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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 3 days ago

<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

whoa hold the phone -- you watched the rally? Nobody does that anymore. Hats off. Respect level up.

So what do YOU think about it?

I think he's not a great public speaker but that's a petty little jab. The way he spoke at this rally in particular didn't really do anything other than reinforce the things people have been saying ever since he took office. It doesn't come off as someone Presidential but someone trying to sell ice to Eskimo's. Having to say how honest he is after saying how CNN and other places are turning the cameras off (when that's not the case) all before fellating Fox News because they agree with him all the time is clear bias and suggests that the guy can't take criticism.

I don't even necessarily disagree with some of the things he said. The media turns a blind eye to gang violence unless it involves a cop doing the shooting or being shot - and just reporting on the violence in, say, certain neighborhoods in Chicago doesn't get attention unless it's "COP SHOT IN GANG VIOLENCE".

A lot of the rally comes off as an 'us against them' because that's what it is. It's one man speaking to a modest crowd of people who already agree with everything he does. He chooses his words for maximum response be it from the raucous applause or for the hot takes from articles, such as when he calls illegal immigrants 'animals' and the dismissive way he says 'can you believe we fight for other countries' or how he smugly hinted at his pardoning of Joe Arpaio to a crowd that sees absolutely nothing wrong with how Joe Arpaio did anything.

But he's also vague about things and just saying that 'we're doing good, by the way it's going good' because to those gathered there they don't really need proof. Just the words and promise and suggestion that things have done better and are better. The rally is full of exaggerations and blatant false statements but again that doesn't matter because the people he's speaking to won't care enough to check and take it all at face value. He knows what he's doing, he knows who he's speaking to, and he knows that the things he says will likely just get taken out of context (they were) and will only further his claims and fervent support.

I think that Trump is a poor leader but he knows how to instigate. And this rally was like a way for Trump to suck his own dick while his supporters use it as a way to suggest how #winning their guy is because he is controlling the narrative and further pushing the 'us vs them' rhetoric.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Penny
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Those really aren't good shoes for that assemblage of quatz, feldspar grains and lithics.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Let's keep the passive aggression on both sides of this debate to a limit, its a good convo so far though.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 9 mos ago


I suppose something I wanted to say earlier to mdk, buddha and cat-man was that the Alt-right once upon a time were a fairly diverse and hard to define movement. I remember there even being Alt-Right liberals, anarchists and centrists before the election because the mass media had a hard on for a new buzzword to describe anyone who supported trump and also disliked Paul Ryan.

But post-Trump the writing is on the wall, Alt Right means modern internet savvy white nationalist. Its very very very simple. I dare anyone to find me one self described alt righter who isn't also a white nationalist. I'll wait. Alt Lite=/=Alt Right but you knew that.

Where it gets a bit more vague is what flavor of racist they come in, all self described alt-righters are WNs but they aren't ALL white supremacists, not all of them are Neo-Nazis and not all of them are KKK, and another thing to recognize is that these groups don't necessarily get on with each other. Also you can be a regular ignorant racist without being alt right.

But yes there are still those on the left and even the right who like to fling the term at anyone somewhat edgy and a bit racist, but unless they call themselves alt-right then the term is meaningless, its a term of choice, you cant really prescribe it to people unless they say it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Penny
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Ah you are talking about the many flavors of Alt Right racists, not drawing a distinction.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Ah you are talking about the many flavors of Alt Right racists, not drawing a distinction.

Yeah I mean there are flavours but the central point was that all self described alt righters are white nationalists, and by definition any sort of racial nationalist is a racist.

But you will see some 'muddy the waters' tactics that just because some people are incorrectly labelled alt right by some of the leftist media (Milo, Gavin McInnes, Ben Shapiro, Tomi Lahren) that the word suddenly has no meaning which is as stupid as saying just because some people mislabel Obama as a communist there are no communists and its a useless term.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

We are at the point that anyone to the political right of the Establishment Republicans are called "Alt-Right", @Dynamo Frokane. That is certainly a coordinated effort on many levels to brand everyone who is opposition "the worst" - as with the infamous "basket of deplorables". It goes deeper to include intentionally labeling them as a form of dehumanizing, delegitimizing propaganda of which the following is one of the most notable examples revealed to us via the Wikileaks emails:

John Podesta

Their tactic is to make out anyone who is their enemy to be a Nazi, as we have seen them do time and time again. "Trump is literally Hitler." and "Punch Nazis." are not coincidence, neither is this intangible spectre of "fascism" that keeps being thrown around. People call it conspiracy when you say this is no accident - making everyone out to be the Alt-Right - but when they legitimately say, "Compare your opponent to Adolf Hitler." there is no real question here. These are overt tactics to stir mass hysteria and create the "tribalization" of factions.

This specific norming process sees you to where we are today.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

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When the self-appointed founder of the term 'alt right' conned the term and movement to be about white supremacism and neo-Nazism it's really not that hard to see why 'opponents' to the alt-right consider the alt-right to be Nazis. Then the election happened and the memesters got involved and suddenly when before people were just like "fucking feminazis" now they were parking their carts with people who identify as actual honest to god white supremacists that believe white people are in danger.

It's less a tactic and more kind of the mantra of the goddamn movement. People aren't using "Yeah but you guys are Nazis so" to dismiss the alt right when an argument isn't going their way they're doing it because the alt-right has self identifying neo-Nazis in it. And a reason why people are saying "Trump is literally a Nazi/Hitler" is because when the President appears to be soft on them (because they're in his corner) it's a show of support. No, he's not literally a Nazi or even Hitler, but when he's got friends who are like "Yeah the alt right? Some good people there." it raises the eyebrow because are those really the people you want to associate with?

It'd be just as insane of a President saw Antifa riots and went "Yeah those are my people." They're extremists. Not all conservatives are alt right and not all liberals are antifa. If someone says "I am part of the Alt-Right" then call me an asshole or whatever but I'm not really going to want to associate with them. I might want to have a discussion with them, sure, but at this point it's kind of clear that the Alt-Right aren't the most tolerant when it comes to people who have differing views.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I have spoken about this before, but the metrics that people have been using to determine who is "Left" and who is "Right" have changed, radically. There is a reason this has become a meme that is too close to reality. At this place in time, all of those are considered "Alt-Right", despite only those last four being the actual Alt-Right. It has become socially acceptable to lump all of them together and accuse them of one thing. That has been and will continue to be the tactic of partisan politics for some time.

As for being soft on them, disowning them and refusing to serve alongside them is certainly not soft. Condemning "violence on all sides" is not soft. Openly not wanting their support during your Presidential run is not soft. Not associating with them or claiming them as part of your platform is not soft. I could go on, but the real Alt-Right is desperate for validation from the new Right. The reality is, no one is honestly giving them that. Instead, this is who the actual Right is.

There's too many examples that go against the expectation and "standard" of the "Alt-Right" and none of the Right wing I personally know supports or cares for the Neo-Nazis, Klansmen or other equally sicking persuasions be them Right or Left.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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@The Harbinger of Ferocity I'm not sure what the argument is here Cat-Man (if there isn't any contention to what I said I apologise) , I already acknowledged that some on the left incorrectly call random right wing people alt-right.

My stance is that those who call themselves alt right, or a self described advocate or ally for alt right causes are white nationalists and I've seen no examples to the contrary.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

My point was to emphasize the difference between the "Alt-Right" and the actual Alt-Right, because the two terms are used so interchangeably and with purpose in doing so. When you say Alt-Right, there are a fair amount of people who point to the section I was speaking about and all the way to the actual end of the spectrum that has those persons you were speaking to, @Dynamo Frokane. I am not fond of the phrase for that reason.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 3 days ago

When people here use the term Alt-Right we mean people like Richard Spencer and your Milos and your Andrew Anglin's and Marcus Halberstram and Jared Taylor and Vox Day. People that have identified as Alt-Right members, people who have called and/or consider themselves actual honest-to-god white supremacists.

People that do shit about Kekistan are memeing shitlords.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mdk

mdk 3/4

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Most of this is fair. Lemme pull a couple of things that irked me..... hangon.

when he calls illegal immigrants 'animals'

To clarify, before I go off the handle -- is it your assessment that Trump "called illegal immigrants animals," or is it your assessment that media claims Trump called illegal immigrants animals? And/or that the latter was Trump's intent?

Vague...The rally is full of exaggerations and blatant false statements...

That's a pretty simplistic characterization. My point being, if you were to analyze any political speech by any politician, you could probably say the same thing about it. The Gettysburg Address was vague and full of exaggerations and fal.... well.... okay maybe not the best example. But you get my point, surely -- the criticism, as I'm hearing it anyway, sounds like "business as usual, but I dislike it."

My takeaways were (a) when he's defending his Charlottesville statements -- which I had no problem with -- he's doing it like he's debating on the internet, and it sounds dumb, and definitely not something he should've done for twenty minutes or whatever, because why. But then also (b), nobody has ever called people out on their bullshit the way Trump calls people out on their bullshit, and (c) end of the day, that single rally produced more energy than Hilary's entire campaign. The man is doing something right, in terms of leadership.

Specific policy-wise, I could go either way. I'm not crazy about doing away with the 60% rule in the Senate, but it's not a ridiculous bridge to cross at this point. I'd rather leave it in place though. Sheriff Joe -- I dunno, I was in his corner for a while until I read some of the accusations against him. Then I think, you know, I've met lawyers before, "accusations" aren't everything. If he were convicted for treatment of prisoners that'd be one thing -- his actual conviction, for which he was pardoned (as I understand it anyway) was for enforcing the law against the court's wishes. The court doesn't get to legislate. I don't have a problem with that pardon but I haven't looked into it much, Idunno. I could be convinced it's a dick move.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mdk

mdk 3/4

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

When people here use the term Alt-Right we mean people like Richard Spencer and your Milos and your Andrew Anglin's and Marcus Halberstram and Jared Taylor and Vox Day.

I recognize exactly two of those names, and I only don't mind one of those. Milo's amusing sometimes.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dion
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tbh seeing Milo as anything other than a shitposting flamboyant homosexual who will do anything for a second of fame is just stupid. Once you see him for what he is, you can appreciate the humour behind what he does (ergo: make people that take themselves seriously really, really mad). Note that what he is doesn't necessarily even mean that he sees himself that way. Even if he takes himself seriously, we probably shouldn't, since it's funnier if you don't.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 9 mos ago

My point was to emphasize the difference between the "Alt-Right" and the actual Alt-Right, because the two terms are used so interchangeably and with purpose in doing so. When you say Alt-Right, there are a fair amount of people who point to the section I was speaking about and all the way to the actual end of the spectrum that has those persons you were speaking to, @Dynamo Frokane. I am not fond of the phrase for that reason.

Yes absolutely and my point is the best way to differentiate is by self identification, I challenge anyone to find someone who self identifies as alt right or happily accepts the label who isn't also a white nationalist.

If someone is rejecting the label of Alt Right then they more than likely are not.

For example, if you were to ask Richard Spencer if he was Alt-Right he would enthusiatically say yes as he has done before.

If you were to ask Gavin McInnes, he might find a way to skirt around the question for a bit but he would ultimately say no.

And there is your method, as I said before just because some labels are used incorrectly in some cases it doesn't mean that the label has no merit at all.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 9 mos ago

When people here use the term Alt-Right we mean people like Richard Spencer and your Milos and your Andrew Anglin's and Marcus Halberstram and Jared Taylor and Vox Day. People that have identified as Alt-Right members, people who have called and/or consider themselves actual honest-to-god white supremacists.

Milo's amusing sometimes.

Yeah Milo is the odd one out of those names, he's an example of someone who flirts with the buzz of the alt-right mostly pre-election but isn't actually a white nationalist, he's Alt-Lite at best, he rejects the label and he is hated by the self identifying alt-right. All those other people are on the money, Richard, Vox, Jared are all self identifying white nationalists, who not only accept the term but promote it.

tbh seeing Milo as anything other than a shitposting flamboyant homosexual who will do anything for a second of fame is just stupid.

I mean yeah, this is about it, he latches on to movements and does everything in his power to make the movement about him. He did the same thing with Gamergate back in 2014, only 2 years after making fun of gamers and saying they needed a smack for playing xbox instead of chasing girls.

But the other names that Fab listed are absolutely all Alt-Right, there is no irony or memery there whatsoever. And for those saying "oh well they are just a fringe couple of idiots who nobody listens to" is sticking your head in the sand. These folks are dominating youtube politics, look at the dislike bar for ANY video criticizing the alt right in any way shape or form. Look at the top rated comments for any debate with any alt right figures. If you think a group cant be quickly formed on the internet, start marching IRL and be taken very seriously then you probably had your head in the sand during black lives matter too.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 3 days ago

To clarify, before I go off the handle -- is it your assessment that Trump "called illegal immigrants animals," or is it your assessment that media claims Trump called illegal immigrants animals? And/or that the latter was Trump's intent?

I might've misheard initially. I was pulling from memory and only the brief refresher when you posted it. Even if he doesn't call illegal immigrants animals he's got people who will do that for him, but more on that elsewhere. But for the sake of honesty, yes, let's say that I said that Trump called illegal immigrants animals and that I might've misheard or misremebered the sentence and context and that's on me and my bad there.

That's a pretty simplistic characterization. My point being, if you were to analyze any political speech by any politician, you could probably say the same thing about it. The Gettysburg Address was vague and full of exaggerations and fal.... well.... okay maybe not the best example. But you get my point, surely -- the criticism, as I'm hearing it anyway, sounds like "business as usual, but I dislike it."

The criticism isn't just 'I dislike it' though I do dislike it, moreso for how it was presented and how manipulative it was to the crowd and his base. At a time when the nation was still being like "Someone got hit by a car" and angry at the initial response to then have a rally to defend his statements and rile up the troops is a questionable move. To then purposely lie even about petty shit like the crowd of the rally and the 'crowd' of protesters further paints the canvas of this being an 'us against them' thing. Which then was only furthered when he called the rally a safe space as if people attending were in danger just for attending.

He knows what his people want to hear and he knows what his loudest critics want to hear and he gives it to both of them in one go.

My takeaways were (a) when he's defending his Charlottesville statements -- which I had no problem with -- he's doing it like he's debating on the internet, and it sounds dumb, and definitely not something he should've done for twenty minutes or whatever, because why. But then also (b), nobody has ever called people out on their bullshit the way Trump calls people out on their bullshit, and (c) end of the day, that single rally produced more energy than Hilary's entire campaign. The man is doing something right, in terms of leadership.

But the bullshit he calls people out on isn't even always accurate. He's taken 140 character shit posting and started doing it on an international scale. But it doesn't matter because he calls CNN or other critical outlets "FAKE NEWS" and the people eat it up and use the moniker to immediately dismiss those sources as accurate because they're 'fake' and have you tried getting your information from a trusted source like Breitbart have you heard of it it's a good source. Increasingly it feels like the guy can't take criticism and instead will spin it so it's their fault he's being criticized.

Yes, he's being criticized incredibly heavily but at some point you'd think he'd wonder why. The guy is doing something right to his supporters because as has become clear over these months: they'll support him no matter what he does or says. Because some people are still thinking that because he's not a career politician that he's the right guy to care about the average citizen or whatever the claim was.

I don't like the guy, that's sort of been made clear at this point, but I'm not someone that thinks everything he's done is wrong or bad or taking to the internet shouting about IMPEACH TRUMP. I disagree with many of his actions and responses to 'losses' (like the health care vote) but sometimes in the middle of his ramblings he says something I agree with. Often about the media and its selective coverage but hey, that's where my wheelhouse is.

If he were convicted for treatment of prisoners that'd be one thing -- his actual conviction, for which he was pardoned (as I understand it anyway) was for enforcing the law against the court's wishes. The court doesn't get to legislate. I don't have a problem with that pardon but I haven't looked into it much, Idunno. I could be convinced it's a dick move.

I mean he was literally violating the Fourth Amendment and various civil rights. And the pardon sends a certain message, namely that 'hey it's okay to literally break the law and profile people that might be immigrants because they're brown and look different. Arpaio's actions should not be praised at all; he literally abused his position and violated the law, something he is supposed to enforce. It is absolutely a dick move. Setting aside the process, which is different than how pardons usually go, how good does it look that someone who is largely reviled in his state and who is also actually literally a racist, xenophobe, literally set up a concentration camp for prisoners, inhumanely treated prisoners by subjecting them to temperatures so hot their shoes were melting, didn't investigate crimes like the rape of a child, improperly clearing seventy five percent of crimes without investigation or arrest, took political opponents to court not for anything legitimate but because they were in the way, and is also an Obama birther, is being pardoned.

Someone can claim that stopping brown people is doing their job if they're afraid that every brown person in Arizona is an illegal immigrant; they'd be insane but I can believe they'd think that fell into the job of a police officer. It's the other laundry list of offenses and the whole, you know, violation of civil liberties and the Fourth Amendment that combine make the pardoning a baffling move. Except it's not that baffling because Arpaio is in the right camp. And it's a camp where a man who abuses prisoners and doesn't investigate rapes and who illegally seizes brown people is allowed to walk free before even being sentenced.

If someone is fine with the pardon I have to wonder why. The court told Arpaio to stop the whole racial profiling and unlawful search and seizure and Joe blatantly told them no and continued to do it. And now he got pardoned so what's stopping other cops from detaining people suspected of being illegal immigrants for no reason other than they have a different skin color and facing no repercussions? Joe Arpaio was not an American patriot as the President claimed.

Also he blamed Obama so what the fuck, Joe, let it go.

<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

I recognize exactly two of those names, and I only don't mind one of those. Milo's amusing sometimes.

I'm going to assume the two are Spencer and Milo. Disregarding Milo since he's an opportunistic little troll man the others are:

Andrew Anglin: Founder and editor of The Daily Stormer which is a white supremacist and Neo-Nazi news/commentary site which often had it's 'Army' attack people that Anglin disagreed with in true brigade fashion. The site helped in the organization of the Unite the Right rally and in the wake of Heather Heyer's death mocked her and wanted readers to attend the funeral and call her a fat skank. Other white nationalists have voiced issues with Anglin and The Daily Stormer because he was too into Hitler's ideals and also enjoyed sex with Filipino women. One could put him in the same camp as Milo but...eh Milo is more actually a troll while Anglin's actually a white supremacist member of the Alt-Right.

Marcus Halberstram: Co-host of the podcast Fash the Nation which might not seem so bad until you remember that the podcast is hosted on Tge Right Stuff which is a white nationalist blog site that supports fascism, Neo-Nazism, and is in favor of ethnic cleansing to make the U.S. a white ethnic state. Might as well throw in Mike Peinovich in there since he founded the place (and is married to a Jewish woman, funny that). The podcast and site are friendly with The Daily Stormer.

Jared Taylor: White supremacist and white nationalist and founder of the publication American Renaissance which is a white supremacist magazine. He was a former director of the National Policy Institute and was on the board on the Occidental Quarterly. He claim to not be a racist while also being in favor of racial segregation and believing that blacks left alone means civilization disappears. Because they're uncivilized. He doesn't hate the Jews which I suppose is a point in his favor and he's been critical of The Daily Stormer. He, along with Spencer, have been seen as the more intellectual side of the alt-right movement but a white supremacist with a degree is still a white supremacist.

Vox Day: A white nationalist and misogynist who used to just be angry at SJWs. He's a writer and blogger and an alt-right activist who thinks women should be denied a vote and that women's rights are wrong calling them a disease. Their rights, I mean. Not women. He's mostly someone that's upset that science fiction is being more progressive and started his own brand of Sad Puppies. Not really on the same level as the people what run Neo-Nazi and supremacist websites but he's a known figurehead within the Alt-Right.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mdk

mdk 3/4

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I might've misheard initially. I was pulling from memory and only the brief refresher when you posted it. Even if he doesn't call illegal immigrants animals he's got people who will do that for him, but more on that elsewhere. But for the sake of honesty, yes, let's say that I said that Trump called illegal immigrants animals and that I might've misheard or misremebered the sentence and context and that's on me and my bad there.

I mean you're technically right. He called MS13 animals, and MS13 are (almost?) entirely illegal immigrants. MS13 are certainly animals too. This is that thing the talking heads on the left like to do when Trump speaks -- generalizing statements that were actually rather specific. It's... okay lemme put on my tinfoil hat here, the mental conditioning is working and that's odd, and also they're making the frogs gay. Okay tinfoil off. Just.... y'know, that's a really nasty thing for someone to say (illegal immigrants are animals!) and it's bizarre to me that -- even as an honest misremembered mistake -- that registered as a plausible Trump statement. Is that.... am I making sense here? Like if I said oh, remember that time Obama said white people are literally satan, I didn't like that. I can only actually think that -- even momentarily -- if I am unfair, in my mind, to Pres. Obama. Me thinking Obama said that would call into question lots of other things I think about Obama.

......and now I'm off the handle completely. Let's bring it back. He called out MS13, and not illegal immigrants in general.

To then purposely lie even about petty shit like the crowd of the rally and the 'crowd' of protesters further paints the canvas of this being an 'us against them' thing. Which then was only furthered when he called the rally a safe space as if people attending were in danger just for attending.

To the former, I mean, the place was pretty full. To the latter, they kinda are in danger just for attending. So...........

Increasingly it feels like the guy can't take criticism and instead will spin it so it's their fault he's being criticized.

Not my favorite character trait of his. It feels odd because typically, all you have to do is call the GOP racists and they roll over and do whatever you want. If I'm being generous, Trump is fighting back and nobody's had to deal with that before -- if I'm being cynical and probably realistic, he's got thin skin. FWIW though, there is a ton of fake bullshittery about him. Here's a video of Trump in Houston, with CNN's commentary played over the vid.

I mean he was literally violating the Fourth Amendment and various civil rights. And the pardon sends a certain message, namely that 'hey it's okay to literally break the law and profile people that might be immigrants because they're brown and look different. Arpaio's actions should not be praised at all; he literally abused his position and violated the law, something he is supposed to enforce.

If you had to guess, what percentage of illegal immigrants in the state of Arizona are Latino? Ballpark.

I don't think there is any way to enforce immigration law in that state which wouldn't look racist. I am absolutely against racism, but absolutely FOR immigration law. The order Joe violated was not "stop arresting brown people," it was "stop enforcing the law." This is a messy scenario, because -- if accusations are to be believed -- Joe is, independent of that order, kind of a major douche. But that's not the subject of his conviction -- the (Obama-appointed) court ordered the Sheriff to ignore the law, which just, ya know.... I DON'T KNOW I don't have a visceral reaction to his continuing to enforce said law. I appreciate that yes, it looks pretty ludicrously racist on the surface but like I said I don't know how you could do that job and NOT look racist. I mean, short of building a wall.

literally a racist, xenophobe, literally set up a concentration camp for prisoners, inhumanely treated prisoners by subjecting them to temperatures so hot their shoes were melting, didn't investigate crimes like the rape of a child, improperly clearing seventy five percent of crimes without investigation or arrest, took political opponents to court not for anything legitimate but because they were in the way, and is also an Obama birther...

Yeah that's the stuff I'm not crazy about.

I'm going to assume the two are Spencer and Milo

[character sheets for the world's worst RP]

Yeah that all sounds like nothing I want any part of, lol

....dammit my intention was NOT to go through and do that point-by-point "pull a thing here, pull a thing there" wall-o-text counterargument. But I've done it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 3 days ago

If you had to guess, what percentage of illegal immigrants in the state of Arizona are Latino? Ballpark.

About eighty percent, but that's not the point. Joe and his appointed deputies were absolutely fully one hundred percent racial profiling. Under the training that Immigration and Customs Enforcement supplied deputies were told that Mexican ancestry was one factor among others that they could use without violating the legal requirements. Then ICE revoked this from the MCSO and so they started their own program and detained people that they couldn't actually arrest and incorrectly assumed that simply being an alien was a federal crime. The MCSO has no authority to detain people based purely on suspicion (that they're Hispanic) and nothing else. It isn't automatically a federal crime to be in the country without authorization hence the whole unreasonable search and seizure that was going on.

Even when using the smuggling defense someone being an illegal doesn't violate Arizona criminal law. And when deputies were extending traffic stops to 'investigate' the occupants of a vehicle other than the driver beyond reasonable suspicion that's also a violation of the Fourth Amendment.

MCSO has been doing immigration and immigration–related enforcement operations even when it had no accurate legal basis for doing so.

I don't think there is any way to enforce immigration law in that state which wouldn't look racist. I am absolutely against racism, but absolutely FOR immigration law. The order Joe violated was not "stop arresting brown people," it was "stop enforcing the law."

It was also "Hey maybe stop violating the Fourth Amendment we've told you about this before."

I appreciate that yes, it looks pretty ludicrously racist on the surface but like I said I don't know how you could do that job and NOT look racist. I mean, short of building a wall.

Having probable cause beyond just "It's a car full of Hispanics in a county that is 31 percent Hispanic" is a good start.

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