Avatar of Digizel


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3 mos ago
Current I think I'm Advanced+ level and could do that. But under Adv, I feel compelled to write a certain way and it makes writing feel more like a chore even if it's just in my head. Thus, I prefer Casual
3 mos ago
Many people equate "Advanced" to "Big, high effort posts with lots of flowery language." It's a habitual thought I struggle to shake as an RPer with 20+ years of writing experience. It's very draining
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<Snipped quote by rush99999>

Yes, but it’ll take me a bit of time to post. At work and in middle of family visit.

Oh yeah I know how swamped that kind of thing can make you. Hope things are going well for you, take your time and don't stress yourself out too much~
<Snipped quote by Fading Memory>

Gonna tell you this now: I am genuinely scared about how Raella and Zaraknyvr are going to act when they meet each other.

Hopefully they meet in Tanrith's presence and perhaps his positive vibes will be enough~ xP
By the way, to any lurkers, we're still open to anyone joining our wait list in case one or more of the opening 5 heroes drops out of the adventure.

I feel called out xP

I've been eager to give PF2e a shot; I would love the chance to practice the system before my current D&D group gets the chance to finish what we're doing and transition over to PF. Had one start here a few months ago but it didn't get to go anywhere. So yeah, I wouldn't mind being put on that wait list xD I don't typically like to play full on casters naturally, so a magical school setting is iffy for me, but I find working around limitations only makes the creativity flow more easily, so I'll start thinking about it xD

As for the two day rule, as someone who has fallen out of an RP before due to inactivity, I would probably appreciate the time limit, and give the entire group a reason to move on without me if something comes up. One day is definitely too fast a requirement for me personally. I definitely can't post daily. My vote would probably be more to the three-day limit, but I have no real qualms with two, if that's what everybody else is comfortable with

Suddenly, Tanrith's eyes lit up with understanding. "Oh, that!" he exclaimed with a nod. "Yeah, as somebody the Hunt would like to do nothing more with than put my head on a pike, I'm kinda in the middle of that whole thing in a way." He paused for a moment to consider that. "Erm...well, maybe not the middle? Maybe kinda like...off to the side a bit, but still inside the circle? Or...whatever this shape would be...?" He seemed to contemplate that for another few seconds before realizing just how off-track he was getting. "N-nevermind, the important thing is that's actually how I met the Wylders in the first place."

Tanrith let out a sigh, taking the moment to look down at Zyrech and pat the mechanical dragon on the head. "People like me are being hunted too, so I'm kinda forced to be on the side of the Crusaders. But even still, I think it's pretty dumb to fight amongst themselves like that." He grinned and looked back up at Sarceron again. "Super cool of this Cellach guy to try to work things out between them! Hope he gets somewhere with that. I know a bit about the other factions and sects, but they've never really been my focus. But you Plane-Tenders seem great! Thanks for looking out for my buds!" He bowed his head toward Sarceron at that.

Tanrith turned back toward Faelee with a small smile on his face. "Heh. No offense. I'm sure the Doomguard is plenty cool too. But the name's all...doomy and gloomy, so it's not really a great first impression, y'know?"

Finally, the small blue lizard adjusted himself on Zyrech's back as he decided to get things started. "Though as fun as this is, I guess we should probably actually think about what's going on here now, huh?"
Haha, how's that for a change of pace? The first one to post for a change rather than taking a week plus! The Bui has found his motivation through Shieldwing~ >3

"...Ah!" Shieldwing exclaimed, noticeably perking up at Rudrick's words, his half-turn stopping in its tracks. He turned back toward the larger dragon, tail wavering in the air behind him. "A-are you sure? W-well, hah, I-I suppose if that's an open invitation, I-I'll be happy to!" He smiled as he watched that wing motion for him and he was quick to fall into place beside him.

But now that led Shieldwing to his next immediate dilemma. How was he supposed to bring this up, exactly...? Should he just, like...ask outright? No, no, wouldn't that just seem like it's coming out of nowhere? No, he's a Brynback! He's supposed to be good at leading conversations and negotiations and what-not, right? At least...he thought so. The many duties of Brynback leadership had always kind of overwhelmed him sometimes and made his head spin. But if he wasn't going to ask outright, how could he lead into it? Argh, where was he even supposed to start...?

"U-um...w-well...heh...I-I was curious, um..." Sheildwing murmured rather nervously. Then, suddenly a thought struck his mind. Ah, that could work! "When we first got here, weren't you with some other drakes or something like that?" he asked. Now that he had a starting question in mind, his confident and formal demeanor was quickly restoring itself. "What were you doing with them? You know, before you saw us with Garrock?"

His head craned upward a bit so that he could look directly up at Rudrick's face. He remembered some sudden conversational etiquette and wanted to make eye contact when conversing...though it was more than that. He was genuinely curious about this. Hopefully, it would lead right into the topic he wanted to truly discuss....
... 'Investigate the ice cream' is not something I expected in this RP but here we are.

Haha, it definitely gives the same kind of vibe as "I Insight check every time a new person says hi to me" xD
Wow, I knew there were people who did weird things to ice cream, and I knew Finland did a bunch of weird food stuff, but this is a whole new low. xP
That is two 3s so

Garnet has got her hands on...
- Two lodestone spheres that chime when they attract each other
- Torn parchment with half a rebus painted on it

(also, in case you're wondering, because I myself had to look it up, a rebus is, according to google, "a puzzle in which words are represented by combinations of pictures and individual letters; for instance, apex might be represented by a picture of an ape followed by a letter X.")

Oml so one of the things she would lift...was an item pair that actively makes noise when they are brought together? xD
Haha, reminds me of my previous Rogue. He had Stealth, but no Sleight of Hand either. The reason? Because, uh. He was a Strength build. Turns out, all you need to make a rogue work is a finesse weapons. Magical rapiers are enough to work with~

A Rogue with expertise in Athletics is a lot of fun~ xP Between Medium Armor Master and a Fighter level dip for martial weapons and shields letting you have a decent AC with little investment and a Rogue's natural ability to cut damage in half around the middling levels makes you surprisingly durable~

Buuut as you might guess, he was only kind of okay at taking things~ xP He was the proper tank of the party~ Despite being the smallest character in the party~ xD
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