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@Shiyonichi Meanwhile, I'm the guy who prefers the more Down-to-Earth MS designs over the the winged space angel designs like those.

Also I'm pretty sure Build Burning Gundam was a heavily modified Burning/God Gundam, hence why it was named after it.
It was tough to ignore the "Shark's" entrance. His loud and obnoxious arrogance made it downright impossible to miss it. And yet, all it managed to elicit from Riku was a quick eye roll. In his experience, it was always the smallest dogs who barked the loudest. So for all he cared, that's all this so-called Shark was: a small dog desperately trying to convince the rest of the world that he was bigger than he actually was. A pity they didn't wind up on the same table for round 1, else Riku could have went for an early elimination to put the blowhard in his place.

Nah, instead he wound up on the other table, with Seo of all people. He remembered the counselor suggesting to him that he join the Gunpla Club as a way to learn the ropes, but one look at these assholes was all Riku needed to turn around and walk away without even so much as an attempt to talk to them. Arrogance like the Shark's was one thing, guys like that just wanted to be in the spotlight. But arrogance like Seo's? That was a beast of another color, the kind of superiority complex that made Riku's blood boil just thinking about it. Guys like him and his little club were the kind that were in the most need of a rude awakening. Riku took a glance down at his Leo, briefly considering using the real Gunpla he'd brought along with him to step out onto the table and subject Seo to a much-deserved beatdown. But then, he smiled... another idea formed in his mind. One that would let him test the Leo and - if he played his cards right - knock that Seo bastard off his high horse.

Riku took his place on the table, registered his base and docked the Leo. The Plavsky particles flowed around him as his immediate vicinity darkened, "...Launch!" and with that, his Leo launched and he quickly and quietly positioned himself within what appeared to be the dilapidated ruins of a military base. His Leo's urban camo would serve it well here, and he could power down his energy output and possibly pass himself off as just another part of the ruined base. He ducked his gunpla inside of a nearby Mobile Suit hanger and put it in a kneeling position so that it would appear offline to the untrained eye. All that was left was scan for Seo's signal and - once locked on - he could begin his plan.
@Crimson Lion
Making a correction of sorts to my Leo build. Replaced the Franz Sniper Rifle with an HWF GR·MLR79-90mm Long Rifle. Falls more in line with what the Leo build is going for I think.
By the time the Owner had spoken to Riku, the build he was working was in its final stages. He settled on focusing this build on firepower, and stealth to a lesser degree. Something that could hide itself in various environments and use its shoulder-mounted beam cannons to unload was essentially artillery fire on enemy forces. He made sure it could at least move reasonably fast, in the event that it needed to stay on the move to avoid detection. But other than that, the name of the game was maximizing its firepower while also trying to keep it's machine parts as quiet as possible. He wasn't sure how well this would work in practice, but he figured the upcoming tournament would make a decent enough place to test it out.

In response to the owner, Riku hadn't said a verbal response. In fact he only offered a brief glance, followed by a quick nod and thumbs up as he went back to painting. The main build was finished, all it was missing now was a paint job. For the time being Riku went with a basic camo look overall, but not without including at least a few personal touches. The shoulder plate that normally depicted a numerical designation instead showed KRB-8A, effectively acting as the signature marking it as his build. Additionally, the shield mounted on the opposite shoulder depicted an emblem of a dark green snake head opening its mouth for a venomous bite. He normally would have added other touches to what would otherwise be a simple paint job, but unfortunately Riku lacked the time to do anything more than the aforementioned number and snake head insignia. He also needed to decide on the payload he would be using for the upcoming tournament as well.

In addition to the shoulder mounted beam cannons, the Leo sported missile pods mounted on each leg capable of firing 3 missiles per shot each. And lastly, the the Dober Gun the gunpla was originally packaged with had been replaced entirely by a different weapon part that Riku had apparently brought with him from home: an HWF GR·MLR79-90mm Long Rifle. Usually used by a GM Sniper II, Riku had decided to use it for this Leo build, allowing it to double as a Sniper in addition to its bombardment capabilities.

Riku leaned back a bit, giving his Leo one final once-over before finally deciding to call it complete. Thanks to the shop's owner, it sounded like Riku still had time to sign up, and so after he cleaned up his workstation he snatched up the Leo and carried it with him over to where the sign-in sheet could be found. If all went well, there'd still be some slots available for the tournament later that day.

As he signed his name, it occurred to Riku that he had yet to actually give his Leo a proper name. For now, it was merely KRB-8A but he was confident that by the end of the day he would have thought of a good name for the build. Perhaps its performance in the upcoming Tournament would inspire some ideas on that front?
@Crimson Lion I think his earbuds would make him miss the announcement otherwise so... sure.
I don't actually know yet.
@KenjuGuy Natural color is black, but it's been dyed into a white/platinum blonde color.
So, the 100G Gravity did, in fact, turn out to be too much for Ovaan. Go figure. When it reached the cap, he actually fell to his knees and could barely move at all. The only reason he didn't end up stuck like that was because he still had his hidden transformation, and that gave him just enough extra battle power to move to the gravity controls and shut them off. His breathing was heavy, and he just sat there for several moments, feeling too out of breath to even bother reverting his transformation. But soon enough, he was on his feet again and reverted to his preferred form.

He felt like he was going about this all wrong. And after a moment of thought, he had another idea. Rather than attempt actual fighting or technique practice under heavy G-Forces, Ovaan instead concluded that it would behoove him to instead get his body used to basic movements first. How could one learn to run if they didn't first learn to walk, after all? So he simplified his training a great deal. He started the gradual gravity increase routine, but instead of performing techniques or katas he just stuck with simpler exercises. Push ups, sit ups, crunches. They were quite a bit easier to get used to in the increased gravity, and would be a much better way to get his body used to the increased G-Forces.

Within a couple hours more or so, Ovaan found himself performing crunches while hanging upside down by his feet. He kept himself faced toward the gravity controls, so as to always be able to see where the gravity was at. He counted reps as he noticed the G-Forces slowly inch their way back toward 100G. But unlike the first go around, he wasn't feeling nearly as overwhelmed. The simpler, more basic movements were indeed proving more effective in these conditions than advanced techniques and the like were. That didn't mean he wouldn't eventually do such training, but this would do for the time being.
A chance to buy a new model for only 500 yen was simply too good to pass up. That was Riku's mindset when he showed up at the Arcade Shop on Sunday morning. He made sure he was there at 10 on the dot, wanting to avoid finding out that the model he was interested in had already sold out. But thanks to his plan, Riku got exactly the model that had caught his eye, a Leo. Immediately after the purchase was made, the first thing Riku had done was write something on the box using a marker: KRB-8. He'd been wanting an excuse to start up a new line of builds, and this event was as good as it got. Also, this was the first model from After Colony that he would get to work with, so that was also quite an appeal for him.

He sat down at a table, noticing a building lesson was going on a couple tables away. Riku instead chose to ignore that lesson altogether, putting in some earbuds and blasting some music out of them to drown out all the distractions. For the next three hours, he was in the zone. He was focused entirely on the Leo he was putting together, and even though the model was unpainted as of yet, he could already see some potential paint jobs for the Gunpla in his own mind's eye.

Although Riku was indeed a student of Zenshin Private High, he wasn't wearing any kind of uniform. Why would he? It was Sunday, there was no school, and frankly he hated wearing those ugly white blazers. Even on school days, Riku was rebellious enough not to actually wear the blazer, but instead just tie the thing around his waist. Rules said he had to wear it, but they didn't mention anything about how he had to wear it. But for today, he was dressed in a much more preferable wardrobe consisting of a black t-shirt worn under a sleeveless leather cutoff jacket sporting a white boa collar. In addition to that he sported black pants, biker boots and a pair of fingerless leather gloves.

"Hmm... better to leave that part for now until I decide how I wanna upgrade it later..." muttered the builder to himself. From what he knew about this model, Leos were capable of a wide variety of specializations and for the moment Riku hadn't yet decided what to do with his. Such versatility was the thing that drew him to this model, the sheer number of variants he could come up with for it being the main appeal for him concerning the Leo. For now, Riku paused from his building in order to access something on his phone. It was file labeled "Build Catalogue" that he opened up, setting the pone on the table and allowing to project a holographic viewing of the items listed within. He cycled through the Catalogue, looking over his past builds from the very first all the way to most recent. He was looking at what kind of specializations he had already done, so that he could deliberately focus on building a new type of build for the Leo. He noticed a lot melee focused and flying focused builds, but not a lot of builds focused on firepower. He smirked, knowing exactly what he wanted to do with the Leo now.
There really wasn't much Han could do during their descent onto Mars. He watched the monitors and alarm lights, but unfortunately didn't any of what it all meant, other than that they could be in trouble. So for the entire descent and landing, he could only sit in his seat and trust in Niko to get them to ground safely. Which he did, thankfully. It was only after they exited the craft did Han finally feel like he could provide any useful input. Of course, he was bit distracted at first by how much faster the two could now run. Evidently that training was indeed a good idea as it was now paying off in spades.

In only minutes, they reached the edge of the city. And before them a big metal wall surrounded by electric fence. So this was to be their first obstacle, then. How exactly to get through, though? With how fast they ran here, they likely could jump it. But those turret towers would surely shoot them down, and sneaking through the entrance seemed an even riskier idea. He wondered if they were strong enough to break through the wall. Jump just high enough to clear the fence, but still low enough to stay out of shooting range of the turrets. The only real question was whether they could successfully breaking an opening in the wall to get through.

"Any ideas?" Han finally said, but even as he did that he was repeated clenching his hand into a fist and staring at it, as if sizing up whether or not his idea would be feasible or not.

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