As the post-Tournament festivities prepared to begin, an elder woman introduced herself to the four semifinalists. Mr. Satan... the name certainly rang familiar to anyone who studied the history of the World Tournament, as Han certainly had. And yet his was not the only noteworthy name associated with the Tournament. Before Satan's time, there was another Champion, an enigmatic old man known only as Jackie Chun. Though he had only won the championship a single time, that championship battle was recorded as one of the greatest in the Tournament's history. And yet, despite returning to defend his title, the old man simply forfeited his match early on during the semifinals, and stranger still was never seen or heard from again. Perhaps he desired a quiet retirement? Han supposed that only the old man himself would've ever known the answer to that question.
After Ms. Pan's speech, two of the four semifinalists appeared in quite a rush to leave. And unfortunately, Han's target was one of them. While Lee vanished in a burst of speed, Renzo instead walked calmly away. At least until he was out of sight, then he was gone at a greater speed after that. Perfect, approaching the target privately was going to be the most ideal way for Han to move forward with his plan. And so, he too slipped out of the festival, and was able to do so with no fuss to boot as he was not among the important guests present. Despite the head start, Han was able to pick up Renzo's trail and followed him to the shore. His target was on the beach, seemingly in deep thought with himself.
Looking up, Han took in the view of the full moon. Part of him was reminded of his meditation that morning, at a similar beach while briefly under the light of the moon. This time, it seemed ominously reversed, as a dark night approached instead of a hopeful new day. In fact, a new haiku made itself known in Han's thoughts. But as he had no implements on his person to write it down, the next best thing was to verbalize it.
"The Sun lays to rest
The Night Sky envelopes All
ruled now, by The Moon"
That, of course, would no doubt tip Niko off to Han's presence. But, Han was never planning an ambush anyway, so this would have to do for an introduction, "Forgive me." he said, offering a bow, "When a haiku comes to me in moments of peace, sometimes I can't help myself but to share it. It helps to clear the mind, you know, keeps you at peace." he maintained a polite tone in his voice, and warm expression on his face. He wanted this meeting to be amicable, at the very least until he learned what he needed to learn from it, "Ah, right, I forget my manners. I am Wu Han. I watched you fight in the Tournament. I tried to sign up myself, but alas, I arrived too late. I hope you'll forgive my forwardness, Niko Renzo, but I followed you in here in the hopes you would honor me with a match." Han said nothing more, and from here allowed his actions to speak for him instead.
Han entered his Shinigami Stance, likely not one that Riko or most people had ever seen unless they were well versed in martial arts folklore. He appeared to make a lunge forward to strike, but what would have been a torso-aimed kicked instead stopped mid way - revealing itself to merely be a feint - so that Han could push himself back a few inches, tightening his guard and keeping his footwork quick and light as a feather.
~Feint attack, Trickster's Shadow~Serious Speed Boost
Health: 100
Power Level: 100
Attack: 5
Speed: 30 x 2 = 60
Defense: 65