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Current Some of the damn quotes from old 80's animation is damn gold. If english isn't gonna cut it, just swap to ones native language and you have yourself some good comedy. Unlike hollywood post year 2000
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Prepare for oblivion...
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36yo today, one step closer to oblivion.
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Let the roleplaying shenanigans ensue! Fun times!
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In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Terneus Andros

Time: A bad time to be a governor
Place: Shack

It was at the end of his own wonderful words that the governor realized that the disgusting creature before him had no intent on dying quickly. The elf couldn't understand why creatures of seemingly lesser birth would try and struggle so much to little avail. Though their struggles were in comparison to his own hardships a spit in the vast ocean, when would the day come that the gods would award him for his service to the world? He dodged. Wait he dodged? The governor's mind got filled with surprise as his eyes widened in that short moment.

Then the strange humanoid creature before him had the gall to insult him, in a mannerism which brought back memories of a slave some fifty years ago who refused to fan him. Not only that, but said slave had thrown her fan in a similar manner towards his feet. The refusal of doing slave labor had been met with very sharp criticism. For fear of having his boots sullied any further, the elf took a step back, away from the dark elf which was prone. Watching the fan get stuck in the floor next to the dark elf, his attention on it briefly. Wait it's a decoy! The other fan flung into his grip, slamming against his armored bracer that extended to the top of his hand, the impact caused him to drop the mirror however. Ahh? What?! Terneus withdrew his both hands and assumed a pose resembling that of a hissing cat, his fingers slightly bent and raised above chest level. That's when his foe came up towards him. Why you unsavory little-

He stumbled back slightly in recoil as he felt something hit his armored belt, making a slight scratching noise and then he turned the other cheek towards his assailant, and that's when he all of a sudden felt a stinging pain in his right eye. Had the wretched creature spit at him? How disgusting. Terneus could feel how his entire body was getting warmer, especially his face as if all blood was gathering there.

His opponent had also the audacity to grab hold of his right hand, forcing it to point at his own chest and that's when he felt a slight stinging pain. Hnff! Not that rough! I'm nearly royal!

That's when he saw a red drop fall unto his white clothed arm, the one pointed in on his chest. Had he fatally wounded the annoying demi-human? No. This was.. He looked down to his chest, his attire from waist and up to his neck had been cut open and a slight red slice had made it into his skin. His chest had been scratched! But it wasn't deep, he had stepped back just in the right time and his belt had taken some of the impact itself. Then he saw another drop fall down on his arm, it didn't fall from his chest. His face was feeling warm and his right eye was beginning to sting badly.

He had been wounded? His face?! His wonderful face! He couldn't have?!

Terneus grinded his teeth together and began to channel his magical powers, he didn't need his right hand to cast magic. That was for novices and knaves! Like one-hundred and fifty year olds! Mere fiddlers of the magical art! This creature however had wounded him! The disgrace, if anyone would know it could ruin his social standing. No this creature had to be annihilated right where he stood along with the entire shack! The elf violently kicked with his right leg towards his assailant, as his left hand rose up to use his bracer to attempt to parry the attackers blade would he take a swing, his right hand trying to free itself. His magical powers was gathering around him quickly, he was going to blow the building into the skies above and this wretched fool along with it! The dark elf who held a low elevation would surely be safe down there. The shack window still looked like it could be used as an escape route.

"My face! My -beautiful- face! HOW DARE YOU?! YOU DEMON! I'LL SEND YOU TO YOUR GRAVE! RAAAAGHHH! GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME, YOU DIRTY PEASANT!" The elf screamed as his magical energy had gathered sufficiently, then he unleashed a barrage of beams of light in all directions emenating from him, targetting all around but the floor where he stood and where Baraian still laid, trying to recuperate.
Andreim Volkazar

The odd looking fellow had grabbed unto what Andreim believed to be his accomplice out of the way of his urgent descent. The steam spreading out, he could clearly see the two assailants, even if they would be able to tell where he was, he could easily hinder their movement with his power would the need arise, they would no doubt be caught unawares. However the person which had laid his hands on Lise began to introduce himself as Dmitry Olegovich Kalinin. It wasn't a name which Andreim knew, but he seemed to have an interest in swearing allegiance to Lady Lise's noble house. He was an ally? That thought was fully dismissed on hearing his other words.

Andreim didn't waste any time and lowered his both arms allowing water to fall from them to slowly begin to cover the ground arround them. They may be able to see his eyes, scent him or overall he able to hear him. But these people wouldn't be able to see his icy jagged peaks punch up through the watery ground to strike at them. He quickly made certain the others knew of this by shooting a few jagged peaks of ice right in front of them, not actually hitting them. Just to prove a point that when it came to terrain, Andreim was the one in control. He could see them through his thermal vision, but also feel their movements would they step into the water. To his knowledge there was only two which could potentially penetrate his defenses, one was Christine whose mastery of ice and wind was sufficient to blow his steam away. The other was Samoth, who was about as clever as he was powerful.

"That's close enough! I never do mistakes. Unlike you. You're the damn hound, you trampled into her chambers when she was undressed! You are nothing but a pervert, an audacious anglerfish whose glowing bait is insufficient." He snarled, his focus was firm. That's when Lise's voice was heard, and Andreim grit his teeth but complied.

"As you wish Lady Lise, but he has to learn his place..." Andreim added in a snorting manner, this boy had proven to be an annoyance for certain. The other person was a girl by the looks and sounds of it, she was also showing signs of shadow arts. Like those Lise herself was using, as the steam was cleared up abit and they could see each other better. Andreim deactivated his thermal sight and stepped closer to Lise, taking off his jacket and trying to put it over Lise, who'd soon possibly would also don a shadowy attire.
I'd like to show my interest on this. Got some character and mecha ideas in mind.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Time: Noon
Place: Old graveyard in Roshmi

Ambiance: youtube.com/watch?v=8fCOXOO7Iz0

The view from the old withered tree had not yielded any interesting sights. To look for new clothing, how was that a priority? He shook his head softly and tightened his lips to the point he was biting down slightly on his lower lip, concealing a chuckle. The folly of the young, he knew of it quite well. As he had been young once aswell, but that felt like a lifetime past. His mentor had taught him well to cast away weaknesses and become a proper force to be reckoned with. Yes, he could remember it as if it had been yesterday. But it felt like a lifetime past...

He allowed his mind to traverse back into the past.

A memory, of a time other than now, to a place other than here.

Elthrael allowed a smirk to decorate his face as he began to speak in a low tone of voice. "Watch from wherever you are my mentor, watch as I will claim it all..."
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Terneus Andros

Time: Morning
Place: Shack

He had missed? There was simply no way that disgusting beastman had evaded his magic. It would require skills, which the governor thought was unavailable to what he considered to be lower standings of life. It must have been a mistake by his own hand, maybe he got something in his eye. To admit that the beast had been swifter than his hand of justice, now that was beyond all form of reason for the elf. The vulpine, or the beast as Terneus would address all of the demi-human species had taken cover behind a round table in the room. Then he had drawn some form of fans, Terneus knew fans like this. It was used by servants to fan his form when he was too warm from working too hard. And the populace surely knew that already as he was a busy man. The vulpine however did address him in a very arrogant sounding tone, well to Terneus ears it surely were.

"My most important military asset? What are you? A jester? I cannot memorize every name, especially not names for beasts! I have seen fans like those amongst my servants, do you think that is going to deter someone of my magnitude, of my magnificence? You know nothing of pride, you lice ridden infested rat! How dare you address me in such a manner!" The elf snarled as he pressed his boot down against Baraian's arm, veins starting to become visible on the elf's forehead. This creature, as far as he knew, was getting on his nerves. Even though Terneus considered his patience vast and admirable, it had it's limits...

"Your mother? You think I care for an old beastly crone? My platoon? You foolish creature, do you really think I care for any life other than my own? They are expendable, they all are. I can find new servants... I don't care how many lesser beings that has to die in order for my ascension. As far as I care, this city can burn. Oh and if I do get you then I can certainly use you against your mother to remove her. Enjoy knowing that, you dirty peasant. As long as I can take the city's wealth, I don't care about beings of lesser worth. And I will. As easily as I can take your life. Ho ho ho..." He laughed in a mocking manner, fanning his face with his mirror.

"Better than me? You arrogant cretin! You speak of assassins, oh if they would only dare step up to me. I, the star which shine the brightest. They would pale in comparison to my radiance, just like you do with your mundane and inferior beastly skills. You are the wretch that's going to die here, not me. Certainly not me." He seemed to almost choke on a combination of amusement and a chuckle, as if he was mid-way eating a very expensive dish at the behalf of some poor starving peasants.

Terneus readied his mirror again, using his other hand behind it. "Farewell, beast. Better luck in your next life, pray that you will be born an elf..." Terneus mused as he targetted the table with his magic, intending on shooting it into oblivion with those beams of light, while he gave Baraian's arm a stomp with his boot to prevent him from interfering.

In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Baraian Paladice

Time: Morning
Place: Shack

After having bypassed various people, they had finally arrived at the shack. Baraian had been uneasy, as if a heavy burden was weighing him down. The rash behviour at the marketplace was not something he was used to, but he knew how to stay dynamic and if something like that happened they had to make do with what they had. What he now hoped was that everyone got away. For the dark elf knew what happened with those which ended up in the governor's hands, they were never heard from again. But that itself wasn't the worst part, the worst part would be for that pompous self-important excuse of an elf to capture one of their own and try uncover Ra Monde. It would threaten the existance of the rebellion. Such must not happen.

Baraian was weary, his breathing heavy, the marketplace while not physically taxing on him, had caused a mental taxation on him. He thought he saw shadows on the building walls, he thought he could hear someone breathing down his neck. His heart was beating fast. It was most surely his own breath and shadow, playing tricks on him. The survival of the rebellion was dancing on the edge of a blade, one little mishap and they would all pay for it and there would be no way to win. Kuroi had removed his mask a short while after their arrival, it was the first time Baraian had seen the man under the mask. His appearance wasn't what Baraian would consider the typical amongst the demi-humans, then again his own appearance left much to be desired. Out of the two of them, Kuroi was most assuringly the more handsome.

"The man who attacked the governor was Regulus, one of our members. His way of doing things are sometimes abit too direct for my liking. Where his allegiance lies however, there is no doubt." The dark elf said, nodding softly in his monotone voice.

The floor was creaking and there were people walking past outside the shack, Baraian could hear breathing coming from Kuroi aswell. He figured that he too must be slightly nervous. The demi-human then proceeded to talk about the governor, and not in the most graceful way towards his person.

"I am neither a soldier or a martial artist, but I can see what you mean. There is a difference to someone who fights to live, and someone who lives to fight. I could have been a soldier myself, but after seeing just how cruel life in Daka can be I knew that wasn't my path. I chose a different path, one which will make certain of that this world will become a better place. That's why Ra Monde must remain a hidden for now." Baraian said in a sighing manner, as he lowered his hood revealing his white hair and braids. His braids were typically made by the children of Ra Monde when he was too tired to tell them no. It was also the quickest way bore them he thought. He took a final deep breath, the scent of something sweet in the air. What was that sweet smell? Honey cake? He could still hear heavy breathing, his eyes darted over to Kuroi, had he gotten that tired from the ordeal? Or was it just adrenaline? No. It wasn't him. And Kuroi looked like he had realized it did not come from Baraian.

The dark elf was about to turn around when beams of light penetrated his shoulder and he fell forwards to the floor, his left shoulder scorched in black matter. His right arm reaching to the dagger kept by his waist, then it stopped half-way there. By some unseen force pressing down on him. As it began to materialize, it came to them in fully white and silver.

"Oh there will be heads chopped off. I do seem to believe I have buisness with you after all. Ra Monde? Now what is that place? I'm sure you will tell me all about it when I extract it from you." A familiar and pious voice could be heard as the governor of the sun elves appeared out of nowhere in the shack they now found themselves in. His boot pressing down against Baraian's right arm to prevent the dark elf from defending himself. The governor, Terneus stood there in his prideful manner, his mirror-like weapon in hand, his breathing heavy from having to move so much faster than he was used to.

"Hnngn... Go! Get awa-" Baraian was saying through gritted teeth as he was being gracefully stepped on.

Terneus Andros

Time: Ouch time
Place: Where he should not be.

The centaur had evaded him, his knights had gotten lost in the crowd, but he had laid eyes on a suitable target to pin the blame on. A dark elf. That was perfect for political reasons, whereof he was guilty or not. To Terneus his reputation was at risk. No, this would be the day where Terneus, governor of the elves stood against assassins, incapacitating one and killing the other. There would be songs and books about his hardships, of his contributions to the elven race. Even if he now found himself in a dirty and run down shack, having followed the dark elf who had the gall to trip one of his knights. But it seemed he had a pale friend of the more beastly nature.

The governor couldn't help but mentally gag at the idea of possibly staining his clothes with beast blood. But he needed not two assassins alive, as it could imply that he was weak. No, one would be beheaded or hanged. The other would die on spot. The centaur creature would be found and sent to the mines after some... motivation. Despite the attempt on his life, things was looking up. He had everything to gain here, who cares if some of his knights got wounded. It wasn't about them or rebels anyways, it was about him and what he could get out of it. Terneus flaunted his mirror-like weapon in hand, as he pressed his boot down on the wounded dark elf on the old floor. Who knew that invisibility would be so handy? He began to almost blush at his own intellect and just how clever he was, there was truly no one in this world who could prove to outwit him. Now he had the two assassins, or were they? It mattered not! They would get the blame, and he would get the fame!

"You may plead for your life, but it won't help. Stand still and your death will be quick... you dirty beast. It's far more than what you deserve. Or do you truly delude yourself into believing you can fight ME? Don't bother, it is nothing personal towards you. It is all about me after all. I do not know if you had a part in that crude attempt on my Life, but frankly I do not care. Ahah. Now... hold still so I can swat you." The elf extended his mirror with his right hand and moved his left hand behind it, then unleashed a barrage of beams of light towards Kuroi, intent on killing the pestersome 'beast' before he would get close enough to stain his regal garment. The shack was old, its roof and walls were weathertorn and feeble compared to many of the buildings, there was however some area which could be used for dodging. There was also a table, chairs and some other furniture about which could provide hinderances.

The governor however, even with a honeycake stained attire was convinced that this would be dealt with smoothly and without any complications. How could he possibly be wrong?

In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Playtime
Location: Den of sin

He blinked a few times, looking after Lord Norkas, or rather Umber. As he was leaving the building to thank the lady which had given Zelginn the important task to begin with. While the initial telekinesis that had been used to levitate Zelginn up to face Umber had caught the small fellow by a slight surprise he realized that he was technically flying without wings. How many creatures had done that without a Amoras or a beast?

The large demon, Umber was certainly a sight to behold. Most people within Roshmi would certainly dread him and stay away from him if they could. Demons were after all known to be trickstery and very powerful, even a small foxeared fellow like Zelginn knew this. He wasn't born yesterday after all, not even close to it! But even so he knew that no one would hurt a child, not even a demon right? Boy was he lucky!

As Umber spoke, Zelginn nodded quickly in agreement to everything the intimidating demon said. "Oh okay, have fun milord!" He said waving his clawed hand as the large figure began to move away in a floating manner. The small figure allowed his curious eyes to wander to the winged woman and the dark elf nearby. The former of the two was looking at him, even when he was speaking with 'Lord Norkas', Zelginn had just not been fully able to keep his concentration on the large figure as his mouth went on a spree. The woman had however kept to herself somewhat until the large demon had begun to leave, now she giggling and looking over him as if he was some form of entertainment or appetizer.

The tailed small figure crossed his arms defiantly, he was certainly not tonights entertainment. The woman however proceeded to thank him and handing him a gift. Zelginn blinked a few times, then reached out to take the skaula. He knew what this was. This was the thing which made people see things strangely, he had the fortune or misfortune to get it into his hands before. And that time the curiousity took the better of him. He poured it into that silly dark elf's drink. Oh how he got into trouble from that.

It made Zelginn softly giggle to himself as he pocketed the gift. "Thank ya. Mighty kind of ya. But you know sometimes you miss out on fun if you take these." He said in an almost cat-demi-human manner, with his clawed hand replacing a cat paw as he seized the gift. The dark elf in the room had also thrown glances at him, he had addressed 'Lord Norkas' as 'Umber'. That made Zelginn ponder, even in a visual manner. His hand under his chin and the other scratching his neck.

"Umber? Oh I see!" He said in a ponderous manner, slamming one of his hands into the other, looking between the winged woman and the dark elf. "But I bet mister Umber isn't gonna need any dark elves for his meeting with the lady."

He smiled with his eyes narrowed abit, as if he just had remembered a fun story, his eyes wandered over Azriel before turning to look over at Xenelith. "I don't think he's speaking of that cat-lady, but his wife... maybe he is being nose... nostalgic." Zelginn said in normal tone to Azriel, so that Xenelith could potentially pick it up. "...oh maybe she's dead." Zelginn said as he scratched his cheek with one of his clawed fingers, looking from Xenelith and to Azriel again.

"Maybe things aren't quite what they seem after all..." He allowed his red eyes to lock with Azriel's, his lips forming a happy smile. "I'm sure Lord Umber will have lots of fun. Oh but did you know all the good things come in small packages. I'd bet mister Umber was really small once, really really small! But that must have been ages ago. You don't look THAT old." The small foxeared boy made a snapping sound with his fingers
Andreim Volkazar

Andreim grit his teeth as the shadow was directed into the path of the jet of water, leaving it's original target evading it. The military inspired clad young man then sighted the odd person grab hold of lady Lise. Wait what? Grabbed lady Lise? That anyone would dare lay there fingers on her, much less carry her in a manner which was only suitable for Andreim himself. This was an affront, not only that but an attempt to defile her purity with their unclean hands. How dared they. This one even addressed her as mistress. It's punishment would be dire indeed. The veins became apparent on Andreim's face as his hands tightened further, his hair blowing upwards, his irises turning bright orange and glowing as he allowed his heat attunement to manifest. He then dashed after the strange figure which was now trying to kidnap his empress.

Andreim leapt out of the windows his arms reaching out, his left hand shooting a wide jet of water to dampen his fall just slightly. His right hand tightened into a fist as he slammed it into the jet of water just before his feet landed on the ground, sending hot steam towards the now two assailants. Lise seemed to say something to them, but such words would not reach his ears. Lise's form was easily distinguished from the other two below, as she was more endowed in the physical department. So the odd person had a companion? To Andreim it didn't matter if there was two, or twohundred. He would undertake any fight if it meant protecting her.

"Hands off MY LISE!"

The young man landed fully inbetween Lise and her seemingly assailants, Andreim was prepared to use lethal force on them if necessary. There were two things you should never do. The first would be to harm his comerades, the second and more grave would be to lay their unclean and tainted fingers on his empress. A crime. Unforgivable and unforgettable. The only exception had been Alto who saved her. Much to Andreim's displeasure, as he wanted to do such himself. It wasn't Alto's fault really, it was Rurik's. Andreim quickly reached out with his left hand towards Lise, the one hand not steaming hot, for her to hold unto.

His eyes glowing partly, his thermal vision being able to distinguish the clear enemies amidst the steamy surrounding. He was even prepared to call for Cassius for assistance, but it would come at a price of looking less formidable. But if it meant keeping Lise safe, what price would not be worth paying?

'There's no reason for you to think about your kidnapping attempt no more, when you are fighting to stay alive! Your opponent is me. Andreim!'

Andreim Volkazar

Place: To rescue Lise
Theme: youtube.com/watch?v=ZQp3fNzMWTA&t=149s

He had found himself standing outside of the girls dorm again, what was keeping Lise so long? Was it the hair or the dress? The other things? The green and brown clad young man leaned against the wall patiently. All had been prepared for the coming weeks, where recruitment would begin. How things had moved forwards quickly, it felt like it was almost a year ago they had set their feet into the apartment complex. The trouble had begun there, but also all the good. He was snapped out of his thoughts as he heard the familiar voice of Lise... screaming?! Lise was in trouble!

"Lise?" His eyes snapped fully open, his body tensed and his teeth gritted.

Andreim straightened up in an instant and in an almost tearing manner opened the door to the corridor separating all the dorm rooms in the girls only section. He knew fully well which room was Lise's however, as he had taken her there after their withdrawal from the apartment complex incident where she lost her skirt. That damn Rurik, it was his fault and those Mephisto crooks, then Alto had swooped in to catch her. Which was both a relief but also an annoyance. The young man found himself running through the corridor and found himself outside Lise's door, he felt the door handle, forcefully twisting it and when that didn't open it. He quickly created an orb of water in his hand to grasp around the handle, then attuning to ice to freeze it solid, then doing a complete reversal of the temperature using heat in order to break it.

As the door handle shattered into pieces, he kicked open the door and darted inside. Once inside he spotted an individual he had never seen before, alongside the beauty that was lady Liselotte, aswell as one of her shadow servants. This intruder. This... male? Female? It didn't even matter!

The person was kneeling before her, and the window to the room was open. A burglar? A courting burglar? No this was way worse. This person was going to pay for intruding on her domain so casually when she was not even dressed.

"I'm here Lise!" He said as he came into the scene, setting his eyes on the beauty for a moment and then to the intruder. His eyes narrowed and twitched slightly.

"Why you little scumbag! How dare you lay your eyes on her! Get the hell out of here!" Andreim yelled loud enough for it to echo down the corridors, tightening his right hand into a fist and channeled his watery power around it, attempting to shoot the intruder away with a jet of water, hopefully out the window the wicked thing came from. If not then he was prepared to reduce the entire dormitory to a battleground.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Place: Roshmi city

There had been some commotion close to where he found himself, towards the market district appearantly. But the small figure that was Zelginn had nothing to do at the market, and by the time he would arrive there it would probably be over. What a bummer! His feet was still covered in sot, albeit now with a slight bit of dust and minor mud. He looked down and frowned, he did like to look clean but he hated baths. They were almost as terrible as hugs. Yet out of most things he really despised dogs. They were angry, noisy and tended to ruin all the fun at times.

Zelginn tip tapped his feet along the cobblestoned path leading towards most likely fun times ahead when he suddenly stopped and smelled the air. That was a weird scent. He looked to the building next to him, raising his eyebrows in slight confusion. Tapping his chin quickly with his clawed finger, then slamming his hand into the other as he realized what place it was. The small figure waltzed up to the entrance of the building that was the local brothel, the women gathered by the door raised their eyebrows in reply to his approach.

"What's this? This isn't a place for you kid. Go home to your mother." One of the women said with a chuckle and took a long inhale through her rolled tobacco, blowing a ring of smoke towards the much smaller Zelginn who stood still, blinking with his eyes.

"Watcha mean? This place has a particular scent to it. Can I enter?" He asked as he waved some of the ill scenting smoke out of his face.

"No. You cannot. This is a refined establishment only for grown ups, now beat it kid." Another lightly clad woman said, crossing her arms looking to an lightly clad man abit behind her as if to beckon him forth.

"Oh? No? What if I give you this pouch with Amas?" Zelginn asked and tossed his recently stolen coinpouch, which once belonged to a dark elf.

"Hm? Hmm. Fine. Just don't come crying to us or whine to your mother. We never saw you." The woman grinned and pocketed the pouch quickly, some of the others present gave the pouch a hungry stare.

"Oh don't worry, my mother is in prison, I can't really whine to her…." Zelginn replied as he began ascending the stairs until he came to the doors, he reached up with both his small clawed hands and opened the doors leading into the first chamber. Once he entered he was met with strange glances by the workers and the personell of the place, but also a few guests threw the small figure looks of concern before resuming their buisness.

"What's with all the stares? Do I have something on my face? Sheesh!" He said aloud, then his curious eyes gazed about the place, tip toe'ing about looking to the various patrons until he finally settled his sight on one which looked like he could have been a lord. That had to be it. That was definitely Lord Norkas. He set his eyes on the large figure before approaching it fully, taking out the necklace he had gotten from Kenia earlier.

"Hey! Hey you must be Lord Norkas right? Haven't we met before? You look like a lord! Lady Tsarra Kenia Urmicca has highly recommended me to work for you! But I don't think I will be much use carrying things, I do think this necklace was supposed to be given to you though. It smells of the lady still. Wow her house was really big. Zelginn smiled widely with his eyes closed towards the large figure, as he then began to describe the building in detail, the one which he had previously explored via the chimney. He kept his posture, as he spewed as much words as he could over the large figure known amongst others in the vicinity as Umber.

"For a moment I thought there was actual real humans at her place! But boy was a I fooled, seems my nose got the better of me. Silly me! Guess they were just smelling really bad! They were there for Haron. I wonder what that is?" He said scratching his neck and then the hair on his head in annoyance, before tossing the necklace to Umber. "You look weird! But you kind of remind me of my little brother! Oh he was so weird!" Zelginn grabbed his stomach as he began to giggle to try contain himself.

"Oh oh oh, if you go meet the lady tell her that Zelginn said hello, won't you? I think she might have gotten abit grumpy with me, but I didn't mean to steal her food, I didn't know it was hers. What kind of lady locks up her food instead of eating it anyways?" He lifted his one clawed foot and leaned it on the other while holding both his paws behind his neck, looking at Umber's foreign appearance and then to any other being close to him. Something was off about the room. It was almost as if he was a fly in a spiders net, or was it a spider in the net? If only he could remember the saying!

He gave a cheeky grin to Umber, as he almost seemed to gaze through him.
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