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I didn't test my deck. And will just hope for the best.
What do you all think of this? Did I miss anybody in the mentions?

I think I was missed, I had already submitted my application.
Do you guys still have a slot? I plan to create a character tomorrow if there is one.
What I mean is which among the three anime should be the closest to your expected powerlevel among the decks.

I also want to add aside from the banlist, are there any other forms deckbuilding restriction we should worry about?
Can you pull something more specific like was it in

GX era
5Ds era
Zexal era
What was the expected power level here?

Any banlist to consider?
Mischief Reef/Đá Vành Khăn/Panganiban Reef - 11/01/2022 07:55 UTC+8

The freelancer shot a blank stare at Han Rui, she heard about him or more accurately read the reports everyone wrote. She couldn’t care less to be honest.

She listened to him as she manifested her Noble Arm, landing simple strikes on an abandoned dummy in quick succession, then she swung more because it wasn’t enough. The last swing cut the dummy in half and burned with white flames.

The freelancer stared at her, one question at her mind.

“And why do you care? It’s not like you know me.” she spat, words filled more venom than intended.
Mischief Reef/Đá Vành Khăn/Panganiban Reef - 11/01/07:50 UTC+8

For Cristina, the days after the operation felt like a flash.

It was supposed to be a moment of triumph, they achieved their objective, rescued the hostages and did it without casualties. All things considered she did pretty well facing a Zodiac.

All of it however felt like ash when she found Basilia, her older sister and the reason she even joined this group.

When she saw her sister in that fateful mirror, she assumed the worst and believed that her time to save was running out. Only to know that she was fine and she hated her.

She was fed with lies and now she hates her, worst of all she didn’t even have time to speak for herself.

But what would she say?

The girl decided to simply spend her days training burying herself in training as if she was returned to the days she was in that camp.

She didn’t understand why her superiors were insisting she join this celebration. She needed to get stronger and train mo-.

She felt a slight pain in the shoulder as she went looking for an open secluded space. It was nothing, she was used to it.
So this thing is like Lobotomy Corp right?

Well I'm interested but I will sleep for now.
Mekong River - 10/25/2022, 22:23 UTC+8

Cristina had always dreamed of this moment. In her mind were countless greetings she would say to her sister. Some were rehearsed, others were conceived in her sleep.

None of them, not a single word feels appropriate at this situation however.

When she saw her sister in the mirror, a lot of horrible thoughts entered her head. She might be tortured, she might be crazy but had prepared her heart to face them. In all of those thoughts however she failed to assume that her sister would hate her.

And that she will simply ignore her, like she was a fly on a wall.

She held onto her Noble Arm ready jump at Superbia only to see that it had no place in the battle. That is not how things were supposed to go.

“That was a lie.” she weakly answered as she watched her sister leave with her own tear.

Whether those words are heard are unclear.

The freelancer simply stood on that empty space, alone and more uncertain of what she should do. Her sole reason for living hates her. What was left for her?

The sudden storm suddenly snapped her back, she wasn’t even going to ask how it happened.

She began heading to the POW camp, she will finish this task then do something else. Keep living and finish the mission, that's the thing she could only do for now.
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