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Typing a post, but breaking for dinner.
Humans are totally known in the Galaxy. I mean, what else could Recoome be? Or those orphan rebels that Gohan and Killin encountered on the way to Namek?
<Snipped quote by NacNak>

And before anyone asks, Yaksha has put her on low priority. For being a crazy ass Majin Buu thing.

Eh, she's a Majin, she'll be fine. You could literally cut her head off and she'd just regen back in 15 seconds less or your money back, guaranteed.
<Snipped quote by Double>

I mean, Yaksha could try to materialize one, but he would probably screw up due to being so high tech and unused to have around. Think the Supreme Kai does love tinkering so...

I mean, Conton City literally has a shop where Scouters are sold in Xenoverse 2. I would imagine there are likely some of those lying around in a crate so long as the building survived. Best part is, those are Scouters used by Time Patrollers, meaning they are probably equipped to handle up to God Level battle powers (since you can wear one and scan power levels of any combatant in the game, including the likes of Beerus and Whis) so there's at least a decent chance they wouldn't explode.
From Dragon Ball wiki:

Scouters also serve the purpose of gathering information, and for interstellar communication, as seen when Raditz sent Piccolo's description of the Dragon Balls to Nappa and Vegeta, as well as Frieza learning of the existence of the Namekian Dragon Balls from eavesdropping on Vegeta's conversation with Nappa (as well as Vegeta in turn learning how to get the Namekian Dragon Balls from the Namekian Villages via eavesdropping on Frieza explaining how he himself did so). Vegeta also used his scouter to keep track of the time after he said he and Nappa would give the Dragon Team three hours for Goku to arrive. Scouters can also tell the location of someone, as demonstrated when members of the Frieza Force use scouters to hunt down enemies.

Some members of Frieza's army, that are too weak to use ki blasts, wear an Arm Cannon that has a wire that connects to their scouter. It is unclear what role the scouter plays in using the Arm Cannon (some soldiers who lack scouters instead have the wire connected to a helmet on their head). One explanation is that the scouter is used for aiming, though this is not expressly stated.

So yeah, Scouters are actually super useful for other things besides power level scanning. I'd be willing to bet they can perform other types of scans as well (like thermal or radiation) and are probably capable of some form of night vision functionality as well. That's on top of the actual canonical functions seen within the show that the above from the wiki describes.
But scouters are so much more fun because they beep like crazy when something cool is about to happen!

True, and to be fair Scouters also allow for extremely long-range communication (Raditz' final moments were literally transmitted to Vegeta and Nappa as they happened and with little or no lag, that's some hella good coverage for what had to have been multiple solar systems worth of distance) which could prove incredibly useful for a group of people whom largely are not in fact telepathic. Buuuuuut, the constant exploding in your ear is bound to become a health hazard at some point.
I mean, that was always the plan (learn how to sense Ki) but uh... one does not simply learn new skills instantaneously. To this day I still call bullshit on Vegeta somehow magically learning to sense ki merely by being exposed to the ability on Earth.
Oh hey, by the way, Ovaan's gonna need a new Scouter now. I'd better hope there's still some sitting around in one of the shops in the city. xD
Velona: *gets shot*
Everyone else:

Now, to be fair... Ovaan was ignored first. <_<

@PPQ Purple@NacNak@King Kindred

"Ugh," Ovaan's face became firmly planted into his palm as the whole world proceeded to ignore his existence, "why do I even bother?" the rampaging pink... thing... frankly meant nothing to him. He didn't know what this "Kai" was, or what this Kaio-Ken thing was. Was it a power up? It certainly looked like one, and as much as Ovaan would have loved to find out for sure, he was unable to seeing as how the apparent utterance of the phrase (or, more likely, the following power up) caused his scouter to promptly explode in his ear.

"Ow! What the? Oh come on!" he lamented, becoming increasingly infuriated as he counted the smoldering pieces of rubble that remained of the device on the ground. And of course, the apparent rampaging creature kept raving on about this "Kai" thing, whatever the hell that was. All and all, Ovaan felt like he'd been denied critical need-to-know information and was outright fuming at how clueless he felt right now, enough that he grit his teeth and tightly clenched his fist.

Oh how he was tempted to just transform and put the kibosh on this nonsense right here and now. Tempted, but ultimately not swayed. He closed his eyes, took a breath, and mentally counted backwards from ten. Against all odds, that somehow was enough to calm his nerves, at least for the time being. He rubbed his temples, as if feeling a migraine coming on - or maybe he actually was beginning to get one. He tried to assess the situation, from the top, from the beginning. He was battling Freeza, and then suddenly woke up here. Check. He encountered Velona, who apparently also was transported here like himself. Check. Then he met Mia, who was apparently convinced that they'd all died. Check. After that, the trio made their way here. Then what? The pink one went on a rampage. No rhyme, no reason, no context whatsoever. Just went on the attack. And his two compatriots just... went ahead and let the fists fly? That's what it looked like anyway. Very well, check.

And all of this was for... what, exactly? The Kai thing? What the hell did that even mean? Well, Ovaan refused to be in the dark any longer. Come hell or high water, someone here was going to give him answers. Period. He turned the boy - the only one who hadn't gone off half-cocked - and with as much composure and etiquette as he could muster, proceeded to grill him for some much needed answers, "First of all, what is this "Kai" everyone keeps mentioning? Is it a person? Also, Kaio-Ken, what is that? What even IS that? Thirdly, am I seriously the only one here feeling like we have been denied critical, need-to-know, information? And finally, for the love of God would somebody PLEASE tell me what the name of this godforsaken planet is and how exactly I came to be here?"
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