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Han recognized the movements that came after. It was a retreat. Good, that meant the two of them had prevailed for now. And good thing too, because Han dropped down to a knee as soon as it was clearly over. He had to stop himself from passing out. That was quite taxing, and if he felt this bad then Niko had to be feeling a lot worse now. Han pushed himself back up to his feet and slowly walked over to Niko.

"Are you alright?" he asked him, offering a hand if Niko needed it, "Looks like we win for now, but we need to make ourselves scarce before police show up." but before they left, Han wanted to make sure they searched the body first. It was possible he still had something on him that could help their investigation. Thankfully, Goda left in a hurry, and the assassins were too busy fighting them to interact with the body. Because of this, Han was able to find that the representative still had his cellphone in his possession.

"He still has his phone. That could be promising. Know anyone who's good with technology?" Han had taken the phone and held it out for Niko to take, "I guess we'll figure it out on the go. We should leave for now."
<Snipped quote by Double>

So, I guess it's time that I reveal what I had in store for you two. I planned on leading you both to Mars on your mission. At which point, you'll have an early encounter with the alien force that is on the way to Earth. That's when you'll be dragged back into the main plot.

I won't go into much detail, but I have a plan on getting you to Mars very quickly, if you two want to go along with this plan? If you have other ideas, please let me know.

That'd be fine with me. I don't speak for @FalloutJack though so... you there, buddy?
@Balthazar007 Okay, but... we're gonna fall behind if they get to spend time training while we, you know, don't. My assumption was that we'd get pulled into the main plot after our activity in Hong Kong and that we'd be able to deal with our problems gradually as we partake in said main plot. Also gonna feel like we're immediately becoming irrelevant if we're still bopping around with Earth-based assassins while the others gets to fight planet-level threats.
I should probably mention that Ovaan can't sense Ki. I mean... why would he? It's not exactly something the Freeza Force was known for. So uh... that's gonna be a thing we'll have to deal with early on. xD
As the one male in this scenario... I have no problem surrounding myself by an entourage of beautiful ladies that kick ass.

Best harem ever. XD

Posted, here's hoping the You Say Run music holds true! xD
This was becoming bad. Han's plan didn't work as well as he had hoped. And instead things were just staying at a stalemate. Meanwhile Niko was taking a rough beating, and it didn't seem like he could take much more. Unfortunately, Han had to admit to himself he'd made the wrong call. He should have helped defend Niko, and that mistake was becoming more costly by the moment. So no more playing their game. It was time to flip this table over on its head.

"Niko, duck!" was all Han had time to say. Hopefully that was enough to get the message across. Because Han can screaming over in Niko's direction, all but ignoring his two Assassins. They could attack if they wanted, but even now Han still outclassed them. They would also be risking their boss's wrath in the event they attacked Niko more aggressively. Either way, Han refused to let anyone stop him. Hopefully, if Niko ducked down in time, Han performed a quickstepped somersault using Niko's back as a sort of platform to flip himself over. This one instant movement would theoretically swap the targets around for everyone. Han would be facing the 4 more aggressive assassins and Niko the two more passive assassins.

But Han didn't attack. Instead he entered the most defensive stance the Shinigami Style offered. The same one he had previously attempted to use against Niko at the climax of their previous match. Let the assassins come. Let them attack with all they could muster. But no matter how the wind may howl, the mountain would never bow down to it.

"If you want him, you'll have to kill me first!"

Immovable Shadow! My Body As A Shield!
Health: 86
Power Level: 56
Serious Boost: Defense
Attack: 0
Speed: 0
Defense: 56 x 2 (112)

Vs Assassin #1
Attack: 0
Speed: 0
Defense: 28

Vs Assassin #3
Attack: 0
Speed: 0
Defense: 28

Vs Assassin #4
Attack: 0
Speed: 0
Defense: 28

Vs Assassin #6
Attack: 0
Speed: 0
Defense: 28

Current strategy in my head. Put Han between Niko and the assassins and turtle up, putting all 56 of his current PL into Defense and also Serious Boosting it all the way up to 112. Should be more than enough to tank all the hits. And if it works, give Niko enough breathing room to just go hogwild with his Attack stat.

In short, I'm the Tank, your the DPS.
Oh, and in case it hasn't been explained, for the purposes of our rule set, Taiyoken/Solar Flare applies a debuff to enemy Speed equal to the amount of Ki spent on using it.
Name: Ovaan
Species: Freeza Race
Age: 30
Gender: Male


Personality: Ovaan is surprisingly personable and charismatic, considering the reputation his species has. Perhaps it was his servitude in the Freeza Force that forged him into an efficient officer? But unsurprisingly, he is also very patient and very calculating. He's not above using what others might perceive as "dirty tactics" for the purpose of bringing down a more powerful opponent, be it in combat or even in politics. He's not averse to training himself, either, deciding long ago that doing so would aid him in his objective of not getting himself killed in Freeza's service. After a while he just sort of took to it, and has found himself in training even after he no longer had Freeza looming over his shoulder.

Bio: The history of Freeza's people is muddied in rumor and hearsay. Some think the Cold family rose to power by conquering their own home planet and then simply turned their ambition to the rest of the known galaxies. Others have postulated that the Freeza Force began as a peaceful confederacy of independent worlds that simply became an empire when it was taken over by the Cold Family. Regardless, Freeza's own people ended up becoming one of two things: vassals of Lord Freeza, or dead. Naturally, Ovaan was one of the former.

After rising to become a Captain of his own ship, Ovaan discovered that advancement and even basic survival was a deadly game of politics and backstabbing among the officers of the Freeza Force Fleet. He had no choice but to adapt, but it became apparent that Ovaan had a certain... talent for engineering the downfall of others should they prove a political threat to him. While he was never fond of such actions nor took real pleasure in partaking in them, Ovaan had long since resolved to do whatever was necessary to ensure his own survival and the survival of his men. He often treated his crew with a level of respect and care that was never seen in other Captains, and this made Ovaan relatively popular with the rank-and-file as a result.

Of course, such would eventually earn Ovaan the ire of several rivals among the fleet. One in particular had an especially strong ire for Ovaan after the latter had out-maneuvered him, resulting in the peaceful acquisition of a planet into the Empire before he and his own crew could even launch an invasion. He had allied himself with a few similarly minded Captains, all with their own various grudges against Ovaan, and together they were able to fabricate evidence to implicate Ovaan in false charges of treason. Freeza never bothered himself with the commonplace vendettas between his officers, and this was no different. This time it was Zarbon who was dispatched to investigate the matter and deal with the supposedly traitorous Ovaan.

This led to the two eventually fighting, but with the aid of his transformation, Zarbon could easily overwhelm the likes of Ovaan. What saved Ovaan in the end was intervention of his own men. Against all odds, they bravely decided that their loyalty to their Captain was greater than their loyalty to Freeza. With their aid, Ovaan was able to make his escape. But after that, he was a fugitive. He could not risk staying in any place for long lest he risk an encounter with the Freeza Force. And so his ship and now-renegade crew remained on the move, stopping long enough to refuel and resupply and little else. With so much newfound free time on his hands, Ovaan could only think of one way to keep his head clear: training. He trained as often as he could spare and even began to encourage his men to do the same. If at any point they did encounter a ship from the Imperial Fleet then they would need to be ready.

These encounters did happen occasionally, and as they did, Ovaan and his crew also happened to save an increasing number of people from enslavement in the process. Over time this just sort of naturally evolved into an active insurgency against the Empire led by Ovaan and his original crew. Beforehand, most people were too terrified of Freeza to ever consider rebelling. But now? One of Freeza's own people was leading the charge, and if his strength was anything like Freeza himself then maybe there was actual hope for a change?

As this was all coming to a head, Ovaan found himself leading an increasingly vast army of resistance fighters having created a small fleet of their own utilizing salvaged and captured Freeza Force vessels. But this? This was enough to get Freeza's personal attention. Before he was content to just let Zarbon, Dodoria, and the Ginyus put down what he initially thought was an insignificant rebellion. But they'd grown enough for him to treat them as a marginal threat now, and he had one tried-and-true way to deal with people he viewed as threats. As soon as he was able to discover where he was located, Freeza personally set course there with the intention of destroying the planet and all the rebels with it in one fell swoop.

This was it. It was do or die. If they couldn't defeat Freeza now, then there was little hope for them to do so in the future. Freeza watched his trademark Supernova make its descent on the planet, only to raise an eyebrow when it appeared to stop. It was Ovaan, and with the help of a few of his most capable men, they were just barely able to stop the Supernova and redirect it away from the planet. Freeza was enraged, enough to begin transforming but something interrupted him. Once again, it was Ovaan. He knew all too well of Freeza's transformations, being of the same species after all. Theoretically all he needed to do was keep the heat on his enemy so that he would have no opportunity to power up and transform. It seemed to work at first, but then the Ginyu Force arrived on the scene. By this point Ovaan was confident in his ability to take on Ginyu, but the five of them together was enough of a distraction to allow Freeza the time he needed to transform. Now Ovaan found hismelf face to face with Freeza's natural-born final form, the Emperor apparently deciding that this occasion merited... special treatment.

But Ovaan had one last ace. In all the training he had given himself, he discovered that his natural-born form was not the peak of strength his kind was capable of. There was a form beyond it, one that allowed them to concentrate all their power and amplify it a few-fold. Now was the time to test this theory out. To Freeza's shock, Ovaan had also transformed into what he could only surmise was a seeming fifth form, something he had always assumed was impossible. But before these two powers could clash, there was a bright flash and then, for Ovaan, everything went dark. At least for a bit.

When he came to his senses, Ovaan had found his Transformation had been undone. He was in an unfamiliar place, and was being glared at by what looked like a young, diminutive girl.

Death Beam (learned through a combination of independent training and observing its use by Freeza)
Nova Saber (a blade of Ki summoned by the hand and briefly wielded as a weapon, capable of batting away small ki blasts and even severing some larger beams)
Nova Shield (a round shield made up of ki that can be conjured on one of the arms, strong enough to block most physical attacks and weaker Ki blasts and can also be thrown as a disc attack as well)
Nova Charge (lunging attack that opens with a gut punch and is followed by a powerful point-blank Ki blast)
Nova Bomb (a power-packed sphere of explosive Ki, charged in two hands above the head and then hurled straight down)


Other Info: He greatly dislikes using his Fifth Form, viewing it as too hulking and brutish for his tastes. So he will only use it if forced to, and afterward will willingly revert back to his much preferred Fourth Form.
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