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remember when i had a million accounts to circumvent a certain unfortunate event......... i remember. Hoo hoo!
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ah alts
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what does mules mean in this context
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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yeah i'm not gonna do all this for the aesthetic image of his appearance lmao

Empire of Stone | Chunin | Squad Four

TIME: PRESENT TIME | LOCATION: Amegakure - Landing Pad | INTERACTION: KOKO IYOKAN - @schadenfreude, MIYAKO KUROSAWA - @MesuOkami, SHINJI YUKI - @BladeSS4

“Hmmhmm..” was the only answer Shinji received, a confirming mumble that he was indeed Sakana Uragiri, which offered little to no interesting things to the conversation. From the man's lack of initiative, Sakana could already tell this one was gonna be quiet and reserved. He wouldn't be the leader on this mission. “Who knows if we'll be succesful. The Sage, maybe,” he told Miyako when she piped up about being succesful int his mission, though Sakana's voice wasn't loud enough to be heard by either Miyako or Shinji, as his voice lowered when his black eyes then trailed after a familiar face walking past - Kinzo Uragiri, a painful reminder of his past, and a painful reminder of his clan too. Subconsciously Sakana loudly smacked his hand down onto the table in front of him, the smack causing him to snap back into reality, rather than visions of the past. He turned to face Miyako, and in doing so spotted another person approaching.

“Koko Iyokan...” he repeated after her when she told them her name, and slowly he'd raise to his feet, standing up with one hand leaning on the table. “... the hell kinda name is that?” An inquisitive question that almost seemed like it was serious. It was rather ironic, though, coming from a guy literally named 'fish,' though in his case the name at least made some sense, what with the black fish eyes. The girl in front of him, well, she didn't even look like she knew what a Koko was, nevermind the fact that she didn't look like one anyway.

Despite being the youngest, and visibly so, Sakana asserted himself. If only to get some semblance of organisation and coordination into the team. “I don't know who you are or what you do, and I certainly don't know why they put us Empire goons and some Kiri swords-for-hire together on an expedition, but look around.” Without gesturing widely he made it clear that he was talking about the other teams, which one had formed entirely, and two were left with a few members missing. He squinted his eyes a little bit, indicating that he was serious, while staring at Koko first, then Shinji, and then Miyako. “All other groups are just as rag-tag as we are. I suggest we get some hierarchy and order going. And, if it pleases the emperor of Stone, and the COO of the Mist, we should pick a leader and representative of the group.”

He turned his eyes onto Shinji now, who seemingly didn't even have the decency to introduce himself all that time. “Let's start with you, nameless shinobi. Do you always forget to introduce yourself, or is it just when you're meeting Iwagakure no Sato shinobi? Do you have some problem with us? Who are you anyway? Do you think that you can represent us?”
@Spanner they're naruto related so shush
man this thread became something else real quick

i'm out cya have fun
@MesuOkami what's with that outline ugh. Fix it!
@Aeolian Alright, if you have any questions feel free to ask!
@Aeolian Yeah, for sure. If you can follow the format in the opening post, make a character sheet, then you can join. I'll squeeze you into a team somewhere.
@bladess4 @mesuokami @schadenfreude let's make it our personal objective to be as active and fast posting as we can. Team Sakana.. I mean.. team 4 gonna be the best.
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