Avatar of Dion


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6 hrs ago
Current remember when i had a million accounts to circumvent a certain unfortunate event......... i remember. Hoo hoo!
1 day ago
1 like
2 days ago
ah alts
1 like
2 days ago
what does mules mean in this context
1 like
3 days ago
Epic win!


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

Most Recent Posts

@Treehee Welkom op Roleplayerguild. Veel succes en geniet van je verblijf ;)
@Tuujaimaa why you sounding so excited knowing damn well it's 1:17AM here and I ain't about to work for you. >:^)
nice to see you here

needs some edits

@Odin ready to be judged for my sins ok
which includes the whole jutsu/equipment section bc it was draining my sanity no

Overall accepted but your weaknesses to your custom jutsu need more thought put into them other than 'these techniques are pretty hard, and someone more experienced obviously will do better against them'. Edit and put in character bin

Heya! Just wanted to express my interest in joining your rp. Tell me if there's something I need to edit though I intend to add more to his backstory depending on how the rp story goes, if that's okay. C: no

You should make some minor edits but overall this is a decent character meaning once you edited it, it's accepted

you need to make some adjustments in the jutsu's and the arekuruu parts of your story but otherwise it's fine. edit, put in character sheet

Its been awhile since I've been in the Advance area. Cut me some slack lol.

Review in red

not accepted yet since you're missing pivotal shit. i don't get it -- i included a whole section for custom jutsu but you ignored the most pertinent part. reference my sheets if you want to see how i organized it - imho it's easier to read for me. make changes and i'll revisit and review it again
Subject to review, but I’m still adding to it.

@Shortcake & @Wolpertingers

Both of you are missing BB coding, leading me to question if you guys will be able to format a post, well, properly. Do you guys think you can fix the coding?

@Anders Presuming you're adding to it in terms of clan history that'll be fine.

@Renny Woo boy that's messy.
I think you've confused the pure and impure tbh. Us pure folk could hardly write a sentence you'd find in an erotic novel, or read a page, without feeling the need to wash our hands and bleach our eyes.

I was referring more to those of inadequate writing skill being impure, but honestly, saying you should just weed out those who wanna write the sexu when you're explicitly looking for the sexu sexu big time with a literate tint to it is way funnier.
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