Time: Morning
Location: Roshmi- Kenia's estate.
Interaction: @Tae-Kenia | @princess-Malachia | @Inertia - Rei

Week Summary N.A.
"Wow," Cora turned to watch Malachi and held the mop weakly in her hands. She glanced at Rei's broom and a wicked grin split across her face. "Who needs magic to defeat Aklenroth when we can use our new best friends, Rei?" She added as a new reply came to mind and giggled. Her eyes were shining with glee. "I can use wash my hair and mop at the same time. This is some magical multitasking don't you think?" She laughed at his response. "Yeah, we're definitely special - special enough to wield the magical broom and mop. Imagine how dangerous we can be with these. Why continue training our magic without these?" The guest comment made her chuckle, but gratitude still swelled inside of her at the generosity. She hadn't been able to shake the dread of being forced to hide again. She hated small, enclosed spaces. She was grateful to have been with Rei at least so she hadn't been alone in the dark.
Malachi turned his back to them and told them to make sure it was "spotless", Cora had chortled out loud and turned back to Rei. "Yes Rei, make sure it's spotless enough for him to see his ego reflected back to him." Cora giggled to herself and smirked proudly at the wall. She had been enjoying her time with these three, much to her surprise. Part of her was beginning to open up and reveal her personality. It had been too long without true companionship; mostly, she had acquaintances. Corvina couldn't help but wonder if she hadn't moved, would she have ended up in Avalia? Her mind began to reel as she recalled her prior life and gritted her teeth. No - she would not think of Ophelia nor Gale. These were names she never wanted to remember again. Cora knew she would rather face the wilderness of Avalia over it.
As she forced herself back to reality, Cora found her hands were shaking from anger and hatred. She took several deep breaths and noticed she had missed Rei leaving to find the dustpan. Cora frowned, distantly recalling having seen it in the closet down the hall. She went towards the closet and opened it and took out the magical dustpan. At the same time, a faint, haunting singing rang throughout the hallway. She curiously began to follow it. It didn't take long to find it belonged to Kenia who was having a heart-to-heart with Malachi. Rei was backing away awkwardly. Cora move to Rei's peripheral vision and tapped his arm while looking over to hear. Her eyes quickly gazed over the paintings and was able to pick up the gist of the situation. She showed him the dustpan while her other hand touched his to lead him away.
Hoping he complied, she returned to the kitchen and set the dustpan down. She was silent for a moment as she processed the situation. Those babies had been Kenia's and the man her companion. She didn't know if they had been married or what trauma this woman had endured. It was clear the babies hadn't survived. Her heart ached for Kenia but she wasn't going to interrupt. Perhaps later she could give her a hug. Corvina glanced over at Rei finally and then commented: "This world may not be so different from our own in some ways; just more dangerous, magical, and filled with endless possibilities." She smiled faintly and nodded to their supplies.
Corvina paused once more and smiled at him. He was quite handsome, she noticed. The first day had been too chaotic for her to take in her three new companions. She turned back away before he saw her blush and turned her back to him so she could mop where the crumbs had fallen. It was interesting how her life had turned around and she couldn't help but reflect on it. She had a faint smile on her face while she mopped as she brushed the hair out of her eyes.