Avatar of DruSM157


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3 yrs ago
Current Jokes on everyone I just look like a sad Travis Touchdown who has really really loud shits
3 yrs ago
You status bar people sure are a contentious bunch
3 yrs ago
Adding to that, unless you are exhibiting life threatening symptoms (unable to breathe, etc) go to a rapid test site in your area than going to the ER. Local ERs are swamped and overwhelmed here.
3 yrs ago
As someone who has been stabbed in the past knives are not kinky
3 yrs ago
I'd rather just...never take a lewd of myself.


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And now for a little relaxing music to create characters for this RP to.

In Search of Gaea: A Seafaring Fantasy Adventure

A long, long time ago, mankind lived on the land. Mankind built great cities which climbed to the heavens. Mankind was beholden to the earth and sky, but they could not control the mother sea. Man grew greedy and coveted more and more until he was finally punished for his greed. The mother sea took the land and sky from man and brought all life back to her bosom. The technology and power mankind held before were lost, but mankind survived. People were forced to live in harmony with the mother ocean, and while many built villages on the small islands remaining, some took out and built great floating cities.

The Imperial City of Galma is one such place. In 1652 AF, Crown Emperor Gaius Starwind set the world ablaze with adventure, promising untold imperial riches to those who could find the lost city of Gaea, the old capital city of mankind, long lost and buried under mother ocean’s waves.

Hello! Welcome to the Re:Build of In Search of Gaea! This rp is based on many fantasy stories and games that deal with a more beautiful post-apocalypse: the water world theme! Of course, we won't have any Kevin Costner walking around with gills or any Dennis Hoppers with eyepatches in this RP. I mean...maybe. But this is more inspired by JRPGs and anime than by famous Hollywood flops. Influences include Chrono Cross, YS Series, Suikoden IV (the one with boats); Xenoblade, and even Final Fantasy X (you know the one with the huge influence on water stuffs).

Rules and Overview
I'm looking for a smaller cast for this roleplay, aiming for around 4 to 5 characters that we can keep in a tight group for this adventure. While having tons of characters exploring the world can be fun, I'd like to keep the story going with these characters set towards an end goal.

For your character, you begin as a member of a Diver Crew, working on the Sharkfin under the command of captain Himund Gale. A mission exploring newly discovered ruins near the South Seas suddenly ends in disaster, and you and your surviving crew are suddenly thrust into an adventure to uncover the real truth behind the ancient civilization and the source of all the Leviathans.

As for rules, as always all guild rules apply. But I do have my own specific rules that I care about:

-Please keep the power levels relatively low/medium. While this is a heavily anime-inspired rp, I would like there to be a gradual growth in power instead of beginning the story blasting monsters away with laser spears. I'm a firm believer in strong characterization and character growth, and I would really like it if we could all grow as the story goes on instead of having an anime strength-measuring contest.

-Please put some effort in your posts. This is high-casual, and while a paragraph post is fine I know that introducing characters, exploring their inner thoughts or simple action moments can give more insight into your character and make the fellow writers and anyone reading the RP care about them more.

-Post-time. I'll be upfront: I'm a high school teacher and my weekdays are usually packed. But I do try to devote some time to each week to RP. As long as everyone is posting within a week, or giving the other writers a heads up on an absence, I'll be happy. This is always subject to change with time and effort.

-Respect. I don't like drama. I don't like arguments. I deal with brattiness and high school drama in my actual job, so I have zero time for it in my real life.

-Preference is given to writers I know and trust, but I am open to new faces as long as you can follow the rules and be a positive part of the writing group. I'm too old and crusty to try and be nice anymore.

Finally, the CS:

In Search of Gaea: A Seafaring Fantasy Adventure

A long, long time ago, mankind lived on the land. Mankind built great cities which climbed to the heavens. Mankind was beholden to the earth and sky, but they could not control the mother sea. Man grew greedy and coveted more and more until he was finally punished for his greed. The mother sea took the land and sky from man and brought all life back to her bosom. The technology and power mankind held before were lost, but mankind survived. People were forced to live in harmony with the mother ocean, and while many built villages on the small islands remaining, some took out and built great floating cities.

The Imperial City of Galma is one such place. In 1652 AF, Crown Emperor Gaius Starwind set the world ablaze with adventure, promising untold imperial riches to those who could find the lost city of Gaea, the old capital city of mankind, long lost and buried under mother ocean’s waves.

Hello! Welcome to the Re:Build of In Search of Gaea! This rp is based on many fantasy stories and games that deal with a more beautiful post-apocalypse: the water world theme! Of course, we won't have any Kevin Costner walking around with gills or any Dennis Hoppers with eyepatches in this RP. I mean...maybe. But this is more inspired by JRPGs and anime than by famous Hollywood flops. Influences include: Chrono Cross, YS Series, Suikoden IV (the one with boats); Xenoblade and even Final Fantasy X (you know the one with the huge influence on water stuffs).

Rules and Overview
I'm looking for a smaller cast for this roleplay, aiming for around 4 to 5 characters that we can keep in a tight group for this adventure. While having tons of characters exploring the world can be fun, I'd like to keep the story going with these characters set towards an end goal.

For your character, you begin as a member of a Diver Crew, working on the Sharkfin under the command of captain Himund Gale. A mission exploring newly discovered ruins near the South Seas suddenly ends in disaster, and you and your surviving crew are suddenly thrust into an adventure to uncover the real truth behind the ancient civilization and the source of all the Leviathans.

As for rules, as always all guild rules apply. But I do have my own specific rules that I care about:

-Please keep the power levels relatively low/medium. While this is a heavily anime-inspired rp, I would like there to be a gradual growth in power instead of beginning the story blasting monsters away with laser spears. I'm a firm believer in strong characterization and character growth, and I would really like it if we could all grow as the story goes on instead of having an anime strength-measuring contest.

-Please put some effort in your posts. This is high-casual, and while a paragraph post is fine I know that introducing characters, exploring their inner thoughts or simple action moments can give more insight to your character and make the fellow writers and anyone reading the RP care about them more.

-Post-time. I'll be upfront: I'm a high school teacher and my weekdays are usually packed. But I do try to devote some time to each weak to RP. As long as everyone is posting within a week, or giving the other writers a heads up on an absence, I'll be happy. This is always subject to change with time and effort.

-Respect. I don't like drama. I don't like arguments. I deal with brattiness and high school drama in my actual job, so I have zero-time for it in my real life.

-Preference is given to writers I know and trust, but I am open for new faces as long as you can follow the rules and be a positive part of the writing group. I'm too old and crusty to try and be nice anymore.

Finally, the CS:

Location: The Laughing Worg Tavern-- The City of Thorinn, Aetheria

Benkei just sat there, in shock as talks broke down further and further, culminating in Alja’s blow up, Seele’s attempt at peacekeeping, and Kazuki’s own additions to what they could do. Benkei at first thought about just leaving; going back to his brother’s place and calling it a night then and there. What help would he be if he got goaded into arguing? What help would any of them be if they couldn’t drop their egos at the door for one damn minute and talk before letting their emotions take over?

Aaginim must have been wrong about him. How the hell could he be a leader when any time he tried to bring the group together they fractured even further apart? At least Graves had kept his cool, and no one fought with Alja over her outburst. Seele’s quick response saved the day there. Maybe someone like her would have made a better leader. Her personality lent to healing others instead of breaking them apart.

What did he know of healing? Or helping? Or doing anything useful? After all, he was the worthless son next to Kazuki. And even here, in this world that was supposed to be his expertise, it was Kazuki who was worth more again. He had money. He had property. He had skills that could help the group. What did Benkei have? Fishing? He couldn’t even feed the whole group in a single day with that skill.

Then the girl entered–Artemis–and Benkei immediately recognized the pain she carried. It was something each of them carried and tried to battle through or hide from ever since the glitch. Benkei tried to find the proper words to convey how he was sorry and that he understood but those words were lost to him. ”I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through,” he tried to piece together the words, ”You’re welcome here, with us. We’ve gone through a lot too.” If there was one thing grief enjoyed, it was company. Still, this was no time or place to try and be a poor facsimile of a good leader like Aaginim. Benkei simply returned to his seat and started to clean the mess of maps and papers he’d worked so hard on.

Location: The Laughing Worg Tavern-- The City of Thorinn, Aetheria

“Easy everyone,” Benkei said, trying to cool the air. It must have been bad with the angry twerp of all people trying to play peacemaker. “Everything you’re saying Graves, it’s stuff I’ve taken into account. Well, stuff we’ve been trying to take into account, anyways. And with your completion of the dungeon, as well as the fact that it was inside the city, we can bring that evidence to the queen here at least.”

“I know everyone is tired of hearing this, but we can’t keep treating this world and it’s people like a game now. I’m still not sure exactly what this place really is, but the denizens of this world are going to stand up for themselves now. And we don’t have the luxury of numbers of power to do anything about that.” Benkei looked over to Seigfried now. “Many of us have useful crafting skills like your blacksmithing. And I’m considering learning some new skills, even if it means I have to actually physically learn them. I know fishing won’t really help us as much as something like mining or leatherworking will. But I’ll do my part to help.”

That had been what he’d spent the other part of his morning doing; asking around town for those who would actually talk to him about work. Even apprenticing with skilled workers or simply doing common labor, whatever he could do to help bring in extra income or materials to the others, it was something he realized he had to do.

When he’d played the game earlier, before the glitch, fishing was just a fun hobby to screw around with while he waited on other players or content. It wasn’t something he’d put as much effort into like Rael’s herbalism, Graves’ hunting, or Alja and Seigfried’s blacksmithing. Even Kazuki had spent time learning various skills beyond his musical playing. Before he’d looked down on the profession system, he’d thought it was a waste of time.

But as he and Sif were putting together a list of everyone’s viable skills, their knowledge, and connections, as well as their own property they could leverage, Benkei noticed the common denominator amidst it all: compared to everyone else in the group, he was worth the least. He owned the least amount of property, he had the least amount of useful skills for crafting and gathering. Benkei had gone through his own internal horror whilst the others faced the physical horrors of rats and sewer stink.

That gnawing, endless feeling of not being good enough had sunk its claws into him, and he’d obsessively thrown himself into his work. He had to make himself valuable to others. Because if he couldn’t…what purpose did he have living when those better than him died?

”There’s one thing you said that I hadn’t really considered. But I think it’d be best if you, Rael, and Seele did the work for that: doing our part to at least open communication with the other guilds in the city. I doubt everyone will want to work together for the greater good here, but there’s safety in numbers now. And if we have to prove ourselves to the people of this world, I’m afraid there’s only one thing that we can really do: deal with the dungeons.” It was an awful thought to bring up after all the death and despair they’d experienced; and even more for those that just returned from the sewers. But it was the one trump card they held: they could take on the dungeons. And if they didn’t, there may not be any safe place left for them to go.

Steven "Bolt" Armstrong is a FUCKING MECHA PILOT NAME YEEEAHHH!!!!

Location: The Laughing Worg Tavern-- The City of Thorinn, Aetheria

Everyone was arriving. Good. Benkei listened to Rael as she went further into the details. He grimaced when she revealed what they’d feared: these dungeons were going to keep coming, and places like cities weren’t even safe. Still; it gave them some leverage.

“Still, you all cleared it. So that keeps the city safe for now.” He smiled. “And, we can use this. When the leadership hears that they were moments from a crisis before you stepped in to stop it, maybe they’ll give us some more leeway while we set up shop.” Benkei motioned to the table full of maps and papers. “Kazuki got some awful news yesterday. Apparently, we’ve worn out our welcome with the locals, and those who own property will start to pay taxes. I didn’t think I’d have to worry about that until after college,” he muttered as an aside.

He pulled a paper with various numbers on it. “I’ve been putting together a sheet of everyone’s various skills and properties. We made a promise to stick together, and that means being ready to face dungeons and the nobles coming after us.”

Location: The Laughing Worg Tavern-- The City of Thorinn, Aetheria

Benkei had been busy after having his armor repaired. Sif had been a leading force for him, dragging him further out of his shell and into the goings-on of the city. And then, they’d reunited with Kazuki and Seele, trading more information with each other. “Right now, what we know is more valuable than gold,” Benkei told them, “though it seems gold is coming in at a close second. We need to start thinking about how much goodwill we have left with these people, especially when taxes come in.”

He’d spent his day in the Warg with maps and books on the table, going over inventories and properties; something that had once been easy to connect with a simple menu was now back to the world of analog. He grumbled, feeling like a giant fool that he hadn’t spent as much time delving into mercantilism or useful capital gaining skills. If they had a huge war chest, things would be different. Kazuki had the most capital, but how would he and his brother access anything now that traveling to the other apartments would be an investment of time?

There had to be a better way. Right now he’d cast his lot with his fellow adventurers, and they’d watched each other’s backs even when death bore its deadly fangs at them. Now, he’d need to count on them again, not as adventurers, but as partners. He’d already written down notes concerning his direct party; Sif had done well offering up her own bits of bobs of information about herself and her brother as well. “Smithing experience, musical and minstrel, craftsmen, and medicine…” he’d needed to quiz the other members of the group once they’d returned as well to get a better feeling of their own skills.

And speaking of the devil, they’d arrived. Benkei grinned as the group returned, looking worse for wear in spirit but at least they were all in one piece. That was something that eased his heart. He got up from his table and approached his returning comrades. ”It’s good to see you all are still in one piece. I assume things didn’t go quite as expected?” A sewer expedition wouldn’t take days to complete. He expected to hear the story from someone, at the very least. For now, he was glad they could all reconnoiter the plans together. Kazuki wanted to meet with the Queen, and Benkei wanted to consolidate what they could now in case talks with the royalty went south.

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