The Under
Dreams of Night
Word Count: 873
Level 5 Ganondorf: 49/60
Exp: 4
NEW EXP Balance--- 53/60
Well this was all just peachy. First the Radiance looked in danger of getting swallowed by shadows, then she managed to escape and was trying to fly away! How the bloody hell was Ganondorf supposed to give chase? He could summon the phantom horse but that could only go for so long and then what? Plummet to his death? It was all so vexing. But when the strange locomotive appeared, it at least gave the Seekers some kind of workable solution. And so despite being in the middle of a deadly battle, the warlord piled onto the train with everyone else.
It sped along through tracks that seemed to appear out of thin air only to vanish again once the train passed over it. One had to wonder if the pilot could make those tracks appear in any direction or if the train was stuck on a fixed track. But now wasn’t the time to be questioning the logistics of their transportation. Unfortunately there was little Ganondorf could do while they were still a distance away. He re-summoned his Moblin archers and they all took shots at the fleeing Radiance, but the constant movement of her and the train made their accuracy pretty abysmal.
It wasn’t until after the Troop had done their assault, when Sectonia summoned a large crystal, that Ganondorf realized that maybe he could do something. So he launched forward into a run where he then vaulted up to the crystal like a makeshift platform and proceeded to launch off of it courtesy of a bullet jump. As quick as he could manage, Ganondorf summoned the Phantom Steed before he could start plummeting back down and rode it forward in a charge toward the Radiance.
The Guardian in question shot back with lasers that Ganondorf was able to avoid by veering toward the side. But when it became clear that he wouldn’t be able to cleanly dodge the next volley of shots, he instead launched himself out of the saddle while simultaneously kicking the horse off to the side so they both would go off in opposite directions to avoid the volley of lances coming their way. Then Ganondorf used a midair jump to correct himself and once again launch toward the Radiance.
He came crashing into her with a Flame Choke. Despite there being no ground to land on, he could still give her a facefull of exploding dark flame regardless. But with her being in her Absolute state, well, frankly they were practically burning each other just being in close contact like this. So Ganondorf knew he had to finish what he was doing, and quickly. The quickest thing he could think to do was to power up a Warlock Punch. Normally this was a very telegraphed attack that could be easy to avoid if an enemy was quick and reflexive enough.
Which is probably why it was a good thing that Ganondorf was still benefiting from the boosts courtesy of the green mages’ spell. The speed boost from it let him charge up the punch in half the time it normally took him. And the attack boost would make it hit extra hard. Ganondorf released his grip on the Radiance and pushed himself off of her slightly so that he could then deliver his haymaker Warlock Punch in all its explosive glory. ”INCREASETH THY SPEED!” He shouted down to the train driver at the top of his lungs.
Magikrab wasn’t sure of what the warlord was planning at first, but increased the train’s throttle anyway. It didn’t take him long to realize that the train was now on a collision course with the Radiance and rammed into her full speed. As for Ganondorf himself, he managed to catch himself onto the saddle of his phantom horse and used it to ride back in the direction of the train. But the horse’s time limit ran out moments later, forcing him to vault from it with a bullet jump to cover the rest of the distance back to the train.
”AIM THY COURSE DOWNWARD!” Ganondorf yelled toward the front of the train, needing to practically scream in order for even his booming voice to carry forward, ”LET THE DARK ABYSS TAKE HER!” He added, clarifying his plan. The Radiance had been doing all those to escape from the darkness that tried to devour her after all. And now that she’d been caught by the ramming train? Why not let the darkness have the meal that was trying to escape from its jowls? As for the warlord himself? He drew his twin Greatswords and began to vault across the top of the train cars toward the locomotive engine where the Absolute Radiance was currently pinned.
”Ready thyselves!” Ganondorf shouted to other Seekers, ”It ends now!” At this point he didn’t care that getting near the Radiance harmed him. Just knowing that he could have the same effect on her made this more than worth it. Once he reached the train’s engine he would be more than happy to deliver a furious string of darkness-powered sword swings at this blasted Guardian.