Avatar of Duoya


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
11 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
1 yr ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.


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Troy laid against the cold snow, resting. Moving yourself around when your soul was so weak was... tiring, to say the least. Troy would gather up his energy, throw himself a couple feet, and then rest. The process was agonizingly slow... But thankfully, he was spared some of the inconvenience of life, such as the freezing cold or the boredom. Having a wielder would have made the trip much quicker, but it seemed no one in Newton was willing to pick up a revolver that was just lying in the middle of the street. They were even less tempted when said revolver flew several feet down the street. But in times like these, being cautious of the supernatural was a great way to stay alive, so he really couldn't blame them.

Hours passed, and finally, Troy had made it onto main street. The area seemed pretty empty, which wasn't a big surprise. Ever since the winter began, people have tried to stay inside for warmth. Troy continued to make his way down the street, hopping a couple feet forwards as the minutes passed. Eventually, he saw his opening - a young man, with runes and potions dangling from his person, exited a small bar and was making his way towards another building. This was his chance! Troy attempted to lunch himself, block the man's path, but he was just to tired - he had jumped only a few seconds prior, and doing it again would be too exhausting. Instead, Troy watched helplessly as the young man walked into the sheriff's office.


The kid looked promising as well - somebody wearing runes on his person was much less likely to reject a supernatural entity like Troy. Seeing this as his golden opportunity, Troy carefully positioned himself to be as noticeable as possible, directly on the front step of the Sheriff's door. Someone was bound to come along, and hopefully they'd take him for the ride. Worst case scenario, Troy was fully loaded, and pulling a trigger was a lot easier than launching yourself forwards.
Dirk Davidson

Theodore Smith

The party managed to congregate around a larger table after they had placed their orders - Theo ordered a Shepard's pie (how did they make it taste so good?) and water, while placing down a room for three nights as well. He sniffed his shirt slightly, deciding to take a bath in the morning. Sliding over the Renn, Dirk quickly began to destroy his meal, hungry after a long day of getting attacked. Aster, his second companion that he had met in this world, began to address each individual member of the party, detailing how she felt about each member. It was certainly heartfelt, and by the end of it, she announced something big - she wanted them all to form a guild. Until this point, the party had been a minor thing, something they could easily break out of if they ever wanted to. But a guild was a big commitment - something not many people were willing to agree to.

Theo nodded his head the entire time, until Karma began to speak. As soon as he finished speaking, Theo immediatly rose from his seat and pointed his finger at the healer, an expression of mock anger on his face.

"That's where you're wrong! None of us were better than the other - we were all parts that summed up into a greater whole! That's called teamwork, cooperation..."

Theo's voice grew serious temporarily, only aided by his high acting skill.

"You shouldn't put yourself down. We all put in so much effort, and there is no doubt in my mind that we would have died without you. Hell, if anyone here was missing, we would have been a lot worse off from that dungeon..."

"We pulled through thanks to teamwork - no. We did well cause we believed in each other. We protected each other's blind spots, and turned our weaknesses into strengths. We did well because we're friends... At least, I see you guy that way."

Theo winked and gave a thumbs up to the party, before adding

"That's why I agree with Aster - Let's form a guild! Even if things are rough, as long as we're together, we can accomplish anything - That's my opinion!"

It was the corniest, stupidest thing that ever escaped Theo's lips - but hey, it was in character. The others might be creeped out by the fact that the guy they had met only a day ago was treating them with so much admiration and respect, but whatever. Tragedy makes people come together, so they might go along with it. Whatever the case, forming a guild was definitely smart - they'd gain access to many new features, and these guys had proven themselves as capable fighters.

Theo sat down, thankful that his Acting skill helped stop him from blushing - the act, while exactly what Dirk would do, was pretty embarrassing to a kid who was used to being in the background.
Will post later today or on Monday.
Will try and get a post up by Monday at the latest.

Anybody really. Most likely the first person to find him.
Sorry for taking so long. This guy okay?

Dirk Davidson

Health: 1680/2000
Mana: 400/500

The wolf bit down onto Theo's leg, giving it a good grip to toss him around like a rag doll. This was by far the worst pain he had experienced in the game thus far - not the most damage, perhaps, but having a creature bite you in the leg and trapping you is pretty scary. A quick glance at the top of his vision gave Theo a sense of slight relief, however - it looked like he took no damage. He hadn't looked earlier, but that healing beam from Karma must have healed him a decent amount - enough that the damage from the wolf brought him back to the Health he had before the heal. Luckily, a flurry of arrows and spells caused the creature to loosen the wolf's grip, and Theo was able to push the monster off of him. Just then, Aggravate wore off, and the wolf leapt at the opportunity - metaphorically, and literally. It pounced onto the wolf summoned by dubstepp, before Aster managed to slaughter the monster with a whirlwind of blows. It crumpled into pixels, and the way to the chests was clear.

Theo collected his portion of the loot, equipping the new shield gleefully. With this, he could sell the buckler - that would be a pretty chunk of Renn, which would be all the closer to the plate armor he desired. As the loot was handed out, Alisea and Dubstepp got into a heated argument... Normally, Dirk probably would have interjected with a word of good nature, but the timing felt off - it might come off as him taking dubstepp's side over Alisea, rather than being impartial. Luckily, the argument died down, and they continued on their path.

They stopped relatively soon, when a massive number of wolves laid in front of them. They quickly rose, and combat started. Reylan, as he did in the prior fights, called out expected orders - Moving as quickly as he could, the paladin moved forwards, doing his best to block as much of the hallway as possible. There were far too many wolves for Aggravate to be effective, so Theo instead used the environment - the hallway, compared to the prior locations, was narrow, and considering his relatively large size, Theo could cover a decent amount of it. The wolves would likely be intimidated and unwilling to sneak underneath him - but even if they made it around him, Aster was waiting for them.

Two arrows hit the wolves to Theo's right, followed by a third shortly after. Alisea shot out her own spells, hitting Wolf 1 squarely with an icicle shot. Immediately after, a flaming ball and icicle attacked Wolf 2, before she addressed dubstepp. Theo looked to his side, seeing Wolf 3 attempt to run around him. Theo slashed at it, but allowed it to pass - now that it was relatively weaker, perhaps Dubstepp would have an easier time taming it? Theo quickly moved back, delivering another slash at wolf 1. If he was lucky, he could block most of the other wolves before they attacked his allies.

Equip shield
Block hallway
Slash Wolf 3
Slash wolf 1
Still writing char, I had to finish up, like, 3 essays back to back for school.

Will have them done by tomorrow.
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