Okay, guys, I've come back from my unintentional two day break from this, and I'm ready to include more lore to the starting post! Thank you all for the attention, btw. Hopefully, this whole thing runs smoothly! :D
As for the question:
Stupid question but is prior knowledge of Kingdom Hearts lore necessary? Cause I've only played 358/2 Days back on the DS
Nah, not really! If you ever need to know something that's important to the lore, I'll just google/research it, and then tell ya! :)
I'm gonna post more information on the original post soon, but all you need to know is that Sora and gang existed and did the plot things, before being defeated by the Org of Light and literally erased from existence with time loops, Disney worlds exist and weren't always in time loops, Nobodies are still around, Heartless are still around, but have either become more intelligent and sapient or monstrous and beast-like, and like in BBS(Birth by SLeep) and DDD(Dream Drop Distance), there's trained keyblade wielders with Masters, but with the twist of all of them becoming Org of Light members someday. Oh, yeah, and we're gonna use at least some of the magic from KH, and how certain canon characters reacted to and lived with/enforced the time loops, tho I'll explain that once I update the first post. Sounds good?
Thank you both! I'll probably put more into the intro post later, so there's more information about the RP. Also, maybe it'd attract more people here as well! :3
So, as usual, I got bored and saw that almost all of the RPs in the casual RP section weren't for me, so I decided to put matters into my own hands, and made this and another IC. I mean, if one of them fails, there is a chance that the other won't, y'know? :)
Feedback, ideas, and criticisms are encouraged, btw:))
"All worlds begin in darkness, and all so end. As such, we must keep them preserved in their peak of light."
It's the far future, and a new Organization has risen; The Keepers of Light(though most normal people call them "The Organization of Light", or "Org of Light" for short). They claim they're acting in everyone's best interests, but in reality, they're keeping the Light alive in the most destructive way possible; resetting most of the worlds every ten years to the state they were in KH1 in a never ending time loop, cutting down anyone who's against them or who they think are against them, and annihilating any amount of Darkness they see, even if said Darkness is not actually malicious.
This has caused the universe to be at a massive imbalance; while before, too much Darkness was the problem, now, there's too much Light, and Light isn't always good. The universe is now stagnant; it doesn't exactly need conflict, it needs change. And thanks to the Org of Light, everything's at a standstill.
Will you fight for the Darkness and/or freedom while being against the new Org, or will you fight for the Light and spread the new Org's teachings? Or will you strike out on your own, with little to no regard for good or evil, Light and Dark(good doesn't always mean Darkness or Light in this RP, and same with evil)?
Current state of worlds the moment the RP starts/people start interacting:
• Disney worlds: at the start of their main plot, excluding flashbacks • Destiny Islands: Between Xehanort leaving and Sora/Riku being born. Nothing notable. • Yen Sid's Tower: Castle Oblivion. • Scala Ad Caelum: Base of operations of the org. More technologically advanced, stealing tech from other worlds, but the architecture remains the same due to tradition. Uses Hollow Bastion shit as well as Big Hero 6 level smartphones and whatnot. • Land of Departure: Training grounds for the org. Significantly overhauled. The castle is intact, but refurbished with metal. The world gives off military vibes. • Radiant Garden: At the start of BBS, without Xehanort. • Traverse Town: In the Realm Between. Ignored. • Twilight Town: Long before the events of Days/KH2. No Hayner Pence Olette. Nobodies are allowed as an acceptable part of the world's cycle. • TWTNW: In the Realm of Darkness. • Timeless River: In a time loop. Mickey has no Keyblade, knowledge on how to use it, or interest in it. • Enchanted Dominion: At the start of BBS, without Xehanort. Follows Disney plot. • Keyblade Graveyard: Still a graveyard
It wasn't just Sora and Riku who got erased by the time loops...
The Org of Light tried the Twilight Town loop during Days once, but Roxas, Axel, and Xion immediately noticed when, instead of O13, The Resistance (at the time) was at The Castle That Never Was. The Resistance was more than happy to have some legendary heroes on their side, so Roxas, Axel, and Xion fought for them before eventually dying. This Resistance was destroyed when TWTNW was plunged into darkness.
The Land of Departure was reset to the time of BBS without the conflict to try and time loop it, but Eraqus noticed and happily joined the organization, taking Ven, Aqua, and Terra with him. Time loop abolished for Land of Departure, world seized as training grounds for organization agents. Terra and Ven eventually died opposing the org, while Aqua and Eraqus died as proud members.
Some other important things for this RP include:
- The Heartless, in order to avoid the Org of Light's near genocide of all of them, have split into two sub-species; a sub-species of Heartless who have the ability to talk, and also human-like intelligence, and the other sub-species, who are much more intimidating, monstrous, and unable to speak.
- Dawns are basically Dusks with Light injected into them, causing them to glow and giving them traits that would be seen as good, but with a sinister twist to them(like, a patient "Dawn" would wait for their target specifically before then attacking), and are often used as "examples" for the Heartless being just as destructive and evil as they are.
- And finally, Anomalies. Anomalies are people who don't get their memories reset at the beginning of a time loop, and/or suddenly appear in the now time looped worlds when they disappeared/left them before the beginning of said time loops. Org of Light members brand them as dangerous, and try to hunt down and kill any and all Anomalies they can find.
((Annnnnnnnnnd I'm done! Tell me if I missed or you want me to elaborate on something, alright? :3))
Thank you for answering my question! The "Young Wizard"/"Young Pirate" are "create a characters", I think, given how you choose what they look like, their class(pirate)/magic school(wizard), and much more in the "Create a Character" section of the game's tutorial. And I'm also fine with giving the "Young Wizard"/"Young Pirate" a personality! I find it pretty fun to do things like that, honestly! :D
So, I wanna join, but question: Does my character's personality and goals have to be at least a bit fleshed out by the game they're from's narrative, or can I just use a player character which is basically the audience surrogate in the game they're from, and go from there?
Because, right now, all the characters in my mind that I wanna play as are:
Disney's Enchanted Journey's Princess of Gentlehaven,
Wizard101's "Young Wizard" and Pirate101's "Young Pirate".
Sorry guys, I think I'm gonna drop out. I'm probably taking too long on my sheet, and I've been very busy and distracted this week. Hope you guys have fun, tho! :D