Tentatively interested. Will all of these different AU characters come together to take down a big threat?
<Snipped quote by Dragonfly 9>
Hi! I think I might be interested in joining if you’re still looking
<Snipped quote by Crimson Flame>
Barbie-rian would've been great lol
@Dragonfly 9
Well, that's good to hear. I just have to decide what my character is gonna be like. I assume their gonna be a lot of body horror/ other toys suffering horribly?
@Dragonfly 9
Is the leader of the Unnatural some sort of ancient eldritch god? How easy would our character be able to die? I am just worried i might get too attached to my character, and be heartbroken if they do die.
@Dragonfly 9
If i'm playing either character i was thinking a bard or mage. I assume our characters are not safe from being killed. What is the sort of end game for the rp?
I’m wanting something magical, but how is a Barbie doll going to use magic?
@Dragonfly 9
I'm very intersted in this. I was thinking of playing either a raggy Ann or Andy doll or a cutesy stuffed animal.