Ahh... but you would wait for my arrival? That's the most sane thing I've heard this week, my own words excluded." Terneus said, smirking as he gently began to toy with his ruffled shirt.

"I want all of you to search all of the surrounding buildings, if anyone is unwilling to allow a search or be hinderances. Cut them down or burn the houses. Anyone who conspires with these humans against his majesty must know the price. We... ahem... I, will root them out soon." He explained, as he walked back and forth inspecting his knights.

"I don't want these dark elves to find any human before I do. Make certain to not obstruct them however, such acts could even hold me responsible. And you know what I think about that don't you?" The elf grimaced, as he looked around the city filled with demi-humans.

"This place is a pit of sin, it reeks of uncleanliness and crime. I shall accompany your search party commander, I do not want my knights to be robbed by micreants and opportunists, or drawn into one of these places of ill respute. I have seen the mental and physical illnesses creatures can obtain firsthand in the form of some hunter. It could make me look bad. I, whose only crime in this world is to have been born beautiful..." The elf raised his mirror, taking a good long look into it, showing his teeth and a smug expression. Followed by a soft cackle.

"I could kiss this regal face, but it would be all too sweet...hnn hnn." He mused in a satisfied manner as he motioned for his knights to begin the search.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

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