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Current Some of the damn quotes from old 80's animation is damn gold. If english isn't gonna cut it, just swap to ones native language and you have yourself some good comedy. Unlike hollywood post year 2000
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In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Time: Morning
Place: Roshmi

The male fairy had given a slight scoff at Elsea's words, how things had turned out for the worse inbetween them.

'Such ungratefulness for being alive. Those which do not value life is not going to last long in it.' He thought to himself, watching the redhaired woman with cold eyes. That's when she decided to pull a stunt with her mystical power over the flame, lighting a small flame in his lap. This caused Elthrael to rush up to his feet completely, his face serious and his mannerisms defensive. His movement was swift, and while he seemed like he wanted to say something in the heat of the moment he didn't, as he brushed off his clothing.

"The power is not a toy." He said through gritted teeth, his fists tightening as he stood before the gathering by the table.

"Those who do not respect the power, will end up being consumed by it. Remember that well..." He said in a snarling manner, spreading his mothlike wings before ascending into the air. Where he began to hover for a moment, giving the gathering one final look before he dashed away into the air, vanishing over a building. As he flew his mind gathered upon what he had now confirmed.

'To awaken that anger in her is the only way she will be of any use. To control a mere candleflame will not matter against the lich. Perhaps if one poke her enough times her rage will consume her and anyone else near her. Though that would be problematic with the princess present. She must be removed from the rest.' The fairy mused in his own thoughts, as he flew over several of the houses, before landing on one.

'Oh well, maybe they will get caught by the dark elves, if that is the case the princess will most likely be spared to be brought before the lich. Too bad I will not allow either the dark elves or that mangy vulpine have their way with her.' He softly began to chuckle to himself as he sat down at the top of the building, looking down to the various people traversing below.

'Now pray tell, where are the rest of these humans hiding?' He pondered as he spotted a nearby clothing line with a dark brown cloak and hood being dried, the dark winged fairy flew over and balanced his feet on the line before reaching down to pick them from the line. They were dry. A slight disguise for a search of the city. Elthrael flung the cape around him and attached it softly, he didn't want it to hinder him too much, and be able to discard it quickly if he had to, the hood was attached to it. He pulled it over his head and then took off, landing abit further away. Where he began to wander the streets, his hands and arms hidden under the cloak alongside his mothlike wings.

The city was vast as it was crowded, there was a lack of trees in Elthrael's view. He would never find ease in staying at this place for too long. The thought struck him just how long he had stayed in the forests near the river kingdom. The fairy finally decided to fly up and sit at a large withered tree at the border to the old graveyard. Just past the stone wall and close to the old gate.

"Well isn't this a lively place. At least it's a change from the flamehairs…" He said in a low manner to himself, his gaze falling to the nearby streets he could see from his vantage point.

In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Terneus Andros

Time: Morning
Place: Roshmi marketplace

There was something satisfying in drawing the attention away from the faun and to himself, even for someone who considered himself to be leagues higher in the food chain.

"Let it go? I will do no such thing." He snarled at the faun.

Terneus was just about to beckon his knights forth to seize the faun when an arrow swooshed past his head and nailed into the wall just above him. The sheer surprise caught him, and he stood still for a moment, completely still as if comprehending what just happened. Had someone just tried to kill him? To assassinate him in the morning hours at a market full of people? The sheer audacity, the arrogance and the nerve caused the elf to furrow his eyebrows which arched down in a nasty manner. He frowned as it dawned on him that this was done in public, where he could be seen as a unsuspecting fool. This he could NOT allow. His knights were more quick to react to the arrow in that they quickly drew their weapons, causing plenty of members of the crowd to step back in fear and surprise. The governor quickly looked about to see where the arrow had come from, he looked to the arrow in which manner in was pointed and then towards the direction it supposingly came from. There was some... disruption. Some magic was at work, he was sure of it. Perhaps even of the kind he was wielding himself. Had an elf from his own people tried to kill him? Some usurper who was planning on taking his position? He would have none of it!

"Guards! I am being assailed!" He yelled out in his pious sounding voice, as his attention was drawn to a loud centaur.

'A disgusting half-horse!' The governor grit his teeth together as he raised his hands in a shaking manner, not from fear or panic but of anger. Then came insectoids and birds which began to assault his knights, who in return slashed in the air with their weaponry and shields in retaliation while screaming in a mix of panic and surprise.

"Stop fooling around idiots! Seize that horseman!" He barked out as soon as he had begun to talk, commander Feldrin and two of the knights began to dart into the mass of people in an attempt to reach him. Leaving five of them fighting the variety of birds and insects assailing them, the last of the knights were located next to Terneus. That's when the centaur pulled a sweet honey cake and launched it towards the finely clad governor, it was on direct cause towards the governor, providing the centaur an ample moment to get away. The governor, his grace, the lord of the Andros family. Terneus saw the honeycake as it flew towards him, there was no room enough to gracefully dodge, with a puddle of mud at one side of him, and a dirty beggar to the other.

Terneus instictively grabbed hold of the knight close to him and pulled him into the firing line, causing the honey cake to splat straight into the knight's face instead, with a small piece of it flying over it's shoulder and landing on Terneus attire. The governor's eyes widened.

'My gown! My precious gown! How dare you?!' His thoughts fell unto his regal looking attire, which had taken so much child laborers to finish creating for him some weeks past. He wasted no time, as the buzzing sounds of insects and bird chirping was growing closer. He grabbed unto the knight's cape and used it to wipe his shoulder clean, before he kicked the knight in the rear into the direction of the rest of them as they were busy fighting the unfriendly forest critters.

"No! Not the bees! Not the bees!" The knight yelled as he plunged into the mess of knights, birds and insects.

"Tch! Get that vagrant horseman! Don't kill him! I want him alive! Commander?! I offer ten thousand amas to the ones who bring me these assassins! Argh! Must I do everything myself?!" He screamed in rage as he raised his mirror, using his magic to alter the light around him to turn himself invisible. Then the governor seemingly vanished from plain sight and began to move about unseen.

Baraian Paladice

Time: Morning
Place: Roshmi marketplace

Baraian had remained in the crowd as the governor of the elves and his group of knights had strolled into the marketplace. Why they would have approached Ilan was beyond Baraian, but then again he knew that the governor was a man with a very limited temper and easy to irritate. A reason why Baraian also considered him to be highly dangerous, that elf's ego was a driving force. He was about as powerful as he was vain, that much was certain. Baraian had hoped that things would be solved swiftly so that he could had gotten up to help Ilan sneak away, but there had been others intervening into the scene. He recognized the centaur as being one of his own, as in from Golden Death. Regulus was known as one of the more direct and brazened amongst them.

While Baraian did like having allies and more people join with Golden Death, he grew uneasy amidst some of them. For fear of the location of Ra Monde would be discovered. As he knew people did all within their power at times in order to survive. Even if it involved selling out their friends. He knew this better than most, after all he was a dark elf. For Baraian his survival had been in leaving Daka behind. He fled before the final test all dark elves go through in order to become proper warriors and swearing true allegiance to Aklenroth.

Faint memories of his family and time in Daka so long ago flooded to his mind for a moment, but he quickly shook it away. His attention snapped back to the present and to the ongoing chaos, a knight began to run past him at full speed to evade an angry hawk pecking on his head. Baraian couldn't resist the urge to hold out his leg abit, causing the knight to trip facefirst into the mud and cobblestones. The dark elf soon after allowed himself to slip back into the crowd of people, and that's when he laid his eyes on Kuroi.

He gave him a soft nod and then allowed himself to slip away alongside Kuroi. "Let us go to the shack." He said when he got close enough to Kuroi. He suggested they would go to the place where they had originally stayed prior to going to Ra Monde. It was too dangerous to withdraw to Ra Monde during daylight, and they could be followed after all. The last thing they would need would be the governor or his men finding their haven, it could be the end of their rebellion. No they had to take precautions.

The dark elf felt a strong unease, as if this incident was just the silence before a storm. A storm which he would not see the end of.
He began to move faster once they came out of the majority of the crowd, every now and then looking over his back as he thought he could hear footsteps. Perhaps it was the paranoia getting to him, his overprotectiveness of the rebel haven was a tiresome thing. How many nights had he spent awake just wondering how long it would take for the haven to be found, or someone to give it up to the wrong people. Now Ra Monde was led by Belladonna, and that was reassuring to him. Even if it would be found, they now had a chance to fight it out as long as they had her.

Baraian knew he would eventually have to take the talk with Belladonna about his sudden decision and unfair way which he had made her the leader. She never asked for that burden after all. He knew that very well, but there was no choice according to him. Without her they would be as lost as before.

"Did the others make it?" He said in a hushed manner to Kuroi, his eyes however darting from side to side as if fearing he was being followed. At the first closest alleyway, Baraian tried to skulk into it.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Place: Biralei estate

The small figure that was Zelginn had quickly opened the locket to peek inside of it as soon as he could, his clawed fingers holding unto it firmly.

"It seems you are this lady after all! Mistakes happen so easily!" He said in a joking manner to Kenia, then allowed his face to grow more serious as their tone of voice changed and both the elves desired him out of the building. "Why making such a scary face? I'm getting scared... I guess I'm off then, catch you later..." He pocketed the locket and turned to face one of the windows which wasn't sealed, he peeked over his own shoulder to the two elves.

"Maybe I'll introduce you to some of my friends. Oh they would love to invite you along for dinner and stuff! I'm sure you would die to meet them too!" He gave a wide grin, as he began to press his feet against the floor and quickly raised his arms in front of him, before he jumped straight into the glassy window, crashing out of it, pieces of glass flying all over the place, some parts cutting into his attire but the boy didn't stop. He landed on the grassy ground outside, where one of the watchdogs noticed him and quickly gave chase in a barking manner. His goal was to leap over the wall or fence which normally kept the place free of curious children, thieves or worse. His mission had been a successful one, for the most part. Stocked with new wealth, food and knowledge. How could the day go wrong from this wonderful start?

In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Place: Biralei residence
Time: Morning

"Oh mother always tells us children to go out and explore things for ourselves! She says it helps build character and make us strong!" Zelginn said with a wide smile as the food came within his eyesight again, taking both it and the coin pouch he had earlier liberated from a gambling dark elf. It contained a few amas, not enough to get a trip with however. His ears perked up when Kenia had explained to him that the two odd smelling individuals he had seen moments ago were family of hers. There was something about it which didn't sit well with Zelginn, perhaps it was just his stomach growling for food.

The blonde elf woman had left momentarily, leaving Zelginn to take a bite out of the first sausage in that neat chain of sausages. While at the same time throwing a mischevious glance to Malachi. "For a moment I thought it was humans. But that would be silly wouldn't it?" He said in a low tone of voice, tapping his lips with a clawed finger before his lips formed into a smile as he observed the male elf.

"Betcha wouldn't try hide those here would you?" He said soon after, inbetween chewing, half of the sausage in his right hand. He seemed to be about to say something else, when the female elf returned, causing him to assume a saluting pose.

"Welcome back, nice lady!" He said, stuffing the half-eaten sausage into one of his many pouches on his attire.

"Oh.. oh.. I cannot go to mother, she is imprisoned by the king since quite a long time! Far, very far to the north! Brrr! Really cold place too, It's alot warmer here. If you want to go all the way up there you need thick fur!" He said in a matter of fact voice, his arms crossing and his head nodding in self-agreement.

"Lord Norkas? Oh I don't know who that is. Whose lady Tsarra Urmicca? That's not your name! But can't I help you instead? I am very capable! I can sneak into places! I can pry open locks! I can even leave some of the food for you guys! Maybe you need a way into the ball that is coming soon? I can be of great help for sure! I also have the bestest of noses on this side of Avalia! No lie! I swear on my fur it's so!" Zelginn gave a soldierlike clap together with his clawed sot ridden feet and looked like he was ready for orders.

Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Place: Baelde's diner
Time: Morning

He had taken his time looking over the tavern wench, which Risa and Kyran appearantly knew, much like the loud big one. 'To think they wouldn't think before acting. Now they've involved these two into this. When the guards come trying to question them about our presence here. With so many eyes all around, how could they possibly slither out of that?' He thought momentarily, before the other thought took place over it.

'What's with foxboy's little eye? How curious, it does indeed seem like he cannot control his own power fully. A power you cannot control is not a power at all. Hmph.' He smirked as the voice of Elsea caught his attention and she did seem quite upset. How he disliked upset women. Unlike the men which were amusing, the women being upset was an issue.

"Indeed, you need not to learn anything because you cannot learn anything. You lack the will to contain yourself, and thus I will not train you. It would be a waste of time. Like preaching religion to the deaf, or try put out fire with oil." He said in a scoffing manner, before proceeding in regards to Elsea's words about Risa.

"So many in this world would have done anything to be just like her, to have that ability, that chance to do something of a grander scale. To not use that gift, would be very unfortunate. You also need to do something, otherwise nothing is ever going to happen. Someone must always take the first hard step, no matter how hard it may be." Elthrael chuckled softly as he leaned back abit, resting his back briefly.

"Life is a battlefield, what other battlefield do you need? Emotions can aid you, but also tear you down. In your case I suspect to see the latter. I disagree with you that war would change all for the worse. It is during such trying times that the grandest of acts are taken. Oh I'm certain even your world have these... heroes which inspired others in wars for their achievements. Which mostly consisted of killing other creatures mind you." His eyes kept watch of both Kyran and Elsea, knowing fully well they were likely the most volatile in the gathering and could potentially explode at any given moment, given enough fuel.

His attention snapped to Dionaea. "Like she says, we should make certain the losses are not in vain. I very much find your mindset most admirable. Let us dethrone this fool once and for all shall we?" He said the last part very quietly, his lips forming a smirk.

'Such promise... how refreshing.' He thought to himself as he watched over Dionaea, before turning to Risa.

"Such kind words, but so very suitable for such sweet lips as yours~" He winked towards Risa, then throwing a glance to Kyran. His mouth showing a few teeth as he held back a grin.

"Ahh yes, hope... I certainly hope you will also take into consideration of your own life, and how it is the key to saving a kingdom from complete... ruin." Elthrael finally added, one of his hands resting on the hard wooden pommel of his sword.

Baraian Paladice

Place: Marketplace (Roshmi)
Time: Morning

"Act natural and you will be fine. The dark elves only grow interested if you start sprouting things in public or get into a direct confrontation with them. But your insight is good Ilan, I will search through the crowd for any signs." The dark elf solemnly nodded, leaving some space from his faun companion, to meld in with the crowd as good as he could. He began to wander slowly around the crowd of people starting to form up, entertainment was always drawing attention. Even from the dark elves who needed some time off from oppressing the populace. Baraian looked through the gathering of people slowly as he walked, there were demi-humans of all sorts and sizes amidst the crowd and every here and there an elf or two. That's when someone bumped into him.

"Watch yourself, you ill suited vagrant. Out of my way." A pious sounding voice was heard from his right, passing right by him, the long white garments were as white as those worn by himself. It was a tall elf with silvery hair, his armoring polished and behind him was a group of armored elves. Baraian stepped aside instinctively, looking from under his hood. He swallowed, and then breathed out through his mouth.

'What is he doing here?' The dark elf's eyes narrowed, forgetting for a moment his task of searching the crowd for human presence. Once the group of elves had passed him by fully, he turned to look at Ilan and then to the crowd. His eyes searched through each and everyone of them. None wore odd garments from what he could tell, or gave the impression that they were something other than demi-human or elven. His eyes turned up to Ilan and shook his head softly, to indicate that it had not bore any fruit so far.

Terneus Andros

Place: Marketplace (Roshmi) -> Elsewhere
Time: Morning

To think that dark elf commander Dreadclaw had the nerve to challenge him, it irked him to no end. The dark elves as a race was an abomination, a freak mutation... no... a parasite. If he could only order their destruction, but such a beautiful dream could never come true with Aklenroth being in power. The light elf knew that against Aklenroth whose magic was clearly superior, not because of his race but because of his age. Yes, it irked him that if he had lived as long as that undead lord he would have beaten him. There was no doubt in Terneus head of that. He began to wander the streets, past a house of ill respute.

"Filthy peasants spreading diseases and sicknesses like no tomorrow, no wonder this place is a cesspool." He felt the urge to spit, but reconsidered as he wouldn't even want his spit to be contaminated by the area. A lightly clad demi-human woman was smiling towards him as he began to pass by, dragging in her shirt abit as if it was overly warm. Terneus brows furrowed, his teeth clenched together and he began to angrily march away from it. His group of knights shortly after, once they snapped out of the nice view provided.

'Lice ridden, dirty, filthy, mongel infested...' He began to think of a name suitable to describe the scenery which was sickening him, he swiftly made his way towards the market district where he began to wander amidst the common folk. Although with some distance, giving some of them coughs along the way and the evil eye. Indicating for them to move away. Then some white clad court jester had the nerve to bump into his regal attire. He had the sudden urge to slap the pitiful fool, had not he previously lost his glove from filthiness. He angrily marched past the white hooded person, and threw an angry glare to the noise of someone playing on a lyre. The elf stopped in his tracks, it was a pleasant tune which snapped him out of his thoughts. 'What is that?' He looked up to where a faun had neatly placed himself and the crowd, which he had barged into were appearantly listening to.

'A street performer? How- dare it sully this melody with it's beastly grip and draw me out of my mindful sanctum of thoughts. Is this even legal? Could it be this is some distraction for pesky thieves? A parasite on the society, no this city is too much.' The elf thought to himself as he gradually stepped closer, throwing a thin looking man out of the way before realizing the man was probably dirty. It made him grit his teeth for his lack of foresight, but it was surely the fault of this meddling musician.

"Hey! Stop that at once! Go back to work peasants you are blocking important matters and trade! Shoo! And give me that you misleading cretin! You lack the proper permits!" He barked out and stepped up to try grab the lyre from the faun, his knights blinking in surprise but soon stepping up closer to their lord which was full of action this day. Terneus then tried to take hold of the faun's lyre in order to throw it at the cobblestone ridden street.

In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Time: Morning
Place: Baelde's

Elthrael had taken much pleasure from seeing Dionaea reaction to his comments about her, he had nodded in assurance when she had asked him if that was what he indeed thought. But now as they all found themselves by the diner, the dark winged fairy found himself inspected by Risa. It would seem she held at least some interest in his exile, the willingness to listen was a trait he valued highly, thus he decided to tell her some of it.

"Yes, exile. The fate of those whom are misunderstood or feared by others, and those whose crimes have been vile. My crime? Being born into this world looking like this. My parents refused to toss me away, so they too were banished." The darkwinged fairy allowed a smile to decorate his face, as if it both annoyed him but also amused him.

"To a deer, a hunter is evil. To a mouse, a snake. Beings do what is in their nature to do. Are we any different? Demons are created or born, I know not which. Most if not all of them are what the majority of being in this world would deem to be evil. The dark elves, driven to destruction by the lust for power at all costs have gotten corrupted by it. Causing themselves and those around them suffering. The orcs enjoy violence, it's as if fighting is them simply living, as if it would be when they feel most alive. You kill someones father, his family will hunt and hate you. Kill someone's son, and his parents will despise you. An endless circle of revenge and destruction of no end. Unless you find yourself being the one cutting the chain short." He blew some air through his mouth, and smirked for a moment before continuing.

"Let me tell you a story, an old story. A story which none of the fairy elders would have told you, for it is one which they would never wish to remember or hear of. A long time ago, far before the lich king seized the throne. There existed a race of fairies, their beauty, art and mastery of natures magic was the grandest of them all. Their appearance unlike the fairies we know of today. They ruled over the other fairies, under a single kingdom, keeping them safe from the orcish warlords and the armies of an old demon lord which sought to conquer all. The ancient fairies were well versed and able, and together with their brothers and sisters they managed to win that war. But the other fairies grew fearful, jealous and filled with malice. They allied themselves with the elves, who also had grown envious. Together they plotted and hunted every last one of the ancient fairies down, as their numbers were low in comparison. They could not fight back, they tried to flee, but were chased down to extinction. It was said that the last of the ancient fairies were hunted down into an underground haven underneath Roshmi. But who would believe that fairytale? Hahah..." Elthrael chuckled and then took a moment to pause, caressing his cheek with a finger for a moment before proceeding.

"After that the elves took all the riches of the ancient fairies to empower themselves, the other fairies began to bicker and fight amongst oneanother until they split up and thus set off in different directions to start a new life. Leaving the old ruined kingdom behind in that deep forest of mystery, allowing nature to envelop it once more. It is said it still exists out there somewhere, and within the place. The proof of fairykind's greatest sin. The murder of their own kind." Elthrael's hair hung over his eyes slightly as he hunched forwards, before looking up at those around the table.

"There's an old legend however, of an elf who came upon a survivor of the extinction. Who happened to be carrying something with him, which he passed unto the elf for sparing his life. Before vanishing forever..." The dark winged fairy, placed one of his hands on the table, tapping it abit with his fingers.

"The tales said that elf was Aklenroth, or a god. But what is more curious is the question, whose the evil ones? I suppose you could ponder on that for quite some time, I would rather spend my time to ponder on what happened with the last of the ancient fairies. Where did he go? What did he do? When you are truly alone, what is it you desire the most of all things?" He posed the question in a very mysterious manner, with a slight upturn at the corner of his mouth. His golden eyes setting on Risa, his facial expression calm and collected.

"I wonder, would they had been able to forgive those which did the inexcusable? Were they still around that is." Elthrael gave a soft, yet smooth chuckle as he began to lowly mumble.

"A war requires soldiers, supplies and a will to fight. There are only a few ways to amass such a force, one of the ways lie with Risa here. A royal request could do." He suggested, tapping his chin as he did, before he went on to speak in a more riddle-like manner. Saying it in a very mysterious manner, if not a tad dramatic.

"There's however another path, a path long forsakened and hard to find. A place of old, with stories untold. A door of sin, with evil deed within. Into the forest of the elven moons, to the tree of all trees. In the keep of the old ones, the scroll of binding lies, amidst the terrible truth. A royal hand may open the path inside." He finally finished, blowing some air through his mouth and looking between those by the table.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Time: Breakfast time
Location: Baelde's diner

The dark winged fairy had relocated himself to the appletree which he had moments earlier grown with his magic. He plucked two apples from it, sliding one into the inside of his blue overcoat. Then flew over to sit on top of a nearby wooden post made for hanging a lantern in, crossing his legs slightly and taking the other apple to his mouth, taking a bite out of it. The sweetness of the apple would suffice for now, a precursor to a sweet victory to be seized further down the road. Perhaps one of many. The fairy was in no hurry, he would take his time and calculate his next moves with precision. Would something unexpected come into his path, then he would just have to deal with it in the smoothest way possible.

At his terms ofcourse. Anything else would be gambling, and gambling was something the fairy did not enjoy. Those which gamble end up winning big, but they may also lose everything they own, even themselves. Such a path was not appealing to him at all. As he sat there eating his apple, the others finally exited the building, now clad in other clothing. Had they indeed decided to dress up? Elthrael looked at them for a good moment, with a blank expression.

'What's that good for? All you need to do is clean yourselves or hide your scent. Changing clothes won't stop the hounds potentially hunting us...' He thought to himself, as he uncrossed his legs, throwing the mostly eaten apple over his back making it land on some grass. Before flying down, landing closer to the group. He gave Kyran a slight upturn at the corner of his mouth, letting the demi-human know he wasn't going to keep his guard down for a moment. Even as they moved and conversed, the fairy made sure to keep a close eye on the vulpine but also to his surroundings. Taking in each sound, each smell. The group was being led towards a place to eat by Risa. During which Elthrael saw it a fine moment to introduce himself to Dionaea.

"The name is Elthrael, pleased to make such a fine aqquaintance. That attire compliments your form quite perfectly, I'd love to teach you a few... physical manuevers." He offered a slight bow with his torso and arm, followed by a slight smile and glimmer in his eyes.

'Eat in order to live. Eat too much however and you will get fat and won't be able to move fast enough. Which might make you into someone elses dinner...' The fairy thought as they came within sight of a place which looked like a diner.

"Oh?" He said aloud, tilting his head to the side abit when he saw the bearlike demi-human pop out from behind the counter. 'Oh and ain't he wonderful... This whelp a huntsman? Bah!' The dark winged fairy thought in a snarl like manner, throwing a glance to Kyran before he was being the subject of a bear hug.

"Yes, warm greetings..." Elthrael said towards the overly energic and jolly bearman. 'Such a loud one, he would have died the moment he sat his paws into the forests...' The fairy thought as a smug grin began to decorate his face, throwing a momentary glance to Risa.

"Oh I'm certain nothing rains on his parade...Hm? What's this?" He said as he was handed a menu by Risa, his eyes searching the menu momentarily. The thought of ordering city food, something about that very thought unsettled him. How easy it would be for someone to slip poison into your dinner. But then again, he was confident of his nose and ability to detect such as long as they had a scent. The apparent dimwittedness of the bearman could be a show of true nature, or he could be a mastermind in disguise. Neither thing could be fully proven yet though. He devised a simple plan, since he had no coin with him he couldn't order anything. Allowing himself to slip neatly away from it. Unless someone got the idea to offer to pay for his dinner, that thought itself was both amusing but annoying at the same time. A thing truly tricky to place.

"Bread... I ate that once. Some twenty-five years ago. Very fluffy I do recall. Like a woman whose bearing offspring." He said with a slight scoff in his voice, raising one hand up to his chin in thought, his fingers drumming on his cheek.

"But that was before my little... exile. Hnn hnn. I'm sure some dark elves would know what I'm talking about. Ahh! Unlike them however, I do not hold such petty grudges against an entire race, what purpose would that do other than destroy your very person? Pfah." He said with a shrug of his shoulders, his hand moving up to his face as he gave Risa and Dionaea a look each.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Terneus Andros

It was with determined steps that Terneus began to stroll away from the gathering of dark elves, his entourage of knights accompanying him. Some of them disgruntled from both seeing and having to listen to a dark elf.

"My lord, pardon my insolence. But why did you not take the dark elf up on his offer? You would have surely been able to-" The elven knight was intercepted by a swift slap across the face, sending his face slightly to the side. His lord had a peculiar way to show his approval and disappointment in others for certain.

"Ofcourse I would. The winner of such a mundane contest would have been won by me, to the point that he would consider moving back to his..." The light elf took a moment to put in an amused chuckle. "Home." He said with a slight grin on his face. "But accepting a spar like that could imply that he would stand a chance. I couldn't possibly live with anyone making such a conclusion, that would put -him- on an equal footing as -me-." He began to wave his mirror to fan his face, as his attention fell on Commander Feldrin.

"Besides I have a very important mission, I cannot allow myself to be stopped by mere insects. At such times you will have to step over them, or swat them. Though my preferance is to simply ignore them. For they are insects." Terneus reached up his hand and grabbed Feldrin's cheek with two fingers, pulling abit and then letting go. "Now we are going to find any and all possible leads to any humans in the city. If you find them, you will be rewarded handsomely. I am a generous man." Terneus gave a soft smile, and put his free hand at his waist as he began to walk along the street leading towards the marketplace.


He had waited patiently to see how the people around him would have taken to his short little accusation to put the blame on the blonde elf. For a moment the female elf seemed to have taken the bait, but alas it was not the case. She had seen through his guise fully and completely. The small figure lowered his ears as he realized he had been caught, and not only that but the woman was a skilled liar herself. It's either that or she told a lie right there. The boy perked his ears up, lowering his guard briefly and then felt as life- no his band of sausages was being stolen! The elf woman had seized his dinner-to-be, after all the trouble he had gone through to liberate it from their prison.

"Hey!" He yelled out as he felt them slip out of his safe embrace, the various meaty sausages were drawn away like a terrible nightmare. He began to reach out to try and stop it, but alas they were already out of his reach.

"I-I took those! Uh.. for safekeeping! In a c-certain kind of way! I got scared, you remind me of my mother. Oh she can really get scary..." The small figure frowned for a moment, fumbling his clawed fingers together. His eyes and face beamed up at the chance of having his new belongings return to him, all he had to do was to tell them his name and what he was doing there. That was something he indeed could do. It was alot better than being turned in, so that the dark elf he had previously relieved of his coin would get payback.

"Ermm.. I'm Zelginn, I didn't really break in! The chimney was open! Uhm... I am a pillag- pilgrim... uh.. of homes. I go and visit all the homes of the city and sometimes I get hungry when doing so..." Zelginn proceeded by kicking the floor abit with his sot ridden feet, as if embarassed of the fact. "I guess I was curious... and hungry..." He said in a low mumble, looking up at Kenia and then to Malachi. "Sorry" He said in a hushed manner to Malachi, one of his hands raised up to his mouth as he did.

"Uh... what's with these two? They look and smell really weird..." He wrinkled his nose and narrowed his eyes to stare abit in uncertainty to Rei and Corvina.

"Oh oh! I know! I can make up for my... ahem! Rude intrusion.. I'll do anything! For sure! I swear on my tail!" He nodded very quickly, after making a snapping sound with his fingers, his attention at Kenia.

Baraian Paladice

"I am pleased to hear so, only together can we accomplish the greatness needed to save this world. Will you play that lyre of yours someday with a tune of victory? I certainly hope so. I hope the coming war will be the last war ever fought in Avalia. You have much wisdom, Ilan." The dark elf attempted to pat the faun on the shoulder as they began to walk towards the tent where Kuroi had decided to stay. Baraian had not interacted much with him after their arrival, but it seemed so far as if he was not an enemy of Ra Monde or the rebellion. This allowed Baraian to breathe out abit in relief.

"It would appear Kuroi has left for the surface, perhaps alongside our new leader. That is fine, she should have someone with her at all times until she has gotten more familiar with the city itself. In my own case, I've lived here for most of my life. The homeland for us dark elves. Dakka. It never felt like home to me. The cruelty of my fellow kind, family or otherwise. The strong ruling over the weak. An endless spiral of suffering and death. A terrible place." Baraian said in his usual monotone manner of voice, he clasped both his hands together before him as he walked alongside Ilan.

"We should also head up then, I also believe there may be more humans about. The marketplace is a good location to find people. As all people have to eat, they would eventually have to go there. So that is where we should begin to look. Perhaps you can attract them with some of your music? The world would have been a much kinder place if there were more like you around. Who could play such beautiful tunes." The dark elf nodded softly and began to move towards the stairs leading up from Ra Monde, ready to open and seal the entrance after they would leave. Then set out towards the marketplace in search for any leads.

'It's a shame the world isn't as kind as the songs you sing, Ilan. Then I wouldn't have to do, what I must do.' The dark elf thought to himself.

In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Time: Breakfast time!
Place: Roshmi (outside Kyran's parents home)

The dark winged fairy had found much amusement in Risa's regal command as princess, his jagged corner teeth showing as he smirked. Then he proceeded to do a bowing motion midair, one arm before him and the other behind.

"As you wish, princess. Take your time, I will wait til you are ready." He said with a smile on his lips looking towards Risa, before throwing a glance to Kyran where his smile turned into a smug grin.

'So it begins, the fight for the crowns. Yes, the crowns. It is not only the lich who bears one. Dear princess, I will claim both crowns and be the ruler this world needs. An unquestionable order, a reshaping of the land, a restructure of the natural order how it should be. Would this vicious vulpine threaten the plan, he would doom the entirity of Avalia. If the fairy kingdom could not accept me for my appearance at birth, they would never kneel to a vulpine as a co-ruler. No, it has to be someone of fey kind, someone with ambition. Who will not let things slip out of his hands. The reason for Aklenroth's reign is each race's inability to decide the next cause of action and naively believing that they do not need to know how to fight. Fighting... Fighting is living! If you cannot defend yourself, how would you be able to defend others? Stand so that you may pull up those yet too weak to fight, inspire them with the necessary encouragement to make them use their granted gifts. To not use the gifts bestowed upon them at birth is to spit nature in it's hand, to be ungrateful to what you've been given. To throw away such a large portion of your life.

Someday you will regret neglecting yourself, for it will show in your inability to defend yourself or others. And that is how we find ourselves in our predicament. There are those however whose ambitions and lust for power be driving them to insanity, that they desire it at any cost but without any effort put into it. They want it for free. Thinking they can wield the darkest and most powerful of magics, but instead become wielded and consumed by said power. A power is only a power if you can wield it, if it is not then it is a liability. Just like how this girl, Elsea turned out to be. She lacks the focus needed. She won't be able to learn it, If I can twist her very form with words she'll never master that art. To be able to twist others while not becoming twisted yourself, is an art which I have mastered. Taunt, mock and lure, while still not being subjected to either yourself is how you can get someone right where you want them. Fight at your terms. The more factors into your favor, the more likely the chance for success.'
He thought to himself, looking over the gathering of people which were now getting ready to do some attire change and march off to some place to eat.

'To eat and drink, to breathe the air, to feel your heart beating in your chest. All of these things people so often take for granted, never ever pondering on a day where it may no longer be there. Those without foresight, those without premonition for the future be doomed to perish in it. This vulpine... Kyran and Elsea are loose ends. They will not make it that far, their hotheaded nature will get them killed. A pity about the girl, but it cannot be helped. You cannot change the nature in people, as little as you can change nature itself. It is what it is and has always been. The strong rule over the weak, as it is meant to be. Some be gifted at fighting, some be rich in wealth or power, others find... love. Life itself is not fair, it is what you make it to be. If you lack the ambition to rise in the food chain, then you will be nourishment for someone else. There's nothing else to it. It is how the world works, yet even so creatures at the top of the food chain may because of their power shield those who are weaker. Or in the cases of the dark elves, enslave them. Much like Aklenroth has enslaved them. But in such a way, those which are weak also serve a purpose.

You should never disrespect life, not yours and not anything elses. To inflict unnecessary physical pain is an anomaly which must be cut away. An impurity of the soul and defilement of nature. Aklenroth had the ambition, but also the wickedness which drew him to defile nature. Would he not have defiled the nature which even he was born from, I would not have minded his rule. But now as things have gone the way it has, then he is a bad plant which I must unroot and toss into the fiery pit which he has dug for himself. There's just nothing more to it. Nothing is eternal, nothing lasts forever. Not even nature as we know it, but it will survive in other ways.'
He allowed a smile to decorate his face as his thoughts wandered, his form sitting down at a nearby pillar, waiting outside of the house which reeked of vulpine foulness.

'King Millinia, how could you allow your own kingdom to fall asunder? This is what happens when people lack the ambition and focus needed to rule. If you are not willing to sacrifice a pawn in order to win the game, then you are useless as a ruler. No ruler can ever win and not lose a single piece on the board. Those which try end up losing everything instead, for that one piece. As long as the king still lives, then there is hope for victory. Even if the queen is the most dangerous tool on the board. For future kingdom come, we must have a clear enemy, which we may put our focus upon to gather our army. The orcs perhaps? They breed like rabbits, we would surely not be able to kill all of them off. Not that I would ever desire that fate for any creature. Knowing that I am such a thing myself. A creature unlike any other fairy, yet at the same time just like them. Be it irony or fate which has bestowed me the curse, which I crafted into a power. In which I will use it to seize power to control it all. The dark elves and their slavery, they will able to keep it under my rule. With some... differences. If they take sadistic pleasures, they must be... purified.' The fairy kept pondering to himself, calmly looking around.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Baraian Paladice

Time: Morning
Place: Ra Monde (Underground)

The dark elf took his time in looking over Ilan, as if considering what he would do with him. Baraian concluded just by looking the faun over, that he was most surely not someone used to fighting. Were it his way of moving, his soft voice and mannerism. Perhaps it were the entirety of the faun himself which screamed pacifist. Baraian took off his hood to reveal his white hair, and the braid he kept and then stepped up closer to Ilan.

"You show initiative, that is promising. When it comes to what the plans be, we are going to find more people willing on joining our cause. If we can find more humans, all the better. Like you say, the likelyhood of there being more inside of Roshmi is decently high. We must find them before the servants of the king does. The more of them we have, the better is our chances to succeed." Baraian raised both his arms and tried to place both his hands on Ilan's shoulders.

"Can we count on you? Will you fight with us? Not everyone is a master of the sword or bow, you have no doubt other talents. One talent which I have deciphered is your unquestionable kind heart. People will turn to you for aid, use your natural gift to make sure no one will splinter or disrupt the rebellion. Make sure that our new leader doesn't forget about the people in here. The vulpine with the fans, we should go to him. Take him with us to the surface in our search. Your suggestion is a good one after all. Keep placing such good advice and you will serve our new leader well." The dark elf offered a serious nod, then lowered his arms as soon as he had pulled down his hood. He began to walk, looking over his shoulder indicating for Ilan to follow. "Ask him to accompany us. You have a way with words far better than mine."

The dark elf looked forwards again, the shadowy shade from his hood falling over his eyes and nose as the corner of his mouth began to twitch, just a tiny little bit.

Terneus Andros

Time: Morning
Place: Roshmi

Terneus opened his mouth is a gasping manner. 'Mistaken?' The word lingered in his head for a moment. He had NEVER been mistaking anything, no this dark elf was the one being mistaken!

The light elf allowed his noble eyebrows to furrow slightly. "Mean nothing to you? Oh how about the exile of your kind? Does that also mean nothing? It was after all we of the true elves which banished your ilk to begin with. So in a manner of speaking, this isn't your land either. But the king's." Terneus waved his mirror as if it was a fan in front of himself.

"Oh don't delude yourself, we are not equal even if we serve the king. I know your king better than you do to be fair, and speaking of fair. That I am. Oh and I shall not refer to you by any name, commander. I see little point in speaking with the dead. Suffice to say your ilk have a tendency to not last very long, unlike me.. which has made living into an artform. A beautiful artform."

Terneus softly chuckled with a hand before his mouth, until he saw a change in the dark elf, he appeared to be troubled and thinking about something by the look of it. It seemed his mention of the banishment hit him hard! The light elf screamed in pleasure within, how he enjoyed to see these exiles suffer.

"Flattery now? Surely you can do better, legend makes me sound several hundred years younger. Which doesn't make justice to my knowledge and skill. My martial prowess hm? Oh hohoho, you would wish for me to duel someone? Who could possibly have the skill to match mine? The king excluded ofcourse. Surely you don't mean yourself? Ahah! Oh? You do? Oh how very entertaining, it would surely not be fair, even with my face. It would be like watching a swordsmaster beating a child with a wooden sword. There's no need to shame yourself in front of your men, neither do -I- have the time. I have some rebel scum to capture." The light elf allowed himself a high and mighty chuckle, as he turned around and motioned for his men to get ready to leave, his eyes gazing into the mirror to see what Xenelith would do.


Time: Morning
Place: Biralei estate

The small tailed and foxeared boy sat in the bookcase, hissing at the dog below which had a high interest in him. How he disliked dogs, they always tried to ruin all his fun.

Shoo! Shoo! He thought to himself as he eyed the dog and then to the two humans, as a male elf appeared in the doorway. Zelginn smiled widely in an awkward manner as he waved one of his hands, before grabbing unto the bookcase again. It appeared to him that the elf was the owner, or at least a superior to the two humans. Humans? That's odd. There shouldn't be any humans around. The small figure blinked quickly, looking over the two odd creatures below, the band of sausages hanging still around his form.

He decided to keep quiet to hear what excuse the two humans would come up with to the elf. Curiousity got the better of him. And then came a female elf in, which seemed to be either the male elf's wife or the actual owner of the place. The arrival of more people made him more and more curious. The elf woman tried to lure him down, but Zelginn was highly trained to resist temptation wherever it would present-

"Oh cake!" He began to swiftly climb down as soon as the canine had backed down, and then scurried over to sit at the table, taking a slight jump up on it with dirty sot ridden feet, his small right hand reaching out to receive the honey cake as the left began to rub in his eye.

"Sorry.." He said softly, as a small sniffing sound exited from his mouth, his left hand wiping his eyes. "I'm just soo hungry..." He said lowly, as he listened to Corvina explain things to the elf woman.

"S-she's right, I-I... I didn't know a kind lady lived here, I should never have listened to him... he told me to go down the chimney.." He sniffed again, making a pained facial expression, rubbing his eyes harder. "H-he told me I could t-take as much food as I wanted... if I fetched him shiny jewels... he even gave me coins, but I cannot do it to this nice lady!" He said aloud, and took out the small pouch he had taken from the dark elf, throwing it to Malachi. "Y-you can have that back! I won't steal the nice lady's things for you!" He said in a teary eyed manner to Malachi, as he grasped the honey cake in his hand, then jumped down to try hide himself behind Kenia's leg looking at Malachi. That's when he gave the male elf a smug look, only for a brief moment.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Baraian Paladice

Time: Morning
Location: Roshmi City (Ra Monde)

It felt oddly satisfying to just laugh to him, he who had kept a stone face for such a long time. How long had it truly been since he departed from Dakka? The days had melded in with the weeks, the months into the years. People had come and gone to Golden Death. Many of whom never lived to see the day that a human would finally appear.

Prior to the appearance of the short female human, whom he had now appointed as the new leader of them all, there had been a feeling of hopelessness amongst all. Whilst in such a place of despair and lamentation, Baraian had kept his faith and hope that there would come a day where a human would wander the halls of Ra Monde. How would the dark elves of Dakka look upon him if they knew of his work, of his gathering of rebels for over a hundred years? Their wrath and punishment would be dire indeed. Despite knowing what fate would befall him had they caught him, the option of death was not that bad. The worst fate of all would to become an undead. A servant of Aklenroth.

Locked forever into servitude under a cruel master. Not too different from most dark elves living in Dakka. He had learnt early that the world is a cruel place, where the strong rule over the weak. Where people are born into the world and eventually die. The natural order of things as some would call it. A pointless existance of suffering, where the bad would always outweigh the good. Why? Because people were greedy, envious and hateful of each other. It wasn't locked to any race, but rather a nature kept in most beings. It revealing itself more clearly in some than others.

The world that most people wished for however was a peaceful world, without war, misery and suffering. Where there would be no pain, where none would ever fall sick or die. Where all your dreams would come true. Such a world did not exist. It could never exist. For peoples urge for chaos and change would drive them against oneanother and kill each other. Often he had found himself asking what made him different, the answer that came back every time was the same. He was the same.

He desired a place just out of reach. Yet unlike them, he knew a path which could lead them there. The path would however be covered in blood, just like the wars fought in the past. Nothing was truly free. He wasn't free. No one was. The dark elf allowed his hand to softly take hold of the dagger he had previously jammed into the table, putting it in it's small leather sheath.

No matter what would happen now, he would win. What only mattered was if he was going to get a minor victory for himself, or a major victory for himself and everyone living in Avalia.

Baraian's face grew more grim. 'War. The path of victory is drenched in blood.' He thought to himself as he strode towards the exit of his tent, that's when he saw the faun which had accompanied the human and also the masked fan-wielder to Ra Monde.

"Something you require?" Baraian asked in a monotone and slightly formal manner, putting both his arms behind his back as he walked closer to the faun. Looking him over and the clothes which he seemed to be fidgeting with.

"If you have questions. Ask them and I will see if I can give you the answers you seek." The dark elf continued before Ilan could answer him.

Terneus Andros

Time: Morning
Location: Roshimi City

Terneus had raised an eyebrow on hearing Xenelith speak again, his very words seemed to offend the very air around him. Even before he listened to what he actually was saying.

'This filthy exile have heard of my family members?' The light elf thought as his interest grew more keen, perhaps there were some flattery in there. It became clear to him soon enough there was none, aside from the fact he was the lone heir. Save his exiled brother who he would not name nor spend a moment further to think about. The memory made his stomach upset and he felt the need to spit but restrained himself. The mention of his family had however sparked memories to him.

His father who had favored his older brother, much to Terneus displeasure. 'All I ever wanted was to be like him. If you ever would have loved me as you did him father. I would have burnt the entire world...' The whiteclad elf thought to himself in silence, his eyes narrowing slightly until his thoughts went to his mother.

'Ahh! Mother! You also always loved Excelas the best! What did he have that I didn't? Hnggnn...' Terneus bit his lower lip slightly before adjusting his stance and overall pose, collecting himself from his memories.

"Yes, I am the lone heir. But my house has never been stronger. Which is why I govern over the light elves and not someone of common birth." He assured the dark elf commander and then gave his own knights a glance, if only brief.

"A traitor amongst the fairies? How fortunate that you managed to put an end to it. When it comes to myself, I cannot simply memorize every bug I happen to step over, neither by appearance or name." He allowed a soft chuckle to escape his lips as he waved his mirror as a fan towards himself. "As for this Misa Millina... Oh yes, that's the name I remember now, that brat... horrible? No.. Ari... No? Oribel. Yes that's the name. Seems that young little fairy had offspring with rebellious spirit. She and her outdated thugs will soon be captured, I'll bring them to the king himself after reassuring the trip will be as smooth as possible without any attempts to free them." He said in a thoughtful, if not slightly amused manner. The light elf looked as Xenelith inspected his troops, Terneus thought for a moment to do the same to his. But then was reminded of their tainted and filthiness, and who knew their sickness could even possibly be a threat to an elf of his high standing. The thought itself made the elf gulp.

"Pardon? Insult you commander? Oh was that a joke? I would never steep that low." Terneus said in a reassuring manner, as if the very thought was unappealing to him. "I would never insult the king either, my men are clean and scar free because only warriors who get hurt and fail get scarred or dirtied. Their duels are however entertaining, they are not comparable to my skills but to be fair." He took a moment to put in a very noble sounding chuckle. "Who is? Oh and I know fully well they will be heard, and that is the point. Have them flee, fill them with fear and they will run towards their little hiding places so you can smoke every last one out." Terneus said in an amused and sinister manner, which would imply that he has certainly done something of that nature in the past.

"And it is -Lord- Andros, you may join my forces for now until I aqquire these rebel scum and bring them to the king. Oh and don't be silly, my men have nothing to learn from yours. Win a war? Oh I always win. And I'll make it most beautiful." The light elf allowed a very sinister smile to decorate his face, one which would send his men into a chain reaction of gulps.

'...then someday my people will destroy you dark elf, and your homeland.'
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