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@Spectral The Struggle Tournament is still 4 days away in-universe. It's not "today".
@Wayward I'll accept it, but I'm also officially closing applications after this. So you'll be the last player I'm allowing.

And here we... go!

So if it wasn't obvious. We're kicking this off with Dives Into The Heart. Just write out your character's various responses and choices in the dream sequence and then you're free to have them start doing whatever after they wake up.

Long ago, people lived in peace, bathed in the warmth of light. Everyone loved the light. Then people began to fight over it. They wanted to keep it for themselves. And darkness was born in their hearts. The darkness spread, swallowing the light and many people's hearts. It covered everything, and the world disappeared. But small fragments of light survived... in the hearts of children. With these fragments of light, children rebuilt the lost world. It's the world we live in now. But the true light sleeps deep within the darkness. That's why the worlds are still scattered, divided from each other. But someday, a door to the innermost darkness will open. And the true light will return. So listen, child. Even in the deepest darkness, there will always be a light to guide you. Believe in the light, and the darkness will never defeat you. Your heart will shine with its power and push the darkness away.

Deep down in a seemingly endless abyss, there glinted a small shimmer of light. A Heart, whose inner strength waited, ready to be awakened. Suddenly, a pair of eyes belonging the young person sprang open. As if they were awakening from sleep for the first time. And as they did so, the dark ground below their feet gave away. Appearing to fly away in pieces like birds released from a cage. What appeared was a circular platform, atop a pillar that reached down into the endless Darkness. Their eyes would see colors, forming images both strange and familiar. They saw themselves, or occasionally those they were familiar with. Almost like staring at their entire life, their entire being, all depicted in the colorful mosaics.

"So much to do, but so little time..."

A voice, though not exactly heard through their ears. No, they felt the voice, communicating to them within their Hearts.

"...Take your time."

An apparent warning? And yet also reassurance. So real it could be vivid, and yet somehow surreal all at the same time.

"Walk forward..."

The voice now beckoned.

"Can you do it?"

No more was said, as if whatever this was awaiting a response. Only one thing to really do, and that was to walk forward as the voice asked. But upon doing so, something appeared. And not just one something, but three somethings. Stone pedestals, and floating above them were three very distinct objects: A sword, a shield, and a staff. The sword looked sharp, bearing a golden hilt and a mysterious emblem at the center of the pommel. The shield was large, flat on its top and pointed at the bottom. It's black face contained a crimson red border, and within the center there was the red image of the same mysterious emblem. The staff was silver, but with a golden tip attached to a blue, bulbous shape that resembled the emblem seen on and sword and shield.


It seemed the sleeping Heart was to be granted a weapon, giving them the power to fight. Which ever weapon they approached, the warm voice described the power they reached for.

"Power of the Warrior. Courageous strength. A sword of destructive power."
"Power of the Guardian. Invincible resolve. A stalwart shield to protect your friends."
"Power of the Mystic. Inner strength. A wondrous staff of magic and sorcery."

But upon choosing one, the other weapons vanished in a flash of light, and their pedestals sank into the floor. The sleeping Heart had gained the power to fight, as they held the chosen weapon in their hand.

"There will be times you have to fight."

As if on cue, small shadowy shapes appeared to crawly flat along the floor. Soon they emerged into three-dimensional shapes. They appeared to be little feral shadows with yellow beady eyes. There were five in total, and they began closing in. The sleeping Heart now possessed a weapon, and now had to use to defend themselves until all five mysterious shadows were slain.

"The closer you get to the Light, the greater your shadow will become."

This seemed to cause the sleeping Heart's own shadow on the floor to slowly emerge. It grew in size, getting bigger and bigger until it became a hulking version of the previous fight shadows. It's yellow eyes gave a sinister glare as it raised a mighty fist to strike.

"But don't be afraid."

The monster struck the ground, and Darkness oozed from the spot. More of the smaller shadows began to emerge as if acting as soldiers under the command of the large one. Their numbers multiplied, far too overwhelming for even the bravest of souls to stand against. The sleeping Heart began to sink into the growing Darkness.

"And don't forget.
"You hold the mightiest weapon of all."

And finally, as the Darkness covered the sleeping Heart completely, the warm voice that had been guiding them said some final words.

"You are the ones, who will open The Door."

It was morning. The sleeping youths awoke in their homes, discovering that they had overslept a bit. Perhaps this put them in a rush. Or perhaps it didn't matter to them. But it was long past time to wake up. The first day of the New Dawn Festivities were beginning that day, and they certainly weren't the sort of thing one wanted to miss out on.

As for Twilight Town itself. It was bustling already. The shops had all opened and put up their various signs indicating holiday sales and offers. Even the usually quiet Sandlot had its share of activity. Namely in the form of a young man named Seifer using to practice some of his moves in preparation for the upcoming Struggle Tournament. He was using one of his posse - Vivi - as a sparring partner. Not that Seifer cared that much about having any kind of training partners, but Vivi had apparently insisted on taking part in the Struggle this year and had begged Seifer to help him practice. As always, Rai and Fuu were watching from nearby. These four were known around town, primarily for Seifer's jerkish behavior towards those he deemed as weaklings. They didn't bully anyone outright, but they did jeer and call names, primarily in an effort to goad people into fighting with Seifer to satisfy his ego.


Okay, I think we've waited long enough. IC incoming.
@Stylobilly Neat. Accepted.
@FalloutJack You're not waiting for me, are you? Cuz I'll be honest, I was actually waiting for you. xD

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