Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Time: Morning
Location: The woods fleeing from the undead
Interactions: @Helo-Bowyn

Torvi could tell that Bowyn didn’t wish to leave yet and she couldn’t blame him. She didn’t wish to leave her sister to this fate either, but what she had felt...no, seen through the ground troubled her deeply. She knew they needed to flee swiftly if they wished to survive and she had made a promise to herself, despite Bowyn’s earlier words, to make sure this man survived. She refused to be the cause of his death and if that meant she would have to physically drag him away then she would.

Thankfully that didn’t happen as Boreas swooped down at Bowyn, quite obviously trying to get him to move. He finally began moving and she began leading the way. She couldn’t feel the vibrations in the ground anymore, however, she knew which direction the undead were and which direction they weren’t. So she lead them that way, keeping her eyes peeled for any more dangers along the way. She kept the axe in her hand as well, deciding it best to be ready for anything. Her heart pounded in her chest and she kept glancing back at Bowyn, making sure he was still there and hadn’t stopped to break down or anything.

They finally got a moment to stop to rest and Torvi was a bit relieved. She needed to catch her breath and she wasn’t surprised to see that Bowyn needed a moment as well. She didn’t dare follow him as he began to walk away, completely understanding that he needed to be alone for a moment. She still had no idea exactly who Aeryn was, but she knew now was not the time to ask. She wished for a moment she could actually speak to the bird as he came to land on her shoulder. She could have asked him, but she decided perhaps in time she could ask Bowyn. She’d wait until things seemed to calm down some.

She glanced over at Boreas for a moment, unsure if she should say anything to him. ”Thank you...for helping back there with my sister that is.” She decided that might be the best thing to say. She still wasn’t entirely sure if he could actually understand her, but it was worth a shot. She then turned her attention back in the direction Bowyn had gone. ”I’m a danger to him, I know this well and I hate that. He saved my life and in turn I’m putting his life in danger. I’ll do everything I can to help keep him alive though, you have my word on that. I owe him my life and I will pay up on that debt.” She spoke her promise to the bird before watching the incredible display of magic from where Bowyn was at. Her instincts at first was to think he was under attack and she was ready to go rush towards him, but the bird not moving made her pause.

Bowyn soon returned and he seemed a bit more detached, but Torvi didn’t comment on that. ”No need to apologize to me.” Was all she said as she began to head south with him once more. She could tell this journey was going to be a long one...
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by hide on mana
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hide on mana Rusty Veteran Roleplayer

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Time: Dawn
Location: Roshmi City Marketplace
Interactions: Ilan @dreamingflowers, Bellona @Potter, & Baraian @Dezuel

Kuroi listened to the man, ceasing any verbal or physical response until he finished his rather pretentious-sounding (albeit informative) speech. The vulpine looked at the dark elf before glancing back at the human and the other Demihuman. After taking in their appearance and scents once more, Kuroi set off behind the dark elf, making sure to keep a few meters behind him as he led them to the so-called safe haven. As they walked into the slums of the city, Kuroi met the passing glances of the street urchins and wanna-be thugs with a gaze of his own.

Upon arriving at the house, Kuroi merely looked at Baraian and acknowledged his words with a simple nod before sitting on the ground and closing his eyes as to meditate to pass the time. He didn't seem to be in a talkative mood.

Once night fell, Kuroi opened his eyes and stood up before following Baraian close behind yet again. The vulpine pondered about the current situation and would await him in the near future as he was led towards the mausoleums, eyeing the dark elf rather suspiciously. Seeing as Kuroi had already come this far, he merely followed the dark elf down the stairs once the passage had opened and into the encampment within the Temple. Seeing as there was nothing else to do until talked to, the vulpine picked a rather comfortable-looking corner, sat down, and merely stalked from afar, keeping a close eye on everyone, especially the dark elf who had led him to this place and those who tread near him.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by princess
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Time: Morning
Location:Beach near Roshmi

Summary of the Week

Telling Dionaea about her family had been very difficult. However, it had been even more difficult for the group to find Risa's and Dionaea's houses burned down. The corpses of two of Dionaea's brothers had been found and it had been so heartbreaking. Risa had cried and hugged her friend, devastated for her and promising that she'd do anything to help save her family with her. There was evidence that the elves had rummaged through the entire living area. Her mother had always told her that unkind people became that way because they were not shown kindness in their lives. They didn't know how to be kind since they were never shown it. Risa tried to remember that as she felt anger towards the elves that had done this, reminding herself that they too were victims in their own way. A kinder world was necessary.

Though Dionaea's situation was much more devastating and important, Risa also grieved to find her own house burnt down. She had lived there her whole life. Though their family owned property in the Flower Fairy Kingdom, this had been her home. All her childhood memories, all her memories of Helio and even some of Cloud... They all had happened in that home. She took a few pictures and anything she could scavenge and said goodbye to that home. Her family and Pearl were safe and that was all that truly mattered. The memories would live on with her and she knew she couldn't let this get her down. She had Kyran and Dionaea safe and sound with her and she was so grateful for that. Elsea was now her new friend who she couldn't have asked to have stumbled upon a better human to befriend. She was so brave and strong. Risa hoped one day she could be like her. As they left, Risa had shared her positive feelings, encouraging them all to be grateful to be with each other and have hope towards a better future. Saving Dionaea's family would be a big priority for them, but they also had to consider not endangering Elsea in the process. It was probable that Dionaea's family was alive and being kept to bait them, so running into that situation currently would be a death trap.

The four took their time traveling to Roshmi. Hades eventually accompanied them, protectively guarding them. Risa was able to get to know Elsea better, asking about her life on Earth and what happened before she was brought there. She found out that Elsea had been about to be killed before being pulled through the rift, creating a reason for Risa to admire her even more. Throughout the week, she became quite close to her, the two naturally getting along and it seemed Elsea got along with the others as well in this manner. Risa was used to being around Dionaea and Kyran a lot already, but being with them night and day with the threat of danger had only strengthened their bond. They had encouraged Elsea in her training every day. Dionaea and Risa both began working on learning to manipulate chlorokinesis a bit more offensively during this time. Kyran wanted them to all also train their bodies to be stronger. They still went outside in the woods to train even upon arriving in Roshmi, where they stayed with Kyran's parents.

Kyran's parents were kind as always, taking them in and agreeing to supply them. They stayed inside much of the time the first few days to keep Elsea safe. An acquaintance of Kyran's parents was able to supply them with elf-ear-tips to give to Elsea if she wanted to wear and disguise herself as an elf, so that she may go outside safely. It was up to her if she took them. Rebels had been creating and distributing crafted animal ears, tails, and elf ears to disguise humans. It was all about talking to the right person to obtain them.

Present Time

The gentle waves scattered the sun's rays like twinkling diamonds across the vast surface of blue water. It was a comfortably warm morning and there was not a cloud in the sky. There was the slight sea-breeze but Risa actually enjoyed that. The sound of the waves gently crashing on the shore was lovely as well. The water was rather calm and took its time on its journey to the shore. Risa was not used to trying to swim in deep or rough water, so this was perfect for her. She was able to move in until the water reached her chest and feel safe. The waves were a mere calm embrace. She had moved down the beach until a smaller bay-like area had been located. It was a bit far-off from the city and the occasional fisherman on his boat was the only being she had seen as well as a couple of merfolk she had noticed swimming nearby.

Though many preferred to bathe in tubs, Risa loved bathing out in nature, whether it be in a lake or in the sea. It was also nice to have some alone time after being with them for so long. Though she was a social creature, even she needed a moment alone once in a while. She had decided to enjoy the early hours on her own while the others were back at the house, leaving a note that she'd be down by the water. A bottle of hair cleanser she had used to wash her hair with sat upon a rock nearby as well as a long blue dress that was neatly folded. She lowered her body under the water and opened her eyes to enjoy the clear sight around her. The saltwater was a foreign taste, but she decided she liked it. Marine plant-life scattered the sand below her and she began to practice manipulating it. The long leaves of seaweed began to grow and she practiced wrapping them around rocks and such.


Risa looked up as the sudden voice went through her head. It was then she noticed a school of fish was moving around her. She excitedly stood up in the water, taking in the air she had been lacking as she did with a gasp. "Hello! I won't hurt you!"

The fish paused, moving around her perhaps in their curiosity that a being like her could communicate with them. They didn't seem to be able to communicate as well as land animals.

"Friends, it is a beautiful morning. It is so nice to meet you all. Would you like to hear a story?"

She had found most creatures liked to be told stories. Dionaea was probably way better than her at speaking to smaller life-forms. Even if it was hard to create a dialogue with them, she was usually able to have them understand her well enough. They answered by moving to the surface around her and she giggled. "Okay. Once upon a time..." She began, telling them all a common story told to fairy children about a fairy prince who couldn't learn to fly.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

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Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Time: Morning
Location:Beach near Roshmi

There had been no regrets nor doubt in Elthrael's mind as he had withdrawn from the mad human male, which had the audacity to try order him about. The fairy would have none of it, in this world all those which could have issued him an order to which he would follow did no longer exist. To offer aid was another thing however, would someone beg or plead for it, or otherwise seem to be in need of it. His mind had however wandered to what became of the rest of that group, alongside Elsea which had sided with them. If she survived then perhaps she would have gotten weary of her current company, or in the case of anyone of them dying, then know what her choice led to.

To the fairy it had been clear from the beginning, you withdraw to a more advantageous situation if possible, and if that is not possible then you'll leave behind an obstacle to keep whatever is giving chase some trouble. In the last case it was to create some difficult vegetation and to leave the male human to his chosen fate. The darkwinged fairy had originally planned to go for Roshmi and suggested it to the rest, would anyone of them make it they would likely make it there aswell. If you wanted to vanish, then it was one of the better places to do so, other than hiding in isolation in the forests. Roshmi had the most population out of all of Avalia, at least that was what Elthrael believed. Since he had never been to some of the places, like the orc settlements or further up north.

Right now however, he found himself in Roshmi, having relieved a traveller of their brown cloak and hood, made passing through the front gates without catching too much attention alot easier. Would the servants of the lich come looking for him, then the guards would not have been able to tell a thing. Would his presence later be found out, then it would mean a few less dark elves around, as they would no doubt serve harsh penalties for their lack of perception.

Though he was not worried, he had all he needed with him, as long as he held his magic he would never feel uneasy. It would provide him with food and drinks, but also shelter and be used for both offense and defense. To the fairy, chlorokinesis was indeed a very impressive form of magic. Far more useful than that of the rumored near extinct fairies of the north which used ice magic, or the vile rumor of dark fairies.

Did they exist? Elthrael was not overly certain, for it was creatures desires to always advance forwards, no matter the cost. It could indeed be very possible that there was such a thing as dark fairies. To many beholders, he might have been mistaken for one due to his strange appearance. His shook his head softly as he sat on top of a lighthouse, looking out over the water. Someplace out there was the flower kingdom, across the sea. He had only heard of it, but never sat foot there. How different from the River Kingdoms would it be?

It was at that moment where he noticed something below him, which perked his interest, thus he descended down to inspect what it was.

Out in the water, partly hidden behind a slight stone formation was someone. The darkwinged fairy spread his wings and took flight towards it, until he had descended low enough to land on the lowest located smooth rock. Which held some garments nicely placed on it, but whilst they seemed to be indeed grand, it was nothing compared to the other fine sight before him. He stood and watched for a moment, allowing his wings to fold.

The unmistakenly sweet and cheery voice of the inheritor to the fairy throne could be heard, one of few melodies which the darkwinged fairy could appreciate, it complimented the scenery quite the bit. Elthrael allowed a smile to decorate his face as he formed the next few words as good as he could, in a very amused manner.

"...and then he found the princess, as she bathed in the morning sun. Such boldness..." He said, as the shadow of his form came closer so that Risa could see him standing on the rock, next to her clothes and hair cleanser bottle. "We meet again..." He said, extending his hand in a dramatic fashion, with the palm facing upwards to the sky.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by princess
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Time: Morning
Location:Beach near Roshmi

"...and then he found the princess, as she bathed in the morning sun. Such boldness..."

Risa glanced up from her story-telling to smile at the speaker, recognizing him immediately. "Elthrael! I'm so happy that you're here and safe!" Elthrael had been missing the day of the incident, according to Kyran. They had feared the worst. It was such a relief to see him alive and well. What had happened to him was unclear, but it was nice to see that he was alright. How he had ended up here with her was peculiar. She wondered if he had followed them. That was very kind of him if that had been the case, to make sure they were all alright. Elsea would be so happy!

Turning back to the fishes, she gently dismissed them, "Darlings, I am afraid storytime is over for today." The fish began to disperse as she spoke. Her long hair was collected to the front of her body. It was quite heavy to have hair at such length wet and she yearned to dry it at this point. She moved toward the rock, figuring it would best to take her things and move to the sand to dress, then formally speak to Elthrael. "Shall we move to the land to speak?" Risa inquired as she began to retrieve her dress and hair bottle.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

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Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Time: Morning
Location:Beach near Roshmi

The darkwinged fairy kept his smile, with a slight more upturn in one corner than the other. "Oh pleasure is all mine... it gladdens me to see that such a fine young fairy woman such as yourself survived. Afraid there was little else I could do but to occupy those who wanted to hunt you down." He said in a softer tone, as his smile faded away, his eyes darting over her and then to the fishes. He tilted his head to the side briefly, before setting his gaze on Risa again. He took a slight inhale then held out his hand to help her up on the rock.

"In time princess... first a proper greeting amongst my kind." He said softly, before he reached out with his other hand towards her. Trying to move some hair away from her face, then place it under her chin, to angle her face upwards while he would lean in to try kiss her, this time on her lips. His eyes were fixed at hers, as if trying to read her mind, his ears perked to his surroundings, the sweet scent of the hair cleanser still in the air about, as the gentle waves moved back and forth. Warm winds causing his cloak to flicker slightly in the wind.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by princess
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Time: Morning
Location:Beach near Roshmi

Risa was surprised to say the least by Elthrael's action. She recalled that he had claimed to hail from somewhere that greeted with cheek kisses previously. This time, he was trying to kiss her on the lips. She allowed him to, in case it really was true. Fairies were often very affectionate. She kissed the cheeks of those she first met and hugged in previous times. However, lip-kissing was usually reserved for lovers. Though she had no shame in her body, it would also be considered something lovers do for him to kiss her in such a state. Suddenly, she felt a bit shy.

She figured questioning him could potentially hurt his feelings, so she decided against it for now. She moved away once the kiss was done and and kept up her smile as she spoke, "...Yes it's quite nice to see you again. Occupy them, you say? That sounds dangerous. How did you do so?" Risa picked up her dress and began to pull it over her head.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

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Elthrael Vol'Kerno

The kiss had been good, from what the dark winged fairy could judge. She seemed to be as bold as before, if not even more so. This young fairy kept surprising him, even though he would not show so openly. Most fairies were more traditional and reserved, but if you overdo it then there be usually a few who slip through the cracks. This one was such a fairy, of this Elthrael was convinced.

'To think the heiress of the kingdom would end up in this place, and be this kind of an individual. How very refreshing... I must not let this young woman slip through my fingers.' He thought to himself, as his eyes wandered over the young woman as she was picking up her dress.

"Yes, there are much danger in this world, but sometimes you just have to face them and not... run. I would have prefered it if your fox-eared friend would have showed more spine and had more faith in you young women to find your way down into that dark place. Seems to me he doesn't trust you, while I find that very troublesome... you are a trustworthy young woman are you not?" Elthrael smiled softly as he moved over to try help her on with her dress, by putting one hand at the dress and the other at her waist.

"Best not go too quickly, lest the fine moment this morning will be for naught." He said and glanced to the sun with a slight smile.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Interaction with: Darius, Skar, and Myra @13org

We're the three best friends that anyone could have!

Darius, Skar, and Myra had traversed many miles north by going through Orc Landing, ferrying across Devil's Bay, landing on Daka Island, and finally arriving at the fog engulfed Morteum. The sun had failed to break through the fog in this ghastly place, yet the area remained illuminated by the fog's pale blue tint.

The trio had finally made it to their destination, but it was not without joyous times along with a few difficulties. Orc Landing had not been what any of them expected. At first, the three were not well received. Skar was an Orc outcast and claimed that Darius and Myra were demons she had enslaved. The group was tolerated at best as they all had the same thing in common, they did not belong. Thankfully the orcs asked few questions about Darius being a demon, especially after seeing Darius' ability to manipulate water. By this point in time, it was something he did often. He played with his magical ability like a toy. Skar had chastised Darius for this, but his "party tricks" went big with many of the orcs in Orc Landing. In no time, Darius grew to be somewhat of an attraction amongst the brutish creatures. He even earned himself some amas.

Darius had learned that the orcs of Orc Landing were a lot different from Skar. Most of them spoke clearer that she did, were better equipped, and were generally shorter than her. They called themselves the Unbroken and they were proud to tell him why. There were many attempts to bargain with Skar into buying Darius or Myra or both, but Skar knew the price of bringing Darius to Aklenroth.

Skar had enjoyed her five day long venture as well. She had rented out Peacemaker to an orc merchant that claimed that he could use the beast to deliver local shipments. With her moving storage unit gone, she settled on using a large leather backpack to carry all of her valuable and useful travel items. At the moment, Skar was a bit more heavily equipped due to not relying on Peacemaker as a weapons locker. She had an orcish shortsword, a shield and several daggers at her hip and her axes on her backside. In the past week, Skar had tried to instill some of her knowledge onto Darius and Myra. She didn’t have much to offer since both lacked the affinity for weapons, but she managed to teach Darius a bit about the other races in Avalia, tips for surviving in the wilderness and managed to teach Myra how to skin hides, spearfish, and to craft tools from nature itself. Skar was not the only one who taught the group some things. She had learned a bit about Myra and how fast she understood how to do things. The demon learned at such a rapid rate, you’d think she already knew all the skills she was shown. Then there was Darius with his funny-sounding phrases and odd gestures. As much as Skar claimed to hate it, the man had helped her a bit with her speech by talking to her often. He said it was so he could make Myra talk, but she was sure he did for her as well. The two had bets on what Myra’s first words would be. Darius bet it would be his signature anti inhibitious phrase, “Fuck it.” while Skar thought it would be what she often repeated, “Shut up Darius!” Both phrases were said constantly during their travel. It was surprising that in just a week's time the three had bonded so well. Skar had never had a companion like Darius. He brought out something in her she didn’t know existed. She had found herself smiling more times this week than she had in her entire life. The man planned to be gone soon and on his way back home, but she wouldn’t forget the funny charismatic human. Darius Barnes.

Despite the difficulties they had to face in Orc Landing and throughout their trip and the fact that she still didn't like the idea of going where Aklenroth was, Myra was still amused by Darius and Skar's company.

For the first time, she went to a place where other people lived, in Orc Landing. While both Darius and Skar had a bit of a difficult time trying to control Myra's curiosity, especially since their presence didn't seem to be all that welcome, a fact which Myra completely ignored. Luckily enough, Myra's curiosity didn't cause any problems. The fact that the other Orcs seemed to tolerate their presence much more and even enjoy their presence after Darius started using his magic water seemed to help a lot. While Myra was very interested and curious about everything around her, she also did stop to watch Darius' demonstrations with his magic water when he did it for the orcs. Other than that, Myra did notice that Skar was different from most of the Orcs living there. While the reason for that was a mystery, the difference in size was clear.

Other than the things she saw and learned at the Orc Landing, she also learned many more things with Skar and Darius throughout their trip, such as how to cook and prepare meat, the fact that Darius and other humans preferred to eat cooked meat and a lot of things regarding hunting with Skar. While Myra still didn't know exactly why would she want to take the hides from the prey she hunted or why would she want to craft the tools that Skar taught her even though she had her claws, learning how to catch fish, both with pointy sticks that Skar taught her how to make and with her own claws was undoubtedly interesting and useful for Myra. One thing Myra wasn't able to grasp just yet was the words Darius was trying to teach her. Despite his and Skar's countless attempts to teach her to talk, she still said nothing, even though it seemed she was getting noticeably better at understanding their words thanks to their efforts. Even though they were unsuccessful in making Myra talk though, she had learned a few gestures such as nodding her head to say 'yes', shaking it to say 'no' and even a few strange gestures that Myra wasn't able to fully grasp their meaning though, such as the one she held her hand open and hit it the other person's open hand making a clap sound or the one Darius taught her where she held up both her middle and index fingers from each hand making a V shape. Even though she didn't understand them very well, it was still fun to imitate Darius and see both him and Skar's expressions when she did so.

Present Time

“The vibe screams final boss, but this is a bit too much. Like this walk is kind of shitty. And what kind of welcome is this?” Darius complained as the three reached the bridge that led to the castle of Morteum. It had taken an hour, but they managed to correctly traverse the fog covered dilapidated ruins. The blue fog of the vast ruins didn’t loom as much from the bridge, allowing this particular structure and the castle ahead to appear more clearly. The air was colder in this part of Avalia, which was why Darius wore a black hooded cloak over his black leather armor for warmth. Skar didn't bother with extra layers as orcs had thick skin and unrivaled pride. “Just across this and we’re there? Right where Skeletor lives… I mean Allen-Roth or however you say it." Darius had become familiar with the name… Well, kind of?

“Aklenroth, fool! Don’t die just before you get home!” Skar snapped as her eyes focused on the undead guard's on the other end of the bridge.

It was clear for Skar and Darius that Myra was very agitated as they stopped in front of the bridge going to the castle. The patch of hair on the back of her neck bristled and her claws were showing as Darius and Skar talked. Something deep down inside of Myra screamed that just being there was already a terrible idea. Not even Darius' carefree tone was able to calm her down.

Looking to both Darius and Skar, Myra pointed towards the castle, shaking her head in a negative expression as she tried to convince them to turn back and get away from there. Even if they had already refused once, Myra still wanted to try again. Pointing back to the way where they came, she looked again at Darius and Skar, waiting for their reaction. Not only it was incredibly clear on how agitated Myra was, but the message she wanted to tell them too.

"Hey Myra. We'll be fine." Darius tried to assure her by reaching down and caressing the back of her neck. She had gotten like this a few times during the journey. Orc Landing, the creepy hooded ferryman, and can't forget the day the three set out to travel to Daka Island. In times like these, he needed to calm her. With all the time spent together, it didn't take Darius long to learn that the patch of hair on the back of Myra's neck was her sweet spot.

"This the last part, okay? I'm gonna have him meet us out in the open." Darius pointed with his free hand to the open area on the other side of the bridge. "...so if he tries something… anything… We'll jump him!" Darius then used both of his hands to slam his fist into his palm. Giving her a confident look, he pointed to her and then cupped his hands over his eyes. "Hide 'n' seek! Remember? Do hide 'n' seek. He said referring to her camouflage ability. "You can keep me safe, Myra. I know you can. And then once everything is settled," He looked to Skar. "Skar will take you away from this place. Right, Skar?"

"Yes. Skar hate this place. It is… shit. Now, let us continue." Skar walked forward, taking the lead and Darius followed. To pass the time Darius casually passed a handful of water back and forth between his palms.

As they neared the two armored undead that appeared to be guarding the castle with their spears, Darius looked to Skar. He had faith in her abilities, so even if this was some sort of trap, he believed they could make it through on top. Skar suddenly stopped a few feet from the undead at the end of the bridge. She was wary of them, but they remained still as if they were decorative statues. She leaned towards the one on the right with her hand gripping the hilt of her sheathed sword. And there was still no movement. "Hm." Skar let out before continuing forward.

The spears of the undead guards crossed in front of her so quickly, Skar jumped back and unsheathed her blade. Darius had flinched back as well with spheres of water spinning rapidly in his palms. He scowled at the silent guards.

"You gotta be kidding. Let us in! Hey Aklenroth! Come get your human! Hot 'n' ready to go the fuck home!" Darius was clearly irritated and Skar was on the verge of engaging the guards.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Time: Morning
Location: Biralei residence
Interaction: N/A

Week Summary

After Terneus had left and they had time to settle down a bit, questions were asked and Kenia left that to Malachi. She stayed silent through the entire explanation, neither confirming nor denying what he said as she decided to stay out of it. The fact was that these humans were here, she wasn’t sure if they could be sent back, and they could help with the Aklenroth issue or at the very least getting close to her husband. Either way she would let Malachi tell them whatever he thought would make them help.

When that was finished they knew they needed to find a safer place to stay, somewhere they could rest and get cleaned up with minimal worry. Roshmi seemed the most logical place to go as it was a large city full of a mixture of people. It would be easier to hide the Rei and Corvina. Kenia eventually mentioned she had a place they could go, but she didn’t explain further from there. Instead she decided to just take them there and hope for the best.

Arriving in Roshmi, she took them to the wealthier side of the city until they were standing in front of a large estate. She paused outside for a long minute before taking a deep breath and lead them up to the front door only to be greeted by a Dragonborn who immediately recognized Kenia. He had lead the group into a sitting room where they waited for a short while before an elven man who swiftly moved to embrace Kenia. Nym Biralei had been shock, yet thrilled to hear his daughter had come home to him after many years of not seeing her. He was aware of her line of work, yet he wished she’d find something else and settle down. He was quite surprised to see his daughter with a group of people, especially when he saw one seemed to look like a respectable elven man.

The humans troubled Nym a bit, however he wasn’t about to deny his daughter or her friends sanctuary. The guest rooms were made up and the house staff were sworn to secrecy, providing a safe place for the group to stay. Shortly after they were left to settle in, Kenia disappeared for several hours without a word. When she returned she came bearing gifts of elven tipped ears for both Rei and Corvina along with a set of clothes for Rei. She didn’t explain where she’d gotten them nor was she willing to speak about it, she told them just to say thank you and carry on.

Out back of the estate was a nice patch of forest that Malachi and Kenia could use to help train the humans in their magic and so they did. Malachi was very nagging with the training and Kenia would often bicker with him to back off, they were under enough pressure. They both became very parent like to Rei and Corvina perhaps even without really realizing it. Kenia found herself actually enjoying the company of the three and it scared her quite a bit. She never liked getting close to people because it often led to heartbreak.

Through the week, Kenia’s father seemed to have taken a liking to Malachi and every chance he got her tried to push the two together. Kenia didn’t often get flustered or uncomfortable, but for some reason her father doing this would always rile her up and she would quickly leave the situation and occupy herself with something else. And so the week went…


It wasn’t quite time for Rei and Cora to start training for the day so Kenia had decided to visit a section of the house she had been specifically avoiding until now. Down the hallway were various painted portraits of people from her family. Her grandfather and grandmother were in one of them, painted shortly after their wedding. Then there was one of them with their children, her father only a small baby in the photo. Then came her parents and the family portrait. Where Kenia was stopped, however, was in front of a portrait of a blonde elven woman with a man at her side and two blonde haired babies in their arms.

Kenia was unsure as to why her father kept this portrait as it seemed to only bring heartbreaking memories. She stared at the face of herself before her eyes moved to the two babies. She felt a few silent tears slip down her face as emotions she tried to keep buried slipped through her walls. One hundred years did little to dull the pain of the loss of her children and this seemed to surprise her. She longed to hear the giggles of the beautiful little boy and girl in the painting, but never again would that happen. She felt a stabbing pain in her chest and it took everything in her to keep standing there.

Her eyes then moved to the man in the picture and the hatred she felt for him coursed through her. For a brief moment she considered taking the painting and allowing Cora to use it as target practice for the day. It was the only painting she had of her children, however, and if she didn’t want to lose that. She reached out and gently touched the painting as she began singing a lullaby she once sang to those babies. The haunting sound of her voice began to echo through the halls, but she didn’t care. The song seemed to bring her some comfort all while reminding her of what she had to do to avenge her children.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Time: Morning
Location: Roshmi City, Kyran's home

Summary of the week

The day they had found Dionaea's and Risa's homes gone had been a long one. There was not much to say to comfort them and it hurt Kyran's heart. He was enraged by the sight and knew they'd have to save Dionaea's family and get their revenge. During the week, he had apologized Elsea immediately when he had the chance for threatening her with the spear, to which their relationship improved from that point. He grew closer with Dionaea and Risa, comforting them through their pain as well as training them and Elsea. Elsea was progressing well with her pyrokinesis and made Kyran happy to see her doing so well. They trained hard as they made their way to Roshmi. Once there, his parents had taken them in and began to construct supplies for them, even giving Elsea false elf ears.

The days with his family were also filled with rigorous training exercises for the whole group. Kyran and his father, who was an ex-soldier, had practiced self-defence with all of them teaching the basics. The others in the group had worked on controlling and learning different things with their magic. The few peaceful days had been a relief after all that had happened and gave them some time to deal and think about what they had been through.

Present Time

Kyran woke up and stretched his arms while looking out the window. The sun was shining in and the sound of birds chirping felt pleasant to his ears. He was glad to be at home even though his stay may have to end sometime in the near future; he could at least try to make the best of it. 'Oh, what a nice day today.' he thought to himself before he moved off the bed. Kyran had made his way out to the kitchen, his stomach rumbling, only to find a note on the table. He picked up, reading that Risa had gone to the beach and that she would return soon. This had made Kyran's heartbeat skip. It felt as if it would jump out of his chest. He worried that someone could find her and take her.

Kyran rushed into the large spare bedroom to wake the others and voice his concern. "Girls! Wake up! Risa left. I don't know how long she has been gone or what may happen to her! We are wanted likely and pretty much outlaws. How could she just leave without waking one of us up?" Kyran was used to Risa going off and having to find her but this was a bit frustrating; he thought she would be more careful and not let her guard down. "She's so reckless! She's going to get herself killed! Why would she go out so early in the morning?" He continued to rant. They may have had a peaceful week but it would not always last.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Terneus Andros

On his arrival to the River Kingdoms approximately one week past, the governor had not encountered a single rebel or sighting of a human, for each passing hour he grew more infuriated, to the point he finally returned to the sun elves. Before proceeding to join up with his commander, Feldrin, who had travelled in advance to the city of Roshmi. Little did said commander realize that his employer would soon step out of his carriage, seeing them standing around for idle chatter.

"Right, and then the dumb faun said-" One of the elves serving under commander Feldrin said, stopping mid-sentence on seeing the overly familiar sight of the highly decorated carriage approaching, it's door flinging open. The small but finely crafted red rug being tossed out of it, and then the unmistakenly flashy governor himself stepping down, accompanied by the rest of the knights. Commander Feldrin's grin vanished as soon as he realized what had happened, turning towards the incoming lord Terneus, after slamming a mug of liquor out of one of his subordinates hands. Then assuming a salute with them all following suit. The governor, Terneus looked all but pleased, two of the knights accompanying him had visible bruises on their face.

"Commander Feldrin!" The highly intoxicating and holier than thou voice of the light elf carried through the air, his mirror in his right hand, whilst the other hand rested at his waist.

"My lord Andros, I trust your trip was pleasant enough?" THe commander asked, swallowing slightly soon after. Knowing fully well that his superior was likely in a foul mood.

"The trip is of little concern, what is of concern however is if you've managed to find a disgusting human?" He said through gritted teeth as he stepped up to inspect his troops, as those from the carriage parked it before scurring over to join the rest in a line, saluting to their superior.

"My lord, we've-" One of the soldiers began to speak up.

"Don't interupt me!" Terneus spoke up loudly, as he walked over to backhand the knight over the face, causing his nose to bleed. The soldier fell in line, gave a surprised look to Terneus, on the border of narrowing his eyes but he knew better and thus fell back in line.

"I was taking a pause for dramatic effect. Something louts like you would never understand. Ahh now look what you did to my glove, it was Worth more than your upbringing." He exclaimed as he slid the bloodstained glove of his hand and threw it towards a trash barrel, missing it. But not caring to pick it up. The governor took a deep inhale. "Now, have you found anyone, commander? Any human? Any rebel scum?" The white clad elf asked as he walked closer, inspecting Feldrin's attire for any signs of flaws.

"Not yet, my lord. We... we wanted to wait for your prestigious arrival so that you could be here in person to have the glory." He said in a firm tone, if not abit hastened. As he knew the governors patience was limited.

"Not yet?! Ahh... but you would wait for my arrival? That's the most sane thing I've heard this week, my own words excluded." Terneus said, smirking as he gently began to toy with his ruffled shirt.

"I want all of you to search all of the surrounding buildings, if anyone is unwilling to allow a search or be hinderances. Cut them down or burn the houses. Anyone who conspires with these humans against his majesty must know the price. We... ahem... I, will root them out soon." He explained, as he walked back and forth inspecting his knights.

"I don't want these dark elves to find any human before I do. Make certain to not obstruct them however, such acts could even hold me responsible. And you know what I think about that don't you?" The elf grimaced, as he looked around the city filled with demi-humans.

"This place is a pit of sin, it reeks of uncleanliness and crime. I shall accompany your search party commander, I do not want my knights to be robbed by micreants and opportunists, or drawn into one of these places of ill respute. I have seen the mental and physical illnesses creatures can obtain firsthand in the form of some hunter. It could make me look bad. I, whose only crime in this world is to have been born beautiful..." The elf raised his mirror, taking a good long look into it, showing his teeth and a smug expression. Followed by a soft cackle.

"I could kiss this regal face, but it would be all too sweet...hnn hnn." He mused in a satisfied manner as he motioned for his knights to begin the search.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Time: Morning
Location: Kyran's parents house

Week Summary

Seeing the destruction within Risa's and Dionaea's homes was heartbreaking even to Elsea. Finding the corpse of Dio's brothers was even worse. If it had just been their bodies it would have been one thing, but seeing the charred skin caused Elsea to have to swiftly leave the ruins. She'd vomited outside and it took awhile to stop the panic that had set in. Even though she had control of the fire, the thought of burning alive still plagued her and to see someone may have gone through that sickened her. She only hoped they had died swiftly before that as it would have been a mercy.

After leaving the house, she took the time to get to know the others and even accepted the apology of Kyran. She found that she actually enjoyed his company just as much as she enjoyed the company of the other women. She opened up to them on her story and the fact that being brought here had, in fact, saved her from certain death.

They made it to Roshmi and found solace in the home of Kyran's family, which she was thankful for. They had also supplied Elsea with a pair of false elf ears and she made sure she wore them whenever she was to leave the house. She was thankful for all the training provided, eager to learn how to wield her magic along with protect herself. She decided to take up target practice as well with her bow, not wanting to have to rely on only her magic. She also had Kyran's father teach her how to properly wield her dirk, which vital spots she should aim for if she were attacked, and things like those in hopes she wouldn't be completely helpless in a fight.

The rebels had also graciously provided some money for Elsea and she made sure to hold on to it for dear life. She's always been one to save her money, only spending it when she absolutely needed to. She would make sure she left some with Kyran's parents when they left, however, as she was quite thankful for their kindness and generosity.


Elsea had been sleeping quite peacefully, having pleasant and senseless dreams. That is until she was awoken by sudden shouting. She shot up out of bed, the dirk she slept with under her pillow now in her hand. If she'd learned anything over the week it was to be prepared for anything at all times. So she had taken to sleeping with a weapon just in case. She also wasn't a very heavy sleeper and even some of the smallest noises could wake her up which was an advantage in her mind.

Her hair was a wild mess, sticking up all over the place as she looked to Kyran with an alert expression. It took her a moment to comprehend what he was saying, but when she finally did she felt agitation for being awoken in such a way. She gave him a death glare as she silently got out of bed. She set her dirk down as she made her was over to the fox man."Hush…" Elsea started as abw looked up at him and she clamped her hand over his mouth. "It is far too early for all this racket and I need you to just shut up for two minutes." She continued before removing her hand and crossing her arms over her chest.

"She left about an hour ago, I heard her get up. Also perhaps if you took two minutes to just look around and observe before losing your mind you'd realize something else. Risa isn't alone, do you notice someone else missing?" She asked as she gestured around the room, giving him moment to think about it. "Hades isn't here either now is he? I can almost promise you he went with her to protect her. The beach isn't that far from here and the wolf would have found a way to alert us if something were amis." She finally explained as she moved to dress herself as she was only in her nightgown. She knew Kyran wouldn't give up that easily so she decided to get ready to go with him to find Risa.

"Honestly Kyran, you're very sweet and you do well in protecting Risa, Dio, and even myself. Sometimes, however, people need their space and some alone time." She scolded him as she dressed herself in her pants and tunic. She looked in a mirror to brush out her wild hair and apply her elf ears before she grabbed her dirk and deemed herself ready. "Alright come now, let's go check on Risa." She said as she shooed him out the door.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Baraian Paladice

It had been a week since he had first drawn the trio of Belladonna, Ilan and Kuroi down into the dark and dank paths leading to Ra Monde. The underground haven for the rebel cell, Golden Death. There were approximately a little over a hundred people living down there, while their standards of living were not as good as those up into the city, it was alot safer. With no fear of dark elven servants of the king to go through their homes or otherwise exercise terror on them.

Baraian himself also lived in a tent, which appeared to be more like a pavillion, usually guarded by two armorclad people by the entrance wearing golden coloured skull masks.Though at this morning he was up by the wooden built stage, where he and others had various announcements to give to those living underground. The dark elf strode up the wooden stairs leading to the top platform before speaking to the people which had gathered up, most children were however still sleeping, and the same could be said for those who had the guard night shifts.

"People of Ra Monde, as some of you may already be aware, the day has finally come. Where humans from earth have come to our world, to aid us in our struggle against the usurper king, to give freedom to the oppressed. Your prayers have been answered!" He said most of his words in a rather monotone manner, aside from the very last sentence where he was seemingly trying to stir up some people's feelings.

"Soon from now, we are going to wrest control of Roshmi from the oppressors and release any prisoners, our city will be the heart of the rebellion. Just like how we have been, keeping the spirit alive down here. Once the city is in our control, we can make our proclamation to Avalia. The battle will be hard, but with enough brave men and women fighting we can win it. I want you to give it your all. After the next ball of the city, when the high officials of the king are here celebrating we'll make our move and make them pay for the blood spilt." Baraian said, pointing to the tapestry behind him, which displayed historical people which had died in former attempts to overthrow the king.

"Eye for an eye. The streets will run red with the blood of the guilty, the victims of their oppression will finally have their justice done, and then we will make the king answer for his crimes on our world. We are not alone in this fight, there are more rebels in hiding. And these humans which have come to aid us in our darkest days, praise them and show them outmost respect. I like all of you to thank the human which is now among us. Thank her for giving hope to us all." The words spoken were monotone, but abit more inspirational in nature than how he started. Baraian didn't seem to be the perfect leader, as his outward going charisma and appearance was nothing special, but his choice in words often helped him in his intentions. Baraian got down on his knee, as the rest of the men and women listening did the same. Hoping to see Belladonna and her two companions. Some of the ones kneeling would begin to whisper among themselves, their eyes and heads turning abit looking for them.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 15 hrs ago


A short and otherwise small demi-human looking boy was tracing the streets of Roshmi, barefeet but seemingly cleaner than some might expect. His fur ridden other set of ears on his head, at his rear was a fluffy looking tail, his fingers carried sharp clawlike nails. The clothes worn seemed slightly oversized, but flashy and with much inspiration of the vulpine way of dresscode. In a city full of all manner of people, whose height were double or more his height, this particular boy was careful where he walked, sliding about along the house walls to make sure to not bump into people.

That's when his eyes caught two dark elven guardsmen sitting by a table, appearantly gambling and playing some cards. The boy blinked a few times before approaching them, his steps light and somewhat swift. He made sure that no one was coming from his left or right, to acertain to not be ran over by a cart or mob of eager customers. Upon reaching the table, the boy nudged the cape of one of the dark elven guards, who in turn looked at him with an annoyed expression.

"Beat it kid." The dark elf said in a disgruntled voice, as he set his red eyes on the short boy.

"I can't find my mother.. have you seen her? I think I've gotten lost.." He sniffed slightly, wiping his eyes with his both hands as the dark elf raised an arrogant eyebrow. The short boy moved his hands from his face briefly, his eyes turning into slits.

"Eh? Didn't I tell you to beat it ki- Hey!" The dark elf spoke out and raised his voice as the small boy reached out and snatched his coinpouch from his belt and began to quickly run off. The dark elf enraged getting up from his chair and chasing after him at full speed, throwing people out of his way.

"Thanks for the coin kind sir!" The boy yelled as he ran into the crowd of people, laughing as he did.

"Get back here you little runt! I'm going to flay you when I get my hands on you!" The dark elf screamed in reply as he chased the boy past a few fruitstands, breaking crates and crashing into various stands as he did.

"Stop! Stop that thief! Get back here!" The dark elf's voice became more and more dark and loud, but the short boy was already too far ahead and pressed his legs against the ground and took a long leap upwards almost as if taking flight. Propelling him into the air and up on a clothing line, from which he began to climb on unto a roof. Giving one last look to the dark elf behind him, putting out his tongue and grimacing at him.

"You shouldn't really gamble, you just lose your coin!" The boy said in a cheery tone, tossing the coin pouch up and down in his hand, so that the dark elf could clearly see it.

"Give me back my coins you little shit!" The infuriated dark elf screamed, with many of the nearby merchants smiling or being disgruntled with their wares being ruined because of his trampling into them.

"Catch ya later~ Maybe not~" He blew a air kiss towards the dark elf and giggled, aswell as salute before running across the rooftops, jumping from one to the other. Until he came into sight of a big building, which caused him to stop and look it over. Curiousity got the upper hand.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Time: Morning
Location: Roshmi

Summary of the Week

Malachi had spent much of the day after Terneus had left filling in the blanks for Rei and Corvina. Telling a bunch of humans, or most likely any species, that you had a hand in ripping them from their comfortable lives and bringing them into a war-torn dimension would not go over well. He decided to leave out the part where he had a large part in summoning them here. He explained to them the situation and what Aklenroth had been doing to their people, telling them that rebels had desperately summoned humans in hopes of helping them, due to the abilities humans have in this dimension. The only way to go home would be the DROMs which were probably destroyed or within Aklenroth's grasp, and that they'd have to defeat him probably in order to go home as he was lying and would kill any human that actually made their way into his lair. Malachi presumed he would anyway, figuring Aklenroth wouldn't take chances.

Malachi had to leave out that he had personally probably summoned them and that he knew where the DROM was, otherwise they'd probably want to go home, rendering it all pointless. Deep down, he knew it was wrong to lie and manipulate them into helping, but so many had risked so much and so many lives were on the line. He had lost and risked much as well; the mission was all that mattered to him at the moment, so he buried his pesky feelings of guilt for now.

Kenia ended up taking them to her father's home in Roshmi. It had been a while since he stayed in such a lavish home, so he expressed gratitude to the father immediately. He understood the risk he was taking by taking humans in and still helped them. Kenia left them for some time so he decided to give Rei and Corvina some time to themselves while staying nearby if they needed him. When Kenia returned, she brought them elven ear-tips, which was a blessing. Going outside would raise a lot less questions since Kenia and him were also elves. She had brought them some clothes as well. Malachi decided to trust Kenia at this point. Though, he'd probably buy them some more clothes. No way would he let them recycle the same few pairs of clothes.

They had the humans train during the week. Kenia didn't seem to understand that they needed to learn fast. There wasn't time to dilly-dally. He had to pressure them to keep them motivated. However, it became more than that. Malachi found himself always looking out for them, making sure they were well looked after. It was a nostalgic feeling that he was trying to shove back to the place it came. People were usually temporary in his life and he had enough of love and loss.

Kenia's father, Nym, also kept trying to push interactions between the two. Malachi found it amusing and went along with it, joking with her since it seemed to bother her.


"Humans. Let me acquaint you with your new friends."

Malachi had placed a mop in Corvina's hand and a broom in Rei's. "We're guests here. The least you can do is clean up after yourselves. The floor up on the second floor needs mopping and someone left crumbs all over the kitchen floor. I don't care which of you. Just clean it. Use your hair instead of the mop if it suits you. " Corvina and Rei were probably used to him being a bit too upfront and also too stingy with keeping things clean. He was also used to them being sassy little shits so he decided to explain further ahead of time. "I am also aware training will begin soon. Even more reason for you to make haste." If either of them tried to mock him and repeat what he said, he had a few retorts prepared.

He turned to leave them to it, but ended up turning back to look at them once more sternly, "Make sure it's spotless."

The sound of a female voice had made him freeze in his tracks. He would shush the two humans if they proceeded to talk over it, curious to the noise. The tone was melancholic and haunting. There was grief in her sound but it was beautiful in its own way. His heart lurched as images of his wife flashed in his mind. Her voice that he thought he'd forgotten serenaded him in his mind, layering itself over Kenia's. Blurry images of a beautiful brunette singing to the baby in the crib, brushing her hair back to smile at him as she noticed him watching. Though the lullaby his wife had sung had a more cheerful tune, it was hard to hear it any other way now. The heavy emotion in her lamentation felt like a manifestation of what was buried deep within his heart. He shook his head, moving out of the reverie. It was best he reburied these feelings.

Not today, emotions.

Malachi glared over at the humans, making sure they weren't distracted as he moved after the sound. It had to be Kenia singing. It honestly shocked him such a lovely sound could come from someone so argumentative. He found himself rushing to get to her for some reason he didn't want to figure out. He finally found her looking at a family painting as she lamented in her song, presuming she hadn't noticed him join her. Malachi moved to stand beside her and moved his glance over it. The blonde in the picture was clearly Kenia. He could put two and two together and figure that the babes were the offspring of her and the male. The portrait was old. It had been a long time, but it seemed to have held up well regardless. The hallway seemed to be filled with portraits of elves, many dated as well.

Kenia and him were more similar than he would have thought. The two of them had been alone a very long time and suffered their losses. She had her father still with her and he felt grateful for that. Losing children was a cut that no amount of years would heal. He knew that from experience. Malachi touched her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. He wasn't really sure how to comfort her, but he wanted to. It was probably the most he had ever touched anyone all week. His expression was softer than usual as he said, "They're beautiful."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Time: Morning
Location: Morteum (The Necropolis.)
Interactions: @FunnyGuy@13org

Summary of the week

During the week, Aklenroth had been brought Jack by Azriel, Umber and O'ner. Aklenroth took this time to help Jack train his abilities along with O'ner who had already wanted to give him tests to prove his worth. He was pleased to have a human willingly join them and one with a niche for murder already. He enjoyed Jack and as insane as the human was, it only helped his training and to use his brute force as well as his brains. Aklenroth had also rewarded Jack his money and gave him a large scythe after acknowledging his training an effort he put in to do so.

The week had also brought news and photos of humans and some rebels helping them which were very useful. Aklenroth had come up with a plan to host a ball in Roshmi, since with his new body, nobody would know his true identity and it would be a great way to get all the humans into one place. Aklenroth gave a group of dark elves flyers and signs to take to the city and place them around. The armies had also been busy searching cities managing to kill around fifteen humans after going through three settlements which included Domoros, Keronos and Chesm. The undead armies are currently splitting into smaller forces and going to search more surrounding settlements.


Aklenroth sat in his library, reading one of the many books about magic he had stored, when suddenly he was interrupted by something passing with strong energy through the magical barrier surrounding his necropolis. 'Hmm... What is this?' He questioned, curiously scratching his head before getting up. Aklenroth moved towards the front of the necropolis to look from the balcony towards the bridge and was even more surprised to see two creatures walking towards the door. The group had appeared to not take notice of him watching them, keeping their eyes to the death knight guards ahead of them. Once they had gotten in the vicinity of the guards, they had crossed their spears blocking the path.

'Well, it must be time for me to greet them.' Aklenroth thought to himself as he began to levitate above the ledge of the balcony and slowly descended down to the ground below. "Welcome. What brings you to my domain?" He said, questioning the two noticing the human behind the orc. "I see you have brought a human here along with you." He added, motioning his hand at his knights, causing them to release their position blocking their path.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Time: Morning
Location: Biralei residence
Interaction: @princess Malachi

The song was coming to an end and Kenia had to close her eyes to keep from breaking down completely. It took everything in her to not just start sobbing, something she never liked doing. She took a shuddering breath, regaining control over her emotions, when she felt someone touch her hand and give it a squeeze. She opened her eyes, looking to her side and expecting to see her father standing there. It genuinely surprised her to see Malachi instead.

His face seemed to hold a softness she hadn’t seen yet from him, a comforting kindness that kept her from immediately pushing him away. She felt a small crack form in the walls she always kept up and it frightened her, but she managed to ignore it for the time being. Perhaps, for now, it would be okay to let someone in and try to comfort her.

Her gaze turned back to the painting as she unthinkingly laced her fingers with Malachi’s, the gesture bringing her more comfort than she expected. ”Thank you.” She responded in almost a whisper as she examined the faces of her children again. She remembered the day well, the painting taking many hours as they had to constantly stop to feed the twins. There was even one point where they had forgotten who had been holding who and got it mixed up for a short time. Many had a hard time telling the twins apart, but Kenia always knew which one was which at first glance.

”This one is Lura and this one is Rhys.” She told Malachi as she pointed them out, feeling the urge to talk about her children for a moment. ”They were always such happy babies, rarely fussing and always let us sleep through the night. They hated being seperated, though, and that’s when they would become a challenge.” She explained as she giggled a bit at the memory. Her face slowly fell again as she continued to speak. ”They were only three years old when…” She trailed off as she felt the familiar pain in her chest take hold once again. She closed her eyes, trying hard to fight back her tears once more.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Time: Morning.
Location: Roshmi- Kenia's estate.
Interactions: @Potter - Corvina, @Tae - Kenia, @princess - Malachi.

Summary of the Week

In the first few days Rei had grilled into Malachi and Kenia about their current situation- the world, the races, the political landscape, Aklenroth's 'goals', why humans had elemental based magic, and their plans moving forward. It was alot of information to take in and process, but soon Rei had a grasp on the world- though acknowledging that said knowledge came from one source making it biased even if unintentional. He couldn't help lament that this world was 'pitiable', for lack of better term. It was technologically more advanced that earth, but more regressive in societal terms. Earth has it's fair share of issues, but nothing much like Avalia. Rei had felt that Malachi was holding back some information from him and Corvina but chose not to pry, so as to respect his wishes.

After arriving in Kenia's estate, they had begun magic training. It was odd, to say the least. It tackled abstract ideas in order to 'control' mana. To make it easier for himself he thought of it like a 'program' with it's own structure, functions and callouts. It made it easier to systematically create and control the air coming out of his hands. A systematic, uniform approach always felt easier to grasp in his mind. Moving air is simple enough, but doing anything tangible with it was where the difficulty stood. As an example, Rei mumbled this to himself "Compressing air makes it occupy less space and get 'hotter', more heat means more kinetic energy making it 'cut' other matter..." That was how Rei was able to do an air slice that could cut thick branches, he continued to mumble about how the air dissipates making it less lethal across longer distances. Finally concluding that he could control the compression to affect overall distance of the 'wind blade', but that there is a hard limit to maximum distance.

Rei had already began formulating theories on how his newfound powers can be utilized, but within the week he found a few interesting properties of his wind that he could use to defend himself, or attack if necessary. Though he did find it slightly embarrassing that he had to slash like a feline cat to get his 'wind blade' working- noting that he needed to figure out how to remove that action. Another note was how he thought it was edgy that his wind was black in colour when in usage.

In tandem with the magic training, Rei had also chosen to continue endurance and strength training- anything to give him an edge where humans were physically weaker than pretty much every other race. That and the fact that using his powers, to any serious degree anyway, drained him physically. It felt pertinent to have high endurance. He had invited Corvina along to follow his 'regiment', as this too was in her best interest. He was pleasantly surprised to see her easily match his pace during the training. The two also shared ideas on how they should use their powers during the week. Spitballing ideas with each other.

Rei had unconsciously grown closer to his three compatriots, though he didn't intend it, he HAD established a connection with the three. It was a first for him, as while he had passing friends and acquaintances, it was nothing quite like this. Rei had thought, "Guess all it took to form something of a bond is a threat to my life, huh?"

Present Time

Malachi had shoved a broom into Rei's empty hands. He couldn't get a word in edgewise before Malachi trot off someplace in the house. "Humans are special, he says, and here we are doing menial slave work." Rei dryly joked, he knew that he already owed something to Kenia and her father for even allowing humans to stay with them. Before cleaning he wanted to ask where the dustpan was and looked around the house to ask. He found Kenia and Malachi talking about family, and their past but walked away before he could hear anymore.

Rei scratched his head, I'll just use my hands or something.
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