The shy boy gallantly led them to their rooms. After helping Katherin settling into hers, Brigit just gave her a small peck on the forehead and went to her own room. Opening the door, she was surprised. A bed, a dresser and a cupboard. They were luxuries that she hadn't thought would be granted to her in this lifetime.
Spending most of her childhood rummaging through trash and sleeping on the streets, the linens and the mattress were something that wouldn't help her sleep. Plus, the room was filled with a homely warmth something that made her feel dizzy. So she opened the window to let the cool night wind come in. She was used to the harsh coldness of the ground, this warmth was a bit stifling. She had been in the cold so long that such warmth was overwhelming.
Finding more like her, then making a friend and then finally finding a bed. It felt like she didn't have many more things left on the bucket list. For the first time in her life she was happy and so she climbed the window and sat on the ledge outside it. Slowly relaxing into a sleep as she sit huddling her arms around her, the cold night wind hitting her and making her feel alive.
It was around five in the morning that the songbirds started singing which broke her reverie. Over the night she had changed postures and was now literally on the edge of the ledge. She helped herself up and went inside the room. Looking around for something to pass time. The power from last night was still raging on inside her, that hit from the girl was really something. She could go around without food for atleast month on this. But she was here to help channel this power into a better activity.
After she tried to copy what she saw old men in Chinatown do for their morning exercise. It was time for the breakfast, signified by the bell. She dusted herself off and went outside to sit in the hallway. Waiting for Katherin to come out. Once she did, she went upto her and put a hand softly on her shoulder to signal her presence.
It would have been better had she kept the tablet but she felt like she shouldn't misuse the good nature of the kind young man. Taking Katherin's hand and planting it on her shoulder, they walked down to the kitchen or atleast where she hoped the kitchen was judging from the squabble that was coming from one of the rooms.
Walking in they found a group of three in a verbal tussle with another group of two. It seemed like a normal settlement now. The girl from yesterday was in the three person group as well. Brigit gave her a long glance before finding a seat for Katherin and herself looking at the people from a distance.
The shy boy gallantly led them to their rooms. After helping Katherin settling into hers, Brigit just gave her a small peck on the forehead and went to her own room. Opening the door, she was surprised. A bed, a dresser and a cupboard. They were luxuries that she hadn't thought would be granted to her in this lifetime.
Spending most of her childhood rummaging through trash and sleeping on the streets, the linens and the mattress were something that wouldn't help her sleep. Plus, the room was filled with a homely warmth something that made her feel dizzy. So she opened the window to let the cool night wind come in. She was used to the harsh coldness of the ground, this warmth was a bit stifling. She had been in the cold so long that such warmth was overwhelming.
Finding more like her, then making a friend and then finally finding a bed. It felt like she didn't have many more things left on the bucket list. For the first time in her life she was happy and so she climbed the window and sat on the ledge outside it. Slowly relaxing into a sleep as she sit huddling her arms around her, the cold night wind hitting her and making her feel alive.
It was around five in the morning that the songbirds started singing which broke her reverie. Over the night she had changed postures and was now literally on the edge of the ledge. She helped herself up and went inside the room. Looking around for something to pass time. The power from last night was still raging on inside her, that hit from the girl was really something. She could go around without food for atleast month on this. But she was here to help channel this power into a better activity.
After she tried to copy what she saw old men in Chinatown do for their morning exercise. It was time for the breakfast, signified by the bell. She dusted herself off and went outside to sit in the hallway. Waiting for Katherin to come out. Once she did, she went upto her and put a hand softly on her shoulder to signal her presence.
It would have been better had she kept the tablet but she felt like she shouldn't misuse the good nature of the kind young man. Taking Katherin's hand and planting it on her shoulder, they walked down to the kitchen or atleast where she hoped the kitchen was judging from the squabble that was coming from one of the rooms.
Walking in they found a group of three in a verbal tussle with another group of two. It seemed like a normal settlement now. The girl from yesterday was in the three person group as well. Brigit gave her a long glance before finding a seat for Katherin and herself looking at the people from a distance.