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1 mo ago
Current I think I'm Advanced+ level and could do that. But under Adv, I feel compelled to write a certain way and it makes writing feel more like a chore even if it's just in my head. Thus, I prefer Casual
1 mo ago
Many people equate "Advanced" to "Big, high effort posts with lots of flowery language." It's a habitual thought I struggle to shake as an RPer with 20+ years of writing experience. It's very draining
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Would the bullying and Kyte's role in it be something the rest of us know? Just so I can have Fellwing react appropriately!

Oh wow somehow I missed that question too.

I will point out that Fellwing has definitely seen Stonescale's bullying before simply because that's one of the reasons you have a friendship gem from Shieldwing! An encounter with Stonescale is what put Shieldwing in his "most vulnerable" position and Fell would have been there to see it and then helped him through it. Since you would have seen that, I have no doubt that Fellwing probably would have seen Kyte there as well in all likelihood.
Heheh, it's funny that just a +1 in Charm would have given him the edge he needed to at least gleam something, though. Glad to see my dice rolls are just as poor now as they always have been~ xP

Haha, but yeah, s'all good, it happens. Just kinda realized we're four pages into the RP and Shieldwing hasn't really rolled any dice yet~

Shieldwing's eyes widened a bit at Kyte's response. At first, he was unchanged, viewing the orange drake's words as little more than an excuse. However, it wasn't long before the drake's gaze lowered and he muttered something about...not being in the same clutch anymore? That caused the red drake to pause in response. He had expected a defiant retort, or maybe even a few insults thrown his way in support of Stonescale. However, it seemed like an opposite response came to the forefront. He was still sounding a bit agitated and offended at his accusation, but there was something different about it.

And now Shieldwing was starting to feel more like the bully all of a sudden.

"...Oh," Shieldwing murmured, suddenly lowering his stance a bit. Come to think of it, he didn't look very good at the moment. For a moment, he considered apologizing, but at the same time...it was kind of hard for him to feel bad. After all, clutch or not, this guy still stood back and did nothing when his clutchmate was messing with Stargaze. Inaction was almost as bad as taking part as far as he was concerned. He tilted his head, though, almost hesitant to ask...but he suddenly felt like he needed to know at this point. "But wait...what d'you mean, 'not anymore'?" he asked. "What happened?"
Ah gotcha, in that case, I'm gonna have Shieldwing do something he hasn't done yet. He's gonna roll some dice. Or at least, he would try to.

But considering the result of his attempt to Study Kyte is a 6 I'm guessing basically nothing happens on that front. xP

So I guess I just post without anything more happening there then?
Heheh. I've got a post to make, but I should probably at least let Stargaze post first. Also Fellwing if possible, but I can tell it's been kinda tight on Vertigo's part. xD

Shieldwing hesitantly reached his claw out to the water's surface. He wasn't overly fond of water. After all, it restricted movement and made him a slower, far less capable warrior. However, when his claw didn't immediately sink into the water, but rather stood atop it, his eyes widened in surprise. He cautiously stepped out further onto the water's surface, unable to stop his tail from wagging behind him a bit as he was actually standing on top of the water's surface! He had never felt something like this before! It was strange...and he was loving every second of it!

Man, he KNEW his first trip from the capital would give him all kinds of cool experiences!

"Whoa...." the dragon murmured, looking down at the water below. He pushed down with his claws a bit, allowing his tail to dip down onto the surface as well, feeling it around. It was like he was standing on regular floor.... However, Stargaze's words caught his attention quickly. Did she say "the fun part"? What did that- "WHOA!"

Suddenly, the red dragon was pulled down beneath the water's surface, almost like something had snagged his body and dragged it under! He gasped and fought and squirmed for a moment...until he quickly realized that nothing actually had a hold of him. He blinked as he realized what was going on. He wasn't in the water, fighting for air. In fact, there was still air all around him. He soon straightened himself out completely, clearing his throat.

"Ahem...y-yeah. Cool. Definitely super cool." he quickly said, hoping to cover his misunderstanding as soon as possible. He began to make his way through the small tunnel with the others. Much like Stargaze, he quickly realized that it wasn't as...lively as he would have expected underwater to be. Usually even in small places like this, there were things swimming around or swaying a bit more. Or at least, so he thought anyway.

Soon enough, the group arrived back at the surface and Shieldwing gladly stepped foot on the inside of the cave. He looked around for a moment, looking for any sign of life. However, he had hardly even been here for a second when another dragon had exclaimed something about their arrival, and had bounded up next to them! This drew Shieldwing's attention immediately. He puffed himself up a bit to make sure he seemed tall, strong and confident. However, all of that bravado melted away when he recognized just who it was he was looking at. And his confident smile turned into a bit of a scowl.

"You..." Shieldwing muttered, stepping forward, instinctively putting himself between the orange dragon and Stargaze. "I know you. Aren't you one of Stonescale's little lackeys?" he narrowed his gaze at the dragon, the name "Stonescale" having practically been spit from his mouth like he were removing something gross from his mouth. He glanced back toward Stargaze, hearing that name. Kyte.... He wasn't sure, but it sounded familiar, he supposed.
Heh, here's a few of them that I thought were fun. xD

Shieldwing: What doesn't kill me better start running, because now I'm fucking pissed.


Cop: You ran a red light.
Skobeloff: So did you, hypocrite.
Cop: I was following you.
Skobeloff: That was dumb, I'm a terrible driver.
Cop: Get out.


Fellwing: As someone who has a long history of not understanding anything, I feel confident in my ability to continue not knowing what is going on.


Skobeloff: I will send my army to attack!
Skobeloff: *releases a dumpster of raccoons*


Stargaze: What happened to your nose?
Shieldwing: I used it to break some guy's fist.

Heheh, this is weirdly addicting. But yeah, I should probably get a post done sometime soon. xD
Yeah, I was planning on waiting on Haruki to post with Stargaze, and Vertigo with Fell if he's back by then. But if not, I can have Shieldwing go again after Stargaze~

Things haven't really changed, so I'm still just waiting, honestly. I don't mind how long Haruki needs to get around to it, I'm just waiting for those two to post before Shieldwing speaks up again. xD
Just finished Hidon's CS, and went ahead and posted it!

Species: Charmander
Gender: Male
Guild Rank: Bronze

Personality: Hidon is a naturally aggressive, hot-headed Pokemon. Fierce, determined, and passionate about his training. He is easily angered and prone to lashing out if it can get under his skin...which is probably easier than it should be due to a strong sense of pride in himself. Mocking him, his father, or his abilities is the best way to get on his bad side...or even manipulate him into throwing a punch. He aims to be the strongest there is and is proud of where his strength comes from, so he usually tolerates no mocking of his abilities, although he does know how to take a joke from friends. He will also refuse to harm Pokemon that he thinks are either defenseless or not up to his level.

He will, however, accept challenges from anybody, no matter what level of strength or skill they are at. He will never run away from any physical challenge, even if it's apparently impossible. He has tremendous courage and self-confidence, but tends to lack the battle strength to back it up. He is not much of a thinker and will always charge head-first into the thick of things, head stuffed with the idea that he's practically unstoppable. He's also extremely stubborn and, once he has his mind set on something, not even Arceus himself will stop him from doing it (unless it is INCREDIBLY stupid). Or at the very least, that's what he likes to think.

Background: Hidon was born to no simple family. Many know the name of Gawain Greil, the strong Dragonite whose team had single-handedly saved a settlement from a strong group of bandits that had taken it over. Gawain Greil, the charismatic man who managed to talk down a hostage situation and caused the culprit to admit their wrongdoings and turn themselves in, promising to turn over a new leaf. And Gawain Greil, the warrior who endured the betrayal of his former teammate-turned-dangerous outlaw, a Tyrannitar named Zelgius, and vowed to bring him to justice. The legendary Dragonite had married his other teammate, a Charizard named Corina. And together, they had a son, who was more than proud to be the son of a legendary hero like Gawain.

The Charmander was raised from his youth to be strong and independent, Corina would teach him how to make practical use of his flames and how to keep his tail fire in check on instinct at all times. Meanwhile, Gawain taught the Charmander primarily two things. The first was how to fight like him; after all, the Charmander had inherited his father's signature Dragon Rush, which means he learned how to focus it into a punch. But he was also taught the Dragonite's creed:

Always help those in need, especially if they may not deserve it.
Fight for those who can't, especially those who have given up.
Always keep your promises, especially under threat.
No matter what, always get back up.

These are the words Hidon has committed to his very soul, and he strives to live by them every day of his life. Especially since they are no small part of what he has to remember his father by, now that he and his mother had disappeared without a trace.

Yes, the two legendary heroes who lived in town had simply up and disappeared about a year ago at this point. They had told Hidon nothing, and it didn't matter who Hidon asked, it didn't seem like they were told anything either. They were simply...gone. Hidon knew better than to think that they had been kidnapped or captured or anything; they were practically unstoppable, especially together. Besides, if somebody managed to take down Gawain and Corina, that would have probably become public knowledge by now. And yet, nobody has seemed to hear a word about their whereabouts. Not even so much as a rumor floated around. The only conclusion he could reach was that they simply didn't want to be found, for one reason or another. After all, Hidon had no doubt that if they wanted to disappear, they had the skills to make it that way. He just...couldn't help but wonder why they would leave him behind.

After a couple weeks of lonely reflection, he eventually realized something. They left him behind...because they knew that they could trust him to take care of himself. He was old enough, he was smart enough, and he was strong enough. And perhaps whatever it was they were doing was out of his league...?

At that, Hidon had a new goal. He needed to be good enough to find his parents and help them out if he was needed. No, not just good enough. He had to be the best if he was going to find them. He had to surpass them. He had to become the greatest adventurer the world's ever seen! With that new dream in his mind, driving him forward, he resumed his training, determined to prove that he is a worthy successor to his father!


  • Endurance - If there is one thing Hidon is very good at, it's taking a beating. He can take punches and harsh blows for days and still find the energy to push himself back up onto his feet for more! He is not normally the type to just roll over and lose, especially when others are counting on him!
  • Reliability - One of the creeds Hidon lives by is "Always keep your promises, especially under threat." At first, Hidon might seem like the kind of guy to hand promises out like candy; promising to find a lost item, or to save a friend, or otherwise help somebody out. However, he takes his promises very seriously, and will not rest until he fulfills his promise. Even if he fails, he will continue to pursue the goal until he finally manages to succeed until it is no longer possible to do so.
  • Courageous - Hidon is one of the bravest Pokemon you will ever meet. He will stand up to almost any foe or taking any threat head-on if it means protecting someone else. Hidon loves to play the role of a hero, and will always strive to fight for those who can't.
  • Optimism - Hidon is a very optimistic individual; it doesn't matter how many times he is defeated or how many negative things get thrown his way. He always tries to look on the brighter side of things. If there is anybody who will see hope in a situation, even in one seen as impossible, it would be him.


  • Strength - Despite his boasting, his actual physical strength--which he's built his entire fighting style around--is less than impressive. He is a competent enough fighter that he can take on your average feral, but he has a win-loss ratio that would embarrass him if you mentioned it.
  • Bug types - Despite his Fire-typing he has had bad run-ins with Bug-types before. He doesn't dislike them or anything like that, but he does get creeped out a bit and is prone to making far more mistakes when fighting Bug-types than any other. And Arceus help him if he is ever gets caught up and trapped in webbing.
  • Manipulatable - Hidon is a very simple-minded Pokemon. He likes to try punch his way through his problems, and his outlooks on life are very simplistic. This also leads to him being very easy to manipulate. If you can convince him that someone is bad, he will go after them. Taunting him is especially effective on him, and it can easily lure him into traps or attacking pre-emptively. But all of this is especially true for any kind of mental manipulation. He is extremely susceptible to tricks of the mind, be it a Drowzee's Hypnosis, or becoming Infatuated by a Sylveon's Cute Charm or even falling in love with a Salazzle due to her poison gas pheromones.
  • Tail Flame - There is a myth that a Charmander's life force disappears when his tail flame extinguishes. However, this is just a misinterpretation of the facts. The truth of the matter is, the flame is an active and accurate representation of the Charmander's health and power of spirit. The brighter, stronger and hotter the flame burns, the stronger they are feeling in the moment. However, it also serves as a weak point. Putting water to a blazing tail is extraordinarily painful for a Charmander, and Hidon is no exception. Because the flame is fueled by the Charmander's strength of will, it is not extinguished, even if completely submerged in water. However, the sheer amount of pain would be more than enough to drain their stamina and render them unconscious; and if their body continues to endure such damage, even while unconscious, they will inevitably perish. This makes a Charmander's tail flame a much-guarded weakness.

Greatest Fear: Hidon has his fair share of fears, but the one thing that sticks out above all others is simple: He is terrified of failure; failure to live up to his father's name, failure protect somebody he cares about and so on. Failing was never an option for him. After all, how can he even hope to compare to the picture of perfection that was his famous hero of a father? He believes that everybody has high expectations for him...and failing to achieve them would be too devastating for him to think about; and if he ever has his failures and defeats thrown back in his face and rubbed in enough, he could shut down completely, and all of his pride, confidence and courage would be shattered.
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