Carneylus Creznek VS Elthrael Vol'Kerno
The plea from the demi-human child had reached Carneylus ears, for a moment he felt hesitation, it was wrong to fight in front of children. But at the same time it was wrong to leave bullies to continue on their way. Justice demanded that this mothwinged fairy would have to be taught a lesson. The pixie whilst certainly not impressive in physical strength did not deserve to be poorly treated by anyone, for she had caused them no harm. Or so he thought. It didn't take him long before he spread out his batlike wings and gave two big flaps from the ground, hurling himself into the air with his saber in hand, flying upwards towards the fairy slightly located above him.
"Justice is on my side!" He swung the blade through the air smoothly, not as fast as the fairy but more forcefully and with such precision, as if he knew exactly where the fairy would be the moment he got close.
Elthrael grinned on seeing his nightly adversary take flight to greet him.
'Such audacity. Allow me to teach you what makes us different...' He thought before opening his mouth to retort to the man.
"Hah! Do you even know the meaning of the word?!" The moth fairy mocked as he air-dashed out of the path for the sword, which seemed to almost cut the very air itself with it's force. That and a chunk of his white hair that was trailing slightly behind him. The fairy made an attack of his own, as he flew straight past him, aiming to stab the bat-man with his jian sword. The blade met flesh. The scent of blood filled the air. The bat-man had been struck. First blood had been drawn. Carneylus eyes narrowed and his teeth were gritting, as his free hand had found itself grabbing hold of the sharp edge of the jian sword, keeping it firmly in place from piercing his chest.
"Rarghh!" He exclaimed in pain and in a display of force as he lifted his saber and made a cutting motion towards the fairy's swordhand, aiming for his wrist.
"Hnnf!" Elthrael quickly allowed his hand to slip from his swordgrip as he propelled himself backwards out of reach for Carneylus sword, his moth wings quickly fluttering.
Their eyes met again, one dark as the very night, the other blazing like the sun. Carneylus then threw the fairy's sword back towards him, as if he was tossing any other object. There was after all no honor in striking an opponent who was unarmed while he was himself.
"You abandon your sword so easily when it is your lifeline." Carneylus said as a matter of fact, with some hint of surprise and disappointment.
"A man who relies on a single fang, will eventually break it one day." Elthrael said with a slight grin, as he moved his left hand behind his owm back as good as he could with his wings fluttering.
The bat-man frowned at the comparison of a sword with a fang. He had fangs of his own, but this fairy seemed to regard his own weapon as nothing more than a toy of some kind. It angered him. He didn't take fighting seriously? Was he toying with him? This man was looking down not only on that pixie... but him aswell? Elthrael could hear his mentor's words in his head the moment Carneylus had tossed the sword.
'Don't lower your guard!' A line he had heard plenty of, a line he remembered well. Yet his opponent showed no sign of pressing an attack upon launching the sword. The moth fairy grabbed his sword as it flew through the air, making a slight swing in the air with it to rid it of the bat-blood still covering it.
"Now we continue... try to hold on better next time! I don't want to beat a fairy without a weapon!" Carneylus made a few flaps into the air with his wings to hurl himself towards Elthrael again. The darkwinged fairy remained put this time around waiting for Carneylus to get closer, the much larger wings of the batman almost seeming to envelop him in it's shadow, provided by the very moon itself which shone down upon them.
'What is he playing at? Does he want me to strike him down? Fight me!' Carneylus lamented in his mind as he realized the moth fairy had not made any show of movement in his pose or swordstance. But then he saw it, the moth fairy was moving it's left hand from it's back. Had he retrieved an item of some kind? Carneylus blinked as he saw some form of plantlike thing enveloping the fairy's other wrist, it was bright green and almost seemed to glow abit in the dark. As if it was filled with some illuminating liquid. A shot of bright green liquid shot out from the plant and towards Carneylus who stopped midair to raise his sword, causing some of the liquid being shot to avoid hitting him, but the remainder of it splashing him across the face.
"Ahh! Coward!" Carneylus yelled out, covering himself momentarily with his leathery wings as painful stinging began to spread across his face, he brought up his bleeding hand to attempt to wipe it away from his face as good as he could while bracing himself for the fairy's next move.
"Coward? Not at all! This is how a true warrior do battle! With all his fangs at his disposal! Your sense of some kind of honor is making you weak." Elthrael smirked as he remained afloat from where he were, allowing the plantlike thing to fall off his wrist. Carneylus left eye was stinging and the entire left side of his face seemed to be sharing in it's pain, he however resumed to flap his leathery wings, gritting his teeth at his opponent which was openly mocking him and calling him weak.
"You think I am weak? Is that it?!" He called out to the moth, but he needed no further words from the fairy. It was clear as day to him, the fairy thought he was weak. Not because of his swordplay but because of how he were as a person. A man of honor, a man of justice and a man of virtues. Memories came back to him, as if they were all swarming on him like a swarm of bees. How all the elves had treated him and those like him in his old village, how people like them always looked down on others. This fairy was no different from them, he would pick on the weak because he was strong. For a moment Carneylus felt his face go grim. No more playing games. His eyes began to flare up in a slight hue of red and he opened his mouth, showing his elongated teeth as he began to lose himself. Rage. Unbridled suppressed rage. It burst.
It was with a roar that the demi-human spread his wings wide and his entire body seemed to tense up and grow more veiny, his gaze filled ywith bloodlust as he focused in on the fairy ahead of him. Elthrael tilted his head slightly to the side on seeing the spectacle before him, was this some form of transforming demi-human hybrid? No. This man was holding back before. Upon realizing this the fairy quickly raised his left hand and quickly created large vines which shot out towards the bat-man, gradually slithering over his body, but the large leathery wings remained unhindered. Then came a roar and the bat-man tore himself free from the vines with sheer strength, even reaching out to grab the main vine in order to try pull the fairy closer. But the moth fairy would have none of it, he let go swiftly before dashing through the air. The much larger bat-man chasing him through the air, they dove downwards towards a park.
"Have you gone bat-shit insane on me?!" Elthrael yelled mockingly back to the man chasing him through the air.
"I am not weak! I will be strong for those I must protect! Raaaagghhhh!" Carneylus swung his saber with sheer force towards the fairy, which had landed on a wooden pillar, one of the many within the park, keeping the lanterns hanging by them.
'Berserk!' Elthrael's voice echoed in his own head, he had seen these kinds before. But he had only seen them in feral beasts and orcs before. The fairy pressed his feet against the wooden pillar he had landed upon, and hurled himself through the air with a backflip. Carneylus saber cut into the wooden post, severing it by the sheer force itself cauring the top of it to fall down. His blade was a tough one to be able to do such a thing, but the demi-human would have immense strength to do such a feat. Carneylus eyes darted quickly after his opponent which had yet again evaded his blade, he felt how his emotions were overpowering him, only the stinging in his face and hand was feeling real.
It didn't take long for the fairy to land on the ground, and when he did he landed he quickly knelt down to place his hands at the ground itself. The demi-human was not far behind, he dove down with an overhand swing of his blade, as a storm of thorny vines shot out from the ground below to envelop his body, yet his blade still managed to slice them through moments after, forcing the fairy to roll to the side to avoid becoming split in twain.
"Rabid hound! A man whose wielded by his weapon is no warrior at all!" Elthrael taunted as he felt a strong gust of wind blowing towards him, causing his footing to loosen, his hair began blowing backwards and his coat flickering in the strong wind. The large batlike wings was flapping with such muscular force that it was difficult for the fairy to remain grounded, and thus he allowed himself to simply fly up into the air by the current.
"By the elder elves! A fight!" A man in the park yelled out in surprise and worry, soon followed another voice of a woman exclaiming her fears. Elthrael payed them no mind, they were beholders nothing more. People who watched, unlike people like himself who were people of action. But it was these voices that brought the demi-human out of his rage and he blinked quickly, looking at his own hands and how they were trembling, he could feel his own power and the adrenaline pumping through him from the fighting. But also from his slight injuries.
"I.." He started, throwing glances to the people around which gazed upon him as if he were a monster. These were people he was supposed to protect, to look after to take care of. Innocent bystanders which had now been drawn into his quest for justice. He could feel his body suddenly losing it's strength, he felt weaker and weaker. Even weaker than he were before. What had caused it? Had he pushed himself too far? Not a chance... he hadn't fought that long? Or had he?
"My my, it seems that you are not in the best judgement... bat-man." Elthrael said in an amused manner, but slightly panting from his very urgent descent out of harms way, which would be more ascent up into the air.
"But then again.. how could you be after I poisoned you." He chuckled softly, sheathing his blade midair. Still aware however that at any moment, the man below could potentially leap up towards him again.
"Ughm... Don't underestimate people you know nothing about! Everything only has one life and that's why no life is worth more than the other! So treat others with respect even if they are your enemies!" Carneylus yelled out towards the fairy above which gazed down on him as if he was standing at the gates of the gods themselves. The fairy's eyes scanned the man below, this man had proven to be stronger than he first appeared to be. Yet what was it that drove him to withhold such anger? He didn't know.. But there was respect now. Not for his way of fighting, but for his belief.
"You've made your point, as I believe I have made mine. Yet you ought to embrace your nature, not flee from it....You are the coward here! Hah..hah..hah.." The moth fairy placed a hand at his waist, hovering in the air as he did. Slowly distancing himself from the other man.
"My nature...?" It was true, he was indeed suppressing his anger, his rage, his sorrow... he was suppressing it all, but it was because of being able to do so that he had been able to focus and let those things be at the side. To not hinder him in his quest for strength. Were he wrong? It was a matter which he felt he would have to ask Valaeon, for he most surely were the opposite of him. Or so he thought. The two nightly combatants threw some last glances at each other before they parted ways, with some form of new understanding for the other side. Yet the night was yet young.