“My Eidolon can perfectly sense the immediate future in the area around it.”
CHARACTER NAME: Ashley Whitlock
EIDOLON NAME: Bootstrap Paradox
POW: 1 |
ELE: 1 |
GEN: 3 |
GLAM: 2 |
BIZ: 2
LVL: 1
When you play your resonant card, apply the following Forecast: “
“For an instant, you understand everything, and know exactly what to do next.” Pick a Positive card out of the deck or discard pile and add it to your Ready for Anything spread.
When you play your dissonant card, apply the following Forecast: “
“You’re too certain that you’re right, and you miss something important as a result.” Discard half of the Ready for Anything cards you have set aside (rounded up).
Ready for Anything: At the beginning of Uptime, draw GEN and set all cards in your spread aside. At any point during this Uptime, you can play one of these cards instead of drawing. Discard any remaining cards you have once you return to Downtime.
Ready for Anything Cards1.
Information War: Draw upon your Area of Expertise to state a fact about your current situation that no one but you would notice, then draw GEN.
-On a positive card, continue by explaining how you’re exploiting this fact to your advantage.
-On a neutral card, the GM will explain how anyone could potentially exploit this fact.
-On a negative card, you are mistaken, and your mistake will leave you vulnerable.
Dredge Your Mind: When you search your memory for relevant information regarding your current situation, draw GEN, but ignore the Forecast of the card you play.
-On a positive card, you remember useful and relevant information regarding your situation.
-On a neutral card, you remember something that might be useful, but the details are vague.
-On a negative card, you remember incorrect information. The GM may ask you how and why you know the information you’re remembering; answer them.
Read the Stars: Once per session, when you make a Move, you may choose to return all unplayed cards in your spread to the top of the Fate Deck, instead of sending them to the bottom.
Expert Investigation: When Investigating, add “what does my Area of Expertise tell me about the situation?” to the list of questions you can ask.
Signal Repeater: You can move your scanning ability to center on anyone or anything you have a Tie with, allowing you to sense the area around them instead of the area around your Eidolon. Your scanning ability will stay with them until you call it back to yourself.
Tagging Shot (requires Signal Repeater): When your Eidolon has wounded someone or something, then until that wound is healed you can use Signal Repeater to move your scanning ability onto them, regardless of whether you have a Tie with them.
Coordinated Assault: When another player makes a Move to enact part of a plan that you’ve explained to them, you can give them one of the cards you’ve set aside with Ready For Anything for them to play instead of drawing.
Undertow Astrolabe: Your Eidolon Power works both within your immediate surroundings and within the equivalent space in the Undertow, or if you’re in the Undertow, within the equivalent space in the real world.
Come Sail Away (requires Undertow Astrolabe): You can draw BIZ to attempt to pull something you sense in one world into the world you currently inhabit.
Brain Radio: You can broadcast your thoughts from your Eidolon. Anyone within your immediate vicinity that you have a Tie to will hear the thoughts you transmit this way in their head, and they can also transmit their thoughts to you.
Braintap (Requires Brain Radio): You can draw BIZ to try to telepathically eavesdrop on someone within your immediate surroundings, regardless of whether you have a Tie to them.
Soul Spyglass: When you play a positive or neutral card to Dredge the Undertow, you can ask any one question about one of the characters in your immediate vicinity. The player of that character must answer your question as truthfully as they can, possibly even revealing information that the character themselves does not know. If you play a neutral card, they also get to ask you a question about your character, and you must answer truthfully.
Threat Detection: Take the Fight or Flight Move from the Beast Playbook; At any time, you may ask the GM if you are currently in danger. The GM will always answer honestly, but will not provide any details about the source of the danger.
Master Moves (Requires Level 5 or higher)
Astrologic Clock (Requires Undertow Astrolabe): Once per session, you may draw BIZ to overcharge your Eidolon to see what it will sense one minute in the future.
Eureka: Just before an enemy advances your Damage Track to “Defeated,” you have a flash of inspiration about how to beat them. State a critical weakness the enemy has; whatever you say is now true, and always has been. Draw GEN, but ignore the Forecast of the card you play.
-On a positive card, you have a brief instant to exploit this weakness before you’re defeated.
-On a neutral card, you have a brief instant to either shout out the weakness, alerting the enemy that you’ve discovered it, or else leave behind a clue that will reveal the weakness if your allies interpret it correctly.
-On a negative card, draw one less card when Facing Death (to a minimum of 1); if you die, the enemy’s weakness dies with you.
Perfect Deduction: When you play a positive card when Investigating, answer the first question you ask yourself, rather than having the GM answer it; whatever you state as the answer to your question is true. You can only use this Move once per session, even if you draw more than one positive card during a single Investigation.
1. [1]
Professor Rudolph is like a father to me. [1]
2. [1] I wish
Mr. Whitlock would just leave me alone. [1]
3. [1]
Emily and I know where the lines are drawn. [1]
4. [1] She must be careful around
Luka, he might bring her unwelcome developments to her life. [1]