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The Final Hollow - vs Moebius A

Goldlewis, Therion, Ganondorf, Captain Falcon, Edward
Word Count: 3504 (+4x2)

Falcon, Goldlewis and Ganondorf darted around the standoff between the simply standing there As and the defensively postured unliving allied minions, and went to town, tearing doppelgangers apart with relative ease. This did not, unfortunately, give A much pause, as he simply replaced them, and then unleashed horror upon the living. A vision of a world made of flesh, the same flesh, of which they were mere extensions.

For Ganondorf’s part, he focused his initial attacks on the A that he reeled in with Mortal Coil after Falcon’s assault had ended. It wasn’t long before the doppelganger itself was vanquished, and the warlord snarled when it was simply replaced by another one. Clearly they were going to have to identify the ‘correct’ A in order to wear him down. Meanwhile, the Captain didn’t let himself get discouraged. After his opening move, he left that doppelganger for Ganondorf and directed his attacks toward a different doppelganger until it, too, fell. When it became clear that the Consul was able to replace his doppelgangers, Falcon simply assumed they’d have to keep fighting in order to figure out what makes this guy tick.

”urgh, worse than the abyss” Edward complained, clutching his head and notably seeing a bit worse off than everyone else as a result of it, before asking ”what was that?”

”Good question.” Falcon said, his own confusion fairly evident in his tone. Ganondorf said nothing, whether or not this was affecting him or if he was just good at hiding it was unknown.

"A mental attack..." was Therion's guess. He had kept to the back line, letting the others that had joined this side of the conflict go at it in melee while he flicked blades at the various Consul copies.

He didn't like that A had done nothing so far but summon clones and take punishment, especially coupled with Sandalphon's warning. It was setting off some alarm bells in his head - was he setting something up? That vision was surely his doing. Whether there was some condition he had to meet or if he just preferred to go after their minds rather than their bodies, there were no good outcomes the thief could envision. He glanced over his shoulder at the girls, and finding that they had the flood handled well he turned back to the squad of A, narrowed his eyes, and moved up.

While the beings of flesh quailed under the stressful assault, those of metal and bone strode forwards, heedless to the horrors. Midna’s darknut raised its broadsword, large as a man, up high, and then slammed it down onto A himself. What that attack enjoyed in might it lacked in finesse, however, and the copy managed to dodge out of the greatsword’s way. Meanwhile the four towering golems responded to the attack automatically, thrusting spears forwards even as the incantation was initiated, slamming four sword sized speartips into the fresh, and whole doppelgangers.

Faced with the artificial legion, the copies pulled back. ”Cruel machinations spring to life with a singular purpose,” the copies criticized.

Whether that gave them time to recover, or A was simply continuing to be very lax in his offence, was unclear, but Edward for one saw how this fight seemed to be going, and dropped out of defence tactics and shifted into offence. At his order, the golems began attacking proactively rather than reactively, promptly stabbing their targets over and over with their burning, armor sundering, dragon dance empowered blades, unceasing and untiring in their assault.

He meanwhile flicked his magelock pistol around and pumped a round into the one Goldlewis had begun minigunning, the oversized round aimed right at one of the two halves of the foe's head, while his pyrobat was resummoned do douse it in a wave of firebreath.

Between the bullets and the blazing flames the Imperfect Copy sustained enough punishment to seriously damage its aberrant body, but it also witnessed enough to make a woefully informed decision. Before it could be destroyed, its misshapen body extended for It Chooses, lancing Edward just below the collarbone with a fanged, sinuous tentacle. His skin crawled as his blood circulated fell magic, and with veins glowing a loathsome red he reeled, both stunned and marked.

The marked marker collapsed to one knee, and his buckler hand hit the ground for support as his body briefly refused complex commands. His golems still had them however, and continued their tireless assault on the creations of flesh. The creation of bone meanwhile simply stood guard, its mistress presently preoccupied with her own actions to give it more complex instructions.

Therion had chosen to avoid the more unnerving looking one when he moved with the intent to add his own anti-buffs to the situation. When in doubt about what sort of debilitation to use, there was rarely a time when Armor Corrosive was the wrong choice. Therion darted towards the original A, weaving around the heavyweights and jutting his dagger out to cut a harsh line into the Consul at the same time that the defense debuff took effect.

It wasn't difficult to keep track of the 'real' A, if that even mattered at all. For all Therion knew the Consul might be able to do something crazy like shift his consciousness between the mutated clones. Even so, the original remained his target as he ended up on the other side of the man after his attack. His dagger was raised defensively and his tail swished behind as he faced the man down, the Consul situated between him and the darknut.

Even without the defense debuff, a dagger to the torso would have left a grisly wound, so with Armor Corrosive in place Therion’s weapon carved through A’s contemptible flesh with ease. His was no ordinary body, however, and even after such savagery, the Consul remained standing. He lifted his arms into strange positions as he prepared to cast magic, then performed a wrenching motion. Though the thief might brace himself for an arcane attack, he would find himself unharmed. The same couldn’t be said for A’s real target: Edward. Blood burst from within the tactician’s body as if leaping at A’s command, that painful ejection made all the more injurious by the mark from It Chooses. It left Edward bleeding and stressed, yet even then it was only the prelude. Amidst the golems’ assault, the two Perfect Copies also cast Reunion in quick succession, all focused on Edward in an effort to burst the commander down as fast as possible.

”Suffer not the lame horse,” their voices resounded. ”Nor the broken man.

Therion quickly realized what was going on when the retaliation he expected to come was directed at someone else instead. His eyes widened and his fur bristled. If the Consul and his copies were going to target them one by one, the fact that the Seekers with healing abilities were on the other side of the battlefield or otherwise engaged would be a huge problem. "Damn it," he hissed.

With the aim of eliminating one of the copies and slowing their ability to cast, Therion used his Battle Boost and shot forward at the copy he'd already targeted. His dagger sank into the man and cut as he drew it up and out and repeated the process, stabbing at normally vital areas. The A was torn apart more easily than he expected, and when the original went down and the other copies didn't so much as flinch it unfortunately proved that Therion's first instinct was wrong. So if the first copy didn't matter, what did? There was one anomaly among the copies, the only one. It must be that thing, the thief thought.

”Ryuugeki Ken!” Falcon shouted as he tried to get back on the offensive. He’d sprinted to another of the A doppelgangers and opened with a close-range fire blast from his hands. Immediately after that he performed a backflip in order to launch his leg into an upward kick intended to launch the doppelganger into the air, ”Ryuuzanshou!” Falcon cried as he landed back onto the ground with a crouch before launching himself up the doppelganger for a follow up ”Ryuuga!” Falcon’s flurry of blows was enough to dispatch it, but as with the one before it those that remained gave no discernible reaction.

Ganondorf, meanwhile, had chosen to go on the hunt for a different doppelganger. He hurled his trident forward at them before launching forward to snatch it from the air while bringing his free arm in for a clothesline smash. He followed that by attempting an upward sweep that would let him launch into a brief aerial barrage of attacks with the trident as well. In the meantime, his Moblins chose to focus their fire on a third A doppelganger. Unfortunately, neither the Captain nor the Warlord had caught on to the notion of needing to find an Imperfect Copy yet, and were thus still simply trying to eliminate doppelgangers however way they could.

The thief snaked his way around them, letting the two take care of their chosen copies while he made his way toward the imperfect eldritch one that Goldlewis and Edward had been facing. He wasn't sure of his hypothesis but since that monstrosity was the only odd one out, he figured there was a better chance that it was more important somehow. He was ready to be totally wrong for a second time though. At the same time, the veteran’s salvo came to an end and he charged forward to try and take the Imperfect Copy’s attention. “C’mon and hit me!” Goldlewis barked, He sank his fist into the horror’s body with a hefty haymaker, where it stuck as if immersed in glue. Without hesitation he unleashed a blast from his shotgauntlet to free his hand, then took hold of his coffin for a big whack. “I’m right here!”

As they withered or withdrew, the copies seemed to snarl at the three men. ”A setback, but not the end of things!”

Before joining Goldlewis' assault against the copy, Therion took Edward by the collar for the second time that day and dragged him out of the things range in case it morphed again. He doubted it would help with whatever magic they seemed to be using though. Unfortunately with no way to clear the mark he offered instead, "You need me to call Sandalphon?"

The thief’s main response to this was coughing as the man he was dragging regained motor control just in time to prevent himself from drowning in his own blood. While the man was by no means a regular human in terms of durability, he was a back line fighter, and it showed. Still, the man managed to haul himself to his feet, as well as shake his head at the suggestion. Instead, while backing further off from the fight, he waved a hand, brought up the armory screen, and summoned himself a health potion from their (admittedly limited) stocks before downing it. It would keep him in the fight, but it would not stem the bleeding.

Still, it served as a reminder that the two healers were not the only access to recovery they had. The revelation did not seem to please A. ”Patched up, if only to bleed again.”

The team received one more stroke of luck, at least, as the strength of Goldlewis Dickinson proved sufficient to destroy the grotesque doppelganger, with a little help from the golems of course. Its rather sickening demise meant that all four copies had been felled in relatively quick succession, which seemed to the Seekers like a victory until four more burst up from the ground, far too close to the company of heroes for comfort.

”Hmph, well well. He has a weakness after all.” Ganondorf said with a smirk. The victory was short-lived, but enough of a hint that they were on the right track.

”Squirming, contorting, and ever-expanding!” Two of the doppelgangers immediately split apart, revealing their imperfection. Instead of attacking, however, all four transformed with We Are the Same, swelling up with abominable cohesion. Now the perfect and imperfect reflections could no longer be told apart, and as they began to move in an eldritch shuffle, all the Seekers’ stress began to rise.

Before they could get mixed up however, Edward acted, spending one of his 4 mana cells to cast Designate Target upon one of the imperfections. A blood red aura surrounded it, briefly increasing its vulnerability to damage, and also afflicting it with his own mark debuff for 9 seconds, which increased his allies accuracy when targeting it.

He then promptly shot it with his magelock pistol, keen eyes and the mark debuff ensuring that it sailed unerringly towards the skull of the targeted foe. Then he promptly took off at a run to get space between him and the monsters that had marked him for death, flames igniting around him as he hot footed it away.

His golems, a lot less artfully than their creator, also got stuck in. Their long weapons made the mobility of the dancing devils a lot less of an issue as they could simply reach over the heads of the non designated copies to stab the one that stood out amongst the crowd. Given A’s complete lack of interest in attacking them, they paid absolutely 0 attention to their own protection, acting more or less as if the other copies did not exist as they hunted the one Edward wanted dead.

Midna’s Darknut however did not handle the swirling copies well at all, heavy blows hitting naught but the bark of the flesh tree they were dancing over.

Goldlewis was nothing if not a man who followed orders. Once he realized what sort of game was afoot, he followed Edward’s mark to smash the loathsome creature with a mighty swing of his coffin.

With its ruse laid bare by the mark, the not-so-hidden imperfect copy was laid low in moments, leaving only three possible targets left. Still, every second counted when their mere existence steadily gnawed away at the Seekers’ sanity. ”A momentary abatement…”

”So, we’re playing one of those ‘spot the difference’ games?” Captain Falcon said, trying to shake off the stress. ”Except now he’s decided to start cheating. Ha, classic shell game if I’ve ever seen one. Ryuugeki Sen!” He hurled a couple of fire discs from his arms at one of the deformed doppelgangers, then rushed in close with a follow up ”Ryuugeki Ken!”

The Warlord was gritting his teeth. Ganondorf was tough enough to deal with stress like this to an extent. But even the Great King of Evil had his limits, loathe as he was to admit to them. Meanwhile, he noticed that his Moblins were all dispatched, likely unable to handle the stress attacks. Still, the Warlord gripped his trident and charged it with dark energy, seeking to use Mortal Coil in order to forcibly yank one of the abominable doppelgangers into his clutches for a follow up strike.

With three of four copies engaged it stood to reason that Therion would target the last. However, given the mental strain the multiple As were each putting on them, he knew that the sooner they were all put down the better. To that end his speed would serve him a lot better than his strength. Therion zipped over to Ganondorf at the same time that the man reeled in the copy with his three pronged harpoon. As he moved the thief drew a trio of throwing knives from his person and twisted to throw at the copy Captain Falcon was going for. By the time the bounty hunter got to it the blades, with a soft silvery glow to them, were jutting out of it. And once Ganondorf had his own copy in front of him and had struck out at it, Therion was already there to drive his dagger into it.

Thanks to Therion’s assistance in finishing them off, the other Seekers managed to put two out of the three leftover doppelgangers down in mercifully short order. Since one priority target had been dispatched already, there was only one correct answer left, but fortune smiled on the team as the one Ganondorf picked out turned out to be the other Imperfect Reflection. Though sheer chance meant that the Seekers hadn’t dealt with the mental assault optimally, evidenced by the frayed edges of their minds, it could have gone much worse. With the flawed copy’s much-deserved destruction, a sort of psychic feedback brought We Are the Same to an abrupt end, the untouched doppelganger forcefully returned to its original form and left dazed. ”How quickly the tide turns…” he groaned.

Nevertheless, Time Heals All restored it, and after a brief delay three more copies sprang up, their ascent somewhat more laborious than before. ”The blood pumps, the limbs obey!” Again, two of them split apart, but these newest imperfections seemed even less complete than their predecessors. Though Goldlewis had been hoping for a turning point by now, he could only assume that this degradation indicated some sort of progress. He and the others just needed to keep up the pressure.

“I can do this all day!” While the Consul’s replicated, Goldlewis reached into his own bag of tricks and withdrew a Thunderbird from within his coffin. The spiky drone whirred forward like a miniature chopper to explode against one of the imperfect copies, and the veteran followed in his footsteps. He did not approach recklessly, though, and when the monster lashed out with It Chooses, Goldlewis stopped short to block. Unfortunately, mitigating the damage did not diminish the mark or the stun, and in an instant Goldlewis found himself struggling to stand. “Agh, dag…nabbit…!” He reeled as the other horror coiled up its tentacle for It Chooses as well, and the perfect reflections readied their Reunions.

Knowing exactly how much the incoming attack could hurt, Edward had all the golems attempt to stab specifically the reeled back tentacle, aiming to have them cripple or even impale the limb inorder to disrupt the attack. Having fallen back, and being unwilling to fire into the imminent mass of melee fighters with his short ranged pistol, left Edward out of position to directly deal damage himself. As such, instead, the man instead summoned his Pyrobat striker and had it swoop above the brawl in-order unleash a gout of flame from directly on top of one of the imperfect copies, thus reducing the risk of friendly fire.

Since he wouldn't be able to drag a man as large as Goldlewis out of immediate danger, Therion moved with the copper golems to prevent the second imperfect copy from lashing out at the coffin wielding man too. His limbs were tense and a stress headache was well underway, but he fought through it to plunge the stinging dagger into the mutated Consul until it fell.

”All day, huh?” Captain Falcon quipped as he shook off his stress damage and re-entered his fighting stance. ”Well, so can I!” He launched into a sprint toward one of the remaining Imperfect Reflections and flew right into it with a ”Falcon Kick!” That only served as an opener for a litany of follow ups. First a blinding series of kicks in the form a ”Gen’ei Kyaku!” That led into a ”Ryuuzanshou!” That launched the Imperfect up with a backflip kick that Falcon then followed up with one more technique, leaping up to grapple the Reflection and unleash an explosive Raptor Dive to send it hurtling back down. ”Yes!”

Nearby, Ganondorf was similarly regaining his vigor as he used his Mortal Coil to harpoon the last remaining Imperfect Reflection and pulled it into his clutches. ”Die, Moebius!” The Warlord roared as he caught the incoming Reflection and proceeded to treat it to an explosive Flame Choke that slammed the reflection onto the ground at his feet. Then with a wicked laugh the King of Evil leapt straight up into the air with Bullet Jump before he threw his trident straight back down to the ground to skewer the Reflection before the weapon then attracted a blast of summoned lightning just for good measure.

When the fifth abomination fell, the remaining perfect copies shuddered as if stricken. Then all four began to melt, and after a few seconds all that remained of the aberrant quartet were heaps of eldritch flesh on the floor.

Word Count: 511
Level 7 Ganondorf: 35/70
Level 5 Captain Falcon: 6/50
Exp Gained: +1 (x2)
NEW EXP Balance--- 37/70, 8/50

The Dead Zone

The remainder of the climb was more or less uneventful. Save for the increasingly ominous atmosphere anyway. But when the Seekers had finally reached what had to be the end, they were greeted by what was clearly going to be their toughest challenge yet. Not one, but three of the Consuls stood before them. Well, two of them stood. One of them remained seated on a throne. And to make matters worse, they called on all the monsters in the Qliphoth to come together until they merged into what Ganondorf and Captain Falcon both assumed had to be the Guardian.

”By my count we still outnumber you.” The Captain pointed out, not really expecting the Consuls to be intimidated by numbers alone. He probably wouldn’t have been either. ”Even if you DO have a big ugly monster on your side.” He gestured toward the Gerudo who was standing nearby. ”Besides, we’ve got a ‘monster’ of our own, don’t we, Ganondorf?”

Ganondorf let himself smirk as he focused his glare squarely on the three members of Moebius standing before them. ”Hmph. Indeed.” The warlord summoned his trident to his hand and then a squad of Moblin spearmen to back him up. And the Gerudo was not keen to waste any time. As he went on the move, he felt the benefit of a speed buff from one of his allies (Roxas) but did not get a glimpse at who was responsible for it. Nevertheless, it allowed Ganondorf to charge ahead of his Moblins like a commander leading his infantry into battle. And they were charging for Consul A, or rather, the group of Consul A’s that appeared directly after being engaged by Jr and Rika. And Falcon was sprinting right alongside the Warlord, having evidently chosen to focus on the same enemy.

Ganondorf’s attack came first. The imposing Warlord went crashing into the ranks of Consul A and his reflections, opening with a circular throw of his trident that he hoped would catch them all briefly with its lightning damage. After that he decided to test out one of his newly acquired boons - Mortal Coil. He re-summoned his trident and channeled darkness into it before spear-throwing it at one of the Consul A reflections, hoping to forcibly pull him in like a whaler harpooning his quarry. His Moblins, meanwhile, had chosen to focus their charge on another of the reflections entirely.

The Captain, meanwhile, stuck to what he did best. He picked a single Consul A among the four that were present and zeroed in on them with his own natural sprinting speed. ”Falcon Kick!” He shouted as he blazed along the ground toward his chosen opponent with a fiery sliding kick to serve as his opening move. It was mostly a way for him to close the distance as he immediately followed that up with a flurry of blindingly fast kicks. ”Gen’ei Kyaku!”

Word Count: 470
Level 9 Roxas: 71/90
Exp Gained: 1 (x2)
NEW EXP Balance--- 73/90

The Dead Zone

The arrival at the end of the maze was about as ominous as it could have possibly been. Roxas had been more or less expecting a Consul or two to show up like they had in Midgar. But three? Moebius must have been getting increasingly annoyed with the Seekers’ progress to up the ante like this. To make matters worse, all the monsters in Qliphoth began to gather until they merged into a huge and terrifying worm beast… thing.

It didn’t take long for things to get chaotic. There were four enemies and about twenty or so Seekers all looking to settle things. And the Nobody was no exception to this. The first thing Roxas did was get off as many Tailwinds as he had time for, aiming to prioritize giving speed buffs to some the larger or slower Seekers who needed it most. That meant that the likes of Ganondorf, Edelgard, Goldlewis, and even Sectonia all got a temporary speed buff courtesy of their Keyblade wielding ally. The last person Roxas used Tailwind on was himself, of course. And in the moments it took to do this he could already see different fights begin to unfold.

”My turn!” Roxas said as he sprung into action. He decided to follow after Roland and Juri and target D initially. Once Roland and Juri’s attacks were launched, Roxas seemingly appeared out of thin air to the Consul's left and slashed at him with his ignited StepSword. The nature of the attack let him slip through the blood rain but also consequently isolated him on the inside of the blood moat. He also didn’t count on the Consul also being able to teleport, as D appeared explode into a small swarm of bats as a means to avoid the attack from Roxas before the bats reformed a short distance away. Now he was officially standing.

“Foolish boy!” D mocked as he unfurled his cape and released a volley of spherical fireballs that looked like they could have come from Hell itself. But Roxas was more than quick enough to get himself out of their trajectory and launched himself for another direct attack against the Consul with his Keyblades. Unlike Roland’s sword, D noted something quite different about this boy’s weapons as he pivoted away from their strikes and pushed the lad back again. He could sense the stench of Light in them, and subsequently in the boy himself as well. “You shall find no Light to give you sanctuary in this domain! Have at you!”

Roxas narrowed his eyes. ”We’ll see about that!” He said before launching into another assault on the Consul that went about the same as his previous attempt. Between his StepSword and D’s own proclivity to teleport, the two may as well have been engaging in a battle of vanishing attacks, neither one able to land a direct strike on the other yet. At least until D managed to grab the Keybearer by the collar and proceeded to hurl him away and through the damaging blood rain.

"A waste of time!"
The Roomies

Roxas & Pit (with cameo appearances by Zenkichi and Sandalphon)

Word Count: 1,492
EXP: +2
Rapport: +2

Roxas was in the middle of trying to wash all the xylem off of his coat when he heard Sandalphon’s announcement. He couldn’t really blame her, though. Between the timefall outside and all the nasty stuff they encountered inside? The Dead Zone was definitely living up to its name. He also placed a gauntleted hand on where his trio of Poke Balls were kept. From the start he was hesitant about bringing his Pokemon here, but at the time decided to do so only on the proviso that he keep them in their Poke Balls unless absolutely needed. Now, though? Now he was questioning even that line of thinking. What if he’d been hit by the timefall outside? Would that have still affected Scamp and the others even within their Poke Balls?

Roxas decided that he didn’t want to risk finding out. He walked over to where Sandalphon and Zenkichi were talking, but politely waited for them to finish their private conversation before he got close enough to speak. ”Um… Sandalphon?” Roxas asked, before he held out the shrunken Poke Balls that contained Scamp, Shocker, and Titan. ”Could you… take my Pokemon back with you, too? With how dangerous this zone is, I probably shouldn’t have brought them, and now I guess I’m kinda scared of something happening to them.”

The archangel glanced briefly at the spheres, then looked up at Roxas. “I understand. I’ll see your companions to safety.” She accepted the storage devices, which she carefully slid into her pockets. After a moment, though, Sandalphon gave their owner an inquisitive look. “If you like, I can let them out while aboard the Avenger, under my supervision of course. I know someone with a pet of her own, and we could all keep them company.”

Zenkichi chuckled, nodding at that. ”Yeah, I asked her to check in on my daughter, Akane, too. She’s got one of those Pals, too. I’m sure she’d be happy to play with ‘em all.”

Roxas smiled and his worried expression lit up into something mixed with relief and cheerfulness. ”Sure! Just keep an eye out if you feed them. Or Scamp’ll make off with your lunch if you’re not careful. Thanks, Sandalphon. I appreciate it.”

After that he took his leave so the archangel and detective could resume their private moment. It didn’t take long for Roxas to spot his angelic buddy and roommate though. ”Hey, Pit!” Roxas called as he jogged over in his direction. ”You holding up fine? Man, this xylem stuff is pretty nasty, huh? I’m gonna need so many baths before I feel clean again.”

Pit perked up at Roxas' call. Though Primrose and Sandalphon’s healing had patched him up there were still signs of the battles Pit had fought through with everyone. His clothes were torn in some places, and he sported a couple patches of yellowing skin that would probably become bruises overnight if they didn't heal completely. Despite that though the angel did appear to be holding up fine, as he turned to Roxas with a grin while the continued journey up the Qliphoth got underway.

"Tell me about it, plus it gets everywhere," he said, smile becoming a grimace. Even his singlet was soaked, to say nothing of his scarf and chiffon. "I didn't even know trees had this kind of stuff. Then I was wondering if it's only Underworld trees like this, and now I'm wondering if it has like a heart inside of it that it's all connected to."

He paused, a sudden look of scrutiny coming over his face as he glanced around the swampy area. Surely this wasn't its heart, right...? Since everyone had ended up here then all of the veins led here, but... Nah, couldn't be.

”Yeah, and what’s up with all the cards that always show up after a fight?” Roxas wondered, ”After my second one, the card started… talking to me. I saw a guy I’ve never seen before with bright armor and a bow. He said something about lighting my way and then he was gone. Weird…”

"Huh, when I saw someone they didn't say anything to me. But Captain Falcon said someone talked to him too," Pit replied, easily turning his thoughts back to the conversation. "I'm pretty sure those cards are gods pitching in to help us. I asked Lady Palutena about them and she said the same thing."

Apparently he'd reached out to his own goddess at some point while waiting for the full group to reconvene. Pit crossed his arms in front of his chest plate as he continued. "I've met a ton of gods and they love poking their nose into stuff like this. They're probably betting with each other on who does the best or what side is gonna win!"

”Really? That sounds… kinda horrible.” Roxas said, although he was willing to admit that maybe he was misreading the idea. ”I wonder what kind of god was talking to me?” He mused. ”He had, like, bright gold armor and a red cape, and bright hair. Although maybe that doesn’t narrow it down much… The first card I picked only talked to me, saying something about unequal talent. It was the second card where I actually saw him and he talked about ‘lighting my way’, whatever that means.”

”Now that I think about it, with how this world works… I guess there’s probably a lot of gods from different worlds that could be around and watching. And how much stronger do you think Galeem is if even gods are controlled by its influence?” It wasn’t the most pleasant thought to think about. But it was also undeniable. ”No one ever said this was going to be easy, did they?”

While Roxas was describing the god that spoke to him in more depth, Pit tried to picture what they looked like and if they seemed familiar. Unfortunately nothing came to mind, so at the very least the angel had never met them personally. Of course something he had seen firsthand was how often deities happened to fall for each other's tricks, control, corruptions, and more. Pit would have felt embarrassed on their collective behalf if he was the type to, but he wasn't. At least with that experience he could put a more optimistic spin on Roxas' outlook.

"Plus if it was easy then there wouldn't be a need for heroes like us, right?" he said with a shrug and a smile. "I wouldn't worry about how strong Galeem is - it just got the jump on everyone. Even gods can get surprised! And mind control powers like that are OP anyway."

Pit nodded sagaciously at his own words. That kind of ability was really hard to counter. Then again the amount of times his goddess alone had been trapped, hypnotized, or body snatched made it seem to him that Galeem's Influence wasn't as big a deal so long as there was someone around to eventually put a stop to it. Which there was, in the form of the Seekers and Lost Numbers.

"Hey, if you're really curious about the god that talked to you I could always ask Lady Palutena. I'm sure she'd know about him," he offered, steering the conversation slightly away from their still distant goal.

”You think so?” Roxas asked, ”You sure we won’t be bothering her?””

"No way! Back home we'd chat it up on missions all the time, way less important stuff too." The angel seemed quite confident that asking Palutena wouldn't be a big deal. "Here, hold on. Did you catch all of that, Lady Palutena?"

Naturally Roxas did not hear a response. Pit was quiet for a few seconds, then let out a drawn out hmmmm as he listened.

"She said after checking Divinipedia, that god is probably Apollo," he finally said, turning his attention back to Roxas. As he delivered Palutena's message, his own curiosity sparked in his eyes. "He's a god of light from some place called Olympus."

”Apollo, huh?” Roxas echoed. ”Well, he didn’t seem like a particularly bad guy.” He said with a small shrug. ”And I’d rather him be a god of light than a god of darkness, so… that’s a plus I guess.” He sighed as he looked up at the climb they were going to have to get started on. ”Guess we better start heading up if we don’t wanna fall behind.” The Nobody suggested, which was kinda ironic since he and Pit were two of the Seekers who would have the easiest time making a vertical climb due to wings and flow motion respectively. And so catching up would be a relatively quick and easy task for them despite how their conversation had slowed them down. With a chirp of agreement from Pit the two boys sped up into a short lived race to the front of the pack, weaving through, around, or over their allies as they went.
Men of Action

Lvl 9 Goldlewis (85/90), Captain Falcon
Word Count: 1704 (+3)

As the Seekers trudged onward and upward through the infested, labyrinthine passageways of the Qliphoth, Goldlewis paid attention mostly to his own progress. He hadn’t been lying back in Al Mamoon when he said he wasn’t much of a climber; it took prodigious strength and stamina to haul a body like his uphill, and for all his herculean might, the veteran was still human at the end of the day. While he focused on staying upright and not slowing down, the younger and more spry members of the team could put down demonic ambushes or marauding parasites. When it came to the various valves that blocked the heroes’ way, more hands didn’t always make for lighter work, and to avoid having too many cooks in the kitchen, Goldlewis happily let the others cook. At the end of this arduous ascent, after all, lay a battle on par -or perhaps even grander- than Red Eye’s rampage across the Sandswept Sky, though personally Goldlewis couldn’t fathom such a thing. Still, if this fight would take almost every Seeker on the roster, he couldn’t afford to take the coming showdown lightly. So for now, he took the climb step by step, keeping pace toward the rear of the pack.

When the path evened out a little and the going got easier, though, Goldlewis could look beyond himself. On one such occasion he found himself traveling alongside a familiar face, albeit one half-hidden in shadow by its owner’s distinctive red helmet. Captain Falcon had joined the Seekers a week ago in Carnival Town, and the veteran hadn’t seen much of him since then. He dimly remembered there being some sort of history between him and some of the other Seekers, related to events that somehow preceded the whole World of Light. Though still mostly in the dark, Goldlewis assumed it must be important. Why else would a celebrity racer join up with a band of heroes out to save the world? Of course, Falcon must not be any ordinary celebrity. He had a remarkably impressive build for a mere racer, with the chiseled musculature of a bodybuilder and none of the functional drawbacks. He also didn’t seem phased by the smorgasbord of horrors housed in the Qliphoth. It all made Goldlewis inquisitive, and with nothing but dead air around anyway, he decided to speak up.

“So, Falcon, is it? What’s some big shot racecar driver doin’ throwin’ his lot in with folks like us?” His tone was not derisive, but genial, conveying his genuine curiosity well.

The Captain couldn’t help but stifle a chuckle. The phrase ‘racecar driver’ was certainly underselling the F-Zero Grand Prix a bit, but he was courteous enough to not be offended by something so minor. ”Well, it helps that I do more than just racing.” Falcon replied, ”When I’m not taking home the checkered flag, I’m bringing justice to lawless systems as a bounty hunter.” He explained with a grin. This was generally considered basic information about him, but he was willing to assume that not everybody was privy to how his own world worked.

”But if you’re referring to this world specifically? Well, in a sense, you could say I’ve… been around the block a few times when it comes to this sort of thing.” Cap hinted, pausing a moment before clarifying. ”A few of us were originally brought together to fight in what you could describe as a sort of ‘Tournament of Champions’, orchestrated by the entity we know as Master Hand. There were originally just twelve of us back then, including me. As well as Mario and Luigi. Some of the other folks like Bowser, Ganondorf, and Princess Peach didn’t come around until later on when Master Hand’s twin showed up to cause more chaos. Well, I always assumed the two were twins anyway, since they looked identical save for Master Hand being a right hand and Crazy Hand being a left hand.”

“Huh.” Goldlewis couldn’t reply with much more than that at first. The idea that the World of Light wasn’t the first collision between worlds intrigued him. And for a tournament, no less? For the entertainment of whom? From what little he’d seen deep beneath Midgar, Master Hand was more like some eldritch entity stuffed into a giant, inexplicable glove than anyone who’d enjoy pitting people from different realities against one another. The World of Light, at least, seemed to exist at the pleasure of Moebius, the cruel despots at whose whims countless poor souls fought and died. Grim as it was, it made some kind of dreadful sense, at least at ground level. As for the big picture…well, Goldlewis couldn’t really question it at this point. In the end, the ‘how’ and ‘why’ didn’t matter. He had his orders, and that was all he needed.

After a moment Goldlewis zeroed in on the more workable response Falcon gave him. “A bounty hunter then, huh? That explains a whole lot. You ain’t the first tough-as-nails bounty hunter I seen, either. Back at the last G4 Summit, when everythin’ was goin’ to hell in a handbasket thanks to Happy Chaos, a feller by the name o’ Sol stepped in to lend a hand. Sol Badguy, they call ‘im, but between you an’ me he saved our asses out there. Ain’t gonna catch me gettin’ on the bad side of a guy like that, no sirree.” He shook his head to emphasize his point, brows raised. “Come to think of it, from the footage I saw he was a fiery fist-fighter too. If y’all are anythin’ alike, I reckon I’m in good hands, eh?” He reached over and jostled Falcon’s shoulder with his elbow jovially.

”Absolutely. I haven’t met a single bad guy I couldn’t overcome with my trusty Falcon Punch.” The Captain replied, giving one of his patented ‘nice guy’ thumbs up gestures. Although he had to admit to himself, it was kind of funny for someone saving people's lives to be named ‘Badguy’. He wondered if that was a real name or if maybe it was just a moniker like his own name technically was. ”But this Badguy fellow you mentioned sounds like he’d be interesting opponent to go a round with.” Falcon admitted. ”Little known fact about me, the reason I got into racing and bounty hunting was because I’ve always liked to find ways to challenge myself. And taking on outlaws and rival racers in the F-Zero Grand Prix were both pretty good ways for me to do just that.

”Now, all that craziness I mentioned didn’t stop with Master Hand and Crazy Hand.” Cap paused and rubbed his chin thoughtfully, as though he wasn’t certain about the details he was recalling. ”We fought a another tough faction once. Came from some other dimension. I think it was called the Subspace Emissary? Admittedly my memory of that particular time is a bit hazy when it comes to the details, though. But if I recall, I think that was when I first met Pit.”

The Captain’s braggadocious response made Goldlewis wonder if he might have talked up Falcon a little too much with the Sol comparison, but he decided not to rain on the man’s parade. After all, given everything he’d witnessed during his time with the Seekers so far, he couldn’t deny the possibility that Falcon really was as good as he said. Instead he considered what Falcon said about subspace. The word indicated some kind of layer of reality beneath the one he’d consider his own, or maybe beneath all realities. Just as the world’s different countries, no matter how different or isolated from one another, all lay beneath the same sky.

Goldlewis put a pin in that line of thinking as he hauled himself up over a ledge on the slope he’d been climbing, careful not to brush against a throbbing floodfested bubo. After taking an upward hairpin turn, he squeezed past a bushy ganglion and continued on. Up ahead, a handful of parasites crawled out of a fleshy hive, only to be obliterated by the team’s frontrunners. Once he was sure that the danger had passed, Goldlewis spoke again. He couldn’t push aside his thoughts from earlier, especially when he remembered the dying words of Moebius Y. “It all makes me wonder…why? Moebius wants to rule the world, live forever, entertain themselves, or whatever, but they ain’t the ones who dumped this on it. Seems like they’re just maggots crawlin’ around in the pile. Galeem’s just some godlike ball of light, though; it ain’t doin’ much o’ anythin’, unless it’s usin’ all its power just to keep this world spinnin’.” He knew it wasn’t much use posing Falcon an impossible question, but even a meaningless conversation was better than the Qliphoth’s guttural ambience.

The Captain, meanwhile, was having less of a hard time with his climbing. He was quite spry and athletic after all. ”Hmm, well, why does the sun shine?” Falcon asked. ”Maybe that’s all there really is to Galeem? A ball of light acting on some kind of cosmic instinct or chemistry? Either way, we’re all here now.” It didn’t sound like much of a satisfying explanation, the most logical ones rarely were. This was more a case of Occam's Razor being in effect. Possibly. Falcon’s guess could also turn out to be wrong as well, of course.

Goldlewis shrugged. At the end of the day, there wasn’t all that much that could be said. Unfortunately, he couldn’t think of much else to discuss with Falcon either, and with the trek getting tougher, he needed to focus on traversal. Maybe he was just getting antsy due to the lull in the action, but the veteran had the sneaking suspicion that the Seekers’ destination was close. Any mission now the team’s mission in the Qliphoth would come to a head, he could feel it, and maybe the Captain could too. The two men quickly lapsed into silence as they tensed up for the final stretch of their upward journey.
Return of None III

Lvl 14 Ms Fortune (129/140), Midna, Edelgard, Lvl 4 Captain Falcon
Word Count: 2360 (+3)

Captain Falcon’s barrage of attacks against the Sepulchers earlier had pushed him over the edge of building up a single stock of his Power Gauge. And now that the memory zone meme was dropped again, it was time to capitalize. ”Falcon…” He said as he began winding up his fist. ”PUUUUNCH!” His voice rang with the impact of his explosive fist against Something Unto Death. Then he jumped back a step and spent his Power Gauge stock, chi building in his arms before thrusting his palms forward. ”And one more with FEELING! Haoh Shoukou KEN!” And with that the explosive ball of flame lurched forward from his hands at the downed meme.

Stalking forward menacingly, Edelgard hefted Absolution with a dark look on her face. Not bothering with fireballs or Nosferatu, she returned to close quarters with her memetic tormentor and began carving away at its flesh with the burning axe, her fury only serving to strengthen each blow she hammered on the foe.

With her target downed, Nadia didn’t need any high-flying stunts or fancy footwork this time. Instead she collected her arms, then charged in alongside Emily to join Edelgard’s beatdown. When their slashes raked across the specter’s salamander skin, they realized that no invisible force welled up to push them back. “Finally! Shreddy or not, here I come!” Nadia cancelled straight into Cat Scratch Fever, her repeated slashes accelerated to a dizzying pace. “Fur-serker purr-age!” Still wounded, but resolved to finish the fight, Emily poured her energy into a splendid Crimson Moon to follow up.

Minda summoned her wolves while she raised up her shadow hand, projecting a dark energy zone across the fallen foe, orange lighting wrapping around it like a cage. Once it had engulfed the meme entirely, she snapped the fingers of the shadow hand, and unleashed the beasts with a command of ”sic em”, the field guiding them to pounce and maul each and every eye upon the meme in quick succession at a truly ferocious speed. Her twilight blitz turned out to be the clincher as the cracked eyes burst open like stained glass, and with a hollow cry Something Unto Death fell apart, motes of violet energy wafting upward as ashes poured to the ground.

A moment after the fight’s climactic finale, the victors were once again presented with a selection of random rewards.

At first blush, Nadia wasn’t all that impressed. Blood Line would make her blockbusters harder to do and throw off her internal timing, while Open Wounds sounded like a trap. What if she wanted to tussle with someone non-lethally? Initially she didn’t think much of a paltry sixteen percent speed boost either, but when she thought about it more, the feral became more receptive. It would accelerate her combos, and her mix-ups right after a combo, making it easier to rush opponents down and reset them. With no other good choice, she chose Clockwork Apple with a tap of her finger, a little hesitant since she’d accidentally skipped this part last time. This time, though, something appeared in the darkness before her, for just a split second. It looked to her like a collection of random objects, including playing cards, coins, toys, and masks beneath multicolored spotlights, but a chill ran down her spine as her eyes refocused on the dark, barely-visible figure behind them. Then the vision was gone, and the sounds of tittering laughter faded away.

”Ah, right.” Captain Falcon said when time stopped and three cards floated, ”We’re doing this again, I see.” All three of these sounded pretty nifty in their own ways. But Stamp Rush and Revenge Explosion also sounded like they could be rather inconvenient at times, too. That left Vesicle as the real pragmatic choice. The problem? The entity depicted by the card looked, well, totally evil. A big black space insect sounded like a recipe for disaster. ”Well, here’s hoping I don’t regret this later.” Cap said as he touched a gloved finger to the card. What he heard next almost immediately made him start having doubts. A loud buzzing, like countless insects all beating their wings in unison. At least the previous card he picked actually gave him understandable words. There was no telling what these insects were trying to tell him, if anything at all.

Midna blinked once in the void, and then commented ”Gods really don’t like this place do they? Can’t blame then one bit its like every nightmare’s been crammed into it” as she took in her options. The weaponization of the astral chain seemed useful but, ”I just know I’ll trip someone up with that at some point”, while 15% healing and only in situations that weren't vs a single great enemy seemed quite limited. Up to 24% damage mitigation however, now that was worth taking.

She was no monotheist either, so getting in touch with a second divine was not something she had any issue with. As it turned out however, this one was much more distant. Literally even, as she touched the boon, and bore witness not even to the god of the hunt, but merely one of its arrows. It was like a comet flashing across the heavens at unfathomable speed and with awe inspiring might compressed behind it, and it brought the princess to her knees before it.

Edelgard looked the cards over carefully. While adding more fire to her repertoire sounded good, the ability to punish any foe that harmed her without lifting a finger was promising. Touching the first of the three cards, Edelgard flinched as the god of war himself appeared before her, though his smile was calm. “You've got quite the fighting spirit in you there, I have to say. Most intriguing, and yet no surprise for someone who slayed the nearest thing she had to a god. I’m sure you’ll make good use of this.” Ugh. How patronizing. Edelgard thought.

When time resumed, Nadia’s fatigue caught up to her all at once, and she let out a heavy sigh. “Aaagh, what a pain in the ass.” She leaned over for a moment, hands on her knees, then wiped sweat from her brow. “My specialty is fightin’ people, not giant monsters I can’t pressure right. And that fur-reak wouldn’t even let me combo it!” Given the bizarre nature of Something Unto Death, she was at a loss for puns at the moment. When she looked around for material, she instead found Emily, her makeshift bandages stained with vital fluid. Instantly a sharp pang of guilt struck her, and she rushed over. “Oh, crap, Emily! You okay? You bloody well better be!” She began to rummage through her pouches for her Ripened Heart, hoping it would help the soldier regenerate like it did her.

“I’ll manage,” the young woman told her, her face a brave attempt to mask her pain. Her sword lay on the ground, smoking. Falcon, however, didn't look entirely convinced.

”Can you walk?” The Captain asked, extending a gloved hand and offering to help her stand and walk if she needed it. He even reached for her sword and offered that back to her as well. She nodded, then grimaced as she tried to demonstrate.

The unmistakable pop and hiss of a can being opened reached Nadia’s ears. She looked over at to see that Gallagher character from before behind the bar, with five glasses arranged in front of him, each with ice cubes immersed in two layers of red and green liquid. “How about this?” As Nadia watched, the poured out the can into the glasses one at a time, creating a fizzy yellow layer on top. When he put the can down, Nadia read ‘Lemon SoulGlad’. “Five orders of ‘Death Before Noon’,” Gallagher declared, presenting the Seekers with his drinks.

Nadia glanced over at Emily, then approached the bar. After leaning on it with her elbow, she scraped her claw across the wood. “You already left us with that monster. Maybe even sicced it on us. These things gonna kill us, too?”

“The opposite, actually.” Gallagher did not look particularly bothered or threatened, just tired. “But hey, suit yourself.”

”Hmm, well, I’m not normally one for alcoholic beverages.” Falcon commented. ”But after everything we’ve been through today? Maybe it’s time to make an exception.”

”Sure, I’ll take you up on that” Midna agreed, but not before sending her wolfos off to ”Fetch” her assorted dropped weapons, prompting it to scamper off, grip a weapon by the lilt it it’s maw, before dropping down into a portal to bring it back to the twilight realm.

As the beast did its work, she pulled off her helmet, carefully set it on the bar, and picked up the glass to inspect its contents. She’d never had light-worlder alcohol before, Telma wouldn’t exactly have served her in imp form even if she’d introduced herself and asked, so she took a tentative sip of the stuff, doing her best to disguise her trepidation beneath regal refinement.

”Sort of… spicy-minty? Not bad” she said after a moment of reflection.

Edelgard also partook of the beverage, swishing it around in her mouth like the Emperor she was. Despite her attitude towards much of the nobility of her world, she still tasted booze like a true snob. ”A combination of soothing cool, spice, and…hmm…what seems to be citrus? Enjoyable.” She commented as she sipped the drink slowly.

For all her initial distrust, Nadia would be lying if she said that a stiff drink didn’t sound good right about now. Though her attitude remained relatively sunny amidst all the bad weather, it had been an intense morning so far, even if her visit to Carcass Isle still took the cake. Emily made her way over, eager to partake of the cocktail’s implied healing properties, so the feral followed suit. She took a long sip, intrigued by the mixture of minty refreshment, powerful cinnamon, and bubbly sweet lemon. “Whew! Got a little kick to it.” The carbonation made her eyes water as she went back for another mouthful. She felt pretty great, and a glance at Emily confirmed that her wounds had all but disappeared. Nadia raised her brows at Gallagher, and gave him a begrudging nod. “Looks like she’s in mint condition, eh? Not bad.”

”That’s a spicy whiskey, alright.” Captain Falcon said after having a sip of his own. ”But I’ve always been a man who can appreciate spice. So it gets my approval.”

“Glad you like it.” Was it Nadia’s imagination, or was the mysterious barman suppressing a smile? “Now, you folks better get a move on before that thing shows up again. Or something worse. It’s not safe here.”

Emily furrowed her brow. “It isn’t? There isn’t any sign of infestation.”

After a moment, Nadia shook her head. “That monster’s gone, but that dreamy, surreal feeling’s still here. We shouldn’t get comfortable.” She crossed her arms as she looked at Gallagher. “Aren’t you coming with us?”

“I’ll find my own way out,” he told her. “Don’t worry, this old dog’s still got a few tricks up his sleeve, heh.” He looked over his shoulder toward the left of the bar. As if on cue, a door creaked open. On the other side was Qliphoth matter, with a bloodstream vein nestled among the reddish meat. “We grown-ups all have jobs to do. Off you go, make the best of it.”

”No rest for heroes hmmm” Midna mused after she finished working her way through the cocktail, before lightly setting the glass down and drawing her nightsky ripper inorder to cut her way into the vein.

”Ha, if only.” quipped the Captain as he finished the last of his own drink and set the glass down. ”But not in my experience, I’m afraid.” He added as he followed the Twilight Princess into the vein she’d cut open. Nadia took Emily’s hand once more, then followed.

Finishing her drink, Edelgard sighed. ”Just another day in this endless war.” Not far behind Nadia and Emily, she entered the vein and was brought upward.
The Great Bole

Lvl 9 Goldlewis (73/90), Sectonia, Pit, Lvl 7 Ganondorf
Word Count: 3870

Without hesitation, Goldlewis lifted his coffin and slammed it down. On contact with the ground, the high-tech casket emitted a radiant blue pulse that expanded to cover the whole team. It provided each Seeker with a hexagonal bubble shield that quickly faded to near-invisibility, but would negate a set amount of punishment before they started taking damage for real. Given their hardy constitutions he, Ganondorf, and Sectonia received only a 7.5% shield, good for maybe a single solid blow, but Pit would enjoy a buffer equal to 30% of his own vitality. And thanks to Hypereutectoid, everyone would be a whole twenty percent stronger, even if just for ten seconds. Given what they were up against, Goldlewis every little bit would count.

Rather than advance at once for a two-pronged attack, however, the Corruptor and its guardian split apart. While the former hung back beyond the edge of the makeshift arena, menacing but seemingly impassive, the latter pushed forward. The ancient automaton charged down the center lane toward the Seekers, giant blades at the ready. Goldlewis took the brief moment afforded to him to deploy a Thunderbird drone. Blinking orange as it whirred forward, it would help cover whoever sallied forth to confront the guardian head-on.

When he noticed that Primrose was no longer with him, it made Ganondorf realize how complex the web of xylem veins must have been. But he wasn’t alone either. He spotted the veteran Goldlewis, the angelic captain Pit, and fellow royal Queen Sectonia. Some kind of makeshift arena consisted of three narrow lanes and what could only be described as a seemingly bottomless pit below them. Watching their footing was going to be important, clearly. As the veteran deployed his drone, Ganondorf stepped forward, cracking his neck and rolling his shoulders.

”You don’t frighten me.” The warlord commented as he brandished his trident, summoning it to his hand with his dark magic. He indeed sallied forth alongside the drone, and after a moment used Bullet Jump to launch himself into a powerful sliding lunge against the approaching automaton, aiming to skewer the thing with his weapon.

Pit had expected another fight, so he'd entered the newest hollow prepared. From the way the Qliphoth's interior twisted and transformed with each level to the myriad of strange monstrous enemies they encountered, it really did feel like fighting through the Underworld all over again, if not more gross this time what with the weird plant-flesh and blood. It wasn't exactly a comforting comparison, but at the same time the steady ramping up in their adversaries' strength gave the ascent the feel of a boss rush, which made the whole thing a little exciting - and though disappointed to have been separated from Captain Falcon, the three he'd ended up with he all knew to be pretty powerful themselves. When Goldlewis' shield was bestowed on him and the Gerudo went for a head start, Pit gave the other Seekers a grin.

"Looks like the fight is on! Let's go!"

Ganondorf’s trident pierced a narrow channel into the giant golem’s stone body, hairline cracks spreading out from the impact point, but it hardly penetrated. Immediately, the guardian’s lower arms closed in from either side as if to bash their fists together, with Ganondorf between them. The next moment its raised upper arms descended in a massive double overhead slash, its second move slower but much stronger than the first. At that point the Thunderbird finally caught up and exploded against the guardian’s leg without ceremony, doing minor damage. Goldlewis himself was charging up a stronger shield, but it would be another second or so before Ganondorf received a 25% barrier. If Ganondorf had anything going for him in this instance it was his monstrous strength. The Triforce glowed fiercely as he caught the lower arms attempting to close around him. And the upper arm attack was just slow enough for him to see it coming and proceed to Bullet Jump back a few steps to stay out of reach. But he didn’t look very happy.

Sectonia meanwhile decided that, to open this fight with so many of these being melee based, to cast Haste on her allies which also now buffed their damage for a short while. She’d stay more in the midline behind the physical brawlers, both to use them as shields, and to also catch one if they fell into the big pit below. Although considering how big these guys were, that might be an actual struggle and something she was not looking forward to. With that line of thinking though, she decided to summon a crystal platform near the corruptor to give her allies a bit more room to fight. Given that the guardian stood between the Seekers and the Corruptor at the far end of the lane, though, nobody could make use of said platform yet.

As the battle got underway, Pit had first turned to leap across the wide gap separating the lane they currently found themselves on, landing on the right hand stretch of ground. Even though his arrows could swoop right around his allies, fighting clustered together with the others would be a little rough. Like this he could more easily target both enemies, and get around to flank the guardian. With reliable bow in hand he began to fire, the streaks of blue light buzzing through the air and striking any glowy spot Pit could see. The automaton's head, the space where its arms would normally join to its body, the runes that were carved into it, and the sliver of red light that showed through the brambles on that big ugly thing. Surely one of them had to be a weak spot!

After a little testing, Pit’s efforts bore fruit. Unlike its rock-hard body, the guardian’s brightly glowing head seemed susceptible to physical damage.

Ganondorf brandished the trident, but didn’t actually attack with it. Instead he concentrated a moment and formed a blade of psychic energy from his offhand that he then launched forward at the giant golem. If a physical weapon like the trident wouldn’t break its defenses, then perhaps his Psycho Cut would.

The Psycho Cut struck the guardian unopposed, and while it left a mark, it was clear that this formidable foe had a hardy constitution. It plodded forward and swung its lower right arm, seemingly too far out of range to hit Ganondorf, only for the whole arm to detach and hurtle forward like an enormous boomerang. It flew fast enough to catch the Gerudo King off-guard and take a chunk out of his newly-applied shield, and a second after the first the guardian’s lower left arm whirled forth as well. Neither stopped at Ganondorf, though, but kept flying forward on a collision course with Goldlewis and Sectonia behind him. With a scoff, the veteran summoned Marduk to take a few explosive potshots at the guardian, then dodged right and then left in order to avoid the enormous buzzsaws. To his surprise, the detached arms ceased spinning and began to float nearby, independently hounding both him and Sectonia with repeated slashes.

“Got a situation back here!” he called, letting Ganondorf know he couldn’t be of any more immediate help against the guardian for a moment or two. He pivoted his attention to the floating arm and began to trade blows with it, first blocking its attack, then punishing it with a Behemoth Typhoon. The strategy seemed effective, but between the guardian and its arms three of the Seekers were so occupied that only Pit might notice as the Corruptor floated down to the far end of the center lane and began to gather power in its ‘eye’.

Clearly that shield was a timely effort, or the pair of whirling blades that were hurled right through Ganondorf would have been a lot more disastrous. At Goldlewis’ warning, Ganondorf nodded and muttered an inaudible response. Then he dismissed his trident and switched to his swords, brandishing both Litania and The Sword of the Six Sages. Time to see how this mechanical Guardian handled radiation - lots of radiation. The warlord went back on the approach toward the Guardian but did not charge or directly attack it. Instead he consecrated a section of the narrow lane in front of him and turned the following 8 meters worth of length into Hallowed Ground. He picked up 3 globs of energy restoration after having felled the Juggernauts in the previous room. That he could place Hallowed Ground up to two more times for stacked damage and radiation status chances - and Ganondorf did just that.

So far Pit had been focusing his efforts on the guardian. It was the more immediate problem, and the big floating monster had seemed both unphased by his arrows and unwilling to join in the fight. Maybe it wasn't alive, and instead was a transport ship of some kind since it had brought the automaton here? He didn't know, and figured it didn't matter at the moment. So while goading Ganondorf to "hit it in the brain pan!", Pit continued to shoot, steadily dealing damage.

When he did finally notice that the Corruptor was gathering energy, its core was already fairly bright. The surprise paused his attack, and he turned to look at the thing with wide eyes. Now he realized it definitely was joining the battle, just not up close - and in his opinion as a veteran adventurer, bad guy slayer, and hero, that light steadily growing in power could only mean one thing. It wasn't good.

"You guys gotta get off of the center platform right now!" Pit shouted. His voice took on the sharp commanding tone befitting his title as a captain, in contrast to the usual boyish one the Seekers were more familiar with. It spoke to the severity of Pit's warning.

To aid their escape the angel pulled his bowstring back hard, charging the light arrow to maximum strength. He fired it with Wild Shot, and though one of the now three arrows veered off toward the guardian directly, the other two smashed against the floating arms with enough strength to push them. Or at the very least send them off course, hopefully to give Goldlewis and Sectonia an opening to move.

At Pit’s uncharacteristically imperative yell, Goldlewis performed two quick backdashes to get well out of range of the golem arm’s swipes, then looked in the guardian's direction with furrowed brow. Despite the many differences between them, the old veteran and the young captain were equals on the battlefield. Goldlewis wasn’t about to ignore the warning, but he wanted to gauge the threat for himself as well. When the guardian didn’t betray any immediate causes for concern, Goldlewis adjusted his focus to look past the obstruction and spotted the Corruptor behind it. The worrisome light within its eye and the strange noise, both building by the second, were all proof he needed. “Hup!” Goldlewis ran a few steps, leaped out over the open air, then airdashed to land safely on the left-hand lane. Of course, the guardian’s arm followed him over, while the main body walked straight through the radiation zone toward Ganondorf, its upper section spinning in a continuous greatsword lariat.

Sectonia had an easier time getting out of the way thanks to Pit’s callout. A simple teleport out of the way to another lane was all it took, and what's better is that said teleport gave her allies a damage boost! She had been chipping away at the guardian with her own light beams, swords, and rings of Light but that didn’t seem to be doing much? Well, maybe it was more hurt than it let on, as Sectonia had been keeping it in her damaging auras.

So even constant radiation damage wasn’t slowing this damnable machine down? Ganondorf gritted his teeth and seethed as he backstepped to avoid the spinning lariat attack, now even more furious since he had ceded ground to the enemy. But the warning from Pit told him that he needed to get off that platform and to do it now. So much to his own chagrin, the Warlord made a powerful jump to the side, and used Bullet Jump to jump again in midair to ensure he would safely reach the other lane where Goldlewis had leaped to.

He left not a moment too soon, as the next second an immense laser of malevolent red energy blanketed the entire center lane, extended well over the edges. It lasted only a second, but in that moment it became crystal clear just who the real threat was here, and how much of a threat it posed. Unfortunately for the team, the Corruptor hadn’t caused any collateral damage. When that baleful light subsided, the guardian in its path seemed untouched. After a moment the golem turned toward the ranged fighters on its left, its intention to jump after them clear.

“Aw, hell.” Goldlewis and Ganondorf were about to be two lanes away from the guardian, separated not just by both bottomless pits, but the ever-watchful Corruptor and the arms the golem left behind. Still, the veteran’s enemies were wrong to think they had him handled–or that he was helpless at long range. As one of the arms floated toward him with a heavy slash, he used Faultless Defense to block the stone blade and push it back, then swung his coffin in an overhead Behemoth Typhoon. “Crumble!” His massive flail smashed the rogue limb to the ground, where it lay seemingly inert. “Hah!” Goldlewis quickly popped open his coffin to receive a Mothman railcannon. He lifted the huge weapon onto his shoulder and took careful aim as the guardian threw itself across the gap to the rightmost lane. “Let’s see whatcha got, partner!” His target landed near Pit and Sectonia, then went on the offensive, its arms dangerously fast for how much range and power they commanded. Goldlewis thought it only fitting to let loose as well, and open fire with magnetically accelerated slugs from afar.

Were he to peek over at the Corruptor, though, he would see it slowly floating over to follow action.

Ganondorf scowled in frustration, but didn’t let himself fly into a rage just yet. He may have been two lanes over but that didn’t mean the warlord had no way of rectifying this mistake. He summoned the steed of Phantom Ganon and mounted the pitch black horse. He paused momentarily to give Goldlewis a chance to jump on himself before he spurred the horse into galloping them across the lanes toward where the Guardian was engaged with their ranged allies. Goldlewis did not make any assumptions about Ganondorf’s intentions, however, and with Ganondorf gone the second guardian arm went after him.

Now that he knew sudden laser beams were going to be a thing, Pit's own attention flickered between the Corruptor and its guardian. He wanted to go after the former and get rid of the deadly interruptions, but with the latter in the way that would be difficult. The reason the arena was set up like it was and the distance between their duo of opponents fit together for Pit just then, and he narrowed his eyes slightly in thought. It would be difficult, but not impossible - he just needed to make an opening first.

"Try me!" he dared as the guardian approached. He fired dash shots at the thing's glowing head as he moved, doing his best to duck or dodge the guardian as it lashed out. He sneaked a few arrows around it that headed for the Corruptor instead when it turned to try and strike Sectonia, but these small opportunities never lasted long at all. And though a smaller target than his allies, and a nimble one too, he couldn't get around everything. The shield Goldlewis had given him was chipped away at with even glancing blows, and was completely depleted when a quick, wide swipe made direct contact while he attempted to cross back over to the center lane. It struck his bracers as he blocked at the last moment, and though the damage was absorbed, the hit shoved Pit back and prevented him from changing areas.

He let out a huff. Clearly he was getting nowhere with his current strategy, so it was time for a new one. He summoned his own golem in the form of his striker, which moved in to grapple with the guardian and provoke its attention onto itself alone.

"Go for it rock guy!" Pit said, as for the next however long the striker lasted (he hadn't actually tested it before) it would be showing them who the better stone automaton was. Now free to move about, he left Eaton to deal with the guardian and jumped over a lane so he could focus as many light arrows as possible at the Corruptor.

Sectonia started to understand what was going on, the Guardian seemed to be something that you distracted, to deal with the thing behind it instead. Well, to aid with Pit’s distraction, she summoned a golden antler to assist his golem before swapping over to his lane and blasting the Corruptor with her light beam breath she had been charging through this and the previous fight. Though stronger than Pit’s arrows, even Ethereal Gleam did not punch through the Corruptor’s hard shell, so its effectiveness was greatly reduced.

Right around now was when Ganondorf came riding into the fray across the air on his summoned horse. He hefted the trident and gave a mighty throw at the Guardian. But this time Ganondorf made sure that strike was followed up by a blast of lighting from above to strike down on the Guardian, using the trident itself as a sort of lightning rod to ensure the accuracy of the blast in question.

Both Pit and Goldlewis managed to rack up a few headshots, with the veteran missing more but getting more bang for his buck, but at about the same time the guardian’s focus proved too much for Pit, its arm caught up with Goldlewis and demanded his attention. The angel’s striker and Sectonia’s golden antler were enough to hold the huge construct off temporarily, but it was Ganondorf who brought the thunder, and his magic was perfectly placed. On top of all the damage it had taken already, a lightning bolt to the head seemed to shut the guardian down, and as it buckled its detached arms lost power as well. Goldlewis turned his attention back toward the brawl just as the Corruptor began to float upward. It quickly accelerated in the direction of the guardian, and once it came to a stop overhead, its underside opened. A dozen or so small fliers flew out to try and keep the Seekers busy with shots from their red eyes, strikes from their arms, or grabs followed by a drop over the arena’s edge. All the while red light streamed down from inside the Corruptor as it restored the guardian’s power.

For his part, Goldlewis took action the moment he saw the Corruptor heading toward the Guardian. He activated Mothman and used it to jet across the lanes after Ganondorf. Upon landing he released another shield pulse, then traded the railcannon for a minigun and opened fire on the Corruptor’s underside. “Skyfish!” He paid no mind to the fliers as they shot and bashed him, knowing that they’d have about as much success trying to pick him up as they would trying to drop Sectonia. This fight wasn’t about distracting the guardian to deal with the Corruptor, but avoiding the Corruptor until the damage to the guardian forced its hand, and now was the team’s chance to cash out.

At the first opportunity Pit joined in with the attack, unleashing arrows of fire, electricity, and light both literal and elemental that swooped over and into the Corruptor's glowing opening. Though unlike the rest of the group of large, heavy Seekers, the angel's small size made getting snatched and dropped over the abyss more of a concern - especially one lane over from the rest of them. He had to swap between assaulting the Corruptor to swatting away the fliers that approached, though at least a flick of the wrist was all it took to transition from firing the bow to using it as a blade.

Meanwhile, Ganondorf had called his trident back to his hand. He spurred his Phantom Horse on and it galloped toward the Corruptor. The Guardian may have been a frustrating opponent, but it was easy to tell who the real target of this challenge was going to be. Ganondorf rode right through the fliers coming at him, even throwing his trident in a circular manner as he passed through to dispatch them and keep them off of him and his mount. Then once he was close enough he called the Trident back to his hand and leaped right off the horse to launch himself into a downward plunge right on top where the Corruptor was currently floating. Ganondorf charged the trident with lightning as well for good measure.

Sectonia, being the resident flier, dealt with all the other fliers that were being released as her priority. With her last attack doing very little damage as well, she figured she’d have to use her defense piercing attacks on the Guardian and Corruptor instead, but first she’d have to clear the field for the others. Good news is that was something she could do. Any of these fliers that went near her weren’t going to be around her for long with her death pulses, zaps from her coil, and her own lightning clearing out any that got close while her rings of Light zooming every which way with vague homing making the airspace full of dangers for these fliers meaning they had to focus on her and dodging or they would be sliced in half. And the rain of projectiles doing random stuff could also hit the big bosses as well from time to time, but they weren’t the main focus.

With blood pumping and hearts racing as the Seekers rushed to capitalize on the Corruptor’s moment of vulnerability, it barely felt like any time at all before the guardian began to rise once more, and its resurrector closed up to flee to safety. Its armored shell had shrugged off Ganondorf’s lightning from above, as well as Sectonia’s random projectiles, but Pit and Goldlewis had done some serious damage to its underside. As the guardian remotely recalled its missing limbs to arm itself for another round of battle, Goldlewis found himself feeling confident. The Corruptor’s laser had been a nasty surprise, and the golem itself was certainly formidable, but his team had managed, and Sectonia dealt with the reinforcements quite well. Unless his foes had more tricks up their sleeves, the Seekers were sitting pretty. Of course, given his luck so far, Goldlewis could only assume that the Corruptor had plenty more surprises in store.
Outbreak Contained

Zenkichi Hasegawa & Roxas
Word count: 4,045
Exp: +5

Zenkichi nodded at Roxas’s comment, shrugging. ”History doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes.” He quipped back, pointing at the hideous form of Nyx, which was in the process of absorbing a Flood combat form. ”Whatever that thing is, it’s bad news. Eating the smaller guys. Dunno if it’s just eliminating the competition or if it’s getting something out of that, but I’d rather not find out the hard way.” Summoning Ragnell, he started forward. ”Let’s make this quick.” He decided to keep Preservation Protocol as the active protocol from Sandalphon's covenant for now.

”I got your back!” Roxas said, agreeing with the detective’s assessment that they were better off getting this over with. Before he got too far away from him, Roxas gave Zenkichi a temporary speed buff with Tailwind. It seemed pretty obvious that the big devouring one was the main threat here. But even just getting close meant hacking and slashing his way through the demons and undead that surrounded it. And also, well, it was literally eating things that got close, so… did Roxas even want to take that risk? Even so, he had to at least try to eliminate some of the smaller fry before they could be devoured, just in case the nasty one actually was getting something out of it like Zenkichi theorized.

”Thunder!” Roxas cried after using his StepSword to instantly move himself in the center of a group. The lightning was called down after the slash from his energy blade allowing for a solid bit of opening area of effect damage on the group. After that he went on the defensive, using his Keyblades to block an incoming strike and then retaliate with Dual Counter, allowing for a wipe-sweeping circular slash to enable some extra crowd clearing.

Zenkichi, having given a quick “thanks” for the speed boost from Roxas, proceeded to harass the edge of a group of demons, swatting Empusas from the sky with Ragnell’s energy blasts. From within the group fighting off the floodfestation came a few blasts of hell energy, Hell Razers turning to fight off the attack from the Phantom Thief, who quickly dodge rolled out of the way, calling on Valjean to attack the group before it could scatter. ”Triple Down!” He wasn't as concerned with each of the three area shots hitting as he was with softening up the group before going in, though a few Empusa and Hell Razers took the full brunt of the attack, the Empusa bursting and the Hell Razers roaring in anger before doubling down and turning even more attention his way. The defense boost from Preservation Protocol would probably come in handy as he dodged and tanked even more attacks from the demon swarm.

The Flood and Infested that the demons had been fighting took advantage of this, charging in and overwhelming the group as Zenkichi continued to fire explosive blasts of holy energy from Ragnell, but following not far behind them was Nyx, now sporting a Hell Razer's energy weapon from feasting on a weakened one before the others could kill it. ”Roxas, we got a problem! This thing is absorbing them and now it has a laser gun!” He called out to his teenage companion, breaking off from his attack and moving to regroup with him.

So that’s what the monster got when it devoured things? It could gain their abilities? Well that… certainly complicated things. With another quick Thundaga he gave himself enough space to disengage and then regroup with Zenkichi. Roxas put up a medium-sized wall of virtual blocks between them and Nyx, hoping it could take at least a few shots without breaking so they could formulate some kind of strategy. ”Should we focus on the big one instead?” He asked, taking a moment to use his RockGun to fire a charged shot at Nyx, a potshot more than anything else. ”What do you think happens if it eats one of us?”

”Do you want the serious answer or the hopeful answer? Because I’m pretty sure if it gets one of us, the other one is dead basically right away.” Zenkichi sighed as the B.O.W.’s attention turned away from the wall of blocks and back onto the hordes of demons and undead around it. ”And frankly, I think we divide and conquer. One of us gets its attention and keeps it distracted, while the other mops up the hordes and keeps it from getting stronger. You’ve got some pretty smooth maneuverability, and dealing with groups of weak enemies is sort of my specialty. But if you have any other ideas, I’m open to hearing them.”

”Get its attention and keep it distracted. Got it!” Roxas repeated with a nod of confirmation. ”I think I’ve got just the thing for that.” Then he ignited the energy blade of his StepSword and dispelled the wall of blocks. He vanished on the spot after that, only to reappear directly behind Nyx and slashing it with his StepSword. It wasn’t a decisive blow, but it wasn’t meant to be either. It was just a means of repositioning Roxas to a spot where he could cleanly get the creature’s attention. He followed that by summoning Poltergeist, and thanks to the fight having gone on for a bit the bedsheet ghost girl was able to use The Sun Isn’t Kind to endow Roxas with a number of buffs that would last for 10 seconds. The most pertinent of these was Taunt and Stealth. Taunt would clearly draw the aggro of Nyx toward Roxas, while Stealth would help keep him out of the line of fire of that laser gun weapon.

Roxas had to make sure he didn’t waste the 10 seconds he was given by Poltergeist. He darted to the side and got himself on the move. Thanks to Stealth, Nyx had a hard time finding him to attack in spite of being Taunted. When precise shots from the laser weapon failed it, the Nyx then resorted instead to swinging and flailing its arms and tentacles. These were wilder and less predictable attacks, but was able to manage for the time being. During these 10 seconds, Roxas took whatever pot shot he could, whether that took the form of a charged shot from the RockGun or an instant movement with StepSword to position himself behind the Nyx for a back attack. Of course he knew his attacks on their own wouldn’t bring this thing down any time soon, but it was better to start wearing it down as he could for the time being until it was time to coordinate an actual attack alongside Zenkichi later.

Once the buffs from Poltergeist wore off, Roxas had to get a little more creative with his strategy. No longer under Stealth, this meant that Nyx could start better focusing attacks on the Nobody. In response to this, Roxas had to make more use of his virtual blocks. He could put up small walls to help defend against shots from the laser weapon or just generate floating platforms he could launch himself from with Flow Motion as a means of maintaining his momentum and helping to avoid incoming physical attacks. Of course, this wasn’t always successful, case and point one of the tentacles managed to barely catch him in its swing and sent him sprawling to the floor. Thankfully Roxas wasn’t hurt too much and was able to get back into the swing of things in mere moments, but he knew couldn’t afford to let too many attacks like that slip through or else this thing would end up wearing him down.

While Roxas was doing a damn good job of keeping Nyx distracted, Zenkichi focused on dealing with the hordes of demons and floodfested. At least this one wasn’t nearly as massive as the previous group, and their numbers were actually a lot more fair, though he’d given the undead an advantage over the demons with his initial strike. To that end, he charged the floodfested horde, casting Tarukaja on himself to trigger Preservation Protocol and stack a defense boost on as well. As he reached the undead group, Zenkichi leapt in, Ragnell carving down an Infested runner. A reddish-looking volatile runner took the distraction for what it was, charging at Zenkichi with reckless abandon. The Phantom Thief didn’t quite catch the difference in time, pulling Ragnell up to cut it down a touch too slow to avoid the explosion.

Staggered, Zenkichi took a few moments to recover, giving an opportunistic crawler time to latch onto his leg and start wailing on him. Once he regained his composure, he kicked the infested creature in the head. This knocked it onto the ground, letting him stab Ragnell into it and the floor, groaning. ”Let ‘em catch me off guard. Can’t do that again.” Despite the successful combo, Zenkichi wasn’t terribly wounded, thanks to Preservation Protocol and Ragnell’s own defense boost. To these monsters, he was a one-man army, and it was time to start acting like it. Hefting Ragnell again, he went to work as Roxas dodged and ran around. Infested, Flood, and demons fell to blows from Ragnell, the holy energy burning the creatures into light.

As he made his way through the hordes, Zenkichi called on his new Striker, Sosha, for what felt like the first time. The Dragoon appeared, stepping back before thrusting forward with her spear and impaling a runner, whipping the spear to toss the decaying Infested off before sweeping it along a line of Flood combat forms. She then changed up her attacks, thrusting her spear in rapid succession as Zenkichi dodged a Charger’s rushing attack to carve at its flank. As the Charger stumbled, Sosha jumped in to finish it off before despawning, leaving Zenkichi in the midst of the horde. ”Alright, Valjean, let’s Triple Down!” He called, another trio of gunshots peppering the horde around him and finishing off a good portion of already-wounded undead. By now, about half the original amount of undead and demons remained. Good progress.

Roxas had to hand it to the detective. He wasn’t kidding about specializing in taking on large numbers. That was mostly based on glimpses the Keybearer caught of Zenkichi fighting while he himself was seemingly zipping and flying around. So far he managed to avoid another hit from the tentacles. And one of the main reasons for that was because Roxas realized that there was nothing stopping him from using Tailwind on himself. Once he figured out he could do that, Roxas was practically buzzing around Nyx like a fly that refused to be swatted. And with the speed buff from Tailwind, Roxas could afford to be a little bolder in how and where he got in his shots. In one instance he switched to his Keyblades immediately after using a teleport-slash with StepSword to get off a follow up flurry of three strikes before he quickly moved on his way to avoid the inevitable retaliation.

All the while, Roxas was using his silver jackal mask to keep track of the cooldown for Poltergeist. As soon as it wound down, he summoned the bedsheet ghost again and allowed her to once more give him the benefits of Stealth, Taunt, Defense Up, and Healing Up. Once again, Taunt and Stealth were the most pertinent buffs, although Defense Up would certainly be helpful in the event Roxas slipped up and got struck down again. And now with that combined with the boon of Tailwind, Roxas could afford to be that much more bold in how he got his occasional shots in. This involved setting up a set of scattered virtual blocks that surrounded Nyx from multiple sides, off of which Roxas then launched himself between them in order to get off a few hit-and-run Keyblade slashes while zipping by Nyx. He’d just gone from being an annoying fly, to a full blown hornet.

But at one point, Roxas’ more risky maneuvers got the better of him when one of Nyx’s tentacles managed to catch him again and swat him away through the air - good thing he had Defense Up or this would have hurt him a lot more. Thinking fast, Roxas managed to generate a small wall of virtual blocks to catch him in his trajectory, so he could then kick himself off of it to go right back on the attack against Nyx. Just as Poltergeist’s buff was wearing off, Roxas seemingly transformed into a streak of light that zig-zagged toward Nyx only for Roxas to re-emerge and unleash a frontal Cross Slash on the B.O.W.. After that he had to let himself land back on the ground so he could touch a non-virtual surface, which would let him instantiate a new set of virtual blocks if needed.

Zenkichi could barely catch any glimpses of Roxas flying around Nyx and harassing it, but that was a good thing- if he couldn’t track the kid, it meant Roxas was doing a good job of keeping himself out of harm’s way. Which, in turn, gave Zenkichi plenty of time to focus on his enemies. With Sosha’s quick cooldown, she was fairly safe to call in often, though he was careful to keep her on the periphery of enemy groups so she wouldn’t get bogged down. With his own self-healing from each enemy he hit, Zenkichi was tough to bog down, especially for the many weaker demons and undead that fought on the battlefield. As the lesser enemies fell, though, Zenkichi was left with some harder threats: a carnis slithered out from behind a group of undead and swiped at him with its clawed limbs.

Zenkichi had to endure the hit, but he brought Ragnell up for a counterstrike before jumping back to put a little room between him and the giant centipede monster. It pursued and took a swipe as it ran, using the momentum to increase the power of its attack, but Zenkichi blocked the attack and kicked at one of the carnis’s primary legs to knock it off balance before stabbing the holy blade into its body and pulling it out through the side. Ichor and infection poured out of the monster, which chittered angrily and limped forward, sagging to its injured side. Zenkichi almost felt bad, but whatever this thing used to be, it was just host to a horrible infection now. Even as it tried to swipe at him, he dodged back and swung Ragnell, a beam of energy exploding in its face and stunning the carnis for Sossha to appear and finish off.

With the horde slowly abating and the tougher enemies dwindling with it, Zenkichi was satisfied that the mutant Nyx wouldn’t be able to get much else out of the remaining undead and demons. Looking over to Roxas, he called out, ”Alright, man, I think we can do this from here!” As he did, he made his way over to the B.O.W., swinging Ragnell to fire blasts of holy energy at it all the while.

Roxas ran after Zenkichi to start fighting Nyx for real. The first thing he did was re-establish the Tailwind buff for Zenkichi, then did so for himself. He resumed his harassment strategy, at least first. Tailwind and Flow Motion gave him all the agility he needed, and summoning virtual blocks would give him platforms to vault or launch from even in midair. In the time since he’d left Twilight Town two weeks ago, he’d gotten quite good at carrying on fights without hardly ever needing to touch the ground save for an occasional moment or two, and this was no different.

Unlike earlier in the fight, Roxas let himself be more aggressive with his attacks now that Zenkichi was fighting alongside him. This meant he executed longer strings of combos that usually opened with a teleporting slash with his StepSword as a means of putting himself in a favorable position, then following that with 4-5 Keyblade strikes. He thought about using spells or his Keyblade techniques a bit more, but he wanted to save what was left of his MP in case he needed to cast an emergency Curaga.

So instead he let one of his strikers get in on the damage-dealing - Kayano. Not wanting to accidentally repeat what happened the last time he summoned her, Roxas made sure he backed off a bit before bringing her out. When white-dressed beauty appeared this time, she did not shift around everyone’s position. This time she cast some kind of sacred spell that summoned a spectral geyser of water that erupted from underneath Nyx’s position that dealt both dark and water elemental damage.

With the speed boost Roxas granted, Zenkichi reached Nyx in fairly short order. He stayed back a bit as he approached, drawing his revolvers and emptying both cylinders into the mutagenic B.O.W. The more solid portions, the ones that had absorbed some of the various undead and demons from across the battlefield, seemed to be taking damage more readily than the main body, more jelly-like in form and hidden behind bone plates and the consumed corpses of demons and whatever the Flood and Infestation had taken. Indeed, after only a few shots, the torso of a Flood combat form that Nyx had absorbed collapsed, falling off of Nyx’s body and dissolving into ash.

”Roxas, focus on the stuff it’s absorbed! If we destroy that, it’ll be weaker and easier to hurt!” Zenkichi called out, stowing his guns and drawing Ragnell to fire a blast of energy at one of Nyx’s elongated arms, carving off an Infested runner’s oversized arm.

”Fire!” Roxas cried, aiming a Firaga spell at another of Nyx’s arms. And sure enough, a part of it that was absorbed from some other victim fell off in a flaming heap and turned to ash. ”Looks like you called it. Thanks for the tip!” That allowed Roxas to re-adjust where he targeted his spells and attacks. And the Medabot spirit he had fused with back in Midgar made calculating his aim a quite simple task. So Roxas strung together attacks at specific parts of Nyx’s body now. An arm here, a leg there, all while still maintaining his current strategy of harassing the mutant rather than engage it directly.

He tried to keep an eye out for how Zenkichi was fairing, too. He wanted to be ready in case he needed to swoop and heal them both up with a Curaga. Then he also decided to test the waters to see how effective the RockGun was when its charged shots were aimed at actual weak spots. And it turned out to be a marked improvement, not enough to destroy the absorbed spots in one shot, but enough to soften them up for a follow up strike by either himself or Zenkichi.

Zenkichi rushed in as Roxas started using his RockGun, hitting Nyx from behind with Ragnell and catching its attention. As a beam of hell energy swept across the battlefield, he performed an acrobatic front flip over the laser and focused on the Hell Razer Nyx had absorbed, the holy blade slicing into the engorged tentacle-limb that the demon was part of. The main body of the demon was buried beneath a few others, floodfested and demon alike, which implied Nyx could manifest weapons and attacks wherever was most convenient, annoyingly enough. It would have been too easy for the laser blaster to be buried under a pile of flesh, though.

As Nyx flailed and violently slammed its arm into Zenkichi, he brought up Ragnell in time to block the blow, but it had more momentum behind it than Zenkichi was expecting, sliding him back a good ten or so feet. ”Damn, this thing’s tougher than it looks. You got any ideas other than just…keep doing the same thing?” he asked.

”Just one.” Roxas answered with a quick nod. Then he summoned Oathkeeper to his left hand and held it above his head, ”Light!” It was the sign of his sharing his light with an ally, in this case - Zenkichi. The Phantom Thief would find himself empowered enough to immediately summon his Persona, Valjean, to perform a wide-reaching whip attack with his chains before disappearing again.

After that was a hail of gunfire and bullet spray as Zenkichi was able to unload a volley of explosive shots from his revolvers, which were instantly reloaded for the Limit attack. Meanwhile, Roxas hurled both Keyblades forward and the weapons proceeded to zip around Nyx’s body making numerous cuts and slashes while the Nobody himself charged up a finishing blast that he fired from the RockGun embedded in his right gauntlet.

”Oh YEAH! Zenkichi whooped, immediately rushing forward with his Greatsword to attack the battered Nyx, which had lost a large portion of its accumulated biomass and was now almost fully exposed in its gelatinous form. ”Oh yeah, this thing looks a lot different now. And…grosser. I regret everything.” Zenkichi joked, jumping back for another attack from Valjean. ”Valjean, One-Shot Kill!” Before the B.O.W. even had time to react to the previous strike, a massive bullet summoned from Zenkichi’s persona crashed into it, sending it stumbling backwards.

”Ugh, you’re not kidding.” Roxas said. He had no more MP now, but it didn’t seem that would be an issue anymore. He also charged forward, managing to trap Nyx’s gelatinous form between an array of virtual blocks that surrounded it from different angles. Then the Nobody simply launched himself between those blocks and sliced and diced with his Keyblades as he passed by the B.O.W. until he was ready to put that momentum into one more downward thrust of his Keyblades from above.

”Yuck, please tell me it’s gone now.” Roxas said hopefully.

Watching Nyx stumble and fall, its slowly pulsating inner core slowly fading from Roxas’s thrust attack, Zenkichi sighed in relief. ”Looks like it.” As the B.O.W. faded into ash, leaving its Spirit behind, Zenkichi’s vision began to tunnel as a trio of cards appeared, each showing an image and a block of text, like playing cards. ”Huh?” He wondered, reading them over. The one that appealed to him most, though it was not an easy choice, earned his selection, and once he touched the card, his surroundings returned. ”That was weird.”

Roxas, meanwhile, had been having his own little experience. When his vision darkened and tunneled, he too had a trio of cards floating in front of them. They looked like they were granting some kind of power up, maybe as a reward for beating that nasty gelatin thing? All three of the powers seemed incredibly good to have, so choosing just one was tough. But Roxas did choose one in the end and touched the card in question. ”Brilliance without measure, talent without equal.”

And then his vision went completely back to normal. ”So whoever’s behind this tree is trying to… help us… destroy the Guardian?” Roxas wondered, utterly confused now by the design and purpose of this place.

”Might be. If this thing is alive, maybe the Guardian is the source of the infection. If that’s the case, let’s pop open another vein and get going. It ain’t gonna wait for us, after all!” Following his own advice, Zenkichi started making his way over to the edge of the battlefield, scooping up some Spirits to crush later along the way.

Roxas nodded in agreement and let a smile form on his lips. ”Right behind you!” He replied as he followed after the Phantom Thief, stopping only to pick up Nyx’s spirit. He wasn’t about to fuse with something this disgusting, and making it a striker wasn’t appealing either. Could result in a useful item if he could hold onto it until they got back to the Avenger. After that he followed Zenkichi through one of the freshly unlocked veins, ready to put this hollow behind them.
Vs. Fighting Carcass Team

Feat. Pit and Captain Falcon
Word Count: 4,394 (+5)


Once he’d managed to cut his way free from the vein further up the tree, Pit shook his wings free of liquid and released his held breath, gladly taking in a fresh one. Riding up the vein had definitely been effective, and truth be told it wasn’t the grossest thing about the Qliphoth. At about the same time as the angel himself arrived, another Seeker popped out from a nearby vein.

"Oh, Captain Falcon!" Pit greeted him with. "Yeah, it happens all the time. I guess things would be too easy if all of us were always fighting together, huh?" He put one hand on his hip as he spun the Palutena Bow in the other to rid it of the demon tree’s blood while he answered the man’s question. Pit didn’t seem to be troubled by the separation, it was just a fact that it was going to happen at this point. Maybe Galeem actually was awake and subtly making this kind of thing happen? If only portions of the Seekers could work together to defeat Guardians, then all of them combined could take on any threat easily. Well, mostly any… definitely anything in here at least.

Like the battle that awaited the two of them now, for example. The area Pit and Captain Falcon had ended up in was mostly made of the same kind of stuff the bottom floor of the tree had been, complete with little patches of infected tissue here and there. But somehow, it looked like a whole church had gotten sucked into the Qliphoth and had ended up where they were standing. Broken pieces of what were once stone walls littered the area, and the dilapidated remains of the building itself were lodged right in the middle of the arena. With the arrival of the two Seekers, a pack of walking carcasses dragged themselves out of the ruined church and began skulking towards them. Four creatures, all distinct but equally horrific looking, barred the pair’s path forward.

The Captain assumed his fighting stance, ”These things just keep getting uglier and uglier.” He said while he eyed up the four walking carcasses. One with fists shaped like spiked clubs, another with an arm shaped like an oversized bulging club with the other looking slimmer with pointed claws, another with what looked like a big shield bulging out of its bicep, and the last one looking to be carrying some kind of weapon - an axe maybe?

”Ryuugeki Sen!” Cap declared, channeling chi into fiery discs that he could launch at the creatures from his hands for a high shot and legs for a low shot. ”What’s the play here, Pit? Should we turtle up or split off and divide and conquer?”

It was no surprise that Pit favored the second option, and he was quick to tell the bounty hunter so. "All offense is kind of my style, Cap! There's only four of them, so if we each take two... we'll be done in no time!"

While he said the last part, Pit started to move. He rushed to meet the quartet of monsters, drawing his bow back as he did and firing to cover his approach. The carcasses weren't grouped tightly together nor did they appear to be a true cooperative team - so Pit made it easy when he picked the couple he was going to engage with, which were just the two most on the right hand side. The light arrows zipped forward and struck each of his chosen targets, the giant axe and shield arm wielding creatures, and the two of them directed their attention to the angel. Pit ascended part of the church's exterior with one wing assisted leap while they chased after him, just before another wave of warm blue lights streaked through the air and crashed down upon the carcasses.

”Divide and conquer it is, then.” Cap agreed before he sprinted into action. He veered left to take on the remaining two carcasses that Pit did not target. They didn’t appear to be armed much in the way of actual weaponry which suited the Captain just fine. When the heavy carcass tried to throw a small series of slow-but-power punches, Falcon was able to duck and weave around them easily enough with his superior speed. Then he countered the punches with one of his own, uppercutting and staggering the carcass back a few steps with a ”Ryuuga!” That also consequently sent Falcon himself upward several feet. And before he landed his fiery body shot downward toward the Bloated Carcass, delivering a ”Falcon Kick!”

By then, the Heavy had recovered enough to try launching another punch, but Falcon lunged forward with his palms outstretched. ”Ryuugeki Ken!” A short ranged blast of fiery chi exploded from Falcon’s palms in a close-range blast that briefly staggered the Heavy again. He still had 2 Power Gauge stocks leftover from the previous fight, but the Captain chose not to use any Special Moves for now. Better to save those for later after wearing his opponents first. Plus he could build up an extra stock in the interim time by keeping his attacks simple for the moment.

Not far off Pit's battle had long been underway. He played keep away for a little bit, shooting at his opponents as they kept after him. The almost fluid nature of his arrows made it easy to strike them from unexpected angles, especially the bulbous shield arm carcass. Its engorged limb had initially taken the shape of a bludgeon, but it mutated into a strong barrier once the arrows started falling upon it. While it was protected from the front, the light arrows could just curve around and pierce it in the back. It eventually staggered, falling forward onto one knee.

"Gotcha now!" Pit had been in the middle of another backwards hop to keep a steady amount of space between himself and the carcasses, but once the shield arm made itself vulnerable he dropped down to land in a crouch, then dashed directly towards it.

The axe wielding carcass seemed the faster of the two monsters, and its reflexes were fast enough that it was able to quickly change gears from chasing the angel down to intercepting him. While still in motion the carcass threw itself sideways into Pit's path. Colliding with the young angel they both tumbled to the ground, and both quickly got back to their feet. The monster spun with a fast horizontal swipe, though the head of its axe clanged against a quickly summoned Guardian Orbitar. The two combatants broke apart, and while the giant axe carcass dragged its weapon up over its head in preparation for another attack, Pit swapped out his own weapon completely. His bow and orbitars disappeared, and the golden gauntlet of the Upperdash Arm formed around his limb. "Fine, I'll deal with you first!"

The two weapons crashed against each other, the blade of the axe smashing into the whirling disc of the Arm. The carcass was powerful, but Pit was no slouch in that department either. They traded a few blows, and though the angel could feel some kind of status ailment take effect on him he seemed to gradually be getting the upper hand. His health was slowly being chipped away at by the decay the monster carried and passed on to him, but in return the charged up Arm was dealing stronger blows to it. Pit pulled the weapon back and then drove it forward in a single quick motion, punching it into the creature's side. It stumbled backwards, let out an enraged gurgle, and came back at him with abandon.

And then Pit noticed something else. In the middle of battle, his divine weapon seemed to lose its luster. Whatever handicap the carcass had hit him with seemed to be affecting the Arm too - and when the first hairline fracture formed after the latest clash with the carcass the angel's eyes widened in shock. Without thinking about it he dispelled the Arm to protect it from further damage, which was a bad move when he had been entangled in melee with a monster. It took a heavy swing at Pit with its own weapon, cracking against the angel and sending him flying backwards. He struck the stone wall of the church, the hard impact making part of it crumble down on top of him.

Pit gasped and coughed as he sat up in the rubble, bringing a hand up to his chest plate. Even with armor on, that had really hurt. At least he hadn't been cleaved in half, just left with an ugly bruise most likely.

Lady Palutena! Can you hear me inside this tree? Can the divine weapons break?!

You're loud and clear now. No need to worry though, Pit. If something did manage to damage your weapon, it'll come back as good as new in a little while. Then again you could always use that as an opportunity to get a different one. Try the Volcano Arm next!

Sure, next time I—

Catching movement he looked up, just in time to see the axe armed monstrosity hit the peak of its leap as it sailed towards Pit's location. Pit scrambled to his feet and dove out of the way just before the carcass swung its axe overhead as it came down, smashing up the stone where Pit had been upon landing.

Not a moment later the recovered shield arm barreled in from Pit's flank. He ducked under its wide swing, evading around to the carcass' back side, jumping and kicking off of its hulking form to put some distance between himself and them. As he did, he felt the Goddess of Light reach out to him through their telepathic connection once more.

I didn't suggest the Volcano Arm just for fun. These things are mutated test subjects, but there's no helping them now. You'll have to put them down, and the best way to do it is with fire and lightning.

With his elemental arrows that was doable; with Captain Falcon's natural fire affinity it was doubly so. And now that he didn't have to worry about his weaponry, Pit could get right back into the battle.

"Got it!" He said aloud, summoning the Palutena Bow back to his hand. He pulled the bowstring hard, charging a light arrow as the two carcasses charged at him. The arrow's color shifted from blue to purple as its power grew, and when he loosed it the streak of light shot straight through one of the carcasses before looping back around to strike at the second as well. Static electricity began to jump around their bodies, and though it certainly didn't look like they had taken any extra damage, Pit trusted the hint he'd been given.

Pit dashed out of the way when they reached him, avoiding the axe and club as he let loose a dash shot for good measure. He charged up another Electro arrow, sending it sailing through the giant axe carcass and willing it to come back around again - but the arrow missed the mark when the shield arm ran forward to make up for its electrocuted partner. The carcass slammed its arm in bludgeon form down at Pit, forcing the angel to avoid it. Thundering Sands saw a burst of lightning catch the carcass as Pit skated backwards, and he grinned when he jumped right back towards it a moment later. He connected with a flying kick, sending the carcass tumbling much farther than he'd intended - putting the monster on a collision course with Captain Falcon.

"Oops- Uh, heads up Cap!" Pit called out as the giant axe carcass shook off its static and leapt to continue its assault on the angel.

The Captain, for his part, had been holding his own well enough given the circumstances. He was much faster than his opponents and therefore had little difficulty avoiding their attacks. Right up until the Bloated Carcass switched tactics and started attacking him with its leaner arm, resulting in surprisingly faster swipes. In pure one-on-one this still wouldn’t be difficult to manage, but when coupled with the Heavy Carcass attacking at the same time, it became a little more challenging. After weaving around a series of punches from the Heavy Carcass and staggering him with another ”Ryuuga!” Cap was getting ready to launch a counter strike on the Bloated Carcass when he heard Pit’s warning.

Falcon had little trouble rolling himself out of the way of the incoming Carcass. After he did so he watched in amusement as it instead barrelled into the Bloated Carcass sending them both staggering away. ”Much obliged.” The Captain commented as he spotted the Heavy Carcass recovering from the earlier Ryuuga and lunging for another punch. Falcon responded in kind by launching forward and smacking it what-good with a ”Raptor Boost!” The fiery uppercut proved especially effective thanks to the flame property, resulting in the Heavy Carcass getting blown back slightly farther than intended, where it would end up in the thick of Pit’s engagement with the Axe-wielding Carcass.

”Whoops, looks like we’re trading partners.” Falcon said, turning and tightening his stance to ready himself for the imminent attack that was coming from the recovering Bloated Carcass and Shield-Arm Carcass.

That wouldn't be a problem for Pit. As the Heavy Carcass careened towards his side of the ruined church battlefield Pit dashed towards it, prompting the Giant Axe to leap in an attempt to catch the angel with a deadly slam. Instead all three combatants came together violently - Pit stooped just in front of the heavy monster, ensuring that the axe of his other opponent crashed down onto it instead of him. Then with a quick summoning the Upperdash Arm made its return, driven into the Giant Axe Carcass with a mighty uppercut. The damage the weapon had developed still remained for the time being, but Pit trusted it would go back to normal eventually as Palutena had said.

The axe flew from the carcass' grip as its gangly greenish body was sent flying. It landed in a splayed heap nearby, just about finished by Pit's estimation. He went to hop over the downed carcass in front of him, but then something seized his leg. The angel let out a noise of surprise as the Heavy got to its feet, yanking him up and holding him upside down as it did. Little embers still clung to it, flashing against the emerald-like protrusions all over its body. It pulled its other fist back to strike its new punching bag, unfortunately slower than said punching bag reacted. Pit quick summoned the Guardian Orbitars, but instead of defending he willed the shields to smash into the carcass' face. In conjunction with Shield Smite the weakened monster reeled back, allowing Pit to get free once his bow was back in hand by slashing up at the creature.

He flipped to land in a crouch, but transitioned in a kneel for better stability as he lashed out with a leg cutter against the monster's inner calf. The blade struck deep, once more putting the carcass on its back. When Pit was on his feet again he hopped backward, a push of his wings sending him toward the Giant Axe Carcass. "Like I said, you first!" he told it, spinning his bow and driving the pointed end into its chest.

Over on the other side, Cap was having some issues of his own. He could still handle the Bloated Carcass well enough as before. But that Shield-Arm Carcass was proving to be a tough customer. Attacking it was like punching and kicking an opponent that was constantly blocking. Falcon figured he just needed the right opening and he could break through that guard. The trick was actually finding that opening, which proved difficult when he had to divide his attention between the Shield-Arm and the Bloated. As the Shield-Arm mostly seemed content to turtle up and tank hits, Cap decided to shift gears and attempt to focus his attacks on the Bloated one.

And since he’d built back up to 3 Power Gauge stocks, Falcon decided now was the time to go a little more hard-hitting. He dodged and weaved his way around yet another flurry of swipes and big punches from the Bloated Carcass. After that he hopped up and performed a triple spinning kick in midair that staggered the Bloating Carcass back. But rather than shift to his opposite target as he had been doing all this time, Cap instead decided to press the attack on the staggered Bloated Carcass. ”Let’s turn up the heat!” The Captain declared as his body momentarily flashed blue. He lunged forward in a single stride and managed to catch the Bloated Carcass before it could finish recovering. ”Ryuuko Ranbu!” Falcon shouted as he connected his flurry of punches and kicks, before adding the Ryuuga uppercut at the end for the finisher.

And while he was still midair, Falcon reoriented his body and aimed a fiery ”Falcon Kick!” That launched him diagonally downward at the Shield-Arm Carcass. It endured most of the blow, albeit not completely thanks to the fire affinity of the technique in question. The main point was that Cap was maintaining his momentum, and sustained it further when he kicked off of the Shield-Arm and landed back on the ground right in front of him as he winded up his fist. ”Let’s see you block this! Falcon… PUNCH!” His fiery fist went smashing into the bloated arm of the Carcass. Cap had no idea that these things had a weakness to fire, but that became increasingly apparent as the monstrosity reeled in pain from the explosive punch, and only now did the bounty hunter notice the overloaded explosion from some electro arrows that Pit had earlier shot it with.

”And stay down!” Cap said victoriously. Now he could turn his full focus toward finishing off the Bloated Carcass, which he saw was just about recovered from the earlier beating it took from the Ryuuko Ranbu.

With two of the carcasses done and dusted, the Smashers turned Seekers had the battle well handled. It wouldn't be long before they put the remaining monsters down and could move on. The heat of the Falcon Punch and the ensuing explosion washed over the arena, briefly taking Pit and the Heavy Carcass' attentions away from each other as they glanced at the fiery spectacle.

Though Pit had always found the F-Zero pilot's special move to be super cool, he didn't want to be outdone by it! Pit skipped backward away from the carcass and fired his light arrows at it, swapping between the faster, weaker streaks of light and the larger, stronger dash shots as it went after him. The angel ducked or dodged every punch it threw, its speed lessening as it took more damage. Its strength had already been flagging by the time Captain Falcon had sent it over to him, and Pit was careful not to let his most precious weapon take even one hit of decay. The pattern of dodge, slice, back away, shoot, and then dodge again continued for a few moments until the Heavy attempted one last ditch attack. It took a huge step forward and lunged with both of its club-like limbs at Pit, bringing them in from the sides to try and crush the angel between them. If it had tried that while it was in better shape it might have connected - but Pit leapt up as its arms crashed together, vaulting over the carcass' shoulder and landing behind it. He swiveled, bow already drawn back and charging a light arrow into an Electro one.

"You're done for!" Pit declared, firing the purple projectile. It shot straight through the carcass, and as it stuttered and turned to face Pit the arrow curved and came back around to deal the final blow. Electricity scattered throughout its body just before it fell face first onto the ground for the last time.

"And now I'm done here," he said, pleased with himself. With two down he flitted over to Captain Falcon, eager to see if he'd managed to finish his fight before the man.

As it turned out, they were wrapping up their fights around the same time, give or take a second or two. What Pit saw was Captain Falcon weaving out of another onslaught of attackings from the Bloated Carcass before he cracked back with ”Gen’ei Kyaku!” The rapid kicks barraged the carcassed and left it stunned long enough for the bounty hunter to spend one of his left over Power Gauge stocks in order to channel chi through his arms and out of his hands. ”Haoh Shoukou Ken!” Shouted the bounty hunter after aiming his cupped palms in the direction of the Bloated Carcass.

What followed was another fiery display. Not a punch this time, but instead a big fireball that surged forward from the flats of the Captain’s palms and went hurtling into the carcass with a fiery crash. The Bloated Carcass found itself similarly engulfed in a fiery blast much like the Shield-Arm was. And after the smoke cleared, the carcass fell over in a smoldering heap. ”Ha!” Captain Falcon posed victoriously, ”And that’s how it’s done!”

Pit approached him with a wide grin. If the angel didn't still have his bow in one hand, he might have applauded.

"Nice one, Cap!" he said. "Now we can move on to the next level!"

Unbeknownst to the two of them, there was one last order of business. A wave of darkness washed through the area, taking the both of them separately to what could only be described as some kind of reward area. Of course it might not have appeared that way at first, given the slightly ominous solid shadow surrounding them and three unexplained cards on offer.

"Good thing I can read now," he murmured, leaning in close and squinting as he worked through the words. Bouncing back... pro... projectiles. I can already do that, but it would be pretty cool to be able to shoot them back with my arrows! Next... attack up when shielded... hmm. Do I have to stick with the Orbitars to use this one? Pit tucked a fist under his chin, curling his other arm around his elbow as he thought about the options. Being half as strong in the air though? Why would someone pick... wait, twice as strong? 50% is half, so half a boost... uh... He decided it was a power up for sure, which would be great if he could actually keep himself airborne, but then again...

Umm... they all seem pretty good. Which one do you think I should pick, Lady Palutena?

...Lady Palutena?

Well it seemed like there was more interference again, or considering that Captain Falcon wasn't around, some kind of personal vision. Left to decide by himself, Pit's hand alternated between hovering over each of the three. In the end, he grasped the rightmost card. It might have been wishful thinking, he couldn't get the thought of a souped-up flying version of himself out of his head. So in the interest of being more useful in the future, he went with the mid-air strike.

The bounty hunter was about to give a celebratory thumbs up when he suddenly found his vision darkening, and not just because of the visor on his helmet either. Then he spotted the three glowing cards floating in front of him. They depicted names, images, and even small descriptions of what Falcon could only assume were power-ups of some kind. ”Guess I’m supposed to pick one…”

After reading each one carefully, Cap made his choice and reached for the left-most one.

As soon as he grabbed it, the other two cards vanished. Then the Captain heard a gruff voice in his head. ”The strongest metal still bends effortlessly to his will.” And before Falcon could even register what he heard, his vision was normal again and he was back in the hollow with Pit.

”Uh… thanks, mysterious voice.” Cap murmured in confusion before adding with a shrug, ”...I guess.”

Pit blinked as his eyes readjusted. "That happened to you too, right? The whole place suddenly went dark and you got to pick a power?"

”Pretty much, yeah.” Cap confirmed. ”Did a voice say something to you in your head too?”

"No, even though I asked her to," Pit huffed, clearly not on the same page as the F-Zero pilot. He found it kind of unfair that Captain Falcon got some kind of telepathy through to him, not considering the implications of that whatsoever. He didn't dwell on it for long.

"Do you think we'll keep getting prizes all the way up to the Guardian?" he asked, turning his attention across the hollow to where more veins snaked up the tree's interior. "C'mon, let's go find out!"

”’Asked her to’?” Cap asked curiously, ”What does that-?”” He started to ask but then paused in realization, ”Oh right, that goddess of yours. Lovely lady, green hair, right now I remember.” He mused and then said, ”Bit weird for this tree to be giving us power ups since we’re here to, I dunno, defeat it? Ah well, I’m sure things’ll become clearer as we get further in.”

Pit nodded vigorously in response to both of Captain Falcon's observations. And as for the latter, since they definitely wouldn't learn anything else by sitting around this ruined area they'd have to move on to the next. He led the way over to their exit, but at the last moment seemed to remember something and bounded back over to the battle site. "Don't wanna forget these," he said as he collected the four spirits, bringing them back over to Captain Falcon before they ascended.

Word Count: 2,082
Level 7 Ganondorf: 17/70
Level 9 Roxas: 50/90
Level 4 Captain Falcon: 25/40
Exp Gained: +3
NEW EXP Balance--- 20/70, 53/90, 28/40

The Dead Zone

This close, the massive tree that was the Qliphoth loomed even larger. And when no apparent entrance could be seen, it was the archangel Sandalphon who made the first move by drawing her weapon and opening fire on the trunk. This gave way to a cacophony of weapons and other blasts being let loose on the tree by the gathered Seekers there. Unfortunately, Roxas and Captain Falcon had little in the way of equipment or attacks that were suitable for this task. Roxas hacked away with his Keyblades, but the weapons’ shapes were obviously not optimized to be used like this. And Falcon had nothing but his fists and never-used sidearms.

Thankfully though, they had Ganondorf around. The warlord brandished his newly-acquired greatsword - Litania - and went to work with his immense strength. And soon enough an entrance into the tree was carved out for the intrepid group to enter through. Inside was the comfort of being out of the time fall - what little the atmosphere of the Qliphoth offered that is - and the almost immediate appearance of infested creatures of all sorts likely as a defense mechanism. Many were grossly misshapen insectoids, but others looked as though they might have previously occupied the city that was once located in this zone as well.

”Looks like they’re not taking too kindly to us.” Falcon commented as he cracked his neck and knuckles, entering his fighting stance.

”What even are these things?” Roxas asked with a disgusted look on his face as he summoned Oblivion and Oathkeeper to his hands.

”Hmph, fodder, as far I’m concerned.” Ganondorf grunted in reply, brandishing his trident - Vapor. The warlord was looking rather pleased that he was finally going to be able to handle an enemy the old-fashioned way rather than having to run and hide like outside. He also summoned the newly-upgraded Phantom Ganon with their flowing crimson cape and sharp sword-like nail they brandished along with their default trident weapon. In addition, he summoned a squad of Moblin Spearmen.

And then the fighting started. A chaotic cacophony of shouts, clashes, blasts, and spells that rang throughout the inside of the Qliphoth. Ganondorf wasted no time in charging right in, pausing only momentarily when an illusory spell of some kind was cast on him courtesy of Blazermate. When the dark cloud of smoke around him cleared, the Gerudo found himself flanked by a pair of doppelgangers of himself that wielded tridents of their own. He could tell they were only half as strong as the original, but even that could still be plenty strong considering who it was they were mimicking.

Between them, the moblins, and Phantom Ganon - Ganondorf was practically commanding a “Legion” of his own much like the minions commanded by Sectonia or Midna. And they were able to cut a large swathe into the attacking Floodfestation before them.

Meanwhile, Roxas also took to the fighting with his usual agility and flare. Enclosed corridors allowed him to launch himself between the walls with Flowmotion to cut down the Flood that were caught within the trajectory of his movements. Occasionally he would even pause to let off a crowd-clearing Thundaga spell whenever he needed to create some space for himself to get moving again. Unlike outside, for once he was almost completely in his element here. These infested creatures may not have been the same thing as Heartless or Nobodies, but they still similarly attacked in swarms which made the battle tactics feel familiar enough to the Keybearer.

Between the three of them, it was unfortunately the Captain who was having the roughest time. Most of his techniques were geared toward taking down enemies in 1v1 fights. So dealing with a swarm like this was less than ideal for the bounty hunter. But he didn’t let that deter him, as Cap sprinted in and opened his fight with a fiery punch on what looked like the remains of an infected citizen from Redgraccoon City. He couldn’t help but feel a little bad for the poor souls whose existence in this world was tied to this dreadful place. But now wasn’t the time for empathizing.

Falcon kicked and punched his way through a handful more small fry. He wasn’t as built for taking on an army like some of his compatriots were, which was why the Captain smirked to himself when he managed to single out a not-so-small fry enemy. Whatever it was, it looked like some kind of giant sentient pelvis that oozed with infection. And… was that a freaky-looking face in the central segment? Or maybe that was just the bone structure and muscle tissue giving a disturbing optical illusion? This thing looked less like an infected victim and more like a pure monstrosity. ”Okay then, this is definitely… a first for me.” Falcon commented, rolling his shoulder muscles and tightening into Robert Garcia’s martial arts stance.

”Let’s see what you’ve got, show me your moves!” The Captain declared before he dead-sprinted toward the monster in question. When he was close he leaped forward and smashed into the Saxum’s midsection with a powerful ”Knee of Justice!” And then after landing he planted his foot on the ground and launched his other leg into a ”Gen’ei Kyaku!” That barraged the monster with a series of rapid straight kicks. Falcon’s strikes appeared to land, but with the way this creature looked, it was surprisingly hard to tell how much damage he was actually doing.

Cap also didn’t initially notice the projectiles shooting out of the thing’s shoulders until he had to jump back and even use his bubble shield to prevent himself from taking the brunt of a counterstrike. And even after avoiding the initial onslaught, the projectiles themselves left dangerous areas that dealt constant lingering damage to whoever stood in them. And that meant that the Captain would have to continuously keep watching his footing otherwise the lingering area damage could catch up to him.

Elsewhere, both Ganondorf and Roxas were still more or less thriving. The King of Evil had been taking full advantage of the illusory doubles that had been granted to him for coordinated attacks alongside them. His Moblin Spearmen fought as long as they were capable, but it was all but inevitable that they’d fall eventually. Even Phantom Ganon, with his new powers granted by N Corp’s Nail and Ripping Bear, couldn’t last forever. He was still fighting but it became clear that he could only last so much longer before he was either overwhelmed or his time ran out. After Ganondorf’s doubles wore off, he paused long enough to consecrate some Hallowed Ground for Phantom Ganon to remain near in order to benefit from some of its regenerative effects. This would hopefully let him last long enough for his time to run out so that his defeat wouldn’t cost Ganondorf any extra energy. After that he summoned a fresh squad of Moblin Spearmen and went back on the offensive against the Flood.

As for Roxas, his efforts were similarly bearing fruit. His tactic of launching himself between walls in tight spaces allowed for him to sustain a remarkable amount of momentum in his fighting style. This also meant that he had to spend MP on spells a bit less often, allowing him to conserve his resources a bit while still maintaining his effectiveness. He coupled that by occasionally summoning his striker, Poltergeist. Her Psi attacks were a good way to soften up clusters of enemies so that Roxas could zip by with his Keyblades for the finisher. Her ability to grant him buffs with The Sun Is Not Gentle after a while was also a welcome addition to Roxas’ repertoire.

Meanwhile, Captain Falcon found himself in a tough matchup against the infected Saxum. Its size and ability to cover its surroundings in hazardous damaging zones made it difficult for the Captain to maintain a proper melee engagement with the warframe in question. It was fortunate for Falcon that he had a striker like Bianca to help him in this kind of pinch. Her ability to shift the types of arrows she fired combined with her fairly short cooldowns made for a useful bit of versatility to get off occasional ranged damage or slowness on the monster in a way that also gave Falcon some breathing room to try and study the monster as he fought it.

Through this, Falcon managed to figure out that the two femurs that served as the creature’s shoulders appeared to be taking more damage. So Falcon started concentrating on them. When he was able to get close enough, he could strike at them with punches or kicks. But while away from them, he could have Bianca concentrate her shots on them. Then at one point the Captain shifted gears a bit and summoned his other striker, Tyr. The man appeared and began to hack and slash away at the femurs with telekinetically controlled greatswords. After the damage that was already dealt, Tyr’s attack even managed to destroy one of the femurs before he vanished.

With this, Falcon saw what he thought was an opening and launched forward hoping to take advantage of the creature’s damaged flank. But when he saw corrosive bombs begin to spew out from the spot where the femur had been he zigzagged away and had to rethink his plan. The lingering damage from the projectiles was going to start catching up to him if he didn’t do something now. Then - as if answering his prayers - Captain Falcon found himself being healed. It was Sandalphon, one of her uses of Angelic Wings included the Captain within its twenty foot radius. This got the bounty hunter’s health back up to full and then some.

”My turn!” Falcon declared, flashing blue momentarily as he renewed his frontal charge against the infected Saxum. He attacked from the side containing the other femur to avoid getting a face full of explosions. And the lingering damage zones didn’t concern him quite as much when he was now at above full health thanks to Sandalphon’s timely divine intervention. All the fighting he’d been doing had allowed Cap to build up a full 3 stocks of Power Gauge. And now it was time to capitalize. ”Ryuuko Ranbu!” The bounty hunter shouted as his rush connected. He launched into a high-speed flurry of punches and kicks against the Saxum’s femur before launching straight upward with a Ryuuga as the finishing touch.

The tall warframe staggered back as the second femur exploded and was destroyed. After that more corrosive explosions spewed out. But Falcon noticed the warframe’s movements became increasingly weakened, realizing that the explosives spewing out was the monster’s own way of bleeding out, as it were. So all Cap had to do from here was keep a safe distance and let the monster finish dying off. He grabbed its spirit, unsure what could be done with it but figuring the group could figure it out later. Roxas and Ganondorf, meanwhile, were mopping up the rest of the section of enemies they were fighting against as well.

From here, all three heard the recommendation from Sandalphon about ascending the tree to escape the area. And at this point, neither of them were particularly inclined to argue with her logic. For Roxas, this wouldn’t be hard at all thanks to Flow Motion. Falcon and Ganondorf would have to put a little more oomph into it, but between the former’s athleticism and the latter’s Bullet Jump, they could make the ascension as well. Of course, the transit up the tree eventually landed all three in different hollows with different people acting as their temporary partners.

Roxas found himself in a hollow alongside Zenkichi. ”Separated into pairs.” The Nobody quipped before adding, ”Again. It’s like Arahabaki all over again.”

Ganondorf found himself in an entirely different hollow. And when he looked around, the only ally he could find was Primrose. ”Is it only the two of us here?” He asked. ”Seems we’ve all been separated again.”

And then the Captain, who looked around in the hollow he was in and could only find one of his fellow former Smashers. ”Just us?” Falcon asked Pit. ”Does this sort of thing normally happen whenever the Seekers complete their missions?”
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