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4 hrs ago
Current remember when i had a million accounts to circumvent a certain unfortunate event......... i remember. Hoo hoo!
1 day ago
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2 days ago
ah alts
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2 days ago
what does mules mean in this context
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3 days ago
Epic win!


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@Raijinslayer I think I'm confusing that one with Renny, maybe. :thinking: Either way that sounds fine -- you know I'll review it and any issues we can iron release out anyway.
@Raijinslayer The one that makes metal constructs, or the one that made his own sword?
@OdinWell, this seems interesting. Mind if i pop on in or do you have to many people already?

Always have space for you Raijin!
review in red

Edit and it'll be accepted, move it into the char bin when ready

Review in red

Ok done.

I feel like this is more a joke application than a real one, so I just saved myself the suffering of commenting on things that made no sense. It's not even that I don't think you're a good writer -- it's that I believe you have fundamentally misunderstood the setting of the roleplay and the type of characters I am looking for. As much as I'd enjoy having an aloof moron character around, I don't think having your style of roleplay in the RP itself would benefit me as a GM and I don't think it'd benefit the other players.

So alongside rejecting it, I'll also suggest you move on and find another roleplay that is perhaps a little more comedic in nature.

Okay, nevermind. The new Boruto ep that was supposed to be up today isn't up yet. I'll go review.
@j8cob I'm not gonna do a full blown review right now but I'll just let you know ahead of time that when I do a full review I'm going to say that the storm release jutsu you made custom have too strong strengths and too weak weaknesses. Either that - or the jutsu are not clear in how much damage they do. Finger gun for example I get the feeling that it shoots all the way through you, but that's a) pretty damn fucking strong for a genin and b) dumb when you consider that the only way to dodge is with 'pre-emptive movement'.
@Odin An example would be war of the worlds (rpg from another website), where each player controls a species/nation that fight in a war. Rhe spreadsheet kind of functioned like a civ/risk board, and after each round the gm would add narrate the events that happened in the previous rounds.

Oh, I think that sounds more like a more serious forum game than an actual roleplay-style that we have here. It'd probably be nation roleplay (but that's suicide for your RP) so I'd suggest placing it in casual or advanced.
@Treehee I see no reason why not. I don't know where you'd place them, do you have an example? It's sounding like a tabletop like game, but I'm not sure since it doesn't sound like you're gonna use rolls or anything?
@Treehee uiteraard, kan haast niet anders.
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