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The jog over to the gym was honestly what Henry needed to start to unwind. After spending a few years training he learned to make exercising his stress relieve. However it seemed that with his classes straining him more than usual, the stress was mounting quicker then Henry could dissipate it. It felt nice to break up his usual cycle of translating during lunch.

Henry stopped his jogging and pulled out his phone as he approached the gym. "I need to put a reminder to translate my notes when I get home" Henry spoke aloud, he had a habit of saying what he types on his phone. The habit worsened as he started to translate more frequently.

As Henry entered the Gym he saw most of the people sitting on the benches and a girl running laps. Henry, still being a bit drained, thought that you had to do laps before you could sit. I guess that makes sense as he rubbed his chin like he just solved a mystery. With that Henry began to start running laps. It occurred to him in his 2nd lap he didn't know how much he actually needed to run. Asking in English was out of the option for Henry as the thought of thinking of language was aggravating for him at the moment. He was stuck in a loop of wanting to ask and not wanting to think. Eventually he just projected his voice toward Mr. Cinter "How many laps do I have left?" in German. He didn't know if Mr. Cinter, or anyone in the gym, knew German. He prayed that someone in the gym would answer or he might just keep running laps until lunch was over.


Since coming to Trinidad Academy, Henry has been struggling academically. Henry spoke German and learned French. His mother told him he should have learned English but for some reason that he cannot remember why exactly he chose to study French. Well, whatever the reason it didn't matter much because he was paying it in full right now. Mr. Jones' class was truly the worst for him as it was a long lecture in 2 languages he didn't understand. If Mr. Jones' class was structured as, I don't know, a book, then he might be able to have found an online German version of it. But no, Mr. Jones was always excited to teach so just getting the job done wasn't enough. The end of class was accompanied by the usual headache Henry would get. With the small break in between classes, Henry would take the time to continue translating his notes. The cycle essentially repeated until lunch. Henry was already near burnt out. Luckily, Henry originally put his math and sciences at the end of the day because they were his favorites. Now science was just as bad as history but he still had math and honestly that was the only thing he looked forward to.

As lunch began Henry was already beginning to succumb to mental fatigue. He rubbed his forehead as he was coming to realize how badly he needed a tutor for either language. I'll start asking around when I don't feel like dying Henry thought as he entered the cafeteria. He was slightly ignoring his surroundings while he got lunch. That was until his phone vibrated. He pulled it out quickly hoping it was something that might ease his pains. After some more translating a light smile appeared on Henry as this is just what he needed to get his mind off of school, even if it is only for a bit. Henry ate his food quickly and started to head over, forgetting to send a text telling them he was coming.

Henry decided he should take a quick shower at the dorms first. Sharing a bathroom with 6 siblings had taught him how to get out pretty quickly. As he showered he used the 5 minutes to reflect a little on why he had been chosen to protect the senators. He thought it might have been his large size or the fact he wouldn't be able to understand what they were saying. Whatever the reason, Henry already said he would guard them on their visit and he plans on following through on his promises. Feeling less fatigued after the shower, Henry rushed over to the gym in a jog. Henry was looking forward to the meet up.

Fredrick Jones

Fredrick is sitting in the teacher lounge doing some final prep work for class. The printer was being used up all day by the chemistry teacher. A little annoying but it's fine. Once he got done printing out his handouts for today he played with Emily a little bit "Aren't you the cutest cat in the world?" as he pet her. About five minutes until class he started he grabbed his papers and Emily and began to walk to class, waving goodbye to the other teachers. He took his time getting there. Frankly, it was more fun if he saw how the class progressed if he wasn't there. It always seemed like students go out of their way to cause mischief when the teacher isn't around. As he entered he got exactly what he was expecting a little mischief here and there. Fredrick began setting up for the day, watching them to make sure it didn't go too far. Speak up about the blatant Homophobia? Or the amount of PDA Jeimseu and Pablo is showing? Oh Kasumi breaking them up, that's good. As he went back to setting up, he listened in to what they were saying and the elitism she gave off was enough to make Fredrick eyes roll. Well at least it broke up without me having to get involved. Then Vane started looking for a fight with Kim. Oh for fuck sake please hold yourself back Vane. Oh he is now teasing Kasumi. You know what I'm fine with this, better than them fighting in here. Fredrick was thankful Nikolay tried to talk down Kim peacefully was a nice change of pace, refreshing actually. He gets the laser pointer today, looking at Nikolay. Alright, enough fooling around, it's time to start class.

Fredrick gores and taps his knuckles on the whiteboard to start gathering attention, "Alright everyone get to your seats so we can start." Fredrick looked at Jeimseu, "Also new rule, laps may only be considered seats if you are doing a partner project." Honestly Fredrick only cared because he believed that it would be to distracting for them to do that all class. Fredrick gave the students a minute to get settled then he walked to Nikolay placing the laser pointer on his desk "You get to use this to play with Emily today." with that he walked back to his desk and stretched a little. It felt like so much just happened in a few minutes. "So today Filipino senator Aquino and Senator Gutoc will be coming to the academy, so please be on your best behaviour for them. And with that I think we can start the class. Where we last left off we were discussing…” Frederick continued his lecture for the entire class period, only having 3 minutes before the bell. Completely forgetting to hand out the homework he dismisses the class a little early as he rushes off to get some water preparing for the next class.

@WindsOfFate@BigPapaBelial@Th3King0fChaos@Not Fungus@Letter Bee@The Man Emperor
Here is my Homeroom teacher @Letter Bee


Hanna taking the towel made Henry feel a little more relaxed. Henry began to rise from his knee. Frankly, he was happy the girl didn't seem to have been freighted by him running up on her and Oscar. Henry started to wonder why they would be bullying this girl knowing fully well that it usually comes from a place of self-inferiority. Well Henry was just happy he could provide some kind of help.

"I'll return your towel later. I'm sorry but I think I'll need to borrow it for awhile." the girl said to Henry.

"No problem." Henry replied to the girl. It made Henry a little happy that he will most likely get his towel back.

As she bought out her card he was reaffirmed that he would get his towel back, simple things like this is what made his day usually so he was pretty stoked for it all things considered. As he looked at the card she handed to him he discovered her name was Hanna. He read the rank but it didn't really register what that meant at the time. What did register was her class was number. Alright, if I don't get my towel back in a week I'll go by and ask for it back. Henry waves Hanna off as she leaves. Henry is hoping he helped make her day a little better.

With that it was time to go to class. With helping Hanna out Henry and Oscar didn't have much time left. Oscar asked Henry if he wanted to jog to class. It was a good idea but he wasn't sure if they would make it. Henry shook his head in agreeance and grabbed Oscar, putting him over his shoulder. Just then he saw Nikolay he heard his half heartedly as he somewhat interrupted him saying "Got to go" as he sprints past activating Jahreszeiten Wechseln in its Spring configuration. Henry increased himself to run faster. Dashing through the hallway him and Oscar rushed through the people still in the halls. Henry makes a sharp turn into the classroom and puts down Oscar while deactivating his noble arm. He heads over to his seat away from people today because he knows he must smell even worse now. At least they made it.
Hey if there is room I would be up for joining.
Hey, I am interested and wondering if there is room for any more room



Jordan's smile had calmed and erased the last reservations he held for Jordan. He grew up under the notion that he needed to be wary of people with Noble Arms. Having discovered his Noble Arm in his teens made it difficult to get closer to those around him. Eventually he decided at one point to essentially ignore those that weren't already his friends or his family. However, his change to being more introverted ended up with him pushing them all away to an extent. But Jordan's smile feels like a warm reminder of what he let slip out of his life because of Jahreszeiten Wechseln.

Bringing Henry back to his surrounding was the sound of an alarm. He out of habit felt his phone to tell if it was his alarm but no, it was actually Jordan's alarm. The momentary relieve he had that the alarm got replaced by panic when Jordan confirmed that class was soon. As Jordan ran out of the gym to grab his book room Henry thought Yeah, there should be just enough time for that. Then Mr. Cinter told them to leave Henry more or less jogged out of the gym with Oscar. Oscar broke off with henry to go do something. Henry more just nodded in acceptance. He just began to walk there since he had time to kill and it has been a good day so far.

On the way there he began to do the mental checklist to make sure he was ready. He Checked off every item he would bring to class. But something struck him like a lightning bolt. I haven't showered... Henry growing up with so many sisters got into the habit of almost never going anywhere unclean or smelly. He stopped dead in his tracks as he lifted his arm to take a whiff. Maybe it won't be to ba- Oh god, it is as bad as he thought. Henry's nose feels like it had been assaulted by his scent. He has to take a shower. But how, he decided that he was good to go and wasted the last bit of time he had on a leisurely walk through the halls. He hates doing this but he was just going to have to wipe himself down with a the towel he keeps in his backpack. Just need to get to the bathroom.

He ran swiftly through the halls towards the bathroom. The scene must of looked like a freight train had entered the school. As he was getting near the bathrooms he saw Oscar and a girl. She presumably had Oscar's jacket on her head and was dripping with some sort of drink. Oscar seemed to be trying to council her, maybe? It honestly didn't matter anymore to Henry because she seemed to be in need of a towel and he had one. Slowing his speed to a jog, he approached the two of them. Still around three meters away Henry projected his usually quiet voice to let them know he was there. "Hey Oscar, what is going on?" Henry looked at the girl and began to take out the towel out of his backpack "Here you seem like you need a towel" as he extends the towel toward her, hoping she would take it.



Once I was done talking Oscar began his introduction. Wait Sword of Piece? I thought it wa- Before Henry had the time to question what the name of Oscar's Arm, the golden light appeared on his chest as he rips the sword of whatever out of his chest. Henry looked at the beautiful sword and immediately liked it. That looks Magical as Hell! Henry was for a moment stunned but then his mind refocused to what Oscar was saying. Oh he is from the Arizona? Where is Arizona? As once again he didn't have time to recall information as he gives even cooler information. As Oscar plunges the sword toward, Henry started to cringe immediately as he was expecting to hear aloud cling or worse the wrenching sound of bending steal. But to Henry's very visible surprise it entered the ground without a noise of even the slightest effort. Is it super sharp? Does it go trough any obstacle? As Oscar explained Henry began to realize that he hasn't had his Arm for long by the way he doesn't seem to know it's properties very well. Or he isn't giving all the details because it would be to his detriment.

Oscar's comment about people not wanting to fight me would be helpful but I should let them know I am not that skilled. With a slightly disappointing smile on henry's face "Actually, while I have the body and Arm to be a combat expert I lack a lot of practical experience."

The question Oscar posed went right over Henry's head. Guns weren't something that he interacted with. He is not sure if he ever even held a gun before. He realized at that moment that he should take time to learn more about them for safety. I can probably ask Jordan about them or Oscar, he does sound American after all. Wait is that where Arizona is?

As Henry finally had time to put his thoughts together he was ready to make a comment on it would make him an excellent deterrent but Jordan beat him to the punch on that. Not like that was a difficult accomplishment. So Henry nodded along in agreement. He would make a great sparing partner with that huh? I should ask if he would be interested in that after we guard the senators.

As Jordan explains how it reloads Henry more or less nods to show he understand. On the inside he is realizing his illiteracy towards guns is far deeper then he thought. As he primes it Henry gleamed that you pull the small metal piece then you need to pull the trigger. He thinks he knows that much now which is 100% more then he knew before so cool. As Oscar seems really impressed Henry is left there feeling like the new guy who can't tell why it is even cool.

As Oscar then asked how my defensive ability works "Oh yeah. Since I will need a little help with it I should let you know. I take physical Force and I can absorb some of it in me and then I can use it to put a shield on myself or other people. I'm going to begin charging it up now for safety. So if you guys could maybe help me get a jump start on it that would be great." Henry smiles at them hopefully convincing them to help cause he would have to do a lot of needless exercise to build up enough to stop something serious. "Let us work together well to complete the mission." Henry says while still smiling now extending a hand out to shake on their new team.

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