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So did Ashley successfully take the phone and the badge?
Minerva and Elora

As Elora was lost in thought while touching Logic Diver, she did not notice that Minerva had come into the Framewerk hangar until she had stopped before Argo, causing her to blink and silently gasp. “Oh! You’re…Umm…Minerva, right? I saw your name in the list of pilots for the squad...” Elora spoke softly as she apprehensively approached her.

The Argo is stationed directly opposite to the Logic Driver, allowing the two pilots to hear each other despite the softness of Elora’s voice. “Indeed I am.” she spoke, a little surprised but pleased at Elora's initiative at learning everyone's names. Minerva didn't move from her location or give Elora a glance, as she was more concerned with ensuring that Argo is in peak condition for the virtual exercise.

“Is there any reason you asked?” the white haired woman asked, sounding annoyed despite not intending to.

Elora glanced reflexively aside while keeping her hands up to her chest, as if expecting her to be hit with another glare. “Well…I guess I wanted to confirm the list was correct,” she said, aware of how flimsy the excuse was. She wasn’t the best at socializing, especially with someone as intimidating as the white-haired pilot. So she decided to bring up something common to them both. “That’s Argo, your Framewerk, correct?” She asked, looking up and lifting a finger to point at the Framewerk. ”How long have you piloted him?”

‘Is this what they call a small talk? This is very awkward.’ Minerva thought as she looked at Argo’s cockpit.

“I've been fighting for the Federation with him for five years, and been piloting him for eight.” she answered, a bit of pride creeping on her chest as she let out a smile. “Been in some close battles with it.”

“How about you, how long have you been piloting your Framewerk, you called it Logic Driver right?”

“Eight years?” Elora stated with a blink and an open hand lifted up to her mouth. “That’s incredible. You must know a lot about Framework piloting.” When it was her turn, she managed a slight smile: it seemed she managed to get a conversation going despite the initial difficulties. “I’ve only piloted Logic Diver for a couple of years, and even then only for practice back at the academy, and basic VR stuff. I haven't seen real combat yet…” She admitted.

Minerva's gaze narrowed for a moment, they let someone inexperienced here? And here she thought she was done babysitting idiots.

“Oh, I see.” she muttered quite weakly. “You must be very good at the academy if you managed to get here.” she tried to diplomatically add.

It is clear to her tone however that she didn't believe or that the statement is a compliment in the first place.

Elora’s smile faded as Minerva’s demeanour seemed to worsen, and she held her arm apprehensively. “I suppose so…I did work hard with my studies, but I never really felt like I belonged there. It was full of rich kids, or kids who come from renowned families. I guess they happened to see potential, or something like that in me…” As Elora lifted her eyes up to look at Minerva, her gaze seemed to linger, as if she went into a trance.

”Stop.” Minerva's voice cuts through Elora’s trance, forcing the woman to look at her yellow eyes by sheer force of being. There is no outburst in our voice but that doesn't mean it wasn't overflowing with rage.

“Don't talk about potential, what you might be, what you can be, it doesn't matter. They won't wait, won't show any mercy, won't give you time.” she paused for a little moment to emphasize her next words.

“So don't be proud of what you will be and to be honest, I’m not impressed with what I see of you now.”

Elora’s eyes snapped wide open at Minerva, and she couldn't stop herself from trembling before her open hostility.
“I-I didn’t mean it like that,” she weakly tried to defend herself, but she knew it was already too late for her: the more experienced woman had all but admitted that she had no respect or kindness for her, only cold hate for her weakness.
Biting her lower lip, Elora turned away. “I’m sorry. I…I gotta prepare. Goodbye.” And with that, she walked away, leaving a couple of tears in her wake.

The white haired girl watched Elora leave in disappointment, she didn't try to fight back, her defense is non-existent at best. She would get herself killed at their first deployment, if she didn't leave outright.

She let out a sigh, she definitely went overboard and she might've burned a lot of bridges once this incident leaks out.

But it's fine.

Her eyes fell on the red hair tie in her arm, memories of an annoying woman, a persistent woman filled her head.

If she was this good back then, would there be more survivors in the aftermath? Would she see her once again?

She'd never needed someone else since then.

Unbeknownst to Minerva, Elora had more reason to leave than was apparent: she was frightened by a vision of a scarred Minerva aiming a gun at her, followed by a blinding flash of light. She didn't know if it was an omen of what was to come, but she hoped it was simply a trick of her fearful imagination.

Minerva remained silent as everyone else prepared themselves in the forest. Her framewerk is properly calibrated and the weapons are functioning as intended. Sitting inside Argo her faithful armor, preparing herself for an intense battle. Yes she is made for this situation.

She made one last glance at Elora, it seems that she’ll be staying in the back.

Good, she might survive this simulation at the very least.
Akira Yuzuki

'Last week putting it in the gentlest of words could have gone better.' was the thought in Akira's head as he lay at the hospital bed. It wasn't that bad considering that he's with Mei the entire time.

And seeing Erza drop the 'tough knight' act if only for a few moments is nice bonus and he was really thankful for their help organizing the Hawkspad inventory. Why nobody else thought of storing emergency supplies inside is a mystery to him.

"Oh Akira, the class rosters got shuffled and I think I need to warn you about Kagiri. She's not bad but she's quite a character."

Akira took a deep breath as he listened to the instructor's message. If he had the choice, he would try dragging her into the classroom. Not only because they need the teacher but for her safety.

Because four times out of five, they got killed when they are outside of their teaching duty.

Unfortunately she's an important part of the underground heroics and it appears she cannot afford to give ground.

Akira's eyes turned to Kyoya as he recalls Mei's warning. She's worried for nothing, with classmates like this accepting Kagiri is like throwing a lit torch on a burning house; there is nothing more to burn.

Waving his hand a small barrier appeared Kyoya's face. "What did I say about getting into fights? That's right proper venue."

Akira then turned to the students of Class 2A and everyone who saw Kyoya's attitude for the first time. "Don't worry much about him, he loves picking fights with everyone."

"The Professor didn't really give me any details about the Joint Training Exercise, so any details on how will this work is appreciated."



Minerva took a deep breath as the journey finally reached its end. Ever since the Olympus Project got disbanded and she started working on the military, she found herself entering spaceships a lot and being familiar with doing nothing but waiting for the destination. She hates it and finds herself mourning for the lost time.

At least she finally figured out how to play that game the twins called Backgammon, although she is pretty sure it won't come in handy.

Minerva took a peak at Solaire, the spaceship that will become her home for the foreseeable future. It is the largest ship she had laid her eyes on. It seems that this ship lives up to its designation as a fortress ship.

She left the shuttle the same way she entered it, promptly and with disinterest as if she was only there to assist in the logistics. The small things and the big things felt the same in her eyes after all.

Her eyes were briefly laid on the Rosinian who she recalled in the files is named Rose. She wasn't sure what to make of the sight of her reuniting with her children. On one hand it is a waste of time, on the other...

[/i]...handler said that it is one of the things that make fighting worth it, not like she needed one.[i]

She averted her eyes and listened to the two people that will be her superiors for the duration of the mission. Lieutenant Kaname, her age aside, is a textbook example of a Federation officer. Meritocratic, straight to the point and serious unlike the few 'blue-bloods' that she had the misfortune of ‘working with’, tasking her with cleaning up their messes is a gross inefficiency.

Dr. Lorenzo on the other hand is the definition of unpleasant. He is disrespectful, uncaring of protocols and acted like he owned the place. In her experience there are two ways he could afford to do so. The first is being related to someone important but considering where she is, she puts her bets on the latter. He is so important that the Federation can\t do away with him even if they wanted to. She hopes he won’t be too bad.

She didn’t notice the man’s sneer on her, as she soon got distracted by the conversation behind her. Oh it was her fellow pilots cheering a nervous recruit, well she saw it happen a lot.

She rolled her eyes hoping that her nervousness wouldn't get in the way.
Cristina Bernardino

Cristina blinked as she let out her Noble Arm, she didn't expect the powerset she spoke of to exist or to be given just like that. She expected things to be more difficult, more complicated?

She can feel the power as Director Bathala's kalis touched Sinagtala. It felt different from the warm rays she was used to having. It is cold, like a star that had long lost its heat and warmth. It felt wrong, something opposite what she is supposed to be but this is power, one that might completely even the odds if used correctly.

"I'll be joining the Naval Mission." Cristina declared, thinking that she should choose a safer mission to test her powers out before doing anything else.

That is when she heard who would be her new leader is.

"Wait what do you mean the Crown Prince?" she asked with clear shock on her face. Someone at the top actually going down to help, that might be a first?
"A fair point." Ashley begrudgingly gave to Luka. "But also a risky path to take."

"That man is willing to blow up a diner full of people to deal with a 'Shade'." she spoke gesturing to the now christened Mister Megaten. "I don't want to think about what he is willing to do against 'intelligent shades' at least not yet."

She then spoke to the Crow. "What he meant was filled with vagueness, so let's not do any rash actions for now, besides I think we will get an opportunity to
make our part soon."

Then she responded to Luka's offer.

"I'm afraid we would need to decline, it would be for the best if you don't explain to your friends why you let strangers and a crow in your limo." she explained.

"Before we part ways though." Ashley began walking towards a trash can, the one where Crow threw something. She began rummaging it for what she thinks are two important items that the Agent seemed to forgot was still missing.

Ok then I'll wait
So do I need to react here or are we good?
Yes, I don't want to bluff at things Ashley is not familiar with and the lack of cohesion can be explained with our group being new to things or Luka screwing around.
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