A chance to buy a new model for only 500 yen was simply too good to pass up. That was Riku's mindset when he showed up at the Arcade Shop on Sunday morning. He made sure he was there at 10 on the dot, wanting to avoid finding out that the model he was interested in had already sold out. But thanks to his plan, Riku got exactly the model that had caught his eye, a Leo. Immediately after the purchase was made, the first thing Riku had done was write something on the box using a marker:
KRB-8. He'd been wanting an excuse to start up a new line of builds, and this event was as good as it got. Also, this was the first model from After Colony that he would get to work with, so that was also quite an appeal for him.
He sat down at a table, noticing a building lesson was going on a couple tables away. Riku instead chose to ignore that lesson altogether, putting in some earbuds and blasting
some music out of them to drown out all the distractions. For the next three hours, he was in the zone. He was focused entirely on the Leo he was putting together, and even though the model was unpainted as of yet, he could already see some potential paint jobs for the Gunpla in his own mind's eye.
Although Riku was indeed a student of Zenshin Private High, he wasn't wearing any kind of uniform. Why would he? It was Sunday, there was no school, and frankly he hated wearing those ugly white blazers. Even on school days, Riku was rebellious enough not to actually wear the blazer, but instead just tie the thing around his waist. Rules said he had to wear it, but they didn't mention anything about
how he had to wear it. But for today, he was dressed in a much more preferable wardrobe consisting of a black t-shirt worn under a sleeveless leather cutoff jacket sporting a white boa collar. In addition to that he sported black pants, biker boots and a pair of fingerless leather gloves.
"Hmm... better to leave that part for now until I decide how I wanna upgrade it later..." muttered the builder to himself. From what he knew about this model, Leos were capable of a wide variety of specializations and for the moment Riku hadn't yet decided what to do with his. Such versatility was the thing that drew him to this model, the sheer number of variants he could come up with for it being the main appeal for him concerning the Leo. For now, Riku paused from his building in order to access something on his phone. It was file labeled "Build Catalogue" that he opened up, setting the pone on the table and allowing to project a holographic viewing of the items listed within. He cycled through the Catalogue, looking over his past builds from the very first all the way to most recent. He was looking at what kind of specializations he had already done, so that he could deliberately focus on building a new type of build for the Leo. He noticed a lot melee focused and flying focused builds, but not a lot of builds focused on firepower. He smirked, knowing exactly what he wanted to do with the Leo now.