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@Crimson Lion

"Tch, Funnels?" That wasn't quite what Riku had expected. Actually, Funnels would probably be the only viable way to ambush him in this position. Based on the shape, he could guess they came from a Queen Mansa. Not exactly a low-level Mobile Suit. Between the drone strikes from its Funnels, Mega Particle Gun, and Giant Beam Sabers it was definitely loaded. But it was also somewhat of a bulky suit. It needed to be, in order to carry all those Funnels. He also knew those Funnels were not self-powered. Once low on energy, they'd have to return to the suit that deployed them to recharge. If he could just last long enough, they'd have to return to his opponent and he could follow them right to her!

"Alright, let's do this then." Riku told the woman over the public channels. Immediately he fired a sweeping shot with his DODS Rifle, but it wasn't aimed at any of the incoming Funnels. Nope, it was aimed at the ground directly in front of Metal Angel. The blast from the rifle kicked up just enough dirt and dust to create a temporary smokescreen that would partially obscure the Metal Angel from view. Immediately after, Riku docked the rifle back onto the Angel's back and sent the Gunpla forward to get to work. Between the dust cloud and the general low accuracy of the Funnels, they'd have a decently hard time hitting their mark. The Metal Angel, on the other hand, could merely punch them or swipe them out of the air and crush them in it's hands. Seeing them shouldn't be too hard, so long as Riku made sure to aim his attacks at the sources of the beam shot flashes. All he had to do was keep this up long enough.

Sooner or later, the Funnels would have no choice but to return to the Queen Mansa from which they came. That was Riku's chance! He wasted no time and sent his Gunpla after the Funnels from a safe distance. Ideally, once he found his mark he could force them into a melee fight, something the Metal Angel greatly excelled at.
It took a bit, but Ovaan did eventually start to get more accustomed to the increased G-forces. He still wasn't training full tilt yet, for now he'd only got the hang of remaining on his feet and taking sluggish steps around the room. Still, some progress was better than none at all. He left the gravity at 100G, not wanting to risk going any higher for the time being. Instead, he found himself punching the air in front of him, looking like some kind of karate student. If he could just get his arms and legs used to moving more freely in this weight, then he could start going full tilt in his training.

Each punch felt like his arms weighed half a ton each. His foot steps and occasional kicks felt similarly for his legs. Every once and awhile he would also try striking with his tail as well. Sometimes it was easy to forget that his tail could very be used as another limb in it's own right. At least for striking enemies, it wasn't prehensile enough for anything more than that.

"Huh... wonder how long I've been at this?" he asked himself, deciding to take a break. He'd actually lost track of time and so he wasn't sure how long it had been since he entered the ship. He also wasn't sure how much his battle power had increased, if any at all. He took few deep breaths, using a nearby towel to clean himself of sweat. While inactive, he had a bit more time to think for himself. He wondered if he should pause the training and have a word with the Supreme Kai of Time. Things had gotten emotional back, and he and her both had said some things. He wasn't sure about her, but he at least was regretting some of his choice words. He felt that maybe some apologies were in order.

"I guess taking a break from this wouldn't kill me..." he told himself, glancing over at the gravity controls and considering switching them back off.
15th of Sun's Dusk, 4E205 ~ Windhelm

So this... was Windhelm? Justinian took the initial sites in the moment he had arrived the previous night. He couldn't exactly say he was impressed. The roads, though paved with stone, appeared uneven and broken at places. Not to mention nearly an entire third of the town - comprising of the docks and the Gray Quarter - appeared almost outright dilapidated by the treatment it was given by those in charge. Sure, the Imperial City's Waterfront was no paradise either, but it at least was outside the walls of the city itself. That wasn't the case for Windhelm. So for all the talk about Windhelm being this ancient capital of Skyrim containing the would-be High King's throne... the city itself left a lot to be desired. He might even go as far as to assert that his hometown of Bruma was a better-looking city by comparison. Of course, that would also come from an admittedly biased perspective.

Justinian had spent the vast majority of the introductions staying quiet. He'd been eying Brunwulf the whole time, as if sizing him up in some fashion. J'Varga had talked this guy up as a war hero that would set things right. But for now, all Justinian could see was an old man, past his prime. Perhaps his actions would speak louder than words? He hoped so, otherwise Justinian wasn't entirely sure why he ever agreed to this.

"I'm Gungnir." he said, putting on his best nordic accent. He'd been able to fool everyone with this ruse so far, no sense in stopping just yet. Of course, the old man could very well be sharp enough to not be fooled. In which case, Justinian would simply pass this off as a test of some sort, "I'm... not from around here. And let's just leave it at that."

Justinian uncrossed arms and reached for the Akaviri weapon sitting next to him. He quietly unsheathed the blade and used a cloth to wipe it down and give it a good polish, "...Look, I'm here because I promised that crazy cat I'd hear you out. I owe him for keeping me from starving, and I always pay my debts." by now he'd put the blade back in it's sheathe and had instead retrieved his crossbow from his backpack. He began to give it a similar treatment, even taking it apart in order to clean and polish some of it's individual parts before beginning to reassemble it.
@Crimson Lion Fair enough. Now to think of way to get Riku out this mess.
@Crimson Lion Quick question. Metal Angel is, at the end of the day, an AGE-1 Titus. Does it still have the AGE system? Creating new weapons or gear mid-battle could be explained as mere particle emissions that vanish once the hologram shuts off.
@Crimson Lion

Riku remained unshaken. Even as fierce battles raged in the distant mountains, he stayed resolved to remain where he was. So far it didn't look like anyone's score was increasing yet, which could be a good sign for him. With any luck, he might have even been able to wait out the clock and win that way. But he couldn't help but notice occasional flashes of light reflecting in cavernous spots in the mountains. It didn't look like any sort of attack, in fact it looked a lot more like...

"So one of them's not a complete coward after all." he muttered to himself. The reflecting light had to be from the scope of a rifle, which he had to guess meant someone thought they could snipe him. Didn't seem like a very smart idea to him, though. After reaching his spot, the Metal Angel had remained stationary and outputted next to zero particles in all this time. That meant that by now he was basically back to full energy, or very close to it anyway. So even a decent shot would have a hard time taking him down thanks to his high energy levels. Still... wouldn't hurt to maybe play a mind game or two. He watched for any sort of pattern to the flashes, if or when it would show up in the same locations more than once. In the meantime, he reached the hand of his Metal Angel up to the DODS Rifle currently docked into its back and leveled it toward the mountain range. He was aiming for where he roughly predicted the next flash would show up, and when it did...

Riku fired the DODS Rifle, it's drilling beam lancing toward the general direction of the flashing light. There was no way it would accurately hit, but that wasn't the point. What this was was a warning shot, plain and simple. He was sending a message to the would-be sniper: I'm onto you. But Riku didn't stop there. He'd opened up the public channels beforehand and now spoke into it, "Well, what're ya waiting for?" he asked. Everyone would hear this, specifically the sniper in question, "You gonna come at me or not? Or are you too much of a chicken-shit to fight me?" Riku didn't normally trash talk like this, but right now he was using it as a form of strategy. Even without physically taking a swing or shot at anyone, this could very well allow him to get inside someone's head and give him a psychological edge.

To put it simply, the prologue was going to last over the course of 5 days. The Struggle Tournament is on Day 4, the Festival is on Day 5. The 3 days leading up to that was largely going to depend on what you, the players, chose to do. I'll present things, but you would decide if your characters were interested in doing any of things. For instance, the Blitzball game that Wakka is trying to set up is one example of something that can occupy your time for part of the day. The Strugglers in the Sandlot is another example of how your can spend their time. You could also go look around the shopping area, there's places where some extra help is needed getting things set up and you could take part time work helping out to earn a bit of extra pocket munny. And then there's your school assignment. Research the history of the festival and write a paper on it, you could always make some headway doing that as well.
Shortly after Zack had turned around, it happened. An object appeared to come blazing into The Sandlot from the alleyway he had just turned away from. It was... a ball? No ordinary ball, though, this one appeared to be a combination of blue and white and bore the insignia of a particular sport. The sport in question was one that was normally big in the summer, since it was a game that was played in the water. So why anyone would be playing with a blitzball at this time of year was anyone's guess. But there it was, a blitzball screaming in from beyond the alley and appearing to be on a curveball trajectory leading right to the back of Zack's head.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Watch out, man!?" cried a particular voice. Unfortunately only one of two things would happen. One, the ball would bean Zack right in the head and then ricochet back into the waiting hands of the guy it belonged to. Or two, the ball would manage to miss Zack's head and instead hit a nearby lamp post only to ricochet back to the waiting hands of the ball's owner.

Speaking of which, the owner of the bitzball had come bounding up and seemed to effortlessly catch the ball when it ricocheted back in his direction. He had a whincing, apologetic expression on his face as he walked up closer to the group, "Hehe, uh... sorry about that, man." he said with an apologetic grin, "The ball just kinda... got away from me for a second there, yeah?" he scratched the back of his head with his free hand before reaching it out.

"I'm Wakka, but uh... maybe you knew that already, yeah?" he wasn't a complete stranger. Wakka was known around town as the captain of the blitzball team, the Twilight Town Aurochs. Just as the Struggle was the big time sport during the fall and winter months, Blitzball was the rising popular sport played during the warmer spring and summer months. Though it seemed a little odd for someone to apparently be practicing this far into the off-season. Then again, maybe Wakka was the team captain for a good reason? "Oh! Right! Almost forgot about why I came up here! Ha ha! I'm trying to set up my own game booth for the Festival this year! I call it... Blitzball Shootout! A competitor gets a limited number shots to try and get the ball past me into the goal. If they do, they win! If not, well, better luck next time, yeah?" he chuckled, "And the prize you win depends on how many shots it takes for you to score the goal. Cool, yeah? Problem is... the festival committee won't give me a booth slot until I've tested the game out to make sure it's safe and fair and stuff. Tried to get my buddy to help me out, but he's so wrapped up in his Struggle trainin'. Been at the beach all morning since before sunrise. Anyway, I was hopin' I could find someone that could help me with this..." he gave the four a suggestive look, hoping they'd take the hint and maybe offer a hand?

"And uh, hey, I know how to turn the game into a way to help your Struggle training, too! So if ya help me, there'd be that in it for ya, yeah? Might be a good idea, the champ's been using my idea as part of his training regiment, ya know!" he said with a wink. He wasn't lying either. His buddy, otherwise known as last year's Struggle Champion, had indeed used his Blitzball Shootout idea to help his training.


Important question for you. In light of the unexpected hiatus that the game was on, would you prefer me to expedite the prologue a bit or continue it on its originally planned pace? Bear in mind, my originally intended pace was for about 5 in-game days worth of festival events before having any main plot happen.
@KenjuGuy Ya gotta love how both Jun and Riku seem to have roughly the same amount of bravado and merely project it differently. Jun's all about being in the spotlight and speechifying, while Riku has clearly attended the school of letting actions speak louder than words. xD
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