Kunad Highway -> Migdar
Word Count: 1,442 (+3 Exp)
Level 3 Roxas (16/30)
Exp: 16 + 3 = 19/30
"It'll have to do!" Roxas told Raz, knowing the wild trucks were getting closer. As Raz made his daring psychic move to snatch the Turk, Roxas also leapt into action. He stuck relatively close to Raz in case the latter needed help at any point carrying the Turk along. While Raz used his Levitation jumps and Mental Connection to make his away, Roxas was using Flowmotion to keep himself going, at one point straight up bouncing himself between parallel-lined trucks in order to push himself forward at a fast pace.
Eventually, he spotted Pit glide by overheard and shouted to Raz, "There's Pit! Let's keep close to him! Safety in numbers, right?" He just hoped Raz would catch what he said among all the chaos. So Roxas also decided to think those words really loud as well so the Psychonaut could hear them via telepathy if needed... just in case.
Eventually Roxas' feet hit the roof of the lead truck mere moments after Pit had made it there, "Please tell me you've got something in mind." Roxas had to admit that the oncoming herd of wild trucks had him nervous. At the moment they were looking to be in what was going to be ground zero of the chaos. Thankfully, Pit made a move, apparently having thought of a plan after all. Roxas ran up to the front edge of the trailer but hung back as he watched Pit land on the hood of the cabin. From there he saw the angel summon a giant shield that he used to deflect incoming trucks in other directions.
But Roxas soon saw that the front wasn't their only worry. On occasion a wild truck would sift over toward the side of the truck they rode. For those, Roxas fired off Waterga or Blizzaga spells that, while not super damaging, was at least enough to nudge them back in the opposition direction to avoid any sideways bumps or crashes. Between that, Pit's shield, and whatever tricks Raz still had, the Seekers aboard the truck would eventually manage to see the other end of the chaotic crashes and collisions safely.
When all was said and done, Roxas hopped down from the top of the truck, glad to finally have his feet on solid ground again, "Whew... I never... wanna see... another truck... for as long as I live..." Roxas said, practically panting. Everything from the G-Men chase, the fight on the trucks, and then escaping the mass collisions had really taken it out of him. He felt pretty spent up and was really hoping they wouldn't have to fight anymore for a little while.
But Roxas glanced over at the nearby Turk, now pretty definitively their captive. He had to be pretty winded after all that yanking around and making it through the wild truck crashes along with his would-be captors. But he wasn't injured, and so Roxas knew that a Friend Heart wouldn't be effective. And yet... he still felt resolved to do something. But what? He closed his eyes a brief moment and thought back. He could recall the Keyblade Graveyard and the actions Sora was forced to take throughout those events. That was when Roxas hit upon an idea: The Power of Waking. On the surface it was a power meant to be used to awaken sleeping hearts. Could it... be applied here?
"May your Heart be your guiding key..." Roxas said to himself under his breath. It wasn't a phrase he was overly familiar with himself, but... well neither was what he was about to do. His eyes shot back open and he quickly turned to face the Turk, summoning the white keyblade Oathkeeper in the process. It might have even looked like he was going to go on the attack, especially when he stepped forward while readying his weapon for what appeared to be a stabbing thrust. And then... he thrust it forward. The blade didn't pierce the exhausted-looking Turk, as Roxas had stopped it before the thrust went that far. But the weapon's tip did press against the man's chest, and Roxas pushed it ever-so-slightly forward.
And it was at this time that all the Seekers would hear a loud, guttural cry coming from the Turk, although whether it was the man himself or something deep inside him would be unclear. Even Roxas himself instinctively cried out, as if whatever was affecting Benedict was also affecting him as well. A searing light issued from the point at which the blade's tip touched the Turk's chest, building up steadily until the char began to melt away, "I made a promise...!" Roxas could be heard saying as he shouted alongside the captive, "And I'm gonna keep it, so get out of this man's Heart!" he shouted this as he suddenly and violently twisted his keyblade over to one side, as if using it to force open a stubborn lock. And with that movement came a wave of purest light that briefly struck everyone present blind for mere moments.
And when the light finally faded, the Seekers would see a newly freed Benedict. The muted nature of his colors gone, and gone too was the red in his eyes. Whatever Roxas did, it managed to purge the man of Galeem's influence, rendering him as freed as any one of them. But moments later, Roxas fell to the ground, finally falling asleep from all the exhaustion.
The flight was surprisingly uneventful apart from Roxas sleeping through it, and probably for the best. No doubt everyone was tired and ragged from all that just happened, so a nice peaceful final leg for the journey was probably what they all needed.
When at least the vehicle touched down on the roof of a helipad, Rroxas had awoken and milled out of the cargobob along with everyone else. He followed them inside where the Seekers were introduced to the people that Giovanna worked with: Goldlewis and Jessica. There were two others named Vernon and Salvador but they apparently weren't in right now. But there was also those twins the Seekers met back at the pet store: Dr. M and Dr. N, they were here too.
A lot of the explanations didn't make a whole lot of sense to Roxas. Politics and infrastructure were definitely not his forte. But he at least understood that these people knew practically everything there was to know about Midgar, so that at least would make them good sources of information. And, just like back at the clustertrucks, Roxas had a question that had still gone unanswered, and he decided it was time to rectify that.
"I've got a question. Two questions, actually." he spoke up, stepping forward and breaking ranks with the Seekers to make his presence more known to those in the room, "First: Where do people go when they're arrested by the G-Men?" which probably sounded strange to everyone. Everyone except Raz who likely would recall what Roxas was referring to, "Back in Gutsford, I, er, that is, Raz and I... someone innocent got caught in the crossfire and taken away while the G-Men were chasing us." he looked down a bit, clearly feeling responsible for what had happened to that poor bus driver.
But he couldn't let this drag him down too hard, he still had one other question to ask. All this time, Roxas had been holding his black coat in his arms, folded up into a rectangle. He glanced down to where it was tucked under one of his arms, "And second," he held out the folded coat and let it unfurl for the room to see, "Do you know of anyone who wears one of these? Working alone or as part of a group?" he finally asked.
While the rest of the Seekers probably thought he was merely inquiring about the Organization, they would only be half-right. While it was true this could give them a lead on the Organization, Roxas was also kind of hoping this might give him a lead on Axel or Xion... or even the Master of Masters. Those were all the original reasons why he joined the Seekers in the first place after all. And Roxas was determined to get some kind of lead to follow. And a city as huge as Midgar just had to have one somewhere, right?