There's, like, literally nothing I can do in this battle with a build like Hayabusa. An island chain that basically requires sniper rifle fire is the exact opposite of anything the Hayabusa can do. I'm not kidding, Takatora is totally useless here. Not sure how I'm supposed to showcase his ability to work with the others when there's really nothing he can actually do even on his own.
Well, they wanted to get Maildramon's attention so... mission accomplished. Now he was actually focusing on them, which probably meant that the misdirection tactics from earlier wouldn't be as effective. This was not exactly what Raven had in mind. Straight forward fights were dangerous and sometimes suicidal for whoever ended up losing. That wasn't something he felt like dealing with today. But what choice did he have? He may not seen completely eye to eye with them, but these were still his friends and surrogate family at the end of the day. And he'd be damned before he let some bastard bring harm to them.
And then the attack came. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Maildramon was not aiming at Peckmon. At this, Raven had only one thought enter his mind. Bastard stole my tactic. Nobody steals around here except for me! The Lightning was far too fast to avoid by side stepping or even diving to the side as Raven would still get caught in the blast. No, there instead was only one way to get out of this and it required that the Human put his upmost faith and trust in Peckmon. Luckily, Raven had no problem doing just that. With a sly look on his face, Raven did what had to have looked utterly unthinkable to everyone else. He stepped forward and let his body drop over the edge of the roof. The gravity from the fall would take him far enough way in a short enough amount of time to avoid the lightning blast. The only real problem now was that he would turn into smear on the pavement.
Or at least he would it he had been partnered with any other Digimon besides Peckmon. With the same blistering speed as a moment ago, Peckmon made his move. No words needed to be exchanged. The two had fought together so many times and for so long that entire battle strategies could be passed around between them with only looks and glances. Peckmon was quick to use to his amazing speed to swoop down and catch his partner with his talons before the latter could splatter onto the pavement. Then with a quick and strong flap of his wings, he brought his partner back up to the safety of the roof, "Nice try." said Raven, offering a taunting bow, "Now it's our turn. Peckmon!"
No more words were needed as Peckmon went back onto the offensive. He moved as if to attack with Thousand Beaks again. But the pecks never came. Instead he was simply staying on the move and leaving behind countless afterimages of himself. This hopefully would make much harder to see the actual attack coming. From one of the many angles Peckmon was moving about in, he came in with what looked like another Spiral Claw. But this time his body spun, and spun fast enough that the friction practically ignited his talons and the attack was no longer the Spiral Claw, but the more powerful Burning Spiral.
Personality: Warm and caring, Celestia has occasionally been described as motherly or sisterly by her peers. As the oldest girl of the apprentices, she's taken it upon herself to be responsible for the others. When the Masters aren't around, she's not afraid to give occasional orders and step into a semi-leadership role. Probably the most striking thing about Celestia is the fact that she's almost always wearing a warm smile on her face. Even when braving dangers or fleeing for her life, she always tries to do it with a smile. If asked why, she will quickly respond with the above quote. It's not one of the actual precepts of the Order, but it is instead a personal code she has adopted for herself.
Backstory: Celestia is unsure of her origins. She's lived with the Masters in the Land of Departure for as long as she can remember. Perhaps she was born there, but she always had trouble getting a full answer from either Cormack or Viper. She's also been able to summon her Keyblade since a relatively young age compared to her peers, though that is more likely due to her having actually grown up in the Land of Departure and thus had been training for a fair bit longer.
When it came to the two Masters themselves, while Celestia received the majority of her training from Cormack, she often found herself gravitating toward Viper in other, more personal matters. After all, there was some advice that a girl could only really get from a woman. So while she respects Cormack for all he's taught her, there's a bit of a deeper bond between her and Viper. Something more akin to two sisters or perhaps an Aunt and Niece. So it was no surprise that Viper's sudden departure hit Celestia particularly hard. Even if the Relic was really that important, why would she just leave without a word over it?
It also didn't help that Viper chose to leave on the night before Celestia was to take her Mark of Mastery Exam. Unfortunately, the Exam itself needed to be postponed for obvious reasons.
@sassy1085 If it helps, you could always brainstorm it in the Discord server. I'm in there right now and could use someone to bounce character ideas off of. If not, then I wish you the best.
@Renny I kind of agree with vance about the inheritor thing. Besides, my own character arc (Out of His Shadow) is sort of doing something similar to that on an individual scale and I feel like doing it with an entire Force would sort of make lose some of its impact.
Personality: Warm and caring, Celestia has occasionally been described as motherly or sisterly by her peers. As the oldest girl of the apprentices, she's taken it upon herself to be responsible for the others. When the Masters aren't around, she's not afraid to give occasional orders and step into a semi-leadership role. Probably the most striking thing about Celestia is the fact that she's almost always wearing a warm smile on her face. Even when braving dangers or fleeing for her life, she always tries to do it with a smile. If asked why, she will quickly respond with the above quote. It's not one of the actual precepts of the Order, but it is instead a personal code she has adopted for herself.
Backstory: Celestia is unsure of her origins. She's lived with the Masters in the Land of Departure for as long as she can remember. Perhaps she was born there, but she always had trouble getting a full answer from either Cormack or Viper. She's also been able to summon her Keyblade since a relatively young age compared to her peers, though that is more likely due to her having actually grown up in the Land of Departure and thus had been training for a fair bit longer.
When it came to the two Masters themselves, while Celestia received the majority of her training from Cormack, she often found herself gravitating toward Viper in other, more personal matters. After all, there was some advice that a girl could only really get from a woman. So while she respects Cormack for all he's taught her, there's a bit of a deeper bond between her and Viper. Something more akin to two sisters or perhaps an Aunt and Niece. So it was no surprise that Viper's sudden departure hit Celestia particularly hard. Even if the Relic was really that important, why would she just leave without a word over it?
It also didn't help that Viper chose to leave on the night before Celestia was to take her Mark of Mastery Exam. Unfortunately, the Exam itself needed to be postponed for obvious reasons.
~Command Deck~
~Physical~ Strike Raid
~Magical~ Magnera Thundara
~Action~ Cartwheel Barrier
Shotlocks: Command Styles:
This character is only a backup plan in the event we don't recruit another Chaser by the time we're ready to start the IC. Yes, I know she's wielding a Canon Keyblade, but I never made any rules against doing that so... eh.
@Double I don't believe she was trying to make it political. I think she just wants her character to be of European descent.
Yeah the wording probably threw me off. I see the phrase, "representative of X country" and my brain immediately thinks politics. Just sort of wired that way, I guess.
What does that have to do with...? I read the question and interpreted it as including an actual official political representative, which makes no sense in an online game. Surely their irl job would be taking up way too much of their time anyway. If all you're actually asking is if you can play as someone outside of Japan, then the answer is probably an obvious yes. GBN has servers that cater to all regions around the world. Granted, you'd have to do some traveling between the European and Japanese servers but otherwise there wouldn't be any issues.
To clarify: Servers are kind of weird in GBN. Technically everyone can access them from anywhere they're playing, but they have to "travel" to them in-game. So someone in Europe would start in that server but could then move to other servers if they were willing to make their avatars travel the distance in-game, possibly through dangerous or hostile regions.
If I can ask another question. Did Aila represent a country? I thought it was only a company, but I haven't watched the original Build Fighters in a long while so maybe my memory is just being sketchy.