Avatar of Dion


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2 days ago
Current too late i bought a spell that would bring me good luck in my pregnancy and in the courtroom to get my kids back
2 days ago
idk what going on but 13org is too unproblematic to be the issue so i'm with them
23 days ago
and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
25 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
25 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

Most Recent Posts





  • Senkensha Toraburu
    “Unless an idiot dies, he won't be cured.”
  • Uchiha Kota
    “No matter how hard things get, you just have to keep moving. When you finally begin to resist the overwhelming odds, that's when you truly start your path to becoming the world's strongest shinobi!”
  • Hizo Saborama
    “Blink - and you'll miss me.”
  • Tanpopo Hanare
    “By night a fish, by day a flower.”
  • Mizuno Kasumi
    “Life is for the living. Death is for the dead. Let life be like music. And death a note unsaid.”
  • Aria Ari
    “Eh, maybe later.”
  • Abukara Reiji
    “It's not that serious...”



R E M N A N T S of a W O R L D

“Some may call that day a day of triumph, but me, I just see the rebirth of a never ending circle that has nothing to do with the Uchiha or the Uzumaki. It goes far, far beyond that. We are back to what we were. Some would be so disillusioned to say that we took a step back, but truthfully we never moved forwards.”

Naruto: True Peace, an RP I hosted on another account.

Naruto: Path to Enlightment, an RP that inspired the first RP.


A short introduction.

Hello and welcome to my thread. This RP will be taking place in the Narutoverse - the place we all know and love. Just kidding. I hate the universe. Or rather, there are large parts of it that don't make sense to me, and don't appeal to me. That is why I will be changing the universe a bit. Therefore the RP will take place in an AU, an alternate universe. This will be described a bit later, so you can get the 'full story' of what has transpired.

This RP will also feature a more slice-of-life approach, although the usage of that term is debatable. We will of course still do plenty of missions, but we like character interaction as much as the fights in Naruto, and as such we place a prominent focus on the character interactions as well as conflicts. Don't worry, you can still beat up bad guys. Another thing that is important for us is balance and we make sure to review each sheet adequately.

If you want to play a powerful missing nin right from the start, it's probably best to look elsewhere.


What's going on?

After defeating Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, Sasuke turned on Naruto. It turned out that old grievances were hard to forget, and that friendship did not always trump everything. It turned out that the 'Curse of Hatred' never quite existed and in it's stead, it was merely a placebo effect. Because the Uchiha thought they were cursed, they acted like it, and everyone else believed they were cursed because of it.

This did not alter anything. In the ensuing fight both Sasuke and Naruto died. Their power was immense of course, and so when they died, everyone was quite sure that the Sage of the Six Paths would revive them, or some divine intervention would occur to save them both.

It did not.

With Sasuke and Naruto both dead, the unified shinobi army fell into discord. Perhaps Naruto and Sasuke had not been as holy as had been assumed prior to the fight. Some mused, was it all just luck? Did the defeat Kaguya without fully having the Sage's blessing? Were they not the Sage incarnated? Others wondered if perhaps they'd been fighting for the wrong side. Sasuke turned on Naruto rather easily after all. Perhaps it'd all been one big trick to get them to fight for them, and not Kaguya. Was the Tsukuyomi, perhaps, not so bad after all?

The villages returned to their respective homes, and years passed once more. The great bond of friendship crafted carefully by Naruto faded, kage's died and old feuds revived themselves. New clans rose, old clans died, the wheel of time churned away carefully as it always did, since there was no stopping it. Time churns and churns, and waits for no one. Trees withered and their seeds planted the setting for the next generation - your generation.

Fifty years later it seems like everything is back to how it was during the great shinobi war. Diplomatic ties are on edge, shinobi's are often working against each other when missions where they cross paths have incompatible goals. And sometimes, just sometimes, it's just to settle a score, or obtain a kekkei genkai for yourself. The world is a lot more dark than when Naruto was still running around.. you need to watch your back lest you are watched from the back.

And like this you are dropped into the shinobi force. You were a genin for a long time, doing menial tasks like genins before you had done - it was part of the initiation some of the older shinobi told you. But it was different and you could feel it. There was a more heavy focus on getting field experience - painting picket fences turned to digging trenches, rescuing cats turned to tending to the ninken in the kennels, and escorting a merchant turned to rooting out a bandit encampment with another squad of veterans. Everything pointed at combat and field experience. Why?

Recently you were promoted to the chunin rank after a rather hard exam. It seemed that whoever was in charge of the exams that year was after you, though you knew that to be untrue. The exams were simply hard. But you passed it's many tests and you should be happier for it. Some of the other villages did not participate, Konohagakure, Sunagakure, they chose to hold their own exams. You can't help but wonder why. Amegakure was present at your exams, strangely, but they were rather quiet, reserved.

Well. Problems for another day. For now, rejoice, as you are about to hear what new squads have been created. You are a chunin of Kumogakure.. rejoice.


What are we but goalless entities without rules?

Yes, we have rules. No, we don't enforce them like a certain regime in a certain time period. But yes, we will get annoyed if you break them constantly. Previous RP's have shown we need these. Sadly.

“O O C”

  • No godmodding, powerplaying or making shit up in the IC. The standard stuff.
  • No perfect characters (Mary Sue and Gary Stu).
  • GM team has final say. Always. Like a certain regime in a certain time period. Ahem.
  • One-lining not acceptable. Two lining isn't either. In fact just write two paragraphs.
  • Consistency is key. We understand posting a little less sometimes. There's limits, though.
  • RPG rules apply. Always.

“I C”

  • Beware the gore. You can probably tell how much I wanna see from my own posts. Frankly I don't really care but if you take up a paragraph or so to describe how you mutilate someone, rethink your post.
  • As for sexual content, take it to PM's and show us a fade to black; make it implied. What you do privately isn't our concern. It's RPG's concern, however.
  • Death is possible. For all characters. Including GM characters. We love death. Death is possibly the most meaningful tool you have as a writer.
  • Love is also possible. Gay love, heterosexual love, alien love, whatever you want.

“C H A R A C T E R S”

  • Your character is a chunin or, rare cases, a jonin, but not Madara. No EMS, Rinnegan, whatever the hell you can think of. Keep it simple, but interesting.
  • Be diverse and dynamic with creating your characters; don't be set in stone for what you want and be prepared to change your ideas as we go. This means; don't be an asshole if you don't get what you want. Either scrap the idea or change it to our liking.
  • No tailed beasts for now. Why? Because you need to earn it ICly with our acceptance, not be gifted it. Nothing says 'I'm a bad writer' more than instantly writing in 200 of the most powerful things in your character.
  • Kekkei Genkai are to be made unique. If they are Sharingan with 1 minor edit made into a new KG, then it's a no-go.
  • Same applies to hiden. If they are shadow control with 1 minor edit, then it's a no-go.
  • No elemental control kekkei genkai please. Overdone, this is Naruto, not Avatar. If you can make it interesting, try it, but if your KG is simply 'I can control the water' then we're not gonna accept it period.


Because Naruto is a diverse world with diverse techniques, with some more balanced than others, we have chosen to make several rulesets for characters for each rank. This is to avoid situations with, for example, a chunin who has the rinnegan, fighting some chunin who barely has a single B rank technique. It's also to avoid broken jutsu, such as Flying Thunder God, being used to cheese fights. It might seem like a fun thing to give your characters, especially if they have a historical reason for having that jutsu. And I agree, it's a fun niché thing that makes it more interesting. But looking at pro's and con's for these kind of jutsu, we have to decide that ultimately it's not worth it, because that means your jutsu will give you pleasure, but it will detract that of those that go up against your character, or those that wanted something similar but got denied. It's put in place to avoid bad situations where two people cannot reach an ultimatum about fights. Simple as that. We do not accept arguments about these things, they're set in stone.

If you feel like your character might have, for instance, an extra A-rank jutsu.. that's possible. We might accept that if you can justify it to us in a PM or in an OOC comment. For example, two A-rank jutsu that form a combo, but are otherwise not that useful, is perfectly acceptable. But if you justify it by saying 'Oh he's a prodigy, he was like Sasuke and is just super cool like that.' then we're gonna lick your ass before we stomp it.


Note: N/A in front of a rank means 'no limit' within reason. You can use as many of these as you like although that doesn't mean you have to use every one of them. They also need to make sense. A character with an aptitude for high level lightning jutsu will probably have more of these N/A lightning jutsu than fire jutsu. Simple as that.

- currently not accepting genins.
  • 0 A-rank.
  • 1 B-rank.
  • 2 C-rank.
  • 2 D-rank.
  • N/A E-rank.

Note: due to the 'side character' nature of the genins (small roles in plots) exceptions can be made. Trade offs are part of those exceptions, so approach us with ideas.


  • 1 A-rank.
  • 3 B-rank.
  • 4 C-rank.
  • N/A D-rank.
  • N/A E-rank.

- Only accepting these if a chunin was already made and it was deemed satisfactory enough.
  • 1 S-rank.
  • 3 A-rank.
  • 4 B-rank.
  • N/A C-rank.
  • N/A D-rank.
  • N/A E-rank.

- Never accepting kage level characters. We'll ask you to make them if we need one.
  • N/A S-rank.
  • N/A B-rank.
  • N/A C-rank.
  • N/A D-rank.
  • N/A E-rank.

Note: Kage-level characters will not be judged on their jutsu lists or anything of the sort, they will be judged on identity: are they interesting, are they worthy of the kage-level stamp and do they serve a good, useful purpose? That's because once you reach jonin status, it becomes really quite easy to pass into kage-level areas, and beyond kage there are no ranks. That means the power levels within kage-level characters fluctuate heavily.


General bans refer to simply not being allowed to have this jutsu on any character, in or out of battle.
Combat bans refer to bans for combat only, meaning they are allowed outside of combat.
Limit jutsu refer to jutsu that are allowed, in and out of combat, but have limited usage.


  • We expect you to be active. This is a casual RP and not advanced, so taking the time to write a post could be between 1 hour and 2 hours. You should be capable of that once every 1-3 days. If you are not, do not join this RP.
  • We expect you to give input and work with the GM's to create a cohesive story. We want to incorporate your characters to spin a creative tale, not just railroad you into our GM decisions. Please talk to us.
  • As mentioned before this is a casual RP. We want at least two solid paragraphs for a post. That means 2 good paragraphs, not two paragraphs consisting of 3 sentences each.
  • If you are no longer interested, tell us. The cause of death for the RP's we've done so far has generally been people losing interest, saying they'll post 20x and then never doing it. Let me explain why:

We operate on a 'post when you want to post' system where we just expect you to post when you feel like it. A drawback to this is, if you are held up by someone who is slow, that might aggravate you. Now imagine someone that has lost interest says 20x they will post, but don't post. That sets you back so much you lose interest. Get the picture? Good.

  • So we expect you to alert us if you've lost interest. No hard feelings will be had (unless you blame me. >:()
  • If you have annoyances with the GM's or other members please please please do that in a PM to us, not in the OOC. Really it aggravates me so much when people come into my thread, yell at people, and then leave. What even is the point?
Most likely, tonight, tomorrow, or tuesday.
OOC might be up tomorrow. It depends on Savato a bit.
@Joestar Shouldn't be too much trouble.
I'll do one of my and @Savato's famous grading tomorrow when I'm less tired.
Shut up Keemstar
300.0% rad baby
@Joestar when I said that the general crew of this RP consists of assholes, and that I know a lot of the people that frequently take part in the Naruto RP's, I wasn't kidding.

Now get to work bitchface
In Mahz's Dev Journal 8 yrs ago Forum: News
@Mahz Maybe a bit of a stupid point to make but it should be an easy fix:

a lot of bbcode features are currently missing from the cheatsheet. For example [h1]blabla[/h1] is mentioned but [sub]this[/sub] isn't. I didn't know of it's existence until I saw the raw version of someone who was using a different font. I was wondering how that was possible and it was because of the sub tag. Another one is strike which is weird because it has been in since, like, the start if I remember correctly.

Not too much of a glaring issue obviously but, as someone who enjoys the everlasting hell out of bbcoding posts and threads, these kind of additions to the cheatsheet would make me more aware of what I can use.
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