Ashley's growl went unheard, she is not planning to kill the man for it is a huge line even for her. What she's planning is to cripple his legs and make him answer their questions in fear. It might be going overboard but it is an option.
So whatever is drawback Luca is suffering through, serves him right.
Ashley listened as the agent tries to introduce himself and fail to procure the badge that he oh so definitely have. She briefly wonders what difference will the thing make knowing that this is the guy who blew a diner full of people. She won't be able to hold him liable to a thing that didn't happen but expect her to use it as a basis of her judgement.
"You do know that there's a gas leak here right?" Ashley tried to misdirect using previous events as the basis of her story as she concentrated on the 'script' she once saw.
A different word, a different act can change the future. For a want of a nail, a battle is lost and all of that.
So she is observing not just the present but also the future in whether this man is worthy of any trust.
I don't know if this is Investigate or Dredge the Undertow but I won't be using my remaining card here.
Ashley watched in concern as Luka singlehandedly put the world to it knees with his gift. The power of literal imagination, it sounds like a thing shouldn't be handed to a guy like Luka. Now she thought about it, how is his brand reality altering different from Emily's? They seemed redundant when you think about it.
Ashley shook her thoughts away, today is not the time to think about it.
She eyed the featureless man that took the bat from her this is good, probably better than what she expected. The sudden attire change and codenames is admittedly a nice touch although the specifics is something they can workshop a bit more.
"Everyone stay behind the 'Batter"', she instructed to everyone as they wait for approaching monster.
"Emily once it changed forms, douse the thing with fire extinguisher." she further instructed.
D.O.B March 21 | Age 21 y.o | Sato Konoha [formerly Iron Country] | Region Mainland| Rank Chūnin | Caste Banha
Mimoto Mimoto
Aiko Muramasa
Shigoto Shigoto
Joretsu Joretsu
Monogatari Aiko Muramasa is a child born from an unexpected union, one between an heir of a clan known to forge some of the finest blades in the Land of Iron and a clanless Ronin who quickly rose through the ranks by the virtue of her talent and adherence to the principles of Bushido. A figure of hope and admiration for the masses and Aiko herself. An ideal warrior of Bushido that Aiko wishes to follow in the footsteps of.
That code of Bushido however will lead to her family's ruin when they played host to a foreign dignitary, she remembers him being a rude guest and on the first night of his visit he got killed by his own guards that he insisted to keep with him along with her father. She remembered the chaos, the rage inside of her as she cut the traitors off with her mother.
It will be her first and last battle with her however, as the failure to protect the dignitary became an undeniable stain to their name, one that under the code of Bushido can only be satisfied through seppuku. She was spared because of her age and a passionate appeal but she was forced to watch her mother and what remains of her family cut themselves so that she may live with dignity and honor in accordance with Bushido. The sight will forever haunt her as she struggles to uphold the ideals set by her mother, as she finds herself questioning if Bushido is the actual way of life that she should strive for.
She found the answer to her question a month later, when the very people that her mother once protected took advantage of her naivety and looted anything of worth at what remains in her house. Despite being capable of easily escaping her ties, she tries to understand why they are doing this and why they desecrate the place where their protector once lived.
There is no reason other than plain naked greed and the belief they are powerful enough to prey on her an emotionally distraught young girl and win against her. Because as they say, the code of Bushido is an land in the sand made by the weak to deceive the strong because there is only one truth in this world, the truth that allowed the Land of Iron to once dominate the world.
That truth is that 'Might makes Right', the weak cannot fight back, protect themselves or even try to defend themselves.
So it is her right to kill all of them, when she easily escaped their binds and took the last blade her father worked on, after all they were so weak that a girl like her could easily beat them despite their numbers, right? Because she is strong, because she is not weak like everybody else. Aiko survived that night but she will never be the same.
She spent the following years wandering as a Ronin, taking the dangerous jobs she comes across and honing her skills against powerful opponents. Beast, shinobi or fellow samurai it doesn’t matter as long as she gets into an intense fight where she can throw herself and forget about everything.
She continued her life until a mission in Konoha set her blade against Yusuke Uchiha, the man that she did not know at the time will win her hand... (in progress)
Kokorononaka Aiko lived most of her life as a thrill seeker, the woman who revels in fights especially the ones where her death is a possibility. For her it is an addiction, a way for her to run and cover any insecurities buried inside of her mask of a free willed woman. She had considerably mellowed out at her time at Konoha, letting herself mask slip sometimes to show the girl she was before; a fair, curious girl who held the blade to protect her family.
Kirainamono Kirainamono
Weak People, Being given mercy, Bushido
Sukinamono Sukinamono
Fighting, Training herself, People who refuse to give up
Affinity Wind- Aiko mastered a single element throughout her entire life, allowing her to reach unprecedented mastery of this element for her age. Especially when the technique involves Kenjutsu.
Kenjutsu- Aiko had sharpened her already notable talent in Kenjutsu at countless life or death situations allowing her to be in contention in the question of who is the strongest swordsman of the generation.
Keen Senses- Aiko's senses even without chakra is borderline supernatural. This level of awareness renders most forms of obscurity including Genjutsus ineffective against her.
Companion of Death- Aiko had saw and dealt death throughout her entire life to the point that she can easily discerned whether someone is actually dead, someone's chances of survival or how physical injuries are inflicted in a single glance.
Muramasa Sachiko- A Kanshoto level cursed blade wielded by Aiko throughout her entire life. This cursed blade dramatically boost Aiko's strength in exchange of her losing her mind to the ongoing battle. Aiko's mastery of the weapon allows her to bond with it, granting her access to special techniques the longer her battle-mania proceeds.
It takes the form of a normal odachi until sufficient blood is put into the blade which will give the blade a crimson glow and will indicate that Aiko is losing her mind.
術式 術式
Jutsu List
Ikusaryūtō Ikusaryūtō
Kenjutsu | C-Rank
Ikusaryūtō is the Academy equivalent skillset kenjutsu for the Samurai, employing chakra-shape manipulation and flow through their swords, extending both reach & cutting ability of the blade, however they want for this Battōjutsu.
More accurately described as the state of mind that Aiko lives and die through, this curse will be activated once sufficient blood is fed to Muramasa Sachiko, this releases Aiko's any thought of holding her self back while providing her relief for every damage she dealt to her enemies. This technique has two stages.
Blood in the Wind -The initial stage of the curse where the air surrounding Aiko will smell of blood. Her speed will increase dramatically, her attacks will gain more power and her instincts will get sharper. Furthermore she can smell the blood on her opponents and around her. In this state she is incapable of thinking of anything aside from killing her opponents.
Farewell Sachiko -The final stage of Bloody Sachiko which could only be activated when fighting a peer in power to the death. Both sides will fall into a trance where they would do their best to kill each other until one remains. The area surrounding them will be covered in a red seal that will serve as their arena and prevent any outside interference. Destroying the seal will make both sides killed in a heart attack. -Aiko had only activated this technique to the people she considers worthy and she always get out of the technique victorious aside from the last time she activated the technique where for the first time, both participants emerged alive.
Noble Arm Name & Appearance: Sinagtala(Starlight), a complete dark blade with multiple white spots that is comparable to the stars in a night sky.
Noble Arm Rank: C
Power: C Speed: A Range: C- Persistence: B- Precision: C- Potential: C
Noble Arm Type: Melee Element Space Range: Close to Mid Range
Noble Arm Abilities:
Rip Space- Cristina can create a tear in spacetime by swinging her blade, allowing her to capture anything smaller than the size of a small truck that passed through into a pocket dimension she called the Imaginary Space. Her next swing would release everything she captured. -Cross Space- Cristina can hide inside the tear instead allowing her to temporarily access the Imaginary space for herself and move across it for a maximum amount of 30 seconds. While inside this space she cannot interact with objects in the real world.
Addendum: If someone was partially captured inside the Imaginary Space like having a limb covered, they will automatically be sucked into it.
Night's Edge- Cristina imbues the separation of space into her weapon, granting it unparalleled sharpness that can only be blocked by select Noble Arms. -Night's Edge Burning- Cristina burns her Noble Arm with the flames of Shooting Star allowing it to apply burns in contact.
Blink Space- Cristina can now 'blink' in short distances allowing her to achieve short range teleportation.
OPL Spells
Bind- Cristina releases a rope of energy that attaches on contact from there she can manipulate the size of the rope for her advantage.
Shooting Star- Cristina can fire starlight projectiles from her sword. They have homing properties and explode on contact with force equal to a grenade. -Blinding Star- A variant of the Shooting Star skill where instead of an explosive blast, a flash of blinding light was instead released.
Mirage Space- Cristina's greatest technique which allows her to indiscriminately trap everyone in a 30 meters long dome of the Imaginary Space . While inside Cristina has the ability to fly, fire sword beams and teleport in exchange for taking a huge strain in her body and inability to activate Rip Space due to being already inside the Imaginary Space. This ability can be canceled with overwhelming power, by defeating Amelia or voluntary deactivation.
Misc Abilities:
Swordsmanship- Cristina after the activation of her Noble Arm had sought to master the usage of her weapon, studying and practicing forms she could find until she completed a personal style.
Intrigue- Life as an mercenary had made Cristina naturally observant, allowing her to figure out the intent behind someone's words and determine if she's being swindled.
Pain Tolerance- Cristina's ability to make herself believe that she can endure more damage was far higher than the average. During her time in the facility, she will get her bones broken, muscles torn, body bleeding and tell herself to just 'finish the task'. This served her well when taking blows from other Arms Masters.
Personality: Straight to the point and doesn't mince her words. She will uphold her end of the bargain as long as the other side doesn't screw her over. Has a soft spot for children and silent bloodlust for combat.
*Likes: Night Sky watching, fighting people, children
*Dislikes: Torturers, Liars, beating around the bush
Fears: There was a silent possibility that her reunion with her sister won't be the heartfelt moment she thought it would be.
Bio: An orphan who doesn't know the identity of her parents, a young Cristina has always been aware of the struggles of life but always believes that with help of her wiser, clever older sister Basilia. This belief has persisted even when they are both sold by their orphanage to be trained in an STP program with the hopes of them developing their own Noble Arms.
It was hard, it was grueling and sometimes she wondered if she was in hell but with Basilia’s support she managed to push through the program despite failing to develop a Noble Arm unlike her sister. Things for a while are looking up for the two.
That was until one day, when the members of the Downward Descent suddenly attacked the facility, killing everyone in their path. Man, woman and children every single one of them was slain while some fled to the scene. Cristina was one of those who escaped from the attack while Basilia bought her time to escape.
Cristina ran until her legs gave out and she herself passed out. When she woke up, she learned that the facility was burned to ashes and she is one of the few survivors. She also learned their treatment of their students was actually illegal to the point of being considered torture.
When everything sank in and Cristina made a promise to herself under that night sky.
She knew her sister was alive and that she would find her. That was when Sinagtala appeared in her hands as if it was a silent gift.
From that moment forward she works as a freelancer for people, doing escort missions, espionage tasks and even extracting kidnapped children. That was until she received an offer from someone.
OPL Suppression Collar/Cuff: A device that inhibits the wearer's access to the ability to manipulate Occult Programming Language, no matter what form that may take. In a "mundane" person or raw OPL practitioner, a single restraint is sufficient to either stop them from casting OPL entirely, no matter their tools or to stop them from manifesting a new Noble Arm, should they have the potential.
> On an Arms Master, the devices do have an energy limit. They can completely suppress a Noble Arm with a Power of D or lower from even being manifested. C-Rank Power can manifest the Noble Arm but can't use its powers beyond that. B-Rank Power is only greatly weakened to 50%. And A-Rank Power at worst may be suppressed to 75% percent with a single restraint. With a total of three such devices applied, it's possible for a C-Rank Power NA to be prevented from manifesting entirely, a B-Rank Power to be suppressed to no access to its abilities, and an A-Rank to 40% of their overall strength.
> The restraint device itself is generally immune to supernatural tampering. Noble Arm powers and the weapon itself are usually incapable of damaging or removing a device, no matter how creatively interpreted the power is. The device is a black hole of OPL nullification. The only way to remove it is through physical, mundane interaction. The device also suppresses a Noble Arm from conveniently manifesting any new powers that could act as adaptations to either increase its rank or that could otherwise be specifically designed to enable escape. This nullification isn't, however, truly absolute, provided the energy is too much to quell.
OPL Bracelet- A bracelet adorned with a black gemstone. Used as a focus for OPL spells.