Avatar of Digizel


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2 mos ago
Current I think I'm Advanced+ level and could do that. But under Adv, I feel compelled to write a certain way and it makes writing feel more like a chore even if it's just in my head. Thus, I prefer Casual
2 mos ago
Many people equate "Advanced" to "Big, high effort posts with lots of flowery language." It's a habitual thought I struggle to shake as an RPer with 20+ years of writing experience. It's very draining
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Ah right, sorry, I'll get that roll done and make a post asap. Was hoping Apheline might show back up again to get their two cents, but eh. xD

I was also hoping to come up with a way to use tracking to get around this pig check. But I couldn't justify it so I'll have to go with straight acrobatics I suppose xD

Also heyo Verti, love the Kitsune concept~ Kitsune was another one of those races I'm seeing that I was tempted to play since it's something I can't be in 5e without homebrew. And Kitsune are just really cool in general~ xP
Since I put a bit extra into the last post, I'll give a little more time for players to respond. I have tapped one other to swap into our group, but I may have to tap the next one after.

Yeah it's been a couple days, has there been any word from Aphe? Or should I just run on the assumption that we're moving on and just go ahead and post something? Do I pretend that Saur's always been helping one the reserve character, or just nobody at all and is simply joining them REALLY well?

Because it's going to be really strange if Saur has no idea what this race is even for...yet is the only person really in it. xD
Only gotten one post in thus far, so I can't really say one way or another. But I've been able to keep up pretty easily thus far myself. So I'm kinda the same right now. I don't NEED it set to three days, but my opinion on that may shift as it progresses. We'll see. xD
@Digizel Rather than use your critical success to Aid, I'll allow you the opportunity to roll a separate Aid action roll with a flat DC of 15 to see if Saur can Aid Thornharp in her own stealth roll! Saur was so ready to hide that he can take the opportunity to try to help one other person to hide as well.

Now it's your turn to describe how Saur would Aid Thornharp to hide, and roll against that DC!

Understood~ I'll include this in my post when I make it, but I also want to make sure that Thornharp wouldn't resist before I go through with it completely, and that's totally up to @apheline~ So I'll await her input before I make a post like this. But since the two are together and rushing away, as Saur sees the guards being summoned, he is going to try to take her by the hand and run with her to the side. Using his experience in finding hiding spots, he is going to try to find a spot where they could both lay low; since they're both small in stature, it shouldn't be too difficult I wouldn't think. He is going to find a place where he can break line of sight with all of the guards and then try to pull her into a hiding place so they seem to just kind of disappear. I think the ideal way to do this would be to jump into the stack of hay...but then move through it and emerge on the other side, that spot being too obvious for his liking. He would elect to then proceed down one of the other nearby alleys and hide from view there; that way they might even be able to keep moving after the guards lose sight of them. He rolled a 21 for his Aid.

@Cleveraptor - Oh dang, I was looking forward to Saur and Alwin meeting since they're both rangers of different walks of life, but it is what it is. Hopefully what you've got going on isn't too bad for ya. Good luck friend~
Oh man, a Nat 20 for a total of 27, I'm not used to being the lucky one xD Iirc in PF2e, a Nat20 escalates the success level by one, so this is probably a critical success no matter what they roll~

So out of curiosity, @wanderingwolf I know taking the Hide action doesn't normally give anything for crit successes, but since they're already together, could he use this roll to help out Thornharp on her own Stealth check and give her some kind of bonus? Or whatever kind of check she uses to try to avoid the guards if Apheline doesn't use it?

When I was looking through the rules on the Archives of Nethys site, I saw the piece on circumstantial bonuses, so I figured I'd ask and give it a shot. But of course, I leave it to you. I'm fine either way~
Haha, so it seems xD This chaotic scene of people rushing through a busy street, bumping into craftsmen and stuff and then cut back to the elf in the background who's just stopping by somebody and politely asking for directions and making her way there so serenely. And then you cut back to a race already in progress where no doubt people are getting knocked aside and the like~ And then cut right to the goblin handing coins and a potion to a taxi and is just like "Follow that dwarf plz"

EDIT: Oh yeah I just remembered I should probably put my Acrobatics here too rather than just leaving it in the post to make sure it gets seen more easily: 22
Whoop I also realized I forgot to present a token. I do usually have a token from Hero Forge I usually like to use, but I have also made one here:

Only one kobold on there with a bow, so I elected to pick out that one. xD Horns are usually whiter, more similar to red dragon horns, but eh~

But yeah, with that, the intro post is up and hopefully looks good to everybody. Looking forward to this~

EDIT: Oh wait, I just realized that sheet I sent wasn't the one I updated. @wanderingwolf Sorry about that, this is the right sheet. Not much has changed, I just thought it more appropriate to move a point of Saur's CON to his WIS. He'll have one fewer HP, but as predominantly a ranged fighter and supporter, this would be fine. Having him be better at tracking and observant made more sense to me. Especially since Kobolds are -CON by default anyway xD

There was a low Draconic swear from the shadows of the marketplace. A lone figure sat by himself atop a roof, backpack out in front of him as he examined his tools once again and polished the wood of his hand-crafted bow. As he worked, he thought his situation through once more. He was good at navigating the land, figuring out ideal paths and how to get from one point to another quickly. And yet this more urban jungle was a complete mystery to him. He had assumed that he would be able to find his way back to the school he'd been assigned to easily enough, but the city streets of Nantambu, while not filled with life so early in the morning, still seemed almost like a maze; and he could have sworn that one turn he took led him to a completely different place last time he'd taken it!

The diminutive Kobold let out a disgruntled sigh, casting a skyward glance to check on the stars and the potential state of the rising sun. He was definitely running late. He wasn't going to make a positive first impression like this, to say the least. He was going to have to think of a good way to word his reasons for missing the first part of whatever instruction they were given. Once he'd found his way back to the school, he should have an easy enough time tracking down the others and this teacher they were supposed to meet with.

The problem being, of course, he had to figure out how to get back to the school first.

And that was why he found himself here near the market, where no doubt many craftsmen were soon going to begin attracting business. As a crafter himself, he would have an excuse to browse and examine the wares while simultaneously feeling more comfortable in asking for direction from those like himself.

However, just as he was finishing and putting his tools back in the bag where they belonged, he heard a commotion. There was the expected sounds of craftsmen beginning to set up in the street below, but...there was more to it. His eyes narrowed, slipping his bow around his shoulders and allowing it to hang there as he focused in on the scene below. And that was when he saw them.

A plant-like individual alongside a dwarf and...what seemed to be some kind of strange mixture of bird and dragon, as far as he could tell. That one, he admittedly didn't recognize. But he certainly recognized the description of the two rushing headlong into the morning traffic. He made one more quick scan of the crowd, but did not see the other two he would have expected to be accompanying them. What in the world was going on? Were they chasing someone? With the erratic, franticness of their movement, it was the best assumption he could make. Yet they didn't seem to be chasing anybody down this street in particular....

Well, regardless of the reason, they were clearly in a hurry. And if he didn't act quickly, he was to lose his opportunity to join up with them. With no idea what they were in the middle of, it was likely in his best efforts to join them in their endeavors while he had the chance. And thus, he quickly pulled his backpack back over his shoulders, making sure his gear was tucked away correctly, before tugging his bow to secure it around his torso...and then grabbed the edge of the roof and swung himself down and around, deftly twisting himself to slip right between a panel that had been set up a few moments ago and the craftswoman who had set it up.

"Apologies!" Saur called back to the likely-startled woman as he used his momentum to lunge into the crowd, attempting to weave seamlessly through the crowd...and even hoping to perhaps assist any of the other two companions he had managed to identify should they require it, whether that involved pulling them past an obstacle or using his tail or lithe form to force an obstacle to shift out of their path if they ran the risk of being slowed.

Hopefully, such actions would show them that he was there with them in case they failed to recognize him like he had them.
@wanderingwolf Yup yup, that all sounds good to me! Heh, all of that makes sense in the end~ But yeah, since Saur has things he can offer for a chase like this, I have no qualms about bringing in his aide for this endeavor, so I'm good with jumping right into the thick of things.

When he makes his introduction, do you want him to also make an Acrobatics roll as he slips into and through the crowd with the others since that's what the others are doing?
Oh, well okay then! If I did get in, I can't say I was expecting it to be this soon, but I shall adapt accordingly~ I suppose I should probably start with an introductory post like everyone else, eh?

Greetings one and all, I go by Digi! I'm a Bui who loves to play videogames, TCGs and TTRPGs~ My experience thus far has been exclusively in D&D 4e and 5e (a lot of homebrew stuff) and a couple other systems here and there. Decided I wanted to branch out with WotC started being a little more wonky than usual. I still love the simplicity of 5e, but am eager to learn the customizability of Pathfinder 2e!

I will be playing Saur, a Kobold Ranger that specializes in archery and scouting with a hint of primal magic sprinkled in. He is noticeably foreign to these parts, not resembling regional kobolds in any way, especially due to the third horn protruding from the tip of his snout. He is a hot-headed soldier type of character and absolutely not a social type. But he is very formal and diplomatic when he interacts with others, often electing to be more verbose and careful with his word choice. This often lends to him being more adept at speaking to those of a higher station or walk of life than his own peers. While he is very self-reliant (he even likes to craft his own arrows and shields), he is very adept at working in conjunction with a group, regardless of his personal feelings on those who make up said group. But if he comes to like the group, he certainly finds it much easier to work with them.

As for the things I'm interested in seeing in the RP, it's definitely roleplay opportunities more than anything else. I'm also interested in playing around with the combat this system offers, but I'm curious he he'll interact with this group in particular and in this setting~

I wouldn't say there's anything in particular I don't want to see, I tend to have few to no limits, so I allow others to set theirs. So I'm good with what's already been decided on that front~

As for how Saur shows up with the group, I've never really been fond of avoidable retcons personally. I kinda like the idea that, being who he is, he is used to early mornings and actually took some extra time to explore his new surroundings a little bit before making his way to where he was summoned; since he lacks proficiency in Society, I could definitely see him having gotten lost, which would explain why he wasn't present at first.

That said, there could be two ways this could go: Either the fuss being started up by the race attracts his attention and he recognizes the group as those he's supposed to be aligned with and joins in with them, or he ends up meeting up with the others when they arrive at their destination post-race. I'm good with either option, so whichever you'd prefer, Wolf!
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