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Accidentally forgot you @Double, sorry.

Since your character isn’t finished yet, I am only going to approve your artifacts, feel free to add to your cs when you update it to finish it. Just for everyone’s information the Airwing Airstrike, I am assuming it is possible for that to be capable of friendly fire, am I correct?

Thank you, and yes, the Arwing Airstrike can inflict friendly fire. It's no different from similar AoE items in Super Smash Bros that just flat out hit everything in the designated AoE Zone.
Human Name: Grant Wilson

Avatar Name: Wing-Man

Avatar Picture:

Weapon Artifacts:
Arm Cannon (Metroid)
Z-Saber (Mega Man X and Mega Man Zero)

Armor Artifacts:
Varia Suit (Metroid)

Unique Artifacts:
Arwing Airstrike (Star Fox)


Companion Artifact:

Mount Artifact:

Vehicle Artifact:
Blue Falcon (F-Zero)

Cash: 10,000

Significant quest(s):
For someone who's Avatar is named Wing-Man, it's almost funny that he has yet to obtain any kind of plane or starfighter artifact. Not from a lack of trying, mind you. There were two quests in particular that resulted in rewards that weren't quite what he was hoping they were.

The first was a Grand Prix Race, within which Wing-Man drove Ghost Rider's car, complete with access to limited fire powers for self defense. Unfortunately, the car was a loaner. In fact everyone was given randomly assigned vehicle artifacts to use for the race. To keep a long story short, Wing-Man was victorious. His prize? The one and only Blue Falcon. A pretty awesome prize all things considered, but Wing-Man had been under the assumption that he would be able to fly with it. It turns out that F-Zero machines don't actually fly, they just hover over the ground. Apparently Wing-Man got it confused with the Flying Falcon, which actually does fly.

The second quest was called Space Empires. Participants were assigned command of a particular faction from a Sci-Fi franchise and were given the objective to lead them to victory over the other forces by taking control of all the territory zones. Players weren't allowed to participate in battles personally, instead their AI-controlled army did the actual fighting, with the players merely observing and giving commands and orders where necessary. For this campaign, Wing-Man was given command of the Cornerian Army from the Star Fox series. He came out victorious, his fleets managing to outfight other player consisting of the Klingons, Federation, and even the Galactic Empire among others. For his victory, Wing-Man was awarded the Unique Artifact giving him the power to summon Team Star Fox for an airstrike once a day. Great! But if he was being completely honest with himself, Wing-Man would have preferred an actual Arwing vehicle for himself. Oh well, maybe next time. This second event is what got the Spectors' attention, them apparently being impressed with his tactical commanding from this event in addition to his racing skills from the Grand Prix Race.

Shu Yang

Age: 23
Gender: Male


Physical description

He's surprisingly lean, for an Earthbender. Most tend to build their muscles and become bulky, but Shu seems to have rejected that image like a bad stereotype. He has sharp facial features, or perhaps he's just angry all the time, it's hard to tell with him really. His black hair is short for the most part, save for the back where it's grown out enough to be kept in a thin, tightly tied braid. His wardrobe consists of a tight, black, long-sleeved shirt worn under a looser-fitting green and yellow blazer with its collar always popped upward. The blazer itself is green on the outside and yellow on the inside, looking like he could put it on inside-out to reverse the colors. He has brown trousers and work boots to round out the outfit. He stands reasonably tall, just over average for young man of his age, and as stated above his weight and physique are surprisingly lean, not what most people or opponents expect to find in an Earthbender.


To put it simply, Shu is a loose cannon. He's angry, opinionated, and most of the time this is made worse by a short temper. While this does make him seem like a complete thug to most people, there is in fact a kinder guy somewhere in there. He's nice enough to kids, never once letting his anger get the better of him if children are present, and he even becomes oddly protective of them when they're in any kind of danger. Some people who have worked with him before will swear up and down that Shu just seems to hate all forms of authority. Whatever job he was working, it was like giving him orders was borderline impossible without a fist fight breaking out. Whether this is because he's some kind of self-proclaimed rebel or due to other issues, no one's really sure.


Shu grew up in what could only described as an abusive home. His father, Wu Yang, started as the star of a Probending team but let his career go downhill due to alcoholism, which of course only ended up making things worse. Once he was officially kicked out of the pro circuit, he became a drunkard that was constantly in search of new jobs after being fired from a previous one due to his drinking. He pretty much always came home angry or drunk or both, often taking these frustrations out on his wife and son. Unlike his mother Lin, though, Shu became increasingly quick tempered and had more of a tendency to fight back as he got older. Eventually after getting into an actual fight with his father that nearly got one of them killed, Shu stormed out of his childhood home and never looked back.

Having his father's... talent, for Earthbending, Shu tried his hand at Probending. Sure enough he got on a team and things went rather well for a while. But the anger he inherited from his father started to rear its ugly head. He would get into arguments with the coach or the referees, eventually leading to him punching one of them out and like his father before him, Shu was banned from Probending. After this, Shu actually tried his hand at being a police officer. Perhaps on the force, he could put that frustration to good use in stopping bad guys? It went well, briefly, but when Shu started beating criminals practically to death... he was of course discharged and forced to hand over his badge.

The fact that Shu was rapidly becoming his father was not lost on him. The only difference was that Shu refused to turn to drinking. He was determined fix his problems in his own way. That was when he overheard two upper class gentlemen talking about the recent winnings they earned from something they called the "Battle Club". Shu had never heard of anything like this, but he did some digging and eventually discovered an underground fighting circuit called Battle Club. Combatants of all possible backgrounds and skillsets stepped into the cage to fight, and only one walked out as the victor. With no other place to turn to, Shu decided to become a fighter.

As a Battle Club fighter, Shu excelled. He could fight to his heart's content, beat his opponents into a bloody pulp. And not once would he be reprimanded or punished for it. In fact, it was just the opposite. He was praised and cheered for his ability to fight like a beast in the Cage. It was almost... intoxicating to be in an environment that not only enabled, but actively rewarded him for letting his anger fly on his opponents. Maybe that was why he barely noticed that - in some fights - he would start imagining his father in his opponent's place. That Shu would then fly into a rage that was barely noticeable, violently beating his opponent and even coming close to killing them, all the while looking more and more like the very man he hated so much.
@Leah I'd like to place my interest as well. My idea is... straight-forward admittedly but perhaps something unique can come of it later? Anyway, my plan is to be an Earth Bender who literally fights matches for a living. There's a new sport approaching Pro Bending in popularity, but it's a much more dangerous sport, and on top of that it operates under... questionable legality. It's basically Fight Club, benders and non-benders alike stepping into cage matches where the only rules are that you can't bring weapons or tools in with you, otherwise you're free to fight however you damn well please until someone goes down. Lots on gambling going on on the side with this one as well, some fights possibly being rigged and - on very special occasions - some might even be to the death (those tend to be rare, though, but when they do happen it generates even more hype and controversy).

My character specifically will be a former Pro Bender who turned to this hot new sport because he simply wasn't earning enough of a living anymore on the Pro Bending circuits. His fighting style will be unique, too, focusing on an oddly western-style martial arts (Boxing, Kickboxing, etc) rather than the traditional eastern martial arts we typically see other Benders utilize. Imagine a guy who uses his bending to coat his fists in cold hard stone and then proceeds to beat his opponents faces in. That sort of thing.
Astral Gleam

The Princess looked, well, completely unfazed by that opening move. Honestly the Dragon really should seen this coming. If Astral didn't know any better, it was almost like this Dragon was acting based on ignorance. Sort of like... no way, what were the odds of that? The pony kept watching, the Dragon and the Princess looked like they were just trading blows. But Astral knew as well as anypony just how powerful Alicorns were. Princess Luna was not going all out. At least he was certain that was the case, anyway. He suddenly heard some familiar chirping sounds, and remembered that one of the "visitors" was present as well.

"You... had to have realized that we can't understand you by now. So why are you still... talking?" not that the Ebon would understand him any better than he could understood her. To her he sounded like he was neighing and whinnying. He paused as a thought entered his brain. She wasn't a motormouth type was she? Because quite frankly, Astral was still recovering from the time he was forced to spend with one Pinkamena Diane Pie, and he really didn't want to have to spend more time around ponies or creatures like that again anytime soon.

Of course, this "conversation" - for lack of a better word - distracted the Unicorn from seeing how the altercation ended. In fact it was the Princess addressing him by name that nearly made him jump. How, she... knew his name? But he'd never been anywhere near Canterlot before, so why...? That wasn't important right now, answering the Princess's question was the important thing at the moment. As much a cynic as the Unicorn was, even he wouldn't dare say anything stupid to one of the royals, especially not either of two Sisters, "Er, Your Majesty..." he offered a bow, though he only lowered his head a bit rather than go into a full kneel like most ponies would do. It seemed like a more timely and efficient way to affirm one's fealty, "...I was in Ponyville acting as a guest professor at Princess Twilight's school. I was stargazing from my quarters when I saw the falling the objects. I investigated the one nearby to this Castle." hopefully that would be a sufficient explanation for his presence here, but there was a bit more to report on following that.

"I thought the object was a meteorite. I'm an Astronomer, and thought to study it up close, but... well it turned out to be some sort of vessel carrying passengers. I believe that..." he gestured to the nearby Ebon, "...is one of them. I encountered more at the crashed vessel. I was able to establish basic communication but returned here when I saw the Eclipse. I believe an Arcane Language Circle will allow you to communicate with them, but it's not a perfect translation so please bear that in mind." it wasn't like him to practically spill his guts like this. But maybe the Two Sisters just had that effect on ponies.

And then the Dragon burst into flame! Astral shielded his eyes from the brief flash of fire. He stared at the newfound pile of ash, dumbfounded. Then he narrowed his eyes into an incredulous expression, "I... don't think that was actually a Dragon. At least, not from here anyway."
Astral Gleam

The Unicorn waited a moment, but his patience would only last so long. It looked like the visitors were determined to stay put, preferring to fortify themselves over venturing forward. If that was the case, then Astral would just have to investigate the Castle on his own. He wasn't afraid, especially with the Eclipse now granting more light than was normally available in the Everfree Forest. Wait... ECLIPSE?! Astral's eyes shot upward to find that the Sun had been positioned behind the moon, and that was where it remained. A state of emergency? Were the falling objects that dangerous? Then again, if the falling object Astral had investigated turned out to be a crashed vessel, then who was to say the same wasn't true for the other objects as well?

"I can't waste anymore time!" he exclaimed aloud, though he did so while simultaneously dispelling the magic circle so even then only part of the exclamation would get across. He didn't say anything and took off in a full gallop back in the direction of the Castle. As before, he occasionally teleported in short spurts to optimize his running speed as much as he could. That would effectively allow him to reach his destination in a just a minute or two.

Astral's arrival at the Castle was seemingly flashy. When he was most of the way there he decided to perform one longer-range teleport to get to his destination a few moments sooner. After a flash of smoke produced him just outside the courtyard, the Crystal Unicorn took a heavy step forward, his breath a little heavy as teleporting a longer distance was more taxing on his magical stamina than the short spurts he was more accustomed to doing. Still, at least he arrived and that at least was what was important. What he had originally thought was a threat turned out to be a... well still potentially a threat. A dragon, or at least Astral assumed it was a Dragon. It certainly looked like one anyway. Was it a rogue, or did it come from the Dragon Lands?

Well, when it tried to uppercut Princess Luna of all ponies, well that was all the answer Astral Gleam needed. Definitely a rogue dragon of some kind, and why in the ever-loving Tartarus did he pick a fight with a Royal Sister? Speaking of whom, Astral wasn't nearly as surprised to find Princess Luna here as he probably should have been. He already knew the Shadow Bolts had been watching everything from the skies above this whole time, so it was only a matter of time before the Princess of the Night herself would get involved. And of course, there were others, but right now the apparent battle between Princess Luna and the Dragon was more eye-catching. Still, he did make a quick mental note of the one who looked like they came from the crashed vessel nearby. Had they been scouting the area this whole time while their allies were talking to the Unicorn?

I feel like I should do something here... Astral thought to himself. It was true, he probably should try to do something, but what does one do when it involves a Dragon and one of the Princesses? If anything, the Shadow Bolts were sure to step in at some point. Or perhaps the Princess herself would give a brief demonstration of why she was one of the most powerful Ponies in Equestria? Either way, any action from Astral Gleam would be largely pointless. So all he could really do was stare on like someone unable to turn away from watching a train wreck.
<Snipped quote by Double>

Uh, I think I would like that ;)

Okay. Ya have anything in mind?

I'm tempted to straight up steal the CW Captain Cold because Wentworth Miller is awesome.

"Make the plan,
execute the plan,
expect the plan to go off the rails,
...throw away the plan."

I'll try not to though. Can't guarantee I won't at least steal a quote or two.
By the way, if any of the Leaguers want to have faced Cold while he was still a villain, let me know and we'll talk. I was purposefully vague about his past encounters with heroes for a reason. In canon it's supposed to have been the Flash, but since there's no guarantee we'll have a Flash, I was intentionally vague in the bio so any one or more hero characters can fill the blanks in Flash's place.
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