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4 hrs ago
Current death is certain if you encroach near, ancient folklore, a battle hardened tribe
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11 hrs ago
shits antisocial as hell, your cat is eating all the birds outside or god forbid it gets hit by a car. nothing says i love my cat like allowing it to become roadkill
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11 hrs ago
its important to understand i am not american, we do not have stray cats here and all outside cats are a) owned by someone and b) that cat is shitting all over other peoples front yard
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12 hrs ago
as much as i hate people that keep outside pets of any kind, probably not the right time to put that out there lol
2 days ago
i'm trynna see some TOES
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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Replying tonight, my classes started today and I have classes from 14.45 to 18:00. RIP me.
@BrokenPromise I feel like that is a really apt description and cause analysis but I think it's also missing some more intricate points that as a GM are hard to work with. The starting point is doing what you did aka figure out who is doing what, and where, and how and so forth.

Analysing what is happening is a lot easier than actually talking to people and telling them that they need to do x or y in order to advance. And then there are the people who say 'I'll post!' 20x and then never post over the duration of a month. (BONUS POINTS: they're also 'that guy' who posts 2 weeks after the RP has officially died and then goes 'what the fuck!?!? Where is everyone!!!' in the OOC.)

So what that means to me is that a lot of the times, analysing it is like you said, only the first step.. the second and harder step is getting people to change their behaviour in order to advance the RP. Something I find really hard because, if I have to motivate people to post... then they're probably not _that_ interested in the RP to begin with. Is it worth continuing with people who don't care?
tbh seeing Milo as anything other than a shitposting flamboyant homosexual who will do anything for a second of fame is just stupid. Once you see him for what he is, you can appreciate the humour behind what he does (ergo: make people that take themselves seriously really, really mad). Note that what he is doesn't necessarily even mean that he sees himself that way. Even if he takes himself seriously, we probably shouldn't, since it's funnier if you don't.

Amegakure no Sato | S-rank | Leader of Amegakure

TIME: Present Day - Morning | LOCATION: Konohagakure - Exam Stadium Observation Room | INTERACTION: None

Yogensha Kaguya. For once, she was on the visitors list. She was an unequal among peers - not in ability or capability, but in respect. For a shinobi of her level, this would be insufferable to most, but lady Kaguya was not one like most. Her gentle, calm nature shone through even as she entered the stadium, moving herself with such grace that was typically reserved only for the daughters and sisters of the daimyo - princesses. Women that traced their bloodline back to ancient warlord that, before the arrival of ninjutsu as a tool of warfare, ruled the lands in which the clans wandered. It was a far cry from Yogensha, who unbeknownst to her peers, traced her lineage to a wandering clan of blood-crazed fools who got dispersed into all corners of the known world. Hardly the embodiment of grace. Yet there she was.

She pushed through the doors and joined the crowd - though, it would've been tremendously surprising if anyone actually knew her, apart the few Amegakure students that were partaking. As the hokage wrapped up his speech, Yogensha would lift the edges of her kimono slightly and walk off again through a side door that clearly marked 'Observation Rooms.' Here she had expected to find other kage's, but it seemed she was 'the first' despite not being a true kage. That privilege was put away only for those leaders that were lucky enough to inherit vast swaths of land and a large army. Amegakure was - by comparison - not even a speck on the map of these people, and luckily that also meant that Amegakure was not unlucky enough to be target of an invasion. That fight would've been over in a day, even if Amegakure's shinobi were capable. The odds just didn't stack up.

Gracefully she moved one hand to her stomach, holding it there as she placed the other behind her back, the edges of her kimono dropping down and draping onto the floor again as she moved closer to the window, where several large screens were mounted. Each would soon feature a camera that would allow them to see the progress of each team. And, later on, the fights. “Remarkable...” she noted, bringing her hand forward and touching the cold glass of one of the screens. “... that Konohagakure would use such outdated screens.” Her eyes moved to the sides, though her head didn't move to look towards the figure that had approached behind her. Somehow she had detected that this person wasn't a threat, so she merely lowered her hand and turned around, the kimono moving with her gracefully as if it were a large cloak.

“Miss Kaguya-san,” the figure said, holding out a plate of refreshments for her, “a drink? The tournament is set to start soon, but the students are still dividing into teams momentarily. For now, please sit back and relax.”

“You can call me Yogensha,” she was quick to note, raising her arm into the air slightly to force the sleeve of the kimono to drop slightly, before holding it back with her other hand while she reached for a drink. It seemed as if every action she made was planned out - holding back the sleeve would lessen the chances of her knocking the plate over with her sleeve. It seemed... minimal and trivial to think about, but for a woman like Yogensha, who was at complete peace mentally, it was only natural to think of the small things. “Thank you kindly,” she said politely as she retrieved a drink and pulled back her hand. Her eyes went over the young shinobi's face - she anticipated that he was either a genin sent here to orchestrate the smaller, menial tasks, or perhaps just a civilian. But looks were deceiving, she knew. In fact, even she herself looked more like a civilian - her kunai and shuriken were hidden under her kimono, in some straps that went around both of her legs. It was hard to see through the piece of clothing, but they were certainly there. “And you would be...?” she then inquired as politely as she could.

“Katso Omawari. I'm a genin from Konoha, so rest assured, you're in good hands.”

“Hm, I'm sure I am. Thank you Katso. I'll go back to waiting for the tournament to start.” She stifled a smile as the boy walked away, as he seemed to be a bit cocky - though, what genin wasn't cocky at their age? As she turned back to the screen, she raised the drink to her mouth and suspiciously sipped from it. You wouldn't tell from her face - she didn't move a muscle - but the taste was awful, and so she lowered the glass again and placed it on the nearby table. It seemed Konohagakure had a different idea about what a good drink tasted like.
<Snipped quote by Odin>

It was pretty directed. One of the targeted groups - Polischuks - are less than a thousand today, and only got away by leaving Ukraine for Poland and other-places in the West.

Anyway, even if you discount the golodomor, de-Cossackization was an attempt at completely wiping out a people.

Communists did extermination before it was cool.

I can also refer to ZAPU/ZANLA groups chanting kill the white man and trying to exterminate Rhodesian whites.

oh, yeah, but policies can be directed. IDK what he'd possibly gain from getting rid of these people. But I've never really looked into it either and usually keep my thoughts about it to my self - holodomor isn't even a subject really discussed conventionally because it's not that well known compared to other genocides.

@Andreyich I never really thought holodomor was anything more than a misguided and stupid attempt at feeding their own populace and an accidental genocide at best, but yeah, communists were really good at killing people.
<Snipped quote by Odin>

Nazi tried to exterminate a whole race. YES BUT LOOK at XYZ! That always strikes me as a weird first response. I have enough judgement in my heart for both Nazi's and Soviets. I am boundless!

Stalin, what an anarchist. Hated order and control and the state.

Seriously though people that wear Che Guevara shirts are also messed up. Not to the same degree as they probably don't know who Che Guevara actually was.

I'm just really critical of people who think that the Nazi's are the absolute of evil when the Americans were very content holding hands and singing kumbaya with the people who were killing the same amount if not more people just to kill their enemies.

Especially given most (all) your responses in this thread so far have been either passive aggressive or variations of 'lol i dont read anything you say and/or watch the videos u post lelele xd'. Non-conductive comments really shouldn't receive more than that in return imho.
How messed up do you need to be to look at the death camps and say you know what, lets adopt the regalia of this group, they seem cool.

It's not like you cant be racist without being overtly Nazi. Examples abound.

Yeah, just look at the fucking gulags. Fucking anarcho-communists.
@Dynamo Frokane Dolf is rolling in his grave.
<Snipped quote by Odin>

That's totally fair. It's just easy to paint in broad strokes when one side doesn't shy away from the term and has a somewhat prominent member quoting Nazi propaganda, denouncing Jews, and doing the Nazi salute.

I mean, both sides are suffering from narrativism. Again, I see what you are saying, but it's easy to forget these people are saying these things because they believe those things and believe Jews are to blame. There's a reason they believe that, and that reason isn't just 'they're cunts' but also because, in many departments, these people have been left behind and feel left behind.

For instance, I've seen the remarks that people from the rust belt should just move on and go to college, where these comments come from rich, upper-middle class kids that go to college in very liberal towns. The realization that these people from the rust belt just don't have those same options and often don't even WANT to go to college but would rather work in manual labour isn't there - and as a result, you get two people that become utterly separated, and any understanding that was there fades away.

Looking at conservatives/liberals as people is the first step to fixing the problem, NOT beating them up because that, if anything, just makes them believe their points stronger. It has done that so far anyway. But I know you don't believe in beating them up - I'm just commenting on how I think we need to fix the problem (and the USA isn't my country so again, I'm probably very biased).

Every ideology has a reasoning, and it's not just irrational hate or fear of jews or other minorities. To dismantle the ideology you need to dismantle the reason for believing in it.
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