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Sorry about the delay on the post, I'll hopefully get something written up soon. If not tonight, then tomorrow for sure. xD
Haha, and now that Skobe has done his teleportation trick so soon after splitting up with them, I'll wait on Haruki to make a post with Stargaze's response before I get into Shieldwing's flabbergasted response. xP

Shieldwing was quiet as he listened to the brief exchange between Rudrick and Skobeloff. He maintained a straight-faced, stoic expression as he listened to the short explanation about Sunglow. It was something he was used to thinking about by now. Though he expected tht slight slump of the wings he noticed from Stargaze at the mention of ascension. But what caught his attention was more Skobeloff's own shift in tone as he spoke of it himself. He hadn't known his verdant clutchmate to be so uneasy about any topic; if anything, he felt that he was more often bringing something up that didn't need to be. Information to think about later, he supposed.

The crimson drake watched as Skobeloff elected to return to Garrock and start talking again. He circled his neck around to follow Skobeloff as he began to walk past him, listening to Stargaze as he did. "...Nah, let's let him do his thing," Shieldwing said, turning back to Stargaze again. "Fellwing is in there too, so he'll have help if he needs it." He paused for a moment as something crossed his mind. He had wanted to try to get Rudrick alone. If he convinced Stargaze to go with him....

But then he shook his head. Nah, she was probably just as worried about Coryn as he was, knowing her. Perhaps his chance could come with they actually found them.

"I meant it when I said I wanted to check up on Coryn, and I'm sure Skobeloff did too," he said with a nod. "So let's trust in our clutchmate's silver tongue and go see Coryn first. Besides..." He then added lowly, half to himself, unable to stop himself from glancing to the side. "...I think I might understand how he might be feeling right now...."
Surprise, it’s me, ya boi, Fading Memory. Back at it again with the wordy backstories and the weird characters.

Heyyyyy, you and I can be "backstory book" buddies~ xD

Also I'm looking forward to the opposing views that seems to be cropping up in the party here and there. This promises to be very interesting. I'm always down for a bit (or a lot) of party drama and butting heads~
Awesome~ I'll see about getting a post up soon. Sorry, I've been busy for the last week and haven't really had a good time to check in on things. Hopefully once the Mother's Day weekend is over I'll have a little bit more time. xD
Honestly, that's one of the main issues I saw with this system right out the gate: Rolls seems to be a very black and white decision. Either you succeed or you fail and then the results listed are carried out without question. It's like when people say a nat20 in D&D gives you an auto-success in whatever you're doing; sometimes, it just doesn't seem like it should work that way.

It's kinda like if I had a character that tried to convince a good and kind character similar to Stargaze to turn against their friends who've done nothing to wrong them and rolled a 12. Sometimes, it just doesn't make sense to let that work, no matter what is offered.

Plus, the way the system is structured, failing only gives you experience, so is there a reason to not just try again and again? It feels like the incentive is to just spam rolls left and right whenever possible, and feels kind of abusable to me...?

However, in this specific instance, I do think you might already have your answer to the questions.

Perhaps Skobeloff gleams exactly that: There is absolutely nothing Garrock wants to do less than talk with his family. And that there's probably nothing he can do to convince him right now. And that would probably prompt us to find a way to try a roleplay angle to help this problem later, rather than figuring out how to resolve it right this second.

So "How could I get you to talk to Rudrick (and hopefully by extension to Sunglow)?" - He would come to understand that nothing they say or do in this instance will successfully get him to do anything with his family.

That's just my thought on the matter anyway. xD
@Digizel I tend to use Myth-Weavers Sheets for Characters.

Omg Myth-Weavers, of course. I used that site AGES ago for a Neopets TTRPG game that got started ages ago but ultimately ended up falling through. But I'd long-since forgotten it existed. Yeah, that's a good source, thank~ =3 I'll probably get started on that soon then. xD

Also yes indeed, joining the chorus here of being available for assistance or input~

"Oh yeah...." Shieldwing murmured as he thought back to the very beginning of that mission. He considered how the Garrock had originally claimed not to care too much, but at the first opportunity of potential injury, he had come to him and started giving him a quick examination. Even though he had been fine, and the response afterward was rough, he had gotten the distinct impression that there was some amount of care put into that. "I guess he's not all that bad, now that I think about it. I've seen dragons and drakes that are way worse, at least. He's just...grumpy."

He couldn't outright dismiss the idea that Garrock may have just been concerned about his charges getting injured so soon during their mission for the sake of his own image, but he dismissed the thought outright. No need to take out his bitterness on him.

However, as Skobeloff continued, he had to stop himself from continuing on his own mental tangent and focus back on the conversation at hand. His verdant clutchmate was hard to read, but he could tell by now when Skobeloff was beginning to use his little word tricks to get something out of someone. He was bizarrely good at knowing how to say just the right thing; it was almost a little creepy, actually. Not that he'd ever say that aloud.

"Yeah...I don't remember that...or do I?" Shieldwing murmured, tilting his head upward and looking toward the ceiling in thought. Then again, he had been very passive for much of that mission, and a lot of it had gone over his head. And the more he thought about it, he realized the fewer details he was actually remembering. However, after a moment, his head snapped back down and he was looking back over at Skobeloff again. That last part seemed to particularly catch his attention. "Their...mother?"
...Welp, just spent all day trying to figure out how Dicecloud functions and apparently it doesn't even do what I need it to do: make items magical so it factors in the feat I selected for it. And if I'm using a Battle Smith Artificer, letting my infused weapon factor my INT instead of my STR is extremely important. If I have to manually put in the value every time I change my infusion or something, I may as well just use a sheet that lets me put things in a blank field rather than bothering with all of these tags and edit buttons.

Guess I'll just remake my sheet in something else later. For now, I am too mildly frustrated to continue tonight. xD

But yeah, for what it's worth, I'm playing a Kobold Battle Smith Artificer. With an archer, two warlocks and a paladin already factored in, I think this'll work, so he can be both a front and mid-line combat character, as well as having some utility outside of combat, including being a ritual caster of some kind, just in case I turn out to be the only one who can do that. xD
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