Name: Vixen
Pokemon Species: Vulpix
Gender: Female; She/Her
Appearance: Looks like a normal Vulpix, basically, except for the fact that her appearance is all dirty and tussled up. Her fur is matted and sticks up at points, her "hair" is overly long with both her bangs and back hair covering her eyes/neck, her eyes have giant eye bags under them; etc. Besides that, there's also a big, pink bow tied around her neck, which has been weathered and torn in a lot of places, but some of it is still there(specifically, at least a small part of one loop of the bow, and the front part). Despite Vixen hating the bow, she and the others haven't been able to get it off, no matter how hard they try.
Personality: Tired. Wary. Snarky. Pessimistic. These four traits essentially make up Vixen's overall attitude towards life(and most everything else(besides her friends, of course), really). She's snarky and pessimistic about the future and her rotten luck, wary towards outsiders, and tired 24/7 due to secretly worrying about her friends and the dangers they(and her) face a lot. She covers her anxiety and overall disdain and hatred for the world that led her to this fate, and the irony that she feels, at least, dictates her life, under a veneer of being jaded yet aloof; pretending not to care about anything, and not wanting to, either. Despite all this, though, she does actually care about her friends(AKA, the other street Pokemon) a lot, and wants them all to be happy and safe, which was why she decided to go along with the robot trainer plan in the first place. She doesn't believe that she will ever get a happy ending, however; in her mind, no human has ever loved her, and no human ever will, even in the near future.
Biography: Vixen's background is simple: Spoiled little girl's parents get said girl a Vulpix; little girl hates the Vulpix because she wanted a different Pokemon; little girl's parents throw Vixen out into the streets because she "couldn't fit their darling's high standards"; Vixen tries to survive the streets for a bit and refuses help until she can't anymore, and joins the Pokemon who were trying to help her(AKA, the other PCs.).
Anything Else: Has claustrophobia.
Useful information for later: The pink bow was given to her by the little girl's parents, by the way.
Approximate level: Level 5
Attacks: Ember, Tail Whip, Disable, Quick Attack
Pokemon Species: Vulpix
Gender: Female; She/Her
Appearance: Looks like a normal Vulpix, basically, except for the fact that her appearance is all dirty and tussled up. Her fur is matted and sticks up at points, her "hair" is overly long with both her bangs and back hair covering her eyes/neck, her eyes have giant eye bags under them; etc. Besides that, there's also a big, pink bow tied around her neck, which has been weathered and torn in a lot of places, but some of it is still there(specifically, at least a small part of one loop of the bow, and the front part). Despite Vixen hating the bow, she and the others haven't been able to get it off, no matter how hard they try.
Personality: Tired. Wary. Snarky. Pessimistic. These four traits essentially make up Vixen's overall attitude towards life(and most everything else(besides her friends, of course), really). She's snarky and pessimistic about the future and her rotten luck, wary towards outsiders, and tired 24/7 due to secretly worrying about her friends and the dangers they(and her) face a lot. She covers her anxiety and overall disdain and hatred for the world that led her to this fate, and the irony that she feels, at least, dictates her life, under a veneer of being jaded yet aloof; pretending not to care about anything, and not wanting to, either. Despite all this, though, she does actually care about her friends(AKA, the other street Pokemon) a lot, and wants them all to be happy and safe, which was why she decided to go along with the robot trainer plan in the first place. She doesn't believe that she will ever get a happy ending, however; in her mind, no human has ever loved her, and no human ever will, even in the near future.
Biography: Vixen's background is simple: Spoiled little girl's parents get said girl a Vulpix; little girl hates the Vulpix because she wanted a different Pokemon; little girl's parents throw Vixen out into the streets because she "couldn't fit their darling's high standards"; Vixen tries to survive the streets for a bit and refuses help until she can't anymore, and joins the Pokemon who were trying to help her(AKA, the other PCs.).
Anything Else: Has claustrophobia.
Useful information for later: The pink bow was given to her by the little girl's parents, by the way.
Approximate level: Level 5
Attacks: Ember, Tail Whip, Disable, Quick Attack