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1 mo ago
Current I think I'm Advanced+ level and could do that. But under Adv, I feel compelled to write a certain way and it makes writing feel more like a chore even if it's just in my head. Thus, I prefer Casual
1 mo ago
Many people equate "Advanced" to "Big, high effort posts with lots of flowery language." It's a habitual thought I struggle to shake as an RPer with 20+ years of writing experience. It's very draining
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Yeah, I would personally prefer to simply require them to come to terms with something that's physically or spiritually holding them back. Like for Henry, it could be his and Gaomon's relationship. Gaomon needs to realize that the two care about each other and want to protect each other. It's not just a one-sided deal. Henry needs to realize that Gaomon sacrifices a lot to keep him safe...and he needs to come to terms with how difficult he's making Gaomon's life, even if Gaomon doesn't admit it.
Lust can be for anything iirc, not just sexual gratification. If I'm not mistaken, Lust is nothing more than an extreme desire. I don't really think Lust refers specifically to sexual gratification, even in the context of the deadly sins, does it? Now, in that regard, I can't really think of anything that Henry would fall under. xD He's carefree, so he doesn't really have any kind of special desires to lust or be greedy for or be envious of anything, he's probably the exact opposite of wrathful, he's not a sloth by any means, nor does he actually have any real pride to speak of...I really don't think he fits any of them. @forsythe - Actually, Greed must be about material possessions, if I'm not mistaken. That's what separates it from Lust. Lust is the intense desire. Greed is about desiring material possessions in excess. Envy is about jealousy and the intense desire to own what another possesses. They're all extremely similar as they are all a strong internal desire, but there are slight differences between them. I understand the point of a Sin Crest would be to overcome that internal sin and/or admit that they have it. But I really don't feel like that's a concept for a protagonist to utilize. I feel like that should be reserved for what I always called "Dark Tamers" in my RP's that involve them (although their Crests don't HAVE to be sins, they make a good start for consideration).
Haha. Indeed. xD Part of the reason I chose Henry and Gaomon was because I knew that Gaomon would be at opposition with a few of the other Digimon that are already presented here. However, so long as Henry is one of the team, he will have no choice but to put up with them. It will be quite interesting to see how that works out. xD
### Character Sheet **Human CS** Name: Henry Damon Gender: Male Age: 14 Nationality: American Appearance: ![](http://oi60.tinypic.com/15mgzdl.jpg) Personality: Henry is a very high-spirited and carefree young man, always blindingly cheerful about everything he is ever involved in, no matter how dreary. However, this is consistent with even the darkest themes that he might be discussing. For instance, he will talk about death and murder as though it were nothing more than a game. Nothing seems to ever even get him down...not even the injuries of his friends. Because of this strange demeanor, he is often described as "extremely creepy" by other kids who know him. He is also not one to care much for his own well-being either. He is a firm believer in the ideology that anything that is meant to happen will happen anyway, so there is no need to worry about it. If he was meant to die, then he will. Because of this, he can get himself in dangerous and even potentially fatal situations that would have been avoided by a more "sane" individual. He is the type of person who has no qualms about walking the line between life and death...and will make jokes about it the entire time. Brief History: Henry lived in a small town in Florida with his parents and a younger sister. He grew up in a fairly normal life for much of his childhood. However, something went wrong one day near the end of his elementary school life. He witnessed a very brutal crime, taking place right in front of his face while he was leaving school late one day. He even very nearly became a victim himself. During his escape attempt, he lost consciousness and has no memory of anything that happened that day. He found himself waking up in a hospital with a scar on the side of his face. His parents attempted to shelter him from the tragic event, fearing for his mental well-being, but he did not seem at all bothered. In fact, he enjoyed making jokes about the incident and other jokes in ill taste, concerning his family even more, including his Digimon that had been with him for a couple of years by that point (Wanyamon at the time). This was the first time he had displayed his current personality, which has never faded away again. After a handful of psychological evaluations, his family was presented with no alternative but to accept the truth. Their son, in an effort to protect himself from mental scarring, bore a new personality within him. One that would not be bothered by such a traumatic experience but rather enjoy it. Bizarrely, however, his original personality never seemed to resurface...or at least, not that anybody has ever witnessed. It was as though this new one had completely taken the place of the old, rather than what was typical of Dissociative Identity Disorder. At the advice of psychologists, none of his family members have ever told him of his original personality. To this day, he believes that this is who he always was. He remembers his scar and where it came from only due to his parents originally telling him. However, upon his visit to Middle School, he continued to live his life as normal, although still regularly seeing psychologists. Digivice Colour: Dodger Blue (Hex Code 1E90FF) with White **Digimon CS** Name: Gaomon Nickname: N/A Gender: Male Picture: ![](http://wikimon.net/images/9/96/Gaomon_art_dsm.png) Attribute: Data Type: Beast Specials Attacks: - Gao Rush: A furious barrage of punches and, occasionally kicks (to keep his attack from becoming too predictable). - Rolling Upper: Curls himself into a ball and rolls toward the opponent before lunging upward, delivering a more powerful, single uppercut to the opponent's jaw or equivalent, which will knock an opponent upward if they are light enough. - Double Backhand: Spins around, creating a tornado around himself, and attacks by smashing the back of his fists into the opponent Personality: Gaomon is a born servant. He views himself as nothing more than a servant to his human "Master." Ever since he was bonded with Henry, he has always kept his health and safety over his own. This has been very trying for him in even more recent years as Henry's personality changed, meaning he had to put up with his dangerous tendencies. He does not care, however, as he views it as his duty to protect Henry with his life. He even kept to his family's wishes, never revealing to Henry nor his friends about Henry's original personality because he believed it was for his well-being. He feels a powerful sense of guilt for not being strong enough to protect his master when he needed him the most (resulting in his master's personality change), and so has vowed to never let him leave his sight and to train harder to become a stronger Digimon for his sake. He has sworn to never fail Henry ever again. Because of this, Gaomon is very protective of his tamer, reluctant to even let others get near him without them first earning his trust. He also puts his view on his role in life to other Digimon like him. Many Digimon are exceptions, but from his view, it is a Digimon's duty to be subservient to the human that they are partnered with. They are guardians, not equals. And any act that puts Digimon on the same level as humans are viewed by him as presumptuous. And if a Digimon dares to act like a leader or a boss to their human, Gaomon will view it as them stepping far out of their place and will grow slightly hostile to them, often berating them for acting out of their proper place. Gaomon's personality is best represented not only by his devotion to Henry, but by his battle style. He is a very defensive fighter, only striking back when he is struck first or is challenged to a spar with his master's approval. He will hold back and allow other Digimon to stay on the front lines, preferring to stay beside his tamer and protect him above the others. He is normally a very merciful Digimon, only doing enough damage to end any current threat. However, if he fears that the enemy's existence will put Henry at significant risk of injury, he will not hesitate to destroy. This goes double for any Digimon that dares threaten his human. He takes every threat very seriously. In short, Gaomon is a servant. It is his purpose to serve and protect Henry from any danger, including himself. His sense of duty is made even more powerful by the guilt of his failure to properly protect Henry when he needed him. He views Digimon as guardians of their humans, and dislikes it when a Digimon presumes themselves to be equal to a human or even when they act superior. He sees this as very inappropriate and will berate any normal Digimon for acting in such a manner. He fight defensively and only fights when he is either struck first or if Henry is threatened. And he will take all threats seriously. He will put the protection of Henry over all else, often letting other Digimon take the battle on the front lines while he hangs back, guarding his (and potentially the other) humans. Despite his seriousness, however, he has one major weakness.... Despite his mature attitude, he truthfully has the heart of a puppy. He loves being scratched behind his right ear or underneath his muzzle (which Henry will do to appease him whenever he is upset with him for being so rash) and he can enjoy chasing things. However, he will refuse to chase anything as simple-minded as a ball or stick. He finds the task demeaning...but sometimes, he will succumb when his Master insists (Henry truly believes that Gaomon enjoys it). Evolution line: (format like this: Dodomon -> Wanyamon -> Gaomon -> Gaogamon -> MachGaogamon -> MirageGaogamon --- Alright, so how does this sound to you guys? A couple people here are probably already familiar with the duo, but some slight alterations have been made for this. (Also, Fell, here's a suggestion: Maybe you could put a link to each CS in your original post for now? It would probably make them easier to find for everyone. xD}
> Sort of, but not exactly. More along the lines of your middle paragraph, and Crimson Mode and MidevalDukemon are parallel, not one over the other. I won't be switching freely between them by any means. > > Yeah, they can happen, but they're by no means intentional. It's just the instability of Guilmon make all of those possibilities. In that case, I can understand having the six Megas I described (so long as you do keep to the word of using most of them only once in the RP and only at special plot sections, but I don't think having MedievalGallantmon and Gallantmon Crimson Mode is necessary. They are two different forms on the same level that serve no other practical purpose than simply giving him two different arsenals to battle with. Although now that I think about it, I'm not sure having a corrupted Ultimate is for the best either. I mean...if you get a corrupted Ultimate and then a corrupted Mega...you've fallen into a very predictable character pattern. You get to the point where, even if we didn't know about the corrupted Knight form, everybody would just be waiting for it to inevitably happen. Twice is fine, but three times might be a bit excessive. > Well, that would make sense, but I can't really find a way to justify Megidramon being in any way in any kind of control, hers or anyone else's. It's just there because that's what could happen, but only as a "we effed up" type of situation. Actually, to be honest, two of the forms, Megidramon included, are "Things went bad and now the world is ending" scenarios, but from different angles. And going back to what Fell says...I don't think a corrupted Digivolution is supposed to be in control that much in the first place. In fact, it might actually ADD to the validity and intrigue of the character if she was always, like...a potential hazard bomb. Like if there was a heavy risk to consider even letting her Digivolve in the first place. It could add some very strong moral arguments to be had in character. If SkullGreymon (who I assume is your other "world ending" scenario Digimon, given the lack of control) and Megidramon were your only corrupted Digivolutions )unless you wanted to do the same thing with one of your Mega levels, make them completely out of control like the other two)...I think it might make for a stronger character overall. But then again, you could also still keep ChaosGallantmon. I mean...I just envisioned a time where she Digivolves into that form, which could be stronger than all of the other Knights at the time but is a dark knight. One who perhaps uses her strength once to help, but then thinks the others weak when they call her methods into question and believes that it would be better for her tamer if she was separated from them. Of course, as her energy eventually runs out and she reverts, the personality returns to normal. If you wanted to something like that, where it could add something special rather than simply "he fights dirty now," I feel like that form could be justified as well.
I think I'll wait a little bit more before deciding on a character I'd like to use. I'd like to see who would be best to interact with the rest of the group. Heck, if we have too many people interested, I might just consider playing a support role rather than a Digidestined role
Hm... Looking over Tob's new sheet, I can understand the reason for most of those Megas. As he has a regular Mega and an "unstabilized" Mega as a kind of Dark Digivolution version. Or at least, that's what I get out of it. So two for the standard Mega and two for Royal Knight (Gallantmon and ChaosGallantmon). However, I do feel like only one Ascended Knight form is necessary. If this were a Digimon that was supposed to be the leader of the Knights, I wouldn't mind him having a second Ascension that's more powerful than the first. In this case, though, I would personally prefer it if there was either Gallantmon Crimson Mode or MedievalGallantmon, but not both. So basically, while there would be six Megas at that point, the reason for it would be that only three tiers just like Omnimon, but with two on the tier. But one of each Mega form would be her "True" form for that line. The others are kind of...corrupted versions of Digivolution akin to SkullGreymon in the Adventure series? Where they technically exist and can potentially happen, but it's not the form they want to take. Like how the main group in Adventure had Greymon Digivolve to SkullGreymon. They never wanted to use it again, and ever since, only used MetalGreymon. Do I have that right, Tob? Is that more or less what you're going for? If so, I would be okay with this. I've used a similar system in the past (where my Agumon character could do a branch Digivolution into either the Greymon or GeoGreymon line). If not...well, I would agree with RBY. Being able to freely use them with few disadvantages would be a bit of overkill, even in the endgame. (Out of personal preference, I think that Megidramon is a good idea. It just really depends on how it's implemented into the story when it comes.)
I think it looks pretty good. And there's definitely a huge variety of Digimon there xD I'm also looking forward to the time when Guilmon Digivolves to DarkTyrannomon. That form and Greymon battling each other could be quite fun, being two fire-breathing dinosaur Digimon and all that. Although I do have a question. Why does Guilmon have so many digivolution branches? I like the Dark Digivolution aspect since I think it also plays into Guilmon's Virus attribute. Which of those Mega forms is his Dark Digivolution and which is his regular, though?
Heheh. Man, if Kunemon is always acting like he's stronger than Agumon, you can expect Agumon to pick a fight with him quickly enough. xD Although he will probably get stopped by Hide or some other Digidestined kid. But yeah, when it comes to their Mega levels, they are really going to go at each other. That'll be fun. > I just need to make my human character. Basically have the Digimon chosen, just need to fill out the sheet. After I have my character done, I'm set to give an opening post unless anyone has any objections. Cool, I'll look forward to that then. Can't wait for this to get started! Also, good luck with that Xander. Hope your semester ends well. =}
Alrighty. I suppose then, we should have this off the ground in a week or so? That'd be pretty nice. I'm looking forward to this finally starting and seeing what kind of direction this goes in. xD Also, RBY, I just re-read your file for your Kunemon/Marabumon character. And I just realized that our two characters could have a strong rivalry. Until Agumon gets to Omnimon, he's not particularly powerful. I can see Kunemon and Agumon getting into all kinds of arguments...and I can only wait until we get to the Mega level. GranKuwagamon and WarGreymon could potentially get into a real fight.
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