oh look, pulled out of that game series you love when I include it
Origin: Age of wonders 3
Appearance: Edward is a middle aged human with brown hair, sandy skin and a chiseled complexion that is all angles.
He wears the armor of a commonwealth Dreadnought: dark gray armored plate mail with epaulet adored shoulder pads, a red sash, and red pantaloons.
His steed is a brown stallion adorned in a red cloud and gray metal horse armor that menaces with spikes.
A resourceful, honest, and a highly trained and distinguished military commander. Once a bit of a stickler to the rules, and still very much able to quote them, and blind to the excesses of his nation due to believing firmly in what it stood for, Edward has long since put that aside in the name of living up to the egalitarian spirit of its ideals and doing what is right. Even now when the Commonwealth is dead and buried. Perhaps more so. Especially after a stint of horrors beyond the void madness caused him, for a time, to twist those principles into an engine of brutal and bloody conquest.
He is generally well spoken, be it delivering orders or rousing speeches, as well as fairly personable when the time allows. He also has nerves of steel, and is a true professional even when under immense stress. However, as a man of (magi-)science he has a tendency to turn his nose up at mysticism and traditions that exist purely for tradition’s sake.
Edward Portsmith was once a Dreadnaught of the Commonwealth Empire, a nation situated next to the valley of wonders on the blessed continent of the world of Athela.
Said Empire began as a joining of the many species of the world for mutual protection and the sharing of knowledge. Though it set out with benign intentions, ambition and technological development quickly outgrew the concepts of the original charter, resulting in strife, both internally between competing factions, and externally with the other major power in the land, the elven court.
A group known as the Shadowborn sought to take advantage of this strive to file all out war, weakening them both in order to make the realm easy pickings for their extradimensional masters. However Edward, along with his childhood friend Leana and a group known as the Torchbearers managed to unpick the conspiracy, though not before much blood and death was sown in its name.
Despite their efforts, it was not enough to save their nation, nor their world. Across Athela worldgates, portals to other worlds in the multidimensional space known as the astral sea, opened, and from them came Godir, all powerful sorcerer kings styling themselves as gods, who had been banished long ago for crimes committed against the world. Edward and Leana stood at the head of the commonwealth’s defenses, but in its weakened state, and against the ancient magics of the Godir, they stood little chance as entire armies were sent plummeting through rits and the astral sea, where they were left adrift in a realm of maddening chaos.
Through Leana’s magic and Edward’s ingenuity they and some of their forces survived this intended death sentence, eventually crashing on a distant world. There they rebuilt, but, haunted by their travels through the astral sea, something went wrong in many of their minds. Including Edward’s.
He led his fellow madmen on a crusade across the worlds of the astral sea, slashing and burning any who might bow to a Godir, even those who served the more benevolent Godir that had not invaded his home realm, or even stood opposed to those that had.
Concerned about her friend, Leana reached out to the very people he sought to destroy, and, with one of their help, tracked down the source of Edward’s madness. In studying ancient lore she came to find out about the ancient evil known as the Urrath, that the Shadowborn had truly served, and how had gripped his mind. With this knowledge in hand, and with the Godir’s help, she managed to free him from the Urrath’s tendrils before he destroyed either himself or everyone else.
Sickened by what he had done and what had been done to him, Edward turned himself and his forces against the Urrath’s servants whose existence had been unveiled by the investigations of his condition. He began an invasion of the umbral abyss, a tainted realm of floating islands filled with corrupted men and monsters, seeking to stop their spread into the waking world. Alongside him fought Godir he had been pitted against, only for Galeem’s light to strike and capture them all in a snapshot with it's brilliant light.
In the Now: Edward has found himself fighting a different corruption on a different set of islands alongside a different set of divine beings. Without the backing of the commonwealth or its even lesser successor, he has found himself acting as an independent mercenary, providing flaming armaments and disposable spear walls to augment the angel’s forces.
Job: General
Specialty: Edward brings a small army to the field, as well as party wide buffs, and long ranged magical support. He’s also not a half bad fighter either, though while a fair cut above the rank and file, he is no one man army.
Lv: 1
EXP: ////////// 0/10
Edward Portsmith - the Last Dreadnought
Origin: Age of wonders 3
Appearance: Edward is a middle aged human with brown hair, sandy skin and a chiseled complexion that is all angles.
He wears the armor of a commonwealth Dreadnought: dark gray armored plate mail with epaulet adored shoulder pads, a red sash, and red pantaloons.
His steed is a brown stallion adorned in a red cloud and gray metal horse armor that menaces with spikes.
A resourceful, honest, and a highly trained and distinguished military commander. Once a bit of a stickler to the rules, and still very much able to quote them, and blind to the excesses of his nation due to believing firmly in what it stood for, Edward has long since put that aside in the name of living up to the egalitarian spirit of its ideals and doing what is right. Even now when the Commonwealth is dead and buried. Perhaps more so. Especially after a stint of horrors beyond the void madness caused him, for a time, to twist those principles into an engine of brutal and bloody conquest.
He is generally well spoken, be it delivering orders or rousing speeches, as well as fairly personable when the time allows. He also has nerves of steel, and is a true professional even when under immense stress. However, as a man of (magi-)science he has a tendency to turn his nose up at mysticism and traditions that exist purely for tradition’s sake.
Edward Portsmith was once a Dreadnaught of the Commonwealth Empire, a nation situated next to the valley of wonders on the blessed continent of the world of Athela.
Said Empire began as a joining of the many species of the world for mutual protection and the sharing of knowledge. Though it set out with benign intentions, ambition and technological development quickly outgrew the concepts of the original charter, resulting in strife, both internally between competing factions, and externally with the other major power in the land, the elven court.
A group known as the Shadowborn sought to take advantage of this strive to file all out war, weakening them both in order to make the realm easy pickings for their extradimensional masters. However Edward, along with his childhood friend Leana and a group known as the Torchbearers managed to unpick the conspiracy, though not before much blood and death was sown in its name.
Despite their efforts, it was not enough to save their nation, nor their world. Across Athela worldgates, portals to other worlds in the multidimensional space known as the astral sea, opened, and from them came Godir, all powerful sorcerer kings styling themselves as gods, who had been banished long ago for crimes committed against the world. Edward and Leana stood at the head of the commonwealth’s defenses, but in its weakened state, and against the ancient magics of the Godir, they stood little chance as entire armies were sent plummeting through rits and the astral sea, where they were left adrift in a realm of maddening chaos.
Through Leana’s magic and Edward’s ingenuity they and some of their forces survived this intended death sentence, eventually crashing on a distant world. There they rebuilt, but, haunted by their travels through the astral sea, something went wrong in many of their minds. Including Edward’s.
He led his fellow madmen on a crusade across the worlds of the astral sea, slashing and burning any who might bow to a Godir, even those who served the more benevolent Godir that had not invaded his home realm, or even stood opposed to those that had.
Concerned about her friend, Leana reached out to the very people he sought to destroy, and, with one of their help, tracked down the source of Edward’s madness. In studying ancient lore she came to find out about the ancient evil known as the Urrath, that the Shadowborn had truly served, and how had gripped his mind. With this knowledge in hand, and with the Godir’s help, she managed to free him from the Urrath’s tendrils before he destroyed either himself or everyone else.
Sickened by what he had done and what had been done to him, Edward turned himself and his forces against the Urrath’s servants whose existence had been unveiled by the investigations of his condition. He began an invasion of the umbral abyss, a tainted realm of floating islands filled with corrupted men and monsters, seeking to stop their spread into the waking world. Alongside him fought Godir he had been pitted against, only for Galeem’s light to strike and capture them all in a snapshot with it's brilliant light.
In the Now: Edward has found himself fighting a different corruption on a different set of islands alongside a different set of divine beings. Without the backing of the commonwealth or its even lesser successor, he has found himself acting as an independent mercenary, providing flaming armaments and disposable spear walls to augment the angel’s forces.
Job: General
Specialty: Edward brings a small army to the field, as well as party wide buffs, and long ranged magical support. He’s also not a half bad fighter either, though while a fair cut above the rank and file, he is no one man army.
- A horse: Edward has ridden many the exotic steeds over the years, but when it comes down to it there’s nothing quite as dependable as a horse. Particularly this one, christened ForgeHeart which has been with him for a while now. Its pack provides some extra local storage space.
- magelock rifle: a magical high power musket with unlimited ammo, excellent range and the ability to ignore half the armor and magic resistance of the target. It is, however, too bulky to be fired mounted, has a poor rate of fire, and has a 60% accuracy rate . That last can however be addressed if the user activates a stabilizing spell that anchors them in place for a few moments, boosting the accuracy to 140%.
- Sword and magelock pistol: much more suitable for mounted combat and skirmishing than the above. What the pistol lacks in range and raw damage it matches in penetration power and exceeds in terms of accuracy, while the blade can be used to put down foes who close the pistol's limited range. Pistol and blade can naturally be used separately, but they make for quite the effective team.
Lv: 1
EXP: ////////// 0/10
- Imperial Armory: the user can designate a place to be his armory, and can make it so that anyone in his confidence can gain instant access to anything found therein from anywhere in the world. However, putting things back is a more involved process, requiring a small ritual that the armory itself can avoid due to the power invested in it. This makes it better for retrieving the tools specifically needed for the job than hot swapping out equipment on the fly, unless the person using it is willing to throw away the team’s shared supplies.
- Tome of Enchantment
- Bronze and Copper (tier 1 and tier 3 units): Edward can animate squads of 6 human sized copper golems or squads of 2 far more durable and dangerous bronze golems who tower twice the height of their lesser kin. As golems, they are heartless machines entirely at the beck and call of their summoner.
Both kinds are armed with caverly/monster slaying polearm, with which bronze golems are capable of making aoe cleaving attacks with their helbards that can hit multiple foes.
They are reinforced against physical ranged attacks, fairly durable to physical melee attacks, but weak to magical strikes and especially electricity. Generated by a singular spell as the squad is, they are unable to split into smaller units. While this seems inconvenient, one upside of this is that excess magical healing done to the squad can be used by the spell web to resurrect destroyed members of it.
- Bronze and Copper (tier 1 and tier 3 units): Edward can animate squads of 6 human sized copper golems or squads of 2 far more durable and dangerous bronze golems who tower twice the height of their lesser kin. As golems, they are heartless machines entirely at the beck and call of their summoner.
- Tome of Pyromancy
- Searing weapons (tier 1 enchantment): melee and ranged physical attack of the caster and their allies are ignited, doing 10% less physical damage, but 20% extra fire damage, as well as being able to inflict a burning debuff on their foes on 60% of their strikes (weak fast attacks only have 30%, strong slow attacks have 90%, and magic resistance reduces the chance). The burning debuff deals a small amount of fire damage over 10 seconds, but can be stacked up to 5 times on a single target to give them a proper roasting.
- Tome of the Reavers
- Designate Target (tier 1 Combat Spell): surrounds one target in a blood red aura that makes them count as flanked and take 25% more damage for 3 seconds, as well as adding 2 stacks of the marked debuff for 9 (which help guide the aim of those trying to strike/shoot the target, decreasing their evasiveness by 10% by each stack). Can target anything as long as Edward can see it.
- Martial Expertise: From horseback riding and gryphon piloting to wielding swords, bows, guns and lances, Eward was trained in every martial art practiced in his commonwealth before it was destroyed, making him very adaptable to different equipment.
- Champion without a kingdom: Without the dedicated infrastructure and assistance of entire cities at his beck and call, Edward is considerably more limited in his capacity to wage war. Instead of armies of miners stripping mana crystals from mana nodes, the Dreadnought’s magical war machine is fueled by a battery of small mana fuel cells that can only support a limited amount of troops and enchantments.
He starts with 2, gaining two more per level. Tier 1/2/3/4/5 enchantments/unit squads take up 1/2/4/7/12 cells each. - Preparative magic: Tome enchanting and summoning spells are rituals, and are therefore not viable for using on the fly. Instead Edward needs to come into a fight with a pre-prepared and buffed squad, rather than forming that toolkit on the fly. It also means that his losses will not be replaceable unless he can get out of a fight and get space to rebuild his forces.
- Combat Casting Points: Tome spells draw from a limited casting point pool that are recharged outside of combat via a short but easily disrupted ritual, making him less effective in dragged out engagements. As with the above, Edward starts with 2 CCPs and gains 2 per level, and Tier 1/2/3/4/5 spells expend 1/2/4/7/12 points each.
- N/A
- ForgeHeart
- A dependable steed if ever there was one, though Edward has been de-horsed enough to know to not get too attached to any individual steed.