Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 2 days ago


Time: Morning
Location: Roshmi- Kenia's estate.
Interaction: @Tae-Kenia | @princess-Malachia | @Inertia - Rei

Week Summary N.A.

"Wow," Cora turned to watch Malachi and held the mop weakly in her hands. She glanced at Rei's broom and a wicked grin split across her face. "Who needs magic to defeat Aklenroth when we can use our new best friends, Rei?" She added as a new reply came to mind and giggled. Her eyes were shining with glee. "I can use wash my hair and mop at the same time. This is some magical multitasking don't you think?" She laughed at his response. "Yeah, we're definitely special - special enough to wield the magical broom and mop. Imagine how dangerous we can be with these. Why continue training our magic without these?" The guest comment made her chuckle, but gratitude still swelled inside of her at the generosity. She hadn't been able to shake the dread of being forced to hide again. She hated small, enclosed spaces. She was grateful to have been with Rei at least so she hadn't been alone in the dark.

Malachi turned his back to them and told them to make sure it was "spotless", Cora had chortled out loud and turned back to Rei. "Yes Rei, make sure it's spotless enough for him to see his ego reflected back to him." Cora giggled to herself and smirked proudly at the wall. She had been enjoying her time with these three, much to her surprise. Part of her was beginning to open up and reveal her personality. It had been too long without true companionship; mostly, she had acquaintances. Corvina couldn't help but wonder if she hadn't moved, would she have ended up in Avalia? Her mind began to reel as she recalled her prior life and gritted her teeth. No - she would not think of Ophelia nor Gale. These were names she never wanted to remember again. Cora knew she would rather face the wilderness of Avalia over it.

As she forced herself back to reality, Cora found her hands were shaking from anger and hatred. She took several deep breaths and noticed she had missed Rei leaving to find the dustpan. Cora frowned, distantly recalling having seen it in the closet down the hall. She went towards the closet and opened it and took out the magical dustpan. At the same time, a faint, haunting singing rang throughout the hallway. She curiously began to follow it. It didn't take long to find it belonged to Kenia who was having a heart-to-heart with Malachi. Rei was backing away awkwardly. Cora move to Rei's peripheral vision and tapped his arm while looking over to hear. Her eyes quickly gazed over the paintings and was able to pick up the gist of the situation. She showed him the dustpan while her other hand touched his to lead him away.

Hoping he complied, she returned to the kitchen and set the dustpan down. She was silent for a moment as she processed the situation. Those babies had been Kenia's and the man her companion. She didn't know if they had been married or what trauma this woman had endured. It was clear the babies hadn't survived. Her heart ached for Kenia but she wasn't going to interrupt. Perhaps later she could give her a hug. Corvina glanced over at Rei finally and then commented: "This world may not be so different from our own in some ways; just more dangerous, magical, and filled with endless possibilities." She smiled faintly and nodded to their supplies.

Corvina paused once more and smiled at him. He was quite handsome, she noticed. The first day had been too chaotic for her to take in her three new companions. She turned back away before he saw her blush and turned her back to him so she could mop where the crumbs had fallen. It was interesting how her life had turned around and she couldn't help but reflect on it. She had a faint smile on her face while she mopped as she brushed the hair out of her eyes.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

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O'Ner Faister

O'Ner was training with Jack making sure to properly prepare him for fighting the rebels. He was somewhat impressed with him holding his own against Aklenroth's minons, As well as the dangerous tasks he had sent him on to see if he was worth. But that was mostly to try and get him killed, However his expectations for Jack surprised him because he survived what he throw at him. Sitting on a lonely rock reading a book while Jack was demolishing the undead minions, O'Ner was reading his favorite book called "The Lusty Kobold" the contents of the book being quite saucy to say the least.

The undead general put down his book once Jack was done, "Well done, i shall come with you to be given a mission" The tall skeleton stood up form the rock. Following behind Jack and towards Akelnroth, He was sure the next mission would get the human killed. Because he was given this mission before, Even that was quite difficult for him.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Terneus Andros

The light elven governor shuddered as he heard a voice in the near distance, it was not because of how the voice itself sounded, but how it addressed him. Him of all people. He who shone brightest of all the elven stars, the only one to guide the broken elven race. Driven weak by politics and the filthy dark elven plague, not to mention the lich to which even he now had to answer to. Terneus despised having to bow before Aklenroth, but there was no chance to defeat him. Many had tried and failed, as powerful and as beautiful as he still regarded himself. In the lich lords presence he would pale. This fact was a constant gnawing disease eating away at not only Terneus, but all of the light elves with the purer blood.

To Terneus there were two kind of light elves, those who were true and proper elves and those which were not and were susceptible to dark elven antics. The very thought brought him back to thinking of his brother of all people, and that caused his eyebrows to twitch in irritation. The governor turned around dramatically and set his eyes on who had called him out without his title, and motioned for his men to turn around and line up. Whereof commander Feldrin saluted the dark elven commander with a straight face, Feldrin was a highly conservative and thoughtful elf unlike Terneus and had no issue in formal greetings no matter the race.

His superior, Terneus however would have none of that. He leaned over to commander Feldrin. "Whose this?" He asked in a hushed manner. 'He dares to address me without my titles? Such arrogance from such an unclean creature...'

"This is commander Xenelith Dreadclaw, serving under the king. And Commander Leandron serving under him." Feldrin explained in a hushed manner, to whereof Terneus raised an arrogant and noble eyebrow as he turned to look Xenelith over, now taking a few steps closer.

"I, I am Lord Terneus Andros, governor of the light elves, protector of the realm, loyal servant of the king, richest in wealth and beauty on this side of the kingdom and the leader of the Androsian knights, which happen to be named after my prestigious family." Terneus said in a very self-important manner, his hand on his waist as if posing for a royal painting, his head raised high and chest puffed out slightly.

"I will forgive your lack of formality due to your lack of knowing better, commander Dreadclaw. I cannot imagine the schooling in the exiled lands be of the same quality as amongst -my- people. Oh and certainly, I have indeed. But not only you." He took a moment to sound conceited and high and mighty. "But all servants of the king, we cannot have rebel elements running amok. It appears you are incapable of doing this work on your own, be it a lack of manpower or something else, so that I have to come down and mingle with the commoners to see things done properly." Terneus allowed one of his hands to caress his frilled shirt, as he reached into his pocket to take out a napkin to place before his nose.

"By the heavens, see to it that you bathe yourself and your men commander, if I am to be settled with having yet two more commanders. At least clean yourselves up, as much as you can. I suppose you cannot remove every filth you happen to come across, some is far deeper rooted than the skin. Just like the orcs." He chuckled to himself in a manner which implied that he expected his men to join him in it, which they did after giving oneanother a few looks.

'You disgusting piece of exile filth, your exile has indeed made you even more wicked and vile. I would throw up, would my breakfast not be more valuable than your life. To tolerate your existance, this is surely a test from the gods themselves. To be settled with this deformed and perversion of a creature. To even think some may even have considered it to be part of our race. How completely unbelievable.' The governor thought to himself, as he waited for Xenelith to reply to him.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Baraian Paladice

Time: Morning
Place: Ra Monde (underground)

Baraian knew for certain that his tactic had not been the most kind, but it was a necessary action. Without the support of a human, there was no chance to rally the people under the banner of the Golden Death. Originally the dark elf had considered using Belladonna as an icon, while he would do the leading of the group himself. But he had underestimated the girl, she was proving herself not only brave but a capable speaker. More capable than he was. It was not jealousy nor disbelief that struck him, but rather approval. He had never imagined he would have gotten a human down to Ra Monde, and also one which could inspire and lead others.

Baraian had spent over a hundred years gathering support for Golden Death and sheltering people in Ra Monde, he knew that there was a change coming to it all now. However he would take it with open arms and not let this opportunity slip through his fingers, this was exactly what Avalia needed. The dark elf stepped up next to Belladonna, placing a hand on her shoulder would she let him.

"Well spoken. This will also be the day when I step down as leader of Golden Death, I would like all of you to give this young woman your best. I will remain as her advisor and guide for the coming war. This is the face of your new leader, heed her and praise her! Her path is the future of this world!" He shouted and raised his arm to gather support from the crowd of people listening, with more showing up showing their approval. They would cheer their support for their new leader, she who would no doubt guide them all to the promised land.

'I couldn't have planned this better myself, you have no idea how glad that makes me.' Baraian thought as he stood there, arm still raised, looking over the crowd and then to Belladonna.

"We are at your disposal." Baraian saluted, then knelt down. Whereof the crowd began to do the same, some looking at oneanother with hopeful eyes and elderly people smiling with teary eyes, looking at their messiah. As the cheers began to die down, Baraian excused himself from the stage. "If you require anything, send word to me." He said in the same stale and firm voice he had gotten accustomed to. When he finally entered his pavillion tent, passing past the two guards and into the chamber holding his bed and war table. He went over to the table and leaned over it, looking at the old map of Avalia and the small wooden figures showing rebel cells and enemy outposts. He drew his dagger and jammed it at Aklenroth's fortress.

'Your reign is at an end your majesty, and the world will finally be...' Baraian thought to himself, his eyes wandering off the map to the nearby lit brazier, his eyes glimmering in the blazing light. A small upturn at the corner of his mouth, before showing teeth. He began to laugh, it began as a low humming sound but escalated into an almost hysterical laugh as he struggled to hold unto the table.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning.
Location: Roshmi
Interactions: Cadence @Helo, Sakura @baraquiel

Ayita nodded, carefully listening to Cade and Sakura's advice. According to their word, Roshmi was bigger than what Ayita was thinking it was and even if she entered the city without a disguise, she wouldn't be immediately recognized as most people had their own things to think about. Especially with the disguise she now had, she would just be a exotic looking elf, nothing more. Especially if she didn't draw any attention to herself, everything should be fine.
Cade's words really made Ayita a bit relieved. She would hate for something similar to happen as it did back in the Sun Elves city... She really wanted to see Roshmi.

"You're right, Cade. Worrying too much will lead us nowhere. We should take this chance to gather allies. Similarly, you have my word that I won't betray the trust you put in me." she said, agreeing with cade with a determined nod.

"Thank you, Sakura! Since I don't know too much about Elves, I was afraid that my skin color would be a dead giveaway. Even though it might not be necessary according to your words, there's no such thing as being too cautious." she replied to the mysterious woman with a smile, thanking for her reassuring words and the spell she was about to cast on Ayita, to make her look even more like an elf as she did.

Ayita stood still almost like a statue as Sakura approached her, drawing a symbol on her forehead. Since Ayita didn't know how her magic worked, she didn't want to make anything to disrupt her concentration or the ritual. As she was chanting the spell, Ayita couldn't help but to notice that not only the chant itself was beautiful, but Sakura's voice made it even more.

"Thank you again. It indeed helps to calm me down a bit since I don't really know what to expect when entering the city. It will be my first time in a 'city', since my people do not have the custom of living in cities, preferring to live in the nature." Ayita said, with a chuckle after Sakura completed the spell and the brief explanation about it.

It didn't take too long until they arrived the city gates. Just like Cade's stories about it, Roshmi was much bigger than Ayita was expecting and it was indeed a sight to behold. Even outside of the city gates, there were a great number of people minding their own businesses, merchants, traders, soldiers, mercenaries... From many races and appearances. Other than the sheer amount of people, the gates and the city behind it was something Ayita had never seen before. Not only due to its size, but the big walls, the tall and big constructions, a multitude of boats, or Amoras, as Cade had told her previously, flying above the city.

"Wow... I wasn't expecting something this big! So many people... And the city itself it's... huge!" she said, amazed by the sight ahead of her.

It didn't take much to realize that it would be incredibly easy for her to lose herself inside Roshmi if she was alone. Especially due to how distracted and amazed with the city she was.

"S-Sorry... I was just a bit distracted with all this... We should go search for some weapons first, right?" Ayita asked after some time, finally regaining her composure. It didn't take much for Cade and Sakura to perceive that even though she was saying they should go do the things they had to do, she would greatly enjoy to see more of the city.

Time: Morning
Location: Morteum (The Necropolis).
Interactions: Darius and Skar @FunnyGuy, Aklenroth @Alivefalling

Much to Myra's dismay, despite her attempt to dissuade Darius to not approach Aklenroth, he still did it, grabbing the strange thing he had offered to him and crushing in it's hand. Myra's dissatisfaction with the situation was clear the second he did so, as she became visible again, showing her claws, fangs and for the first time, Myra was letting a low, menacing growl as she looked towards Aklenroth and the stone in Darius' hand. Even though Myra didn't know what was happening, she had a terrible feeling when Darius took the stone from Aklenroth's hand and crushed it.

Despite her clear hostility and aggression, when Darius turned out to be fine after crushing the stone, Myra was genuinely confused. The stone didn't seem to have made anything to him. He was angry with something, sure, but he didn't seem to be hurt or anything weird had happened to him. With her previous hostility giving place to an obviously confused expression, she looked at Darius again and then at Aklenroth. While it was clear by her piercing stare towards the lich that she didn't trust him not even one bit, the most obvious signs of hostility coming from her posture, claws and fangs had disappeared as she approached Skar, looking to her, silently asking if she had any explanation to give her regarding what happened. Since she also didn't trusted Aklenroth that much, Myra decided she would be the best person to 'ask' at that moment, since Darius apparently had a radical change of mind... Especially after he mentioned with quite an angry voice something about fight and staying.

When Aklenroth invited them inside making a motion with his hand as the gate opened, Myra gave a step back, her claws appearing again as she looked to Skar, undecided about what to do. It was clear that she wanted just to get away from Aklenroth, but she didn't want to leave both Darius and Skar behind either. Even though Myra didn't speak, it was clear due to her actions and expressions that she didn't really know what to do now...

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location:Roshmi City
Interactions: Ayita @13org, Sakura @baraquiel

Cade gave Sakura a confused look as she happened to mention knowing of a disguise spell that requires the body part of an elf. He tilted his head to the side and wondered if it was some sort of dark joke. He couldn’t imagine any elves willing to part with any pieces of themselves and didn’t want to imagine the sort of shady merchants that would sell such a thing. Her trickery with the blueberries was much more to his liking, and while normally such magic would strike him as a coward’s trick, in their situation he was becoming much more comfortable with those who relied on magic. It had, after all, proven to be an exceptionally useful tool in one’s arsenal. ”Wonderful, and so much more pleasant than an elf part spell. What a terrible notion.” Cade said chuckling a bit as if he understood her strange joke. He was happy that his friend Ayita was more comfortable going into the city. It was hard to believe her home lacked magnificent cities, and he was excited to watch as someone saw Roshmi for the first time. He too had been awestruck during his first visit to this great city. He did not interrupt Ayita’s moment of awe as she took in the sites of Roshmi, speaking again when she mentioned buying some weapons.

”Sakura, I take it you have traveled through here before? I believe a reputable weapons merchant lies this way.” Cade said pointing, it had been a bit since his last visit here but he normally had a keen sense of direction. ”After we get the supplies we need we should certainly get something to eat.” Cade suggested, his new friends were likely not shocked by this suggestion, as he was almost always ready for a another meal. Although food caught by paw and claw was always fantastic, he also greatly enjoyed sampling the dishes prepared the various different creatures that called Roshmi home. ”One could easily live their entire life here and not have tried all that Roshmi has to offer.”

Time: Morning
Location: Roshmi City
Interactions: Torvi @Tae

Bowyn simply flashed Boreas a grin letting the bird know he had been outvoted. It would seem that Torvi shared his distaste for places crawling with people. It wasn’t that he hated other people, but strangers always carried uncertainty; you could never tell by looking at others what their motives and intentions were. This brought danger and their situation was already delicate enough, should Torvi’s ears happen to fall off, for instance, there were so many here who could easily turn them in for the reward. He did not share these fears with her though, both their lives were just a mistake away from being lost and he did not doubt she knew that just as well as he did. A lessened crowd, a drink or two of liquid courage to calm their nerves, and a welcomed escape from the sun would help them appear less nervous and out of place. And, if death was coming for them it was better not to face it sober.

As Torvi pointed out an establishment, The Leaky Tap Tavern and Inn, Bowyn couldn’t help but let a sarcastic remark slip out. “Yes, the sign does seem to suggest they are an inn, so glad they teach warriors where you are from how to read.” He headed towards the tavern and the working class vibe it gave off reminded him a bit of a place he had once worked at. Normally Bowyn did not care to be reminded of his past, but his time spent in taverns had always been pleasant. Upon the door were a few fliers for events around the city, notably one for some grand ball soon to take place. The thought of drunken nobles with their coin purses primed for the taking was amusing enough for him to enter the building with slight grin. Although nothing fancy, The Leaky Tap was well kept and offered a relaxed atmosphere. Approaching the bar, he ordered two pints of one of the tavern’s meads, a brew they were calling Warrior’s Whistle. He figured the name would amuse Torvi. When the mugs were placed on the bar, he lightly touched the glass with his finger, focusing his ice magic to cause the glass to frost.

“Need a cold drink to fend off the hellish heat here?” He asked offering to do the same for her.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 10 hrs ago


Time: Fun time
Location: Kenia's father's estate (Roshmi)

The ears perked up, the tail wagged from side to side, his eyes peeking towards the large building ahead of him, but there were a wall in the way. For most people that alone would have been a challenge enough, not for Zelginn however whose very nature made him an excellent jumper. The small fox eared troublemaker pressed his feet against the ground and then pressed away from it at high speed, flinging him up into the air and landing on the top of the wall. Taking a good look around the premise of the large building, looking for any sign of guards or watchdogs. He really didn't like those, their noses were way too curious for his liking and could get him into proper trouble.

When the small figure had finally gathered in his surroundings he leapt of the wall and towards a neatly trimmed bush. Surveying his surroundings before proceeding to run towards the building itself. Looking to the left and right, before jumping up to grab hold of a window frame, looking through it briefly, blinking as he did. Then proceeded with his goal of reaching the roof, his small feet began to traverse it swiftly on light steps until he reached the chimney. Looking down into it he couldn't see any fire or smell any, thus it was an obvious entrance for someone small and curious. Which was just what he was.

He began to climb down the chimney, making sure not to fall. He did catch unto alot of ashen sot along his path down however, and he peeked out of the fireplace first with his head, to make sure it was clear to move. Then allowed his small frame to move across the floor, looking around corners to make sure he wasn't spotted. His feet leaving ashen steps behind him as he proceeded down a long corridor. His nose then picked up two curious scents, one which was something highly familiar, the other thing not so much. He settled to go for the more familiar scent, which led him to the place where food was being stored to avoid being spoiled. And there before him stood the golden door of opportunity. He hurried over and looked at the door handle. It was too far up. The short creature began to sigh softly, then leapt up and grabbed the doorknob, then twisted it to open the door. Hanging unto the doorknob as he did.

The sudden scent of sausages, cheese, beverages and other forms of dried meat caught his nose and he knew he had work to do. He lunged for a row of sausages hanging above him, tearing them down in the fine rope-like structure they were extended in, then wrapped it around his neck and shoulder. Then went over to one of the barrels, jumping up on the top of it, then using his claws tearing the lid open after some struggle, inside he found cured meat, from which he began to take bites out of. Then began filling his attire with as much of it as he could. Including some fine pieces of cheese. Once he felt that he had eaten enough of it, he dashed out of the room and back into the storage main room, and out into the corridor. Where he came face to face with one of the guard dogs.

"Uh oh." He said aloud, then dashed back into the storage main room, with the dog now lunging after him, barking as it did. It's paws slipping slightly along the floor as it chased him over the table which stood in the middle of said room, up into the wooden shelf holding all the porcelain and then into the smaller room, where the dog slipped as the small foxlike figure made a sharp U-turn and ran towards the main room door and then kicked it shut. Leaving the canine in there with access to the food supply. The short figure did ponder on what would happen when whomever owned the building would find it with it's guilty face in the food storage. The very idea made the short figure chuckle as he began to stealthly move towards the stairs leading to the first floor. That's when he saw the other guard dog which picked up on his scent and instantly gave chase. Zelginn jumped up at the stairway railing and allowed it to carry him down to the first floor, the dog chasing him down the stairs at full speed, barking as he did.

Zelginn found himself running down another hallway, spotting a bucket of water along the way which he ran over, spilling it's contents over the floor. The dog sliding over the dirty wet floor. The short figure didn't stop, he took a sharp turn around the next corner, into a kitchen and that's where he saw two individuals, who were most certainly what caused that odd scent. His eyes blinked as he was running towards them at high speed, the dog right behind him with it's jaws clasping trying to get him or the treats he was carrying.

"Excuse me! Passing through!" He yelled out to the two oddly smelling elves, which were in fact humans. Zelginn allowed his small frame to leap up towards Rei's shoulder, attempting to use it as a springboard, and dog-obstacle. So that he could jump up to a nearby bookshelf which didn't look like it was made for fox-person climbing at it.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Time: Morning.
Location: Roshmi- Kenia's estate.
Interactions: @Potter - Corvina, @Tae - Kenia, @princess - Malachi, @Dezuel - Zelginn.

Corvina's ribbing of the blonde-haired Madonna made Rei smirk slightly. It had been awhile since someone had managed to make him crack a smile. "Yeah..." He trailed off with her statement about their worlds not being too dissimilar. Continuing on with their 'chores', he followed her to the dustpan. Sweeping the estate was a task and a half, Kenia seems to have come from wealth, making the chores take awhile. At the very least, he had experience with cleaning whole houses by himself.

Rei sometimes caught Corvina staring at him, confusing the amber-eyed boy. Was there something on the back of my neck? he thought, dusting the crumbs off the kitchen floor and into the dustpan. Pushing that thought aside, he was certain that the kitchen was the work of Malachi, he just couldn't prove it- the diabolical little elf. Rei leaned over to Corvina, "Y'know, Malachi's the one who did this." he whispered, gesturing to the crumb-filled floor, "He's been getting flabby since Kenia's father's been stuffing him with food, right?"


The duo's progress to the chores were going well, they were just about finished. Rei's ears pricked at the thudding hardwood floor and the occasional barking dog. Something was stomping around the house as if sprinting. He spun his head around, looking for the source of the noise. A small figure bound towards him and Corvina, with a dog in tow. Were those Kenia's dogs? Who is that? Why is he so tiny? were thoughts that popped up in succession as the figure lept onto his shoulder, trying to hop onto the nearby bookcase. The dog followed, now trying to clamber on him to follow the fox.

"WHAT IN THE HELL?" Rei voiced in absolute shock, the tone of his voice surprising even him, he could not remember the last time he yelped in surprise. "Is this an attack? Are we being attacked?!"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sometimes you learned more about a person by watching them talk to others rather than talking to them yourself. Dionaea observed her group speaking with one another this early morning. She had mixed feelings about Elthrael, there was something about the fairy that was jarring- he always came around just at the right times and his words fluttered gently in prose as if he had never misspoke in his life. In that moment she desperately wanted to see him show flaw.

As he handed over the apple to Elsea, Dia grabbed it from her palm almost instantly. "We'll split this for breakfast. Don't want to ruin your appetite." the girl spoke, holding the apple at her side, gripping it between her digits tight enough for it not to be taken back. Perhaps the apple was just fine and the young fairy was just overreacting in response to the last week's events but one could never be too careful. Enemies were often sent in gift wrapped packages. "Shall we?" she motioned back inside if Kyran wanted to host the meal in his parent's home. The tension could be cut with a knife.

"I can cook up something for the long day that is surely ahead of us, with some help." Dionaea offered, "Last night I came across some ripe moon berries that would make for a treat." the corners of her lips curling into a dainty smile.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Time: Morning
Location: Roshmi City, outside Kyran's home

Kyran made a face at his initial statement. He found him to be so illogical. "Well first of all," He began, mocking his tone in the statement, "I have clearly survived against odds as well. The difference between you and me is that those who stood beside me that day also stand here. The same cannot be said for you and you only had one other person to look after." He had been quick to argue that one. He would not let Elthrael stand there and belittle him.

Elthrael continued to ramble. It was interesting to say the least to see how manipulative he could be. "Choices do bear consequences, yes, much like it is to look at you. His unfortunate demise could have been something prevented by you as well. For someone who flies, you sure do run away often." Kyran shot back at him. "Jean’s plan left the majority of us alive, who knows what your ‘plan’ for us all to run away would have done other than leave us to be killed. I know you couldn’t care less about what happened to us." He had emphasized plan in a mocking way, as Elthrael had barely laid out anything other than just simply fleeing.

Kyran's suspicions only deepened as he thought about everything he had said. "You seem to have more bark than bite coming from you. If time is of the essence, why then do you continue to talk? Is hearing your own voice soothing?" The oversized pest then created a seed and grew a small apple tree in his front yard quite displeased Kyran as it was his property. 'I hope that apple is not as rotten as your soul.'
"I would prefer him to not enter my house. If we are going to eat, we can eat elsewhere." Kyran suggested.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Time: Morning
Location: Roshmi
Interactions: @Helo-Bowyn

Bowyn's snide remark to her pointing out the inn may have offended some, but Torvi found it a little humorous. "Oh I'm sorry, I just assumed a wild man who lived in the woods with only a bird for company might have some trouble with reading. Do forgive me." She retorted with a smirk as she followed him towards the door. She'd decided from early on that if he was going to make sarcastic remarks towards her then he should expect no less from her. She actually found some strange comfort in the banter as it reminded her of home, of Siri and Björn.

The poster of the ball caught her eye and she briefly stopped to look it over. It seemed like it was going to be a big event and perhaps there would be some allies that went. She made note of the day and time before continuing on inside. Bowyn and her would most likely need to steal their way into the event as neither of them would really have the immediate funds to get in. They'd also have to acquire some clothing and masks as it appeared to be a masquerade. She decided she'd discuss it with Bowyn later once they had figured out lodging and relaxed for a bit.

She got to the bar right as Bowyn was ordering some of the Warriors Whistle, a name that did in fact make her chuckle a bit. All she hoped for was that it was good. She watched him use his magic to chill his drink and before she could ask he offered to do the same. "Please and thank you." She responded with a lot of a grin. Once he'd done so she raised her glass in a bit of a cheers before taking a drink. It wasn't the best shed ever had, but it definitely wasn't the worst. "That definitely hits the spot." She said, sounding satisfied before glancing around the tavern and taking in the people who were there. Even though it was morning time there were a surprising amount of people in there, some even were drunk and she silently wondered if they had actually been there since the night before.

Time: Morning
Location: Kyran's parents house
Interaction:@Alivefalling-Kyran @MissCapnCrunch Dionaea @princess Risa @Dezuel Elthrael

The arrogance and obvious attempts at trying to irk Kyran only agitated Elsea instead. While Elthrael had been the person who saved her that first night, which she would forever be grateful for, she had now spent a week with Kyran and the others. She'd be lying if she said she hadn't formed a close bond with them, even feeling she was even closer to than than Elthrael at this point. This made her protective over Kyran, Risa, and Dionaea and the things Elthrael was saying was causing anger to rise in her. She tried to focus on keeping as calm as possible, but he definitely wasn't making it easy.

"At least Kyran smells better than you do." She muttered quietly, the smallest of smirks on her face. Snide remarks, that's how she could release some of her pent up anger without becoming dangerous she decided. She crossed her arms over her chest as she continued to listen to him go on.

"I'll give it to him, he is good at surviving. Thriving tho? Meh, that's debatable." She said, looking over to Dio as she did so with a grin on her face and a shrug. She then glanced back at Elthrael as he seemed to be addressing her now.

"I had to withdraw lest I would have joined him in his untimely death, which would not have served anyone any good other than our common foes."

"Also debatable." Elsea exclaimed simply, knowing it was a bit cruel and she really didn't mean that. She was glad he was alive and hadn't suffered a similar fate to Jean, however, she hated that he and Kyran couldn't seem to get along. Or more it was the fact that he seemed to have to antagonize Kyran.

She watched the apple tree grow and it took everything in her to keep from setting it on fire. If they were to eat something she didn't want a godsdamned apple from a tree he magically grew. He picked an apple and held it out to Elsea and his next words caused her to give him a smug expression. "I'll pass, the last thing you fed me really wasn't all that impressive." She told him and then watched as Dionaea had quickly plucked up the apple.

The blonde woman then offered to cook up some breakfast with some help, however Elsea had a feeling that Elthrael would not be welcome in Kyran's house. Her suspicions were confirmed as Kyran suggested going to eat elsewhere. "Yes let's go somewhere to eat, might do us all some good to get out for a bit." She agreed, actually wanting to get out and see a bit more of Roshmi anyways.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

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Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Elthrael allowed himself to hover up from the ground as soon as the apple was taken by Dionaea, the moth looking fairy flew up and sat down midair again.

"Oh by all means, lessen the worth of your companion which died trying to save you. I'm sure the bloodied human girl which led him to his demise would agree. Oopsie. A slip of the tongue." Elthrael put a hand before his mouth in a manner of fake surprise.

"Some prefer to take the wind under their wings, others burrow underground. The latter be you. Oh what would you have had me do? Fight the dark elf, the angelic woman and a large demon on my own? Oh your faith in me in truly stunning, as is your folly." The fairy gave an amused chuckle, clearly entertained by the thought.

"While I wouldn't mind to toy around with the dark elf, there are other things of more importance than concerning yourself about someone who makes a living out of kneeling." The dark winged fairy tilted his head and smiled, looking over the gathering of people.

"Care less? Yet I am here now. Though not to spend the entire morning speaking with a pungent vulpine. Even if my voice would be soothing, you seem incapable of hearing it and the wisdom behind it. I suppose reason falls on deaf ears for you. Oh and such hospitality!" The fairy gave a slight laughter, reaching a finger up to his mouth, to tap his lips. His attention switching to Elsea, as his keen ears picked out something. His eyes narrowed slightly as a result, before shaking his head softly.

"A pity. But theres no need to feel discouraged by every little thing." Was all he said as an answer to Elsea's words, he had a slight bit of hope the recent occurances had impacted her in what he considered a positive manner, but that did not seem to be the case. The fairy did a soft exhale through his mouth.

"Princess Millinia, you alone have the power to save the fairy kingdom. I simply cannot leave the heiress guarded by a vapid vulpine again, I mean have you ever felt as unsafe as you did down in that fox den hm?" He said in a soft manner to Risa after giving Kyran a stare with a slight smug look on his face. Risa had amidst the talking and fierce conversations pleaded for the group to be kind and get along while she had gone inside of the house shortly after. To the moth looking fairy however the group was not falling to his liking. Despite the human male by the name of Jean no longer being there, Kyran and Elsea were both causing him trouble. At least from his point of view. Had he'd been left alone with Risa and Dionaea, things would have certainly taken a more positive turn, that he was very certain of. His impression of Dionaea seemed to be of a positive kind, she seemed alot more reserved and collected than the two more hotheaded redheads.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Time: Dawn
Location: Morteum, Daka Island
Interaction with: Myra @13org, Aklenroth @Alivefalling

Darius stood in place for a moment as he still found himself taking in all that he had seen from the vision. Witnessing the many people come through the rifts in the vision he experienced proved to be heavy on his heart. There were not just able-bodied humans that came through to Avalia. There were children, elderly, and many that would not be considered fit for the wilds of this world. Do I even want to know more? I could leave and never look back. I could be sent home...

“...you gotta take risks sometimes man." John’s words echoed through Darius’ mind. He looked to Skar, but her face held no answers for him. Instead, she seemed to be looking to him for answers of her own. She still wondered what was it he had seen through the magic from the crystal. Then his eyes shifted to Myra who seemed to be just as confused as the orc beside her. You’re both making this difficult… I know I said I’d stay and… I did say I would try to save everyone… Me… Why did I even say that? Darius bit the inside of his lower lip as concern filled his face. I could just leave… Go home... I just have to...

“...you have so much potential bro, and you hold yourself back... and I don't know if it's because you're…” John’s words would be cut off by Darius’ quick retort. Just like when the words were initially said.

I’m not… But something peculiar happened.

“...scared, but you don’t need to be. You’re strong Darius. You’re powerful... Now get the fuck off of the sideline! Do something!" The words were powerful, even though they were not John's. They were the words Darius wished he let his late brother say to him. He closed his hands into fists and took a deep breath as he truly made his decision. He'd do what he said he would. It wasn't just a slip of the tongue. It was his drive to want to do something different for a change. To take the harder road. To take the risk, as it was definitely worth it if it came to keeping people from suffering from the events in the visions he had seen. Determination filled him. Darius finally took a step forward with the few seconds it took him to do so felt like a lifetime to him.

Skar looked upon Darius as he approached. Her eyes were cold as she awaited what the human would say. She noticed his serious demeanor, which was something she admired about him. Skar could only trust how ready he appeared to be.

“I’m going inside with Aklenroth.” Darius said as he walked over to his companions. “I-”

“Darius is too weak to go alone. I... and Myra will follow behind.” Skar cut Darius off before using her sword to point at Aklenroth as he led the way inside of the castle. “We will get amas as promised.” Skar smirked at Darius, who returned it with a confident nod.

“As promised.” He then looked down at Myra with a cheesy grin before squatting down to her level. “Then we’ll get out of this creepy place… I miss my happy Myra.” Darius pinched the demon’s cheeks and tried to make her smile, but only managed to reveal her extremely sharp teeth. His eyes widened briefly and he let go of her cheeks before letting loose a soft chuckle.

"How could I forget those pearly whites!" He then stood up and noticed Aklenroth had made it quite a way into the Necropolis. “Guess we better keep up, right?” Darius lightly jogged after Aklenroth until he caught up with the Lich King that held the appearance of a light elf. “You ever think about making this place a little more presentable? I mean, the dark and gloomy theme is legit, but there's no way in hell I can convince people that this place is the way back to home sweet home... Like, I know it worked on me, but I have two badass lady friends. There's not much to be afraid of with them having my back.” Darius spoke casually as if Aklenroth was some dude on the street.

The Necropolis appeared to be a colosseum-like structure from the outside, but once inside, it opened up into a large gothic chamber with brick flooring that led to a vast stairwell that led upwards to several pathways above. Along the walls of the vast chamber appeared to be aged tombs and statues. A blue glow shined down on the chamber from blue orbs of light above.

Meanwhile, Skar kept her distance in the rear with Myra. Her eyes barely peered at the scenery of the Necropolis. Instead, her focus was on the two ahead. Maybe Skar is fool to follow Aklenroth and Darius into fortress. This for amas, but Skar won’t die for greed… Not without fight.

“See, Myra, I told you light elf are no good. Now you see, eh?” Skar mentioned quietly to the demon as they followed several feet away.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Time: Morning
Location: Ra Monde
Interactions: @Dezuel
Ambience: Ra Monde

After training Ilan returned to the safety of Ra Monde, as was his custom. Mr Alburn was needed elsewhere so the faun was left to his own devices for the remainder of the day. He was unsure what to do with himself. There were no patients to care for at the moment. It wasn't easy to relax, play a joyful tune, eat some honey cakes. There was this perpetual atmosphere of tension in Ra Monde. Belladonna's arrival had lit up the spark inside the hearts of the rebels. Everyone seemed anxious to spring into action. Ilan wasn't the only one training, every capable person had taken up weapons and other means of self defense. The prospect of war made Ilan very uneasy. He remembered what little he'd seen of it. Actual battle experience he didn't have a lot of. He only got involved in the aftermath, when he took care of the wounded.

The young faun wandered around the grounds of Ra Monde with a frown on his face, accompanied only by his troubled thoughts. Belladonna was now the leader of the Golden Death. Ilan knew little about them, the stories varied and up until he'd seen Baraian he didn't even know they truly existed. They weren't as scary as he initially thought, at least Baraian seemed to have their best interest in mind, despite of the circumstances during their first meeting. Ilan hoped Belladonna would do well as a leader. The rebels really wished for it, so maybe so should he.

During his walk he passed by Baraian's tent. He heard the dark elf laughing hysterically. Ilan looked at the entrance of the tent with a questioning look, the corners of his mouth drawing into a involuntary smile. He was pretty sure he'd never heard the man laugh like that before, or rather laugh at all. He hesitated to go inside. The faun didn't really have any business to discuss, on the other hand being Belladonna's advisor he might have some plans on what they should do next. He stood outside of the tent, fidgeting with the hem of his sleeve. The laughter started to die down.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by princess
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Time: Morning
Location:Kyran's House

Risa could not believe everyone was being so unkind to each other. There was a valid reason to question and perhaps mistrust, but no reason to be rude. She thought maybe they were all just misunderstanding each other. It reminded her of when her parents would bicker with Helio; he had been so headstrong about everything and they always would never believe him. It was understandable that Elthrael would flee and try to preserve his own life, however, she questioned the nature of Jean's death and what had really happened. There wasn't much point to mistrust and argue with Elthrael unless evidence surfaced to support it. All they could do was try to trust each other as they all had a common enemy. She didn't like to see anyone unhappy so she decided to move away from the situation for her own sanity. After a moment, she retreated inside to escape the fighting to change out of her wet dress and into her clothes for the day.

She took her time, braiding her hair into a thick braid down her back and adorning it with pretty little flowers of assorted colors. It was a lovely day so she decided to break out the dress Kyran's mother had made her as a present this week. She had always brought baked goods and healed Kyran's family free of cost so the family had surprised her with a gift while she was staying there. Risa was excited to wear it. It was a very nice dress.

When Risa was outside once again, Elthrael was explaining himself. She could not believe they were all still arguing. It honestly upset her. Risa had grew up attending charm school as a young girl and she knew they would have been disgusted with the idea of strangers being impolite like this. Elthrael addressed her upon her arrival before she could speak up.

"Princess Millinia, you alone have the power to save the fairy kingdom. I simply cannot leave the heiress guarded by a vapid vulpine again, I mean have you ever felt as unsafe as you did down in that fox den hm?"

Risa tilted her head. She didn't recall informing him of her background. Her family was pretty recognized in the fairy community so it wasn't too wild a thing. Had she considered what it would be like if Aklenroth hadn't stripped her family of its power? She'd truly be a princess. Some had recognized her and her brother as royals out in the streets, especially amongst Helio's rebellious friends, but she hadn't paid much mind to it at the time. Did Elthrael really think she could inherit the throne? That was a lot of responsibility but she'd take it if the folk of the River Kingdom wanted her to. It was more of a weight to bear than a blessing to rule. Her grandfather had always told her: 'heavy is the head that wears the crown.' It had been from one of the human's books, but she knew it was true in any realm. Caring for a kingdom was not something to take lightly.

If it meant she could ensure peace and happiness, she'd do it. If she was the only one who could, maybe she would then.
Her family was well-respected and would probably entrust them with power, knowing they'd take everyone's best interests into account. After a moment of her thoughts, she addressed all and not just Elthrael. This was probably the first time Elsea learned of her bloodline.
"I don't know how much power I really have, but if who I am really does mean something, then that is something to consider if we really do get Aklenroth off his throne. It would really be something if we all could decide our fates for ourselves, rather than a lich and his dark elves, who all know nothing of how to maintain a forest, rule fairies the way he does. They unfortunately all know nothing of how demi-humans are able to use their amazing talents to build such a beautiful city, yet control demi-humans. All this while they allow pain and suffering to occur. None of it should be what is done. "

Risa did not like that he was insinuating that Kyran could not protect her. If anything, Kyran was who to thank for their lives. No matter the way he had chose, if they were all alive from being in that den, that's what mattered. However, she did not like that her friends had continued this argument. If she had to take the reins here in order to halt this nonsense, she would. They wanted a princess, they'd get one.

With a smile, she folded her hands elegantly, "If we're going to be addressing me as Princess Millinia now, then I'd like to start practicing on my regal command." Her tone was playful as she began to speak but it took a serious turn, "We're going to halt this banter. All of you. If there is reason to mistrust Elthrael, it will eventually be revealed. For now, we have no proof he has done anything wrong. It is normal to be cautious but please, no unwarranted rudeness. Elthrael, please do try your best to be kind as well if you wish to remain with us and are as good-willed as you say. You will be not saying rude things to Kyran, and he not to you. It is unbecoming of gentlemen."She took a deep breath and smiled again to lighten the mood. This was probably as close to getting mad as Risa seemed to get with them thus far. "I know the nicest little place to eat. Chef Baelde makes amazing food. Take some time to ready yourselves if you need it. I'd like to address our goals when we're all sitting."

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 3 mos ago


Time: Morning
Location: Roshimi City
Interaction with: Terneus Andros@Dezuel

“There’s no need to forgive me. I’m well aware of who you are.” Xenelith set, throwing Terneus a sly smile. “Son of Ahlduss and Ilani. Brother to Isarin and Excelas. Names on graves now, all of them. That’s all that remains of your prestigious family. Which means you’re the last of your bloodline and, a hundred years ago, the heir of it.” Xenelith was smiling on the inside though. He got the governor by surprise. Terneus didn't even know his name. He had to ask his own commander what it was. Yet he knew everything there was to know about the Light Elf governor.

Xenelith moved away from Terneus now and walked passed the Androsian knights, inspecting them one by one. “You’re quite right though. It is a terrible shame that once again people rise up in rebellion. Though you are mistaken. This mess is not of my making. I’m merely sent here to clean it up. You must’ve missed me in the River Fairy Kingdom too, Terneus. I killed a traitor in the middle of their political center and captured nearly a dozen more. It would also seem you’re lacking knowledge of the enemy. But I recognize a loyal servant when I see one, so let me share it with you. The woman you’re searching for is Risa Millina. She’s from the royal bloodline of the River Fairies. Not the first of that family to rise up against law and land. She’s accompanied by another fairy and a fox demi-human.”

Certain Dark Elves would’ve thought he was giving a suspect of treason too much information. Xenelith had settled his mind years ago on whether or not the governor was a traitor. What Light Elf would bend the knee but not turn into the perfect servant for the Lich-King: a Dark Elf? The suspicion was only reinforced by the fact that Terneus decided to leave the Light Elf village a week ago to head for the River Fairy Kingdom, only to travel down to Roshimi next. Following the trail of Risa. In true Dark Elf fashion, Xenelith had already crafted the most disgusting plan Terneus no doubt had. No doubt the man would want to marry Risa in some sickening bid to combine the Light Elves and the fairies against Aklenroth. Only something truly deranged like an old Light Elf could come up with such a plan. Luckily he had prepared for that and right now, he wasn’t oversharing what he knew. He was dangling a carrot.

“You insult me, Terneus.” Xenelith said. “Quite frankly I couldn’t care less if we smell like orcs to you. I've known orcs that could rip an elf in two. They are strong warriors.” He turned to face Terneus again while standing in front of the last Androsian knight. “You insult me and our great king with the state of your men. Look at them.” He outstretched a hand, motioning the perfectly clean-shaven, tended, washed Light Elf knight, wearing highly polished, silvered plate armor and not even a spat of mud on their boots. “No wear, no tested metal. Your men lack scars and avoid mud. I bet you make them duel against each other alone. In a true war they might be of value, but not here. Not for this. Rebels will hear them coming from a mile away. No this will not do at all.” He took a step back to observe the force as a whole and shook his head. “Terneus, I insist that we join forces. At least for a few days. Perhaps your men could learn a thing or two from us. Like how to win an war and instead of a beauty contest.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by hide on mana
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hide on mana Rusty Veteran Roleplayer

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Time: Dawn
Location: Ra Monde
Interactions: Ilan @dreamingflowers, Bellona @Potter, & Baraian @Dezuel

Week Summary

Ever since his voluntary encounter with the Dark Elf, faun, and the human, Kuroi had calmly resided within Ra Monde, causing no trouble for anyone. His mornings were spent reading whatever he could get his hands on whereas his afternoons consisted of training by himself - kata, shadowing, and tending to his tools and weapons. His eyes came upon the faun and the human multiple times throughout the week (after all, it was hard not to encounter the same people in an encampment of no more than a few hundred) but decided not to approach either, especially after such a dramatic first meeting a few days ago. Normally, he would have taken time to talk to the people he had just met, but the tension that emanated from the human girl and the anxiety from the faun had him presume it would be better if he kept his distance for a while. Instead, he filled his evenings and all forms of socialization teaching the youth and old alike in the encampment, having started a small training group or so under the supervision of the guards.

Halfway through the week, Kuroi had already assembled a group of four or five male youths and had them train with whatever weapons they had on them as well as their fists and feet. Evening after evening, Kuroi emphasized the need for pressure testing and trained his temporary students in engagement strategies, basic knife work, and how to handle oneself without a weapon on them. There were times when Kuroi considered inviting the faun to train with the group he had put together but left him to his own accords instead. As night fell (or at least, when Kuroi assumed it did), Kuroi would stalk the Dark Elf who had led him here from afar, examining his mannerisms and any subtle actions that would give away any sort of machinations he may have had in mind. Although he did not resort to eavesdropping or outright espionage, the vulpine kept a close look on the leader of the Golden Death throughout the week, not wanting to be caught by surprise in case any plans were put into action.

Present Time

After the week was over, Kuroi found himself gathering around the pavilion where Baraian spoke over to the residents of the encampment, filling them with rebellious and encouraging words. The vulpine did find merit in the Dark Elf's words but had already silently withdrawn himself from any planned bloodshed that would take place in the streets. He had a status and a prestigious family name to uphold, any sort of actions of a rebellious nature coming him would be silent and subtle. Like mostly everyone else, Kuroi despised the overlord Alkenroth, but he was not ready to throw away his life, honor, and his family so freely. Surely, there were many others (and most likely little to none within Ra Monde) who took a similar stance on such socio-political matters.

As soon as Baraian finished speaking, his eyes fell onto the human girl who stepped up onto the pavilion, watching her be crowned the leader of the Golden Death in front of its supporters. Although cheering and clapping may have suddenly surrounded him, Kuroi was unmoved by such matters. His steely glare did not soften as he merely looked forth at the Dark Elf and the young girl who had been forced into a position of leadership.

What are you planning, Baraian...? Kuroi thought to himself, his eyes not leaving either of his focuses.

With a hefty sigh, Kuroi turned around and walked past the men he had been training throughout the week, "Training is canceled. I require time for...reflection..." said the duelist, being the first to leave the crowd.

Were it not for his prestige in the world above, the vulpine's mannerisms could not be mistaken for someone who had no wish to taint their fame. To the more perceptive individuals, he already imagined that him taking his early leave from the speech gave off at least a slight aura of disagreement. Kuroi returned to the tent that had been assigned to him and sat down in front of it, closing his eyes as he began to ponder on the matter and everything that had just been announced.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Baraian Paladice

Time: Morning
Location: Roshmi City (Ra Monde)

It felt oddly satisfying to just laugh to him, he who had kept a stone face for such a long time. How long had it truly been since he departed from Dakka? The days had melded in with the weeks, the months into the years. People had come and gone to Golden Death. Many of whom never lived to see the day that a human would finally appear.

Prior to the appearance of the short female human, whom he had now appointed as the new leader of them all, there had been a feeling of hopelessness amongst all. Whilst in such a place of despair and lamentation, Baraian had kept his faith and hope that there would come a day where a human would wander the halls of Ra Monde. How would the dark elves of Dakka look upon him if they knew of his work, of his gathering of rebels for over a hundred years? Their wrath and punishment would be dire indeed. Despite knowing what fate would befall him had they caught him, the option of death was not that bad. The worst fate of all would to become an undead. A servant of Aklenroth.

Locked forever into servitude under a cruel master. Not too different from most dark elves living in Dakka. He had learnt early that the world is a cruel place, where the strong rule over the weak. Where people are born into the world and eventually die. The natural order of things as some would call it. A pointless existance of suffering, where the bad would always outweigh the good. Why? Because people were greedy, envious and hateful of each other. It wasn't locked to any race, but rather a nature kept in most beings. It revealing itself more clearly in some than others.

The world that most people wished for however was a peaceful world, without war, misery and suffering. Where there would be no pain, where none would ever fall sick or die. Where all your dreams would come true. Such a world did not exist. It could never exist. For peoples urge for chaos and change would drive them against oneanother and kill each other. Often he had found himself asking what made him different, the answer that came back every time was the same. He was the same.

He desired a place just out of reach. Yet unlike them, he knew a path which could lead them there. The path would however be covered in blood, just like the wars fought in the past. Nothing was truly free. He wasn't free. No one was. The dark elf allowed his hand to softly take hold of the dagger he had previously jammed into the table, putting it in it's small leather sheath.

No matter what would happen now, he would win. What only mattered was if he was going to get a minor victory for himself, or a major victory for himself and everyone living in Avalia.

Baraian's face grew more grim. 'War. The path of victory is drenched in blood.' He thought to himself as he strode towards the exit of his tent, that's when he saw the faun which had accompanied the human and also the masked fan-wielder to Ra Monde.

"Something you require?" Baraian asked in a monotone and slightly formal manner, putting both his arms behind his back as he walked closer to the faun. Looking him over and the clothes which he seemed to be fidgeting with.

"If you have questions. Ask them and I will see if I can give you the answers you seek." The dark elf continued before Ilan could answer him.

Terneus Andros

Time: Morning
Location: Roshimi City

Terneus had raised an eyebrow on hearing Xenelith speak again, his very words seemed to offend the very air around him. Even before he listened to what he actually was saying.

'This filthy exile have heard of my family members?' The light elf thought as his interest grew more keen, perhaps there were some flattery in there. It became clear to him soon enough there was none, aside from the fact he was the lone heir. Save his exiled brother who he would not name nor spend a moment further to think about. The memory made his stomach upset and he felt the need to spit but restrained himself. The mention of his family had however sparked memories to him.

His father who had favored his older brother, much to Terneus displeasure. 'All I ever wanted was to be like him. If you ever would have loved me as you did him father. I would have burnt the entire world...' The whiteclad elf thought to himself in silence, his eyes narrowing slightly until his thoughts went to his mother.

'Ahh! Mother! You also always loved Excelas the best! What did he have that I didn't? Hnggnn...' Terneus bit his lower lip slightly before adjusting his stance and overall pose, collecting himself from his memories.

"Yes, I am the lone heir. But my house has never been stronger. Which is why I govern over the light elves and not someone of common birth." He assured the dark elf commander and then gave his own knights a glance, if only brief.

"A traitor amongst the fairies? How fortunate that you managed to put an end to it. When it comes to myself, I cannot simply memorize every bug I happen to step over, neither by appearance or name." He allowed a soft chuckle to escape his lips as he waved his mirror as a fan towards himself. "As for this Misa Millina... Oh yes, that's the name I remember now, that brat... horrible? No.. Ari... No? Oribel. Yes that's the name. Seems that young little fairy had offspring with rebellious spirit. She and her outdated thugs will soon be captured, I'll bring them to the king himself after reassuring the trip will be as smooth as possible without any attempts to free them." He said in a thoughtful, if not slightly amused manner. The light elf looked as Xenelith inspected his troops, Terneus thought for a moment to do the same to his. But then was reminded of their tainted and filthiness, and who knew their sickness could even possibly be a threat to an elf of his high standing. The thought itself made the elf gulp.

"Pardon? Insult you commander? Oh was that a joke? I would never steep that low." Terneus said in a reassuring manner, as if the very thought was unappealing to him. "I would never insult the king either, my men are clean and scar free because only warriors who get hurt and fail get scarred or dirtied. Their duels are however entertaining, they are not comparable to my skills but to be fair." He took a moment to put in a very noble sounding chuckle. "Who is? Oh and I know fully well they will be heard, and that is the point. Have them flee, fill them with fear and they will run towards their little hiding places so you can smoke every last one out." Terneus said in an amused and sinister manner, which would imply that he has certainly done something of that nature in the past.

"And it is -Lord- Andros, you may join my forces for now until I aqquire these rebel scum and bring them to the king. Oh and don't be silly, my men have nothing to learn from yours. Win a war? Oh I always win. And I'll make it most beautiful." The light elf allowed a very sinister smile to decorate his face, one which would send his men into a chain reaction of gulps.

'...then someday my people will destroy you dark elf, and your homeland.'
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by princess
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Time: Morning
Location: Roshmi

Malachi listened to Kenia and felt a pang in his heart. Her longing for her children was a feeling he knew too well yet had buried for all these years. It seemed at a different time the woman led a much different lifestyle. There was not much he could say to comfort her other than to open up his honest feelings. Losing a child was a wound that never healed. He also felt nostalgic and decided to tell her about Gael. "My son Gael was ten when I lost him and my Cara." He told her softly."I never studied much into the idea of an afterlife, but in case there is one where all who we have lost monitor us, I think it's important we lead lives they can be proud of and have hope that they're somewhere safe."

As a young light elf, Malachi had led a very academic lifestyle. He had studied hard and delved into books more than most. Malachi had become an accomplished mechanical engineer by his late twenties. He never spent time praying or even thinking about an afterlife. However, once he had lost his family, it was the only thing that could ease his immense grief at the time. All he could do was believe that they existed somewhere still and it drove him to want to be a father and husband that they'd be proud of. He wanted to stop the pain and bring upon a peace that would ensure safety for all and stop the destruction from happening again.

Maybe one day I'll hold those hands again.

The sound of racket, a dog barking and Rei yelling made him glance over his shoulder. "Ah. Looks like we yet again have become parents."He mumbled dryly, moving toward the kitchen to find out what was happening. There was an absolute mess on the way there, the water bucket spilled on the floor. His brows furrowed in anger as he made his way into the kitchen to yell at them for upsetting the dog. He did not to expect some strange demi-human child perched on a book shelf once he arrived. He glanced the child up and down before turning to glare immediately at Rei and Corvina. "Okay, explain now."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Time: One Week Later
Location: Roshimi City - Ra Monde
Interaction: @hide on mana

Before Belladonna was able to leave the stage, the Dark Elf came to stand beside her. She glanced at his hand with a narrowed gaze while remaining impassive. She gritted her teeth and looked out to the crowd as she listened to his words. Her eyes twitched as her brain began to speculate the moves he had just made. Why on Earth was he giving her his army? Did he expect Humans came with a readily available book of leadership knowledge pertaining to war? How was she going to lead these people? Belle feigned admiration and respect, her smile too wide and her eyes shining with joy. She nodded her head to the crowd and bowed once more.

When he had finally let go, Belle again went to the back of the room with her head raised and eyes fixated on the exit. She began to gather her arrows and knives as she started hiding them in her boots, her pockets, and adjusted the quiver of arrows around her waist. While she prepped to head to the land for the first time in a week, maniac hysterical laughter filled her ears. She glanced over to find it was Baraian's tent. Belle raised her eyebrows then ducked her head as she began to lace her boots. She watched Ilan approach him and wondered what the faun needed, but didn't waste time to continue pondering it. Once she finished gearing up, a soft tap on her shoulder caused her to gasp and spin around with a knife in hand, ready to stab them.

"Miss, where are you going?" Rosemary stood behind her with a frown. Belle noticed she was equipped also with a bow and arrow. She suspected that the Elven woman had more than just a bow on her as well.

"Up to the ground, Rosemary. Should I not familiarize myself with this wonderful city I am going to lead?" Belle tried to keep her voice low, but the spite she was unable to withhold. Rosemary studied her with an intense gaze that remind her of Lysandra. The name brought a stabbing pain in her chest that Belle had to ignore as she roughly gathered the remainder of her knives and daggers. Belle remembered her

"Not alone, you're not going up there alone Ms. Belle." Rosemary's words finally filled the piercing silence as Belle stared up at her with shock.

"What, really? You're letting me go up there?" She couldn't restrain the smile lighting up her expression, blanketed with relief.

"Yes ma'am, as long as you agree to being guarded. You are our leader now." Rosemary lifted her finger and a few others joined: Elf, fairy and a Demihuman joined her; Belle recognized them as Morgayne, Elleta, and Regulus. They were fierce warriors. She had watched them train and exercise and found them to be compelling. Their work ethic and dedication had stunned her. She nodded her approval, then glanced at Kuroi. His skills were indeed going to be necessary, and she wondered what else he knew. She had watched him training over the week with the youth and had founded it to be encouraging. Belle caught his gaze and gestured for him to join them. She didn't want to cross over too far and have people notice, so she kept it subtle.

Belle fixated her gaze on him once more and looked up to indicate they were leaving. Belladonna waited momentarily, then headed up the staircase and out of Ra Monde. They left the graveyard one at a time, making sure to be inconspicuous. Morgayne's zoolinguilism had assisted them in making sure they weren't caught. When they had all joined one another, they looked at Belle for advice. She was silent as she watched the flow of people, the hustle and bustle. It reminded her of her home town. She glanced over her shoulder to see if Kuroi had joined and was cautiously moving so he could catch up.

While she waited, a flyer caught her eye. She moved towards it with the group in tow and read it. She snorted and showed it to them. "Fancy a ball?" The others smiled casually and nodded, because they knew they couldn't voice their real opinions until they went back underground. She knew this would be dangerous to attend but the idea of finding more allies was also inviting. Belladonna sighed as she pondered it. It made her stomach churn.
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