Avatar of Duoya


Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Current Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
6 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
9 mos ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.


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Continuing to race, Luke didn't even hear anyone yelling - the only way he knew that the monstrosity he was running from did anything was from the intense heat that he felt emanating from behind him. This threw all caution to the wind - who cared if he risked hurting his legs, it sure as hell was better than being barbecued.

Almost immediately, a small girl ran past the entire group, leaving Luke in bewilderment. How could she possible move that quickly? Luke had been running for years now, and participated in several marathons, and yet a small girl was easily beating him in a foot race... This reminded Luke that this was obviously a dream, and he really didn't need to take it so seriously. He just ate something spoiled, or was having a fever dream, nothing more.

As the others continued to run alongside him, Luke simply ignored their screams - they were all saying the same things, and he was too busy wondering why the hell this dream felt so real - no other dream in his life had such realistic feelings and sensations. Still, the only thing he especially cared about was waking up as soon as possible, since it had stopped being entertaining once the large man entered the scene.

At a considerably easier pace, Luke began to follow the stranger - something he only did simply because he thought it was his mind telling him how to wake up faster.
Promise to post by tomorrow, my schedule is pretty clear so I should get it out sometime tomorrow night.
Dirk Davidson

Health: 1900/3000
Mana: 50/500

As they appeared in the portal, Theo felt relieved to see that the night sky was present - he may have felt embarrassed about going to sleep during the daytime. The group trudged their way to the inn, with Paralyze clearly missing from the group. This mildly disturbed Theo, but considering the marauder's health and savagery in battle, he could handle himself if he wished to walk back to the city. By the time they made it to the inn they had spent almost the entirety of their nights at in this world, three members had also disappeared; Alisea and Reylan began to talk outside of the inn, and Lehariel simply vanished - considering how new she was, Theo hadn't had a close eye on her. Considering everyone was already in the city, however, there was no need to worry - no one could die in a safe zone.

The bar, as usual, was crowded and bustling, but contained the warmth and comfort that Theo (and the entire group, more than likely) Craved after such a hard encounter. Of course, this peace was not kept for long.


The found himself at the end of an accusing finger, belonging to a blond man holding a small, furry creature. Before Theo could ask anything of the man, he began to speak again.

“You look like you’re the one in need of help today, alrighty Pepper let’s give that group a bit of your blessing!”

A calming aura surrounded Theo, and he slowly felt his wounds close - nothing comparable to Karma's healing, but extremely generous considering the two didn't even know each others names. The man continued to speak, eventually asking for a free meal - of course, he was searching for a handout. Perhaps he was simply too scared to go hunting on his own, and too lazy to find a job - tried using generosity to live off of others meals. Theo quickly dismissed the thought - Dir was a hero who always helped anyone with anything they asked!

...But Reylan had already beaten him to the punch, handing he man a few Renn and moving to his own chair at a table. Meanwhile, Chari was consuming a large quantity of alcohol, nearly eliciting a groan of disgust from Theo. He had drank once in his life, and the experience was awful - not only that, but the way she was throwing away Renn, especially at such early levels, harmed him personally. Theo couldn't care too much though - some people used that to calm down, and the group definitely needed to relax for the next few days. Theo planned on asking Karma to heal his Health and replenish his mana in order to avoid paying for the recovery services or waiting for days, but after his near death experience, Theo decided now wasn't the right time to ask Karma for anything.

Especially since his near death experience was explicitly Theo's fault.

Sitting with Reylan, Theo ordered the same meal he had eaten every single day he had been in this world - The Shepard's pie. It was tasty, and cheap, so there was no reason not to order it. Thoughts drifted towards the past - his old life. Theo's mother had always hated how he only ate a few things and nothing else. According to her, it "wasn't healthy for a boy to eat one type of food for a month." Theo didn't see the issue - she was simply exaggerating things. He had a balanced diet - for god's sake, he was becoming a Doctor! It wasn't like he was a picky eater. Theo's life had always just been a little plain. Uninteresting. Bland.

That was why he even created Dirk. To add a bit of flavor to his normal, quiet life. Crafting a persona to live vicariously through in private was better than changing yourself and creating risk. Theo hated gambles almost as much as he hated drinking...

Theo eventually shoved these thoughts aside. He shouldn't remember the old world - he should focus on his survival in the current one. Theo quickly unequipped his armor in the menu, switching to his common clothes - far more comfortable attire, now that he was in a safe location. Drinking his water and eating the same meal he had the past few nights, Theo chose to engage in conversation with Reylan.

"It's pretty amazing, you know. The fact that none of us died."

Theo quickly glanced at his private messages - Alisea had not responded, and it slowly made him more pissed. She risked more than her own life - she risked everybody's. Te least she could do was explain her damn reasoning.

Calming his voice, Theo spoke again, even more seriously.

"I don't mean to sound cynical, especially since I'm the 'happy-go-lucky' and optimistic guy, but I was prepared for a death. Maybe even two. One of them probably being me."

Taking another bite of his meal, Theo added an afterthought to this statement.

"Of course, I'm glad we survived. I just wanted to let you know that I'm not in a rush to go to the next dungeon - we should take our time and prepare. Maybe gather everyone and form some strategies - lessen your burden during combat."

Theo finished his meal, and listened to Reylan's response. Conversing for a bit, Theo eventually left the table, readopting his loud and brash tone of voice,

"But geez, sorry for getting all dark on ya! If you don't mind doing me one last favor, meet up with me at Town hall around Noon tomorrow. Have a good night!"

As he climbed the stairs to the room he was renting that night, Theo sent another private message, this time to Karma.

"Sorry for what happened to you - It's all my fault that you nearly died. Don't worry though-"

"It won't happen again."

"If you can, please come to Town Hall tomorrow around Noon. I have something I need to show you."

The message was sent, and Theo's heart beat intensely as he thought of what he was going to do tomorrow - Not in excitement, but in anxiety and grief.
I'll try and post by Friday at the latest, but you can go on without me till then.

EDIT: Post coming out on Saturday or Sunday, sorry for hold up. You can still go on without me till I post.

EDIT 2: Since I'm helping a friend prepare for his wedding and I already lacked some free time anyways, I'm gonna have to drop out of this RP. Sorry if I inconvenienced anyone.
Thanks, school has been hurting me pretty bad - I'll catch up after you.
@Surtr Inc
Fixed issues - anything else?
@Surtr Inc
Sorry for taking awhile - this guy alright?

Sorry I'm taking so long - school and work have kept me busy. Post is half done and will be out tomorrow, but you guys can move on without me if I'm what's holding everything up.

Edit: Work and School has been screwing me over too much lately - I'm sad to say, but I think I'll have to drop out. This RP is very well made and interesting, but I have a lot going on and can't afford the extra stress. Sorry.
Post will be out tomorrow.
Post will be out later tonight or tomorrow.
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