Twilight Town
@DoubleWord Count: (4,587)
Level 1 Roxas (9/10)
The dual wielder’s question was one that all the militia members were busy asking themselves. While all five faced their fair share of monsters while out on their travels prior to winding up in Twilight Town, nothing they’d see was quite like this.
“This is
weird.” As he squinted around in bewilderment, unable to make heads or tails of the scene and not sure what to attack first, the Iop’s lip curled. “Stinks, too!”
“Eh, not as bad as you before hitting the showers,” came the snark of the Sram from the shadows.
His bright-eyed companion tried to glare at him, but thanks to the rogue’s stealth, couldn’t tell where he was. Instead he bared his teeth in one random direction after another, the mission momentarily forgotten. “Say that to my face, Hush!”
“For all you know he
is saying that to your face, and you just can’t see it.” quipped Roxas, in spite of himself.
“What we need isn’t bickering,” the Cra reminded them, his low but urgent. “We need a plan.” He glanced at the Sadida. “Can you tell us anything about these creatures from last time?”
The girl scratched at her neck bashfully. “Uhh…not really, sorry! I only got out clean because I stayed far away and booked it the moment one looked my way.” Taking a deep breath, she clenched her fists, and opened her eyes with renewed determination. “B-but I can tell you one thing. This stuff around us might look like moss, but it isn’t, and those things scattered around aren’t like any plants I’ve ever seen. They react to their surroundings. You can see them twitching around, and while you can’t feel it through your shoes, this creep is moving beneath my feet!”
Roxas lurched back step but quickly regained his footing, “Ew, gross! How are you not wigging out right now?”
As the Cra pursed his lips in disgust, the Osmodas kept her eyes on the cave’s denizens. “These animals, too. They’re not behaving naturally. No hunting, no foraging, no butting heads, no sleeping, even. They’re just standing idle, like they’re waiting for something.” She crept forward slightly to risk a closer look. “Their eyes,” she then whispered. “Glowing orange, just like on the plants. And that thing in the middle…”
She scooted back into safety, her expression cloudy. “Maybe…they’re like ants, and that thing’s like their queen. Some kind of hivemind, and this creep…if it’s alive like you said Leafy, then…”
“It’s not just their territory. It’s their body,” the Cra murmured. He peered at the giant, dangling organ. “And that’s their heart.”
The Iop grinned. “Then it’s easy! Take out the heart, and the rest dies!” He jumped up with his sword in hand, and before anyone else was even close to ready, prepared to charge out into the open.
“You really think that’ll do it?” Roxas asked the Iop. Not that he would complain if it actually did turn out to be that easy, “Well… only one way to find out: How about this?!” and without warning he swung his arms in a forward circular motion. His hands loosened their grip on the handles of the weapons and they both went flying forward in opposite, circular arcs. If this was a lucky enough shot, they might even graze a few things on the way as they both circled in on their intended target: the hanging growth that his teammates had concluded was like a heart.
The others, who’d jumped up to stop the Iop before he did something impulsive as usual, went googly-eyed as Roxas took over in the jumping-the-gun department. “Wait what?” the Sadida yelped.
“We didn’t make a strategy!” the Cra protested.
When the Keyblades unfortunately missed their mark, Roxas immediately summoned the weapons back into his hands. With that, their presence was officially known to whatever these things were. No point in hesitating now. Roxas sprang forward, deciding that he was done waiting, “Here goes nothing!” He was trying to make a straight run toward the hanging growth he had aimed at moments ago, being careful to take occasional swings at anything that lunged him along the way.
Well, it was go time now. The Iop and Osmodas charged after him, shouting, while the Cra nocked an arrow and followed. He jumped up onto a cave formation to offer arrow support from afar, while the Sadida nervously hung back. With no plants to manipulate and a terrain that couldn’t support new ones, her abilities were limited. Instead she summoned the Ultra-Powerful Doll, hoping to build up the team’s numbers and even the playing field. “Do your best, everyone!”
Just like with the race, Roxas channeled his memories of the Town he called home. He ducked and weaved about as best as his memories and instincts allowed him to. All in an attempt to slip past the beasts and attempt an aerial, x-shaped slash of his Keyblades against the hanging growth.
Just before he reached his target a Lerk dove for him, its swoop perfectly poised to knock Roxas down to start digging in with nasty teeth and claws before he could complete his attack. From the shadows, however, the Sram burst forth, embedding his knife into the flier’s belly, then pivoting to pin the dying creature to the ground. “Go!”
The x-cut hit home, carving a meaty cross through the flesh of the core, but though the bizarre organism writhed as it let out a guttural groan, it turned out to be a lot tougher than it looked. Its central mass boasted a boatload of health, while the rubbery cords that suspended it absorbed and bent with physical force. Worse still, the instant Roxas touched it, all the monsters in the whole cave took notice. A cacophony of screeches, roars, and bellows bounced off the walls as they swarmed in to protect the core.
Unfortunately for them, the Iop had the same plan. “Hraaaaaah!” he yelled as he charged in, swinging his sword in wide, punishing arcs. With his brute strength he could even knock over the Gorges, who posed the greatest threat. Tentacles slapped at him and Hydra growths shot painful spines, but he persevered all the way through to the front line. At one point it looked as if he’d be buried below the monsters, but around him welled the elemental power of Sadida’s Tear, healing him and blasting away enemies in a fount of magic water. It then turned to steam as the Osmodas and her
Gobette summons powered through, alight with a flock of incendiary crows, fanned flames, and burning whip strikes. As Roxas watched, a well-aimed arrow shot down a Lerk mid-flight, proving that the Cra had his back. “Cut it down!” the Iop yelled as he made his way over, then turned his back to face the monsters with his sword upheld. “We’ll keep ‘em off you!”
“Just be quick about it, and keep an eye out in case any sneak around!” the Sram cautioned before vaulting over a charging Gorge to land on top of it and steer it into its allies.
“Got it!” said Roxas, looking back up at the growth-heart… thing. And that was when he spotted Iop nearby, “Mind if I get a boost?” he asked, the Iop responding by briefly sticking the blade of his sword in the ground and holding both hands out together. Roxas bolted toward him and jumped up onto the Iop’s tightly closed fists who then foisted him upward with all the strength he could.
“Here I come!” shouted Roxas, giving an upward swing with Oblivion right into the growth. After this he twisted his around in a series of quick aerial sweep attacks with his weapons. Not particularly strong attacks individually, but they could certainly add up when strung together into a combo like this. When Roxas started to fall back down he performed another dual Strike Raid, hurling his Keyblades upward in very much the same fashion he had done at the very beginning of the fight. Unlike then, this time the blades were thrown close enough to the growth to hit their mark at full force, and then a second time while circling back around toward Roxas, “Take that!”
Roxas landed back on the ground at just about the same time his Keyblades returned to his hands. Nearby he spotted a Lerk swooping down from behind the Iop, and he was quick to throw one of his Keyblades up at it to prevent it from back-attacking his friend, “Gotcha!” said Roxas, unaware of a different Lerk swooping down for him, only noticing it after an arrow from the Cra shot it down. He shot a quick thumbs up at the archer in gratitude and then caught the returning thrown Keyblade without even needing to turn around.
By that point the combined efforts of the squad seemed to be putting a dent in the enemy force, such that it was, which coincided perfectly with the damage done by Roxas to the core. Unfortunately, these monsters were quickly proving themselves to be a lot less braindead than they first appeared. They shied away from the Osmodas’ flames as she fought alongside -and at times drew aggro from- the Iop, and rather than oppose the enemy team at full force the Skulks latched onto the Osmodas’ Gobbettes and the Sadida's dolls to drag them away from the defenders and into the monstrous pack, where they could be torn apart beyond the militia’s reach.
The real problem, however, turned out to be the Gorges. Rather than throw their lives away in close-quarters combat, they retreated when wounded in order to vomit up masses of infestation, which soon developed into new Hydras. Once grown the living brambles began to shoot spikes, which alongside the Gorges’ spit attacks made for an unexpected amount of projectiles from multiple angles. This made defensive positions even harder to hold. While the intruders occupied themselves with the Skulks and Lerks, perhaps as intended, the Gorges slid around the fringes of the fight on their bellies, continuously spawning
Babblers and dousing their allies with healing spray when not taking potshots themselves. As long as they remained, this battle of attrition would not be in the party’s favor.
Worse still, the monsters had worked out where the team’s sharpshooting, healing, and elemental magic was coming from. “Eek!” the Sadida squealed as the Skulks leaped at her, chasing her around until she was backed into a corner. With no other options she turned polymorphed herself into a hardwood tree, boosting her self-healing and defense but nullifying her offense and anchoring herself in place. Lerks swarmed the Cra faster than he could shoot them down, forcing him to ditch hide sniper nest before they knocked him from it. With their support on the run, the frontliners wouldn’t hold, and the Cra knew it. “We’re in trouble,” he matter-of-factly said into his walkie-talkie as he dodged through the horde. “Repeat, we’re in trouble. Is this thing on? Please send help!”
Roxas could hear his teammates behind him. They were beginning to struggle, and would run out of time if something didn’t happen now. He heard Cra radioing for help, but it was likely that help would not get here in time. He looked back up at the heart, seeing that it took a decent chunk of damage from all his previous efforts, but was still hanging there strong. He couldn’t afford to let this drag out. He had to hit it, and he had to hit it with everything he could muster.
Roxas closed his eyes and took a deep breath, “No more playing around…” he said under his breath, “...I have to end this!” After all the battles and struggles he had gone through against the Heartless, the Organization, against Xehanort… the idea of these creatures being the thing that made him struggle seemed ridiculous. No, he was stronger than this. He knew that. And it was about high time he started remembering some of that strength.
Roxas launched himself upward. But rather than go for a straight attack against the Heart, his aim was just slightly off. Instead he hooked one of his Keyblades onto one of the cords and let his momentum swing him up and back around. Only then did let himself get in a passing slash with the opposite Keyblade. But he had effectively slingshot himself back down to the floor. He hit the ground with bent knees and immediately pushed himself back upwards, this time at a diagonal angle toward the nearest wall.
Along the way his trajectory took him past the Iop, and he held out his Keyblade for a passing slash at one of the Gorges he was fighting. But then Roxas came to the wall and he twisted around so that he would hit it feet first, his knees bent and ready for him to instantly launch himself off the wall and back toward the Heart again. Now his body seemed to glow with a faint light that left behind a thin sparkling trail in his wake as he seemed to be outright flying toward his intended target.
Like before, Roxas hooked his Keyblade onto a rubbery cord, but this time his speed and momentum allowed him to swing around it multiple times, slashing at the Heart with each pass until he seamlessly switched positions and swung himself on a cord on the opposite side. Once again he swung himself around, slashing at the Heart along the way. And then he slingshot himself toward the opposite wall from where he had come from.
Similarly, he passed by the Sadida now currently in her tree form, and let himself crash onto the ground amidst the creatures attacking her. Still without losing a beat, Roxas spun himself around with his Keyblades arms outstretched in order to perform a punishing spin slash against the lot of them. But he was gone again after that. Launching himself up at the near wall and pushing himself back - once again - in the direction of the Heart.
He hooked onto a cord, but instead of swinging around on he used it to merely position himself onto the Heart directly. He held both weapons up and pointed them downward, “Get out of my town! And take your friends with you! HAAAAAA!” He thrust the Keyblades downward, trying to stab them as deep into Heart as he could get them.
Just as the Militia teetered on the brink of losing control and being overrun by the Kharaa monstrosities, their team’s star player had awakened. Driven by his memories and his determined refusal to let his friends down, be they new or old, he’d ricocheted through the chamber in a series of daring and punishing maneuvers, his flowing motion a dance as smooth as silk. Again and again the keyblade wielder appeared by a beleaguered ally to strike their attackers down like a bolt from the blue, then was gone in a flash to land another critical hit on the dangling heart. Finally, all that momentum fed into a singular double-bladed impale to spell the end for this wretched infestation.
The heart cried out, its scream deep and guttural, and it thrashed like an insect in a spider’s web, wriggling and writhing on its suspension cords. A luminescent fluid, viscous and putrid, poured from the wound. And yet, the hideous organ would not die, at least not yet. It would be a few more moments before it bled out, and in those moments the fight raged on.
With help from Roxas all over, however, the battle had taken a turn for the better. With the crucial moment of preparation granted to her, the Sadida unleashed a Poisoned Wind to wipe out the creep around her. As the Skulks leaped toward her, she concentrated her power to call forth a Manifold Bramble, the sheer hardiness of which allowed it to spring forth even from inhospitable stone. “Don’t come any closer!” The spiky branches coiled around the monster and pierced their bodies all over, leaving them to die in the thorny embrace of the Sadida’s new protective wall. She did not hesitate to then cast Drain to steal their life and redistribute it to her allies all around.
That boost was just what the Osmodas needed. She used Summoning Warrior to take her flagging minions’ strength for herself, then as the Iop held off the monsters, cracked her whip at the nearby Hydras in Tentacles in turn. It wrapped around them and then burst into flame, destroying them one at a time. The Gorge who made them slid around on its belly to reposition, but the Osmodas spotted it in time. “Not so fast!” Her whip lashed out and wrapped around its neck. Gritting her teeth, she tried to pull it toward her, but the hefty beast almost yanked her off her feet. “...Whites!”
“Yeah!” With a terrific swing the Iop knocked up the Babblers swarming him, unleashed a Flurry of punches that killed each and every one, then turned to grab hold of the Osmodas’ whip. “Now, Rammy! Yaaaaaah!” They pulled together, and the Gorge sailed their way, bellowing. Moving in sync, the pair struck home with a coordinated Super Iop Punch and Crackler Punch, and in a singular impact of fire and earth they reduced the Gorge to chunks.
Meanwhile, three Skulks and two Lerks had backed the Cra into a corner, but as they dove in the Sram appeared from the shadows again, unleashing Rascalry. “Going somewhere?” A burst of watery skeleton hands met the monsters mid-leap that dealt damage, stole armor, and left weak points all in one. Before they could recover, the Cra’s Storm Arrow kicked up a whirlwind that bundled them all together, and when they fell they landed right in a cluster of the Sram’s Shadow Traps. “...All yours, Nock!”
“Then that’s a wrap,” the Cra muttered, drawing his final arrow. It exploded above the trapped enemies, and a rain of arrows fell upon them, silencing their despicable cries for good.
The Militia’s teamwork left the enemy force in tatters, and with no reinforcements, it was time for Roxas to finish the heart for good–maybe with a little teamwork of his own.
Once the heart started its violent shaking, Roxas immediately dislodged his Keyblades by simply dismissing them. After hopping back down to the chamber floor he re-summoned them back to his hands. Around him everyone was getting their second wind and seemed to be finishing off heart’s protectors. That left only the target itself, clearly on its last leg.
Deciding to be a bit fancy, Roxas performed a short little flourish with his Keyblades before hurling them back up at the heart for one final Strike Raid. At the same, the Cra had taken aim and fired off an arrow that sunk into the heart with perfect aim just before Roxas’ blades whirled through it and boomeranged back down to their thrower. As for the arrow, it suddenly produced a fiery explosion, the heart finally meeting its end. Its eulogy came as a hideous chorus from its remaining spawn, who wailed in pain and terror as they shriveled up and died.
“Yes!” Roxas cheered, performing a slightly longer flourish with his keyblades. He spun them both at his sides before making two x-slashes at the air in front of him, “Victory is ours.” he proclaimed as the Keyblades vanished from his hands and he turned back around to give the team a congratulatory thumbs up.
“Let’s head back. I dunno about you guys but I think I’ve had my fill of dark creepy tunnels for one day.”
The Sadida, who looked close to tears, let out a shaky laugh. Even if all the Khaara monsters seemed to have keeled over when the heart died, she was still on edge. “Ha-ah. You said it.”
“Any serious wounds?” Though bleeding from a couple bites himself, the Cra looked around at everyone else first. “If not, let’s go.”
With the Osmodas and a few Gobbettes in front with the lantern and the Iop taking up the rear, the team moved out. On the way they exchanged a bit of praise and, as usual, a lot of banter. Around them the creep withered away like plants in the dry season, gradually turning to ash, and bit by bit the reprehensible smell began to fade. Once back in the Underground Concourse the fighters could both breathe and move around a lot easier, although one final surprise awaited them. Just before they reached the ramp that led back up toward daylight, a huge commotion reached them from outside, and all of a sudden a horde of familiar faces appeared. In the lead was the bare-chested Sacrier with his ink-black tattoos, followed by the feline Ecaflip, the mop-headed, bespectacled Feca, the bearded Enutrof with his trusty shovel, the Eniripsa on fairy wings, and finally Auru himself, a fantastical bazooka slung over his shoulder. Their battle cries came to an abrupt end as they slid and tumbled to a stop in front of the original squad in comedic fashion.
“You’re alright!?” the Sacrier stormed, his teeth bared. “You BOZOS nearly gave us a heart attack!” He pointed at the Eniripsa, who’d evidently been crying the whole time. “Look what you did to Blush here!”
The Feca pushed up his glasses, his expression frosty. “Hmph. Looks like you got us all riled up for nothing.”
“Can it, you two!” the Osmodas spat. “We were fightin’ for our lives in there!”
“Is this you kids’ idea of a practical joke?” the Enutrof questioned, tugging on his whiskers in consternation.
“No, sorry,” the Cra winced. “I forgot to follow-up my call to say we pulled through. It was a close call.”
The Iop threw an arm around Roxas’ shoulders. “You shoulda seen this guy, though! He was flyin’ around like a freakin’ boomerang, all
shoom! Finished that fugly heart right off!”
Roxas could only offer a shy smile, “You guys finished off all the others. I would’ve been toast if I’d been down there alone.”
“Heart?” the Eniripsa squeaked, her watery eyes wide. “T-there was another Enrirpsa in there!?”
“Obviously not, you airhead,” the Ecalfip drawled.
Y-you’re so mean, Ante!”
“Quiet, you all!” Aura crossed his arms. “The important thing is that they’re all safe, and whatever that was is dealt with. Right?”
“I think so.” answered Roxas, “The green stuff started withering into ash after we destroyed the growth. So it doesn’t look like there’s gonna be any more of those things.” he looked to the Sacrier and fanned air in front of his nose, “Trust me you were lucky not to have to go down there. Stuff seriously reeked! Feel like I’m gonna need a week-long bath after smelling that.”
But after that he returned his attention to the commander, “I don’t remember seeing any sign of how those things got down there to begin with though. Maybe letting someone investigate the remains is called for here?” not that he presumed to tell the commander what to do, but surely he wasn’t the only one having that thought, right?
“But whatever the next move is, do we have permission to head back to the Barracks, sir?”
Auru nodded. “We’ll go back for now. Figure out what happened here later. Miss Blush, heal ‘em up, won’t you?”
“R-right away, sir!”
As the Eniripsa got busy, the united Militia moved out, headed back home to celebrate another job well done.
As he watched them all be healed, part of him couldn’t help but make comparisons to his old friends. The Iop often reminded him of Sora, since the two of them definitely shared a similar headstrong attitude. Their attitudes were a bit different but the Osmodas and her fiery whip always managed to remind him of Axel. The Sadida and the Eniripsa often made him think of Xion, while the Cra’s sharp wit and the Sram’s affinity for the shadows always made him think of Riku without question. But they were different in their own ways as well.
And that Creep stuff… what even was that? Where did it come from and just… why? Unfortunately those particular answers weren’t going to come today. And the fight itself, particularly its finale. Why exactly
did Roxas need to “remember” his strength like that? It wasn’t like he had forgotten about all his previous battles and yet… he shrugged it off. Maybe he’d just been slacking off in the time since those days? Yeah, that had to be it. Maybe if he just spent more time against the practice dummies it would all come back to him more easily.
And then it was his own turn to be healed. Honestly, Roxas wasn’t nearly as hurt as any of the others. He’d been lucky enough to avoid fighting against the defending creatures and instead just focused on the heart, which hadn’t actually fought back against him. But he let the Eniripsa do her thing anyway and made sure to thank her for her trouble.
“Oh! I just thought of something, I’ll meet everyone back at the Barracks!” Roxas announced before he bolted off in another direction. It looked like he was headed in a different direction down Market Street. He swung by a particular stall and the vendor greeted him with a smile.
“Heya Roxas, back for more already?”
“Yeah, but I need a whole box this time.” he said, pulling out a silk pouch and pouring some Zenny from it onto the stall counter.
“You’re not planning to eat it all by yourself?”
“Nah, it’s for everyone at the Barracks.”
“Ah, got’cha. Here ya go! Try not to get brain freeze!”
“Thanks. See ya later!” Roxas grabbed the box and waved as he ran off back in the direction he had come from. He needed to go straight there, or else it would all melt. He ran fast, taking a shortcut he knew that would get him back to the Barracks just after the rest of the militia arrived.
“Sorry about that guys,” Roxas said as he burst through the Barrack doors, “but I got us all a little something. Tada!” he presented the box, and opened it to reveal some light-blue ice cream bars, “Dig in guys, ice cream’s on me!” he said, while also being quick to snatch one up for himself.
This was always his favorite part of the day. Coming back from a tough mission and celebrating with an ice-cream. Of course, it was something he did all the time with his old friends. But now Roxas wanted to share that little tradition with his newer friends. Granted, they weren’t all sitting up on the Clock Tower, but the location didn’t matter. Only the memories that were made.
“Score!” said the Iop, snatching up a bar and practically inhaling it, “Ow ow ow!” he yelped in response to brain freeze.
“Looks yummy.” said the Sadida as she took one and licked at it carefully.
“Alright, sure.” Sram snatched one up and licked at it with a shrug.
“Could definitely go for a snack!” it was the Osmodas, taking a bar for himself and nibbling on before taking a bigger bite.
“Eh… what the heck, why not?” sighed the Cra. Sweets weren’t usually his thing, but if everyone else was going to eat one then he may as well.
Roxas laughed to himself at his friends’ antics. And this time, the ice-cream tasted much better.