Lucas Gutenberg
X-773-04-August-20 | Fenix Tear | A[url=i.ibb.co/Dw13bxX/download.jpg [/url] to be used as an image

A young man who will always tell you what's on his mind without sugarcoating it, he will make it clear if someone had messed up or brought him unnecessary increase in his workload and throw them a lecture. But afterwards he would list what he thinks they did right and try to reduce the amount of trouble they would get into as much as he reasonably can. Sometimes he would find himself in the center of a trouble either during his search for a book or because he himself failed to keep his mouth shut, faults that he would rather easily admit.
Aside from allegiance to the Fenix Tear, he is also bound to his deal with his god. Not really much of a problem considering that he is a bibliophile, although he could do away with his fellow God-Slayers not dragging him to their ‘wars’. His god gave him one task, he doesn’t need to tie himself with another. His devotion to said task however caused him to continuously find himself happily accepting books as an alternative form of payment for his missions much to the relief of the downtrodden towns he encountered. How much of that was powered by altruism, his contract to the goddess or his clever way to put a good name for his guild was deliberately left unsaid.
The Gutenberg is not an ordinary last name, rather it is one that traces back to a chain of master and apprentice who dedicated themselves in finding the lost library of Alexandria, legends say that it was burned in a great fire that consumed the city it was built on. The Gutenberg continued to march on regardless. Lucas is the latest apprentice of this line of Gutenberg, initially an orphan studying magic at Merlin Magic Academy before meeting Gutenberg before him and the man who would become his master, Johanne Gutenberg in his brief teaching stint. The two would then leave the academy together and go to various expeditions in search of the said library.
It is in one of those expeditions Johanne Gutenberg will meet its demise courtesy of a Tartarus Dark Mage who would also be soon killed in the crossfire of an ensuing battle. After burying the body in its resting place, he would be then contacted by a woman who tells him the truth of Alexandria. It wasn't a mere library, that long ago it was the seat of her power and that as the last surviving Gutenberg it is his mission to continue what his predecessors started. Seeing that he has nothing to lose, he agreed to continue the search.
He then spent years traveling around the land, meeting people, seeing places and improving his magic in various aspects. During the Civil War of Pendragon, he moved around the place providing aid to help in repairing what was destroyed by the war. It is during this period that he will be reunited with a former classmate of his, Azuria and it will eventually lead to him becoming one of the founders of Fenix Tear.
Items of Note
[The Book of Alexandria]
-A book that Lucas can summon in any form containing the contents of books that had been entered to the ancient library along with the books scanned by Gutenberg. Books or any writings can be scanned by letting it touch the book’s pages.
[Pen Staff]
-An oversized staff shaped like a pen, a distinct part of Lucas’ Arsenal. Has the properties of instantly casting [Glyph Shape Light] spell and converting Light element into a different element.
A young man who will always tell you what's on his mind without sugarcoating it, he will make it clear if someone had messed up or brought him unnecessary increase in his workload and throw them a lecture. But afterwards he would list what he thinks they did right and try to reduce the amount of trouble they would get into as much as he reasonably can. Sometimes he would find himself in the center of a trouble either during his search for a book or because he himself failed to keep his mouth shut, faults that he would rather easily admit.
Aside from allegiance to the Fenix Tear, he is also bound to his deal with his god. Not really much of a problem considering that he is a bibliophile, although he could do away with his fellow God-Slayers not dragging him to their ‘wars’. His god gave him one task, he doesn’t need to tie himself with another. His devotion to said task however caused him to continuously find himself happily accepting books as an alternative form of payment for his missions much to the relief of the downtrodden towns he encountered. How much of that was powered by altruism, his contract to the goddess or his clever way to put a good name for his guild was deliberately left unsaid.
The Gutenberg is not an ordinary last name, rather it is one that traces back to a chain of master and apprentice who dedicated themselves in finding the lost library of Alexandria, legends say that it was burned in a great fire that consumed the city it was built on. The Gutenberg continued to march on regardless. Lucas is the latest apprentice of this line of Gutenberg, initially an orphan studying magic at Merlin Magic Academy before meeting Gutenberg before him and the man who would become his master, Johanne Gutenberg in his brief teaching stint. The two would then leave the academy together and go to various expeditions in search of the said library.
It is in one of those expeditions Johanne Gutenberg will meet its demise courtesy of a Tartarus Dark Mage who would also be soon killed in the crossfire of an ensuing battle. After burying the body in its resting place, he would be then contacted by a woman who tells him the truth of Alexandria. It wasn't a mere library, that long ago it was the seat of her power and that as the last surviving Gutenberg it is his mission to continue what his predecessors started. Seeing that he has nothing to lose, he agreed to continue the search.
He then spent years traveling around the land, meeting people, seeing places and improving his magic in various aspects. During the Civil War of Pendragon, he moved around the place providing aid to help in repairing what was destroyed by the war. It is during this period that he will be reunited with a former classmate of his, Azuria and it will eventually lead to him becoming one of the founders of Fenix Tear.
Items of Note
[The Book of Alexandria]
-A book that Lucas can summon in any form containing the contents of books that had been entered to the ancient library along with the books scanned by Gutenberg. Books or any writings can be scanned by letting it touch the book’s pages.
[Pen Staff]
-An oversized staff shaped like a pen, a distinct part of Lucas’ Arsenal. Has the properties of instantly casting [Glyph Shape Light] spell and converting Light element into a different element.
Light and Dark
Knowledge Goddess Slayer Magic- Glyphs are a vital component of any conventional spells, Lucas’ magic is based directly manipulating these glyphs to suit his needs.