Name - Joseph “Joe” Archer
Color - White
Age - 17
Face Claim -…
Personality - On the surface, Joe seems to be a perfectly average teenage guy. He always gets average(never perfect) grades, always stays out of trouble, and always has the attitude of being “a generically nice guy” who, despite being nice, never gets close to anyone and can never be spotted in a crowd, no matter how hard other people try.
And, to be honest, Joe likes it that way.
In reality, Joe is a highly intelligent, curious, and compassionate individual who, due to a lot of highly personal reasons, just wants to be seen as average and forgettable. Being in the spotlight for even a moment is highly terrifying to him, so he just keeps to himself and acts in just the right way to make people ignore him. The result is that people usually never remember him, which makes Joe painfully lonely; he usually tries to bury the part of him that wants friends, however, because he’s scared that he’ll be taken advantage of again if he gets close to someone.
He also doesn’t normally ask for help because of his spotlight phobia and just being naturally stubborn, so he learns how to do things from Youtube videos and observing other people, and often also carries around a notepad in order to come back to it when he doesn’t remember something. Due to all the skills he’s learned, Joe could be described as a jack of all trades, though because of obvious reasons, he never gets called to help anyone with his vast array of skills.
Skills - Joe is good at programming, making/fixing robots, math, science, acting, handling/fixing computers and other technology, costume design, and singing. There are more skills that he’s learned but hasn’t put into practice yet(like taking care of animals and contact juggling), but so far, no one else will even notice him doing these things, so why branch out?
Background/Brief Bio - Joe was born to a rather odd couple, with his dad being a highly skilled and popular actor and his mom being a simple florist. While he was little, Joe was often taken by his dad to meet his friends while the two were also constantly hounded by Joe’s dad’s many reporters, which Joe’s dad often told many exaggerated stories to. Joe, however, never got the appeal of any of this, and, after Joe’s dad got blacklisted by Hollywood due to something he’d done and suddenly disappeared from Joe’s life a week later, Joe soon grew a hatred for fame and decided that if he had his way, he would never become famous on his own merits.
At the same time as his dad disappearing, Joe was friends with a group of teens who turned out just to be using Joe in order to get good grades. After a rather tumultuous falling out, Joe was left with a feeling of never wanting to get close to anyone at all, and soon, his hatred of fame became a feeling of fear and discomfort of ever standing out at all, because in his eyes, people only want to use and/or idolize you if you’re ever extraordinary, so why not just be ordinary instead?
Joe then hid his intelligence and masqueraded as “a bland, generic nobody” through the rest of middle school, and now is doing so in high school. So far, no one is the wiser(except maybe Joe’s mom), but maybe that’ll change one day…
Villain of Choice - Rita Repulsa
Notes - I chose white for Joe’s color in order to reference the phrase “a blank slate”; while Joe isn’t a blank slate, he sure acts like one.
Sample Post - He should've known that this would've happened.
It was a Thursday, and also the day where the school's newsletter was looking for exceptional students to star in it. Then, every Friday, the students who were the most interesting(at least, that's what Joe pictured) had articles written about them in the newsletter, and the students had their one second of fame before the next Thursday came around and it was done all over again.
Personally, Joe was ambivalent toward all this. While he'd admit that finding out more about the other students in his school was kinda cool, on the other hand, the people in charge of the newsletter seemed to be getting desperate(at least, in Joe's opinion), as they were now interviewing everyone instead of a select few popular kids.
Honestly, though, as long as no one was interviewing him, Joe didn't really care all that much...
Until someone decided to do just that, that is.
It was an average Thursday, and Joe was just getting all his stuff and getting ready to go home when-
"Hey Mister! You mind if I ask a few questions for the newsletter!?"
Oh no.
Oh god no!
Joe's immediate thought was to bolt out of there, or at least to run into a crowd and then blend into it. As such, he was about to search for one when a throat clearing that sounded like it was in front of him signaled to him that he was too late, and he decided to succumb to his fate and look at the girl in front of him.
"Are you ready?" The girl said, her feet bobbing up and down impatiently.
"...Might as well," Joe thought to himself with a mental sigh, but outwardly, he said, "Sure. I've always wanted to do this."
"Great!" The girl said, her grin wide and eyes shining. "So, first off, what's your name? I have the feeling I've seen you before, but for some reason, I've never gotten your name, so what is it?"
"My name is Joe," Joe almost monotoned.
The girl wrote Joe's name down on her notepad, then asked:
"Alright, Joe; are there anything that you love to do? Like, ooh, maybe hiking, rock climbing, painting-"
"I collect rocks," Joe lied. Okay, now there's definitely no emotion in his voice.
"...Okay," The girl said. "Is there anything special about these rocks that you like about them-"
"Rocks are rocks," Joe replied. "I do like one the best, though. That one is grayer and bigger than the rest,
so it's pretty cool."
"...Alright," The girl said. At this point, she was really confused as to whether Joe was trolling her or not. "Is there anything else you're passionate about?"
"I like to watch TV," Joe said. "Oh, and sleep. Sleep's nice."
"...I'm starting to see why I don't remember you all that well," The girl said. "Um, are there any events you participated in-"
"The start of the year assembly was cool, I guess."
"Uh, are you into any extracurriculars-"
"Uhhhhhh, anything you want to do after graduating?"
"...Uh, I want to be a brick layer, I guess."
The girl looked at him like he had two heads, then sighed.
"Okay, we're getting nowhere with this," The girl said while starting to leave. "Since you clearly don't want to be interviewed, I'm gonna find someone else to talk to. Um, good luck with your rock collection, uh...James, was it?"
"Close enough," Joe replied while waving back at the girl. He then let out a sigh of relief and continued to get the rest of his stuff, glad that everyone would continue to not acknowledge his existence.
After all, why should they when he had nothing to offer?
Color - White
Age - 17
Face Claim -…
Personality - On the surface, Joe seems to be a perfectly average teenage guy. He always gets average(never perfect) grades, always stays out of trouble, and always has the attitude of being “a generically nice guy” who, despite being nice, never gets close to anyone and can never be spotted in a crowd, no matter how hard other people try.
And, to be honest, Joe likes it that way.
In reality, Joe is a highly intelligent, curious, and compassionate individual who, due to a lot of highly personal reasons, just wants to be seen as average and forgettable. Being in the spotlight for even a moment is highly terrifying to him, so he just keeps to himself and acts in just the right way to make people ignore him. The result is that people usually never remember him, which makes Joe painfully lonely; he usually tries to bury the part of him that wants friends, however, because he’s scared that he’ll be taken advantage of again if he gets close to someone.
He also doesn’t normally ask for help because of his spotlight phobia and just being naturally stubborn, so he learns how to do things from Youtube videos and observing other people, and often also carries around a notepad in order to come back to it when he doesn’t remember something. Due to all the skills he’s learned, Joe could be described as a jack of all trades, though because of obvious reasons, he never gets called to help anyone with his vast array of skills.
Skills - Joe is good at programming, making/fixing robots, math, science, acting, handling/fixing computers and other technology, costume design, and singing. There are more skills that he’s learned but hasn’t put into practice yet(like taking care of animals and contact juggling), but so far, no one else will even notice him doing these things, so why branch out?
Background/Brief Bio - Joe was born to a rather odd couple, with his dad being a highly skilled and popular actor and his mom being a simple florist. While he was little, Joe was often taken by his dad to meet his friends while the two were also constantly hounded by Joe’s dad’s many reporters, which Joe’s dad often told many exaggerated stories to. Joe, however, never got the appeal of any of this, and, after Joe’s dad got blacklisted by Hollywood due to something he’d done and suddenly disappeared from Joe’s life a week later, Joe soon grew a hatred for fame and decided that if he had his way, he would never become famous on his own merits.
At the same time as his dad disappearing, Joe was friends with a group of teens who turned out just to be using Joe in order to get good grades. After a rather tumultuous falling out, Joe was left with a feeling of never wanting to get close to anyone at all, and soon, his hatred of fame became a feeling of fear and discomfort of ever standing out at all, because in his eyes, people only want to use and/or idolize you if you’re ever extraordinary, so why not just be ordinary instead?
Joe then hid his intelligence and masqueraded as “a bland, generic nobody” through the rest of middle school, and now is doing so in high school. So far, no one is the wiser(except maybe Joe’s mom), but maybe that’ll change one day…
Villain of Choice - Rita Repulsa
Notes - I chose white for Joe’s color in order to reference the phrase “a blank slate”; while Joe isn’t a blank slate, he sure acts like one.
Sample Post - He should've known that this would've happened.
It was a Thursday, and also the day where the school's newsletter was looking for exceptional students to star in it. Then, every Friday, the students who were the most interesting(at least, that's what Joe pictured) had articles written about them in the newsletter, and the students had their one second of fame before the next Thursday came around and it was done all over again.
Personally, Joe was ambivalent toward all this. While he'd admit that finding out more about the other students in his school was kinda cool, on the other hand, the people in charge of the newsletter seemed to be getting desperate(at least, in Joe's opinion), as they were now interviewing everyone instead of a select few popular kids.
Honestly, though, as long as no one was interviewing him, Joe didn't really care all that much...
Until someone decided to do just that, that is.
It was an average Thursday, and Joe was just getting all his stuff and getting ready to go home when-
"Hey Mister! You mind if I ask a few questions for the newsletter!?"
Oh no.
Oh god no!
Joe's immediate thought was to bolt out of there, or at least to run into a crowd and then blend into it. As such, he was about to search for one when a throat clearing that sounded like it was in front of him signaled to him that he was too late, and he decided to succumb to his fate and look at the girl in front of him.
"Are you ready?" The girl said, her feet bobbing up and down impatiently.
"...Might as well," Joe thought to himself with a mental sigh, but outwardly, he said, "Sure. I've always wanted to do this."
"Great!" The girl said, her grin wide and eyes shining. "So, first off, what's your name? I have the feeling I've seen you before, but for some reason, I've never gotten your name, so what is it?"
"My name is Joe," Joe almost monotoned.
The girl wrote Joe's name down on her notepad, then asked:
"Alright, Joe; are there anything that you love to do? Like, ooh, maybe hiking, rock climbing, painting-"
"I collect rocks," Joe lied. Okay, now there's definitely no emotion in his voice.
"...Okay," The girl said. "Is there anything special about these rocks that you like about them-"
"Rocks are rocks," Joe replied. "I do like one the best, though. That one is grayer and bigger than the rest,
so it's pretty cool."
"...Alright," The girl said. At this point, she was really confused as to whether Joe was trolling her or not. "Is there anything else you're passionate about?"
"I like to watch TV," Joe said. "Oh, and sleep. Sleep's nice."
"...I'm starting to see why I don't remember you all that well," The girl said. "Um, are there any events you participated in-"
"The start of the year assembly was cool, I guess."
"Uh, are you into any extracurriculars-"
"Uhhhhhh, anything you want to do after graduating?"
"...Uh, I want to be a brick layer, I guess."
The girl looked at him like he had two heads, then sighed.
"Okay, we're getting nowhere with this," The girl said while starting to leave. "Since you clearly don't want to be interviewed, I'm gonna find someone else to talk to. Um, good luck with your rock collection, uh...James, was it?"
"Close enough," Joe replied while waving back at the girl. He then let out a sigh of relief and continued to get the rest of his stuff, glad that everyone would continue to not acknowledge his existence.
After all, why should they when he had nothing to offer?