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3 mos ago
Current I think I'm Advanced+ level and could do that. But under Adv, I feel compelled to write a certain way and it makes writing feel more like a chore even if it's just in my head. Thus, I prefer Casual
3 mos ago
Many people equate "Advanced" to "Big, high effort posts with lots of flowery language." It's a habitual thought I struggle to shake as an RPer with 20+ years of writing experience. It's very draining
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Oh yeah, one thing to say is that I would put "fun" over "good" any day of the week. That's why I say Beastmaster was always my favorite Ranger subclass. It's the most fun imho. But it's definitely the "weakest" one in RAW. If you wanted to be the "best" Ranger, Gloom Stalker is just kinda ridiculous xD

So yeah, don't look too deeply into whether or not it's good. If you think it sounds fun, then by all means go for it~

Btw, I use this website when looking for just about anything 5e related. I find it VERY useful and insightful~

Yeah, I've been a bit busy myself. Although for now, we may want to move on without Clever for now. As fun as their characters were, I haven't heard from them in a long time now. And we've got a one on one going on as well. In fact, they haven't been online anywhere as far as I can tell. I'm a bit worried about them, but it might be for the best to drop Abby and Impmon for the moment and act like they're not here, bringing them back into the fold if and when Clever ever gets back.
Here is a basic Mock-up I made in my spare time. Everyone let me know what you think! I am open to edits. As is, I would say this is a pretty tough 1/2 Cr, I might end up taking a hit die from it.

The one thing I would like to point out is that a Beastmaster Ranger is supposed to have a creature of CR 1/4 or less, not 1/2. So this does seem a bit strong. That said, as somebody who has Ranger as their favorite class in the entire game, with BeastMaster as my favorite of the subclasses (at least it was prior to Fizban's Treasury of Dragons), I am well aware that Beastmaster Rangers are a TRASH tier class. They're fun to play, but they are extremely underpowered comparatively due to them needing more actions than they get to use in the action economy. Especially since Rangers often already want to have their Bonus Action for Hunter's Mark. So ultimately, I'm okay with giving them a buff like this.

I would personally make a few changes, though.

Here's what I would probably recommend as a stat block:

But I will say that for the skills, for a Gallion, you could potentially swap Intimidation for Performance, I think, considering they generally like to be the center of attention. And it would be a bit more unique. But yeah, what do you think of this one? I figure it should have a bit more Charisma given its item description on Neopets. and if we want to go with Dexterity as its highest stat, then we should probably go with that one as its primary skill, but not going overboard with the actual number. I also reduced its Flight to 20 ft just because Flight is strong, but it can still use its Pounce from flight. I figured since it's a Medium creature, only Small creatures will ever be able to mount it or be carried, so it should be fine.

@XxFellsingxX Although I will say that if you want to use Beastmaster, I would avoid using Revised Ranger. Because iirc, Revised Ranger does not get Extra Attack, which is usually very helpful for a Beastmaster, who is in desperate need of more actions. Plus, Revised Ranger is a long-since archived Ranger class set. I think it was replaced by the, imho better balanced, Optional Feats from Tasha's Cauldrom of Everything. Favored Foe replaces Favored Enemy, Deft Explorer replaces Natural Explorer, and Nature's Veil replaces Hide in Plain Sight. You could also look into Drakewarden, the new Ranger subclass from Fizban's Treasury of Dragons, which is essentially a Beastmaster but with a Drake that can be summoned.
Heyo, sorry for the delay. I've been a bit busy as of late. I'll go read up on what I've missed so far xD
Hide finally recovered his balance as the small, anthropomorphic reptilian creature pulled at his hand, half-dragging him outside. He emerged from the leafy doorway, and he could see a large number of other strange, albeit non-reptilian this time--instead more closely resembling penguin--creatures wandering around the area. That area, apparently, being some kind of...festivities perhaps? But the boy hardly noticed the winged creatures starting to gather around him. His attention was definitely down on the yellow one at his feet, tugging on him. More specifically, the claw that he felt wrapped around his wrist right now.

Hide had always considered himself to be an animal person; his parents always considered pets to be a distraction, so it was rare for him to get the opportunity to actually interact with them. But these claws and skin texture felt awfully...real. He could even feel the tips of those claws poking into his skin a bit, scratching them lightly. Following that observation, he lifted his gaze and realized that he was not alone. There were other human beings leaving their huts, each one being greeted by or attended to by a small creature just like his own. The boy blinked at the sight, wondering why he would include strangers he'd never seen before. It made him start to question something.

Was...was this actually a dream? Surely his subconscious wouldn't have created other humans with neither faces nor clothing that he had ever seen before. And he had his doubts that he was actually creative enough to dream up all these various creature designs.

But if this wasn't a dream, then did that mean that he was being kidnapped? No, that couldn't be. He was alone in his room at the time, and the house had all kinds of security measures. There's no way he could have been kidnapped so easily. So then what was this? But more importantly, what--no, who may be the more accurate term here if these creatures were as sentient as they seemed--were these creatures all around them? There was a large variety, although the penguins were clearly in the majority. Speaking of which, they really were starting to crowd around the two of them....

"Hey, move it!" Agumon grumbled as he tried to approach and push past the group. However, he was admittedly a bit nervous around them. Water-based Digimon tended to make him nervous for some reason, though he would never actually admit it out loud. But it certainly wasn't going to stop him from acting tough around them. "Make way for the best human-Digimon duo you'll ever see~"

Digimon. There was that word again. Hide was completely silent as he contemplating everything that he was seeing and hearing. But what really caught him was another word he would hear getting whispered around here and there.

"Saviors...?" Hide mumbled under his breath, but was quickly cut off as a loud voice suddenly sounded throughout the area.

"Yeah, see?" Agumon added, smirking a bit. "Told ya you should've just left him alone." He then turned his head up to look at Hide, pulling on his arm with renewed vigor. "C'mon, kid, you heard the mon."

"'Kid?'" Hide repeated. He had to admit, being called that by someone so much shorter than himself was was rather embarrassing to say the least. However, he did not protest as he was brought forward, well aware that, if he was in any kind of trouble, it would simply be better to play along and hear them out. He could always potentially negotiate with them later if need-be. Or, judging from the behavior of some of the other humans, mediate and hope to keep everybody involved level headed....

As the two approached the seating area, Hide looked around, but was unable to quite identify the source of the loud, authoritative voice that was commanding the group. He watched one girl in particular move to stand behind a couch, and her porcupine-like creature "partner" was seated right in front of her. He could tell from her demeanor that she was probably going to be quite the...abrasive one, so if he was going to have to help keep things cool in these discussions, he might want to be near her. He moved to sit on the leftmost side of the couch, although he did give a wary glance toward the spiny Digimon beside him. If that Digimon greeted him in any way, he would hesitantly and very nervously return the greeting, quickly moving to face forward, but keeping an eye on him out of the corner of his eye.

Agumon, meanwhile, had stepped up beside him, seemingly content to just stand next to where Hide was seated, seemingly in a bit of a reverse situation to Herissmon and his human partner.

Hide's eyes widened, however, when the stones nearby began to wobble and shift around...soon forming yet another creature entirely! This one was also greatly different from the creatures he'd seen up to this point. This one seemed to be be composed entirely of stones of various sizes and shapes, with two knowing eyes gazing out at them from recesses on what could only loosely be described as a stony face.

Wait...did he say "younger?" Hide knew that listening carefully to this guy's words was going to be very important, so he had kept his gaze firmly on the strange stone figure, but that caught his attention. While he knew he was young in the grand scheme of things, he found it strange to be considered young. Although if they were looking for "saviors" he supposed it made sense that they may have been expecting adults or something.

However, before he could voice any of his own questions or concerns, there was a loud, abrasive voice from behind him and to his right. He glanced up and over toward Reina, and couldn't help but wince slightly at her rather...forceful approach. Although he supposed he couldn't blame her. He was rather concerned about his own situation as well. But it seemed like he was much better at containing it, at least.

"Wait," Agumon said, looking up toward the human girl. "Kidnapped?" He looked back at Hide. "You were kidnapped?"

"W-well," Hide replied uneasily, rubbing the back of his head. He desperately searched for a better word for it. However, when nothing came to the surface he hesitantly nodded. "I-in a way. It was certainly unexpected and I don't recall ever agreeing to be brought here. In fact, I still don't even know where 'here' is...."

"Wait, what's the deal?" Agumon grumbled, turning to glare at Gotsumon, arms crossed across his chest. "You brought them here against their will? Are you kidding me?"

"T-to be fair, I don't think I'd say it was 'against my will,'" Hide corrected. "I never said that I didn't want to be here. I was simply...never told. That said, I certainly don't appreciate it. Though at the moment, I'm more concerned about the 'where' and the 'why' before the 'what' myself. I-I'd rather know if they had a good reason for doing this. And I might be more comfortable if they told us where we were brought, too."

Agumon was clearly not happy to learn that Hide had no idea what was going on at all. If these humans had been kidnapped or something, he was going to have some choice words. He himself knew that this was all for a good reason. But surely the powers that be could have at least talked to them first, after all.
Hm.... That does actually sound like a decent idea to avoid things getting complicated. I suppose in the meantime, I'll have to actually narrow down which character to use. xD
As for myself, I've got a lot of characters I can potentially use here. I have a LOOOOOOONG history of Neopets RP. And I have actually already taken the time to think about how I'd put them into a tabletop campaign if the opportunity ever arose.

In other news, I've looked over that document, and while I mostly like what they're going for and I think it's largely fine, there are a couple of general changes I think should be considered:

1. I think the racial perks should be split between Species AND Color. Where you get a combination of abilities based on whatever combination you choose to use. Basic colors or colors PURELY of aesthetic design (like Spotted or Strawberry) would probably function identically while others like Faerie, Darigan or Mutant would function differently with different bonuses. This would make character creation a lot more flexible, considering Neopets aren't always born where their species originated. A change in Color can add or remove physical traits and features, such as Flight for a Faerie pet, or maybe a Darigan gets a bonus to Intimidation. In terms of color abilities, I believe you should get 2-3 "weaker" features or a single "stronger" feature like Flight.

2. I strongly disagree with the idea that a character's skill proficiencies can't change if they shift species. In the specific example they gave, it does not make sense for the Koi to maintain their Perception skill. The whole reason they have that proficiency in the first place is because they were an Eyrie - literally "eyes of an eagle." It does not make sense for them to maintain that skill when they lose the physical attribute that granted it. I believe every trait and feat should relate directly to the species physiology, and they should be gained and lost in their entirety if they change...with the obvious exception of Languages and ASI's (to prevent confusing flip/flopping of ability scores.)

3. I notice here and there that there are some traits/racial feats that seem more like they'd be bound to a personality rather than a species, such as the Lupe, Gelert and Ixi. A brave character wouldn't suddenly stop being brave just because they turned from one kind of dog into a dolphin. Special note goes to species like the Acara, who have a feat with an effect that is fine, but should be renamed to make it more tied to their species more than something like "cunning."

What do you guys think? Obviously, instead of overhauling the entire list at once, we can probably just do some modifications when they become relevant to us, like focusing on the species and colors of our characters for instance.
@Moon Man Oh yeah, also something worth knowing in case you're unaware is that Neopets come in a variety of "colors." I use quotes because the colors are sometimes more of an aesthetic than an actual color, such as "Faerie," "Pirate," or "Darigan."

If you go here and search by "Species" at the bottom of the page, you can find a list of all of the colors and how they look! It's very convenient, and I use it all the time when trying to make a new character~
Heh. I tend to pick a race I want to play, then figure out his class, and then create the character around both of those things, often beginning with backstory. Although in the case of Neopets, I've got a LOT of characters I can bring into this. I just need to...figure out which ones. xD

With regards to Faeries:

In the Neopets lore, there are multiple kinds of faeries:

There are the named Faeries, who have carved a name for themselves in the history of Neopets for being particularly strong in one way or another. Taelia the Ice Faerie who lives on Terror Mountain, Illusen the Earth Faerie, who lives in her glade in the medieval country of Meridell as well as Jhudora the Dark Faerie. But then there are numerous regular Faeries who are not as strong or well known, and are often just referred to by their attribute on-site. But in-RP, I would presume they'd all have names and personalities. And, naturally, they're very magical in nature. But then you have the occasional Faerie who's more martial, like Aethia, the Battle Faerie (who is primarily sword and board user)

Worth noting about faeries is that there's a bulky Lupe villain named Balthazar who hunts them in order to seal them in bottles due to being bullied by them in the past.

Also that there are no male Faeries in the lore. But we could always just change that ("AU it" as it were) to make male Faeries also exist.

tl;dr/conclusion - You could probably make Faeries work as a race here since there are just as many weaker faeries as there are stronger ones. There's a lot that can work with that. Presumably, a Neopet is a character all their own, so you'd be just a Faerie if you wanted to be one.
@Birdboy Haha, for a bit there, I was wondering if maybe you had simply lost interest yourself due to the lack of...well. Interest. xD But yeah, this is quite the venn diagram intersection that I can't imagine too many people slide into very well. But it's cool to find the few who do~

And yeah, I'm definitely down to help out with lore, talk about the Darkest Faerie (a game I loved to death growing up xD) and I'll definitely be more than happy to look into the homebrew races. The main part I'd be iffy on is that some races will just have to have flight abilities, though, so balancing will be difficult for them.

My own class and race would probably be heavily dependent on what we've got for the specific homebrew race. But I know I honestly have a preference for classes who don't really rely entirely on spells. I'm too indecisive to be a good spellcaster, I can never pick out a good spell list. xD I know I trend toward Fighter, Paladin and Ranger a bit more, sometimes Paladin. Rogue is fun, but I always thought Rogue to be kinda...ridiculously strong, so I tend to avoid it.

I presume Clerics and Paladins would be more kinda centered on getting their magical blessings from the Faeries rather than from gods?
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