Avatar of Duoya


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9 mos ago
Current Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
11 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
1 yr ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.


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@A Lowly Wretch

It was obvious that Kai would not hear Hayim - after all, the god was smaller than most of the bushes by this point, and the blades of grass were coming up to his body. The fire he sprayed burned deep into the wood that encompassed the forest, eliciting a cringing motion from Hayim - who knows how many people would die before he managed to take out the Spire? Hayim abandoned his mission of calling to the dragon god and instead began to race towards the spire.

The sudden heat of the flames was quick to die down, as the fire shifted into the very familiar form of Maple leaves. Hayim, barely realizing this, continued to run deeper into the Spire's aura. Unbeknownst to him, he was leaving behind one of the villagers, who was still hanging onto conscious thought and human features. The rush that had overtaken him was driving him ever forward, forcing him to race towards the spire with constantly increasing speed and vigor. The beating of wings could be heard, and with a turn of his head, Hayim saw the distant figures of Ragnadon's horde, three of his pests.

As if there wasn't enough trouble already with Kai, Hayim turned his movements and rushed into the nearest tree, which had grown to multiple stories tall by this point.

Jumping into the realm of Akhuz, Hayim was immediately shocked to see how it had shifted - it still retained it's meadow-style aesthetic, but the small section he had spawned in was overrun with plant matter and trees. The overflow was nowhere near as bad as the real world - hell, it couldn't even be called a forest, but the fact that the spire was now starting to dig its claws into Hayim's realm was concerning, to say the least. After several more hurried steps, Hayim immediately fell over, his leaves tangling slightly as he did so.

His movements were clunky, unresponsive - leaves were intertwining to form stronger limbs, and he was the fastest he had ever been. But Hayim was not used to the movements in the slightest. It was like suddenly gaining the use of extra arms, or a blind man suddenly gaining sight. Hayim propped his larger body on the nearest bush and, sensing the points he could come out of it into the real world, he hobbled to a nearby tree. For one of the first times in his life, Hayim was nearly too big to teleport through it, the trunk nearly being too thin to fit his frame. Of course, with such a small tree, there was no matching vegetation nearby. Sighing as he prepared, Hayim thrust himself forwards, using the newfound strength his body granted him to launch himself near a shrub he could squeeze into.

Sensing vegetation that was very close to the spire, Hayim allowed himself to fall through the shrub, the branches and leaves taking him back within the Spire's range.

Sprouting out of the shrub, Hayim found himself very close to the Spire, to the point where he could hobble up to it given a minute or two. He needed to figure out how to work it, what he could do to get rid of the mysterious structure. The earlier one had disappeared while Hayim wasn't watching, and he had no idea which of his siblings committed the act. Simply being as close as he was, Hayim could feel his body grow and shift into strange shapes, leaves sprouting by the second.

If he didn't find a way to take out the spire soon, he'd have to retreat to Akhuz and make his way closer. The fear that normally dominated Hayim's life seemed to be absent at that moment - even the thought of touching the massive obelisk didn't strike him as an impossibility. Hayim rested his rapidly growing petal against the shrub he had come out of - the twisted and elongated face of a baby being seen through its branches.

Maybe his lack of fear was because there was a lot more at stake.
Will post tomorrow.
Will post tomorrow.

Alright, to be fair... Never mind, nothing can excuse that, I was just being dumb.
Join the forces of good! Also, a list of some possible domains that I'm pretty sure aren't experiencing any overlap:

  • Movement/travel
  • Weapons
  • Peace
  • War (A little overlapped with Destruction?)
  • Sound
  • Courage
  • Strength (Watch out though, Hayim is getting ripped!)
  • Greed
  • Stealth
  • Charisma
  • Perception

These are just the things I could think off the top of my head, so don't feel limited to them
Gotou, Haruma
Dianoid, Orbit Portal Company Booth

Haruma sighed briefly as he drank from his water bottle, which he soon began to detest due to it's small size and the heat. He stood in line to purchase a ticket for Kanacon, what was to be "the greatest gathering of Magical Powered Kanamin in the world." Not that Haruma had any clue what that meant. Hell, all he knew from the franchise was the fact that it was very popular with kids in his school, and it had a relatively large following throughout the world.

Personally, Haruma couldn't care less for the franchise, or anime in general, but he'd have to be a fool to miss out on this kind of opportunity. Even if he couldn't manage to find a good company to invest in here, there had to be tens of thousands of yen trading hands every minute in the con. If that wasn't an opportune time for money to get lost in crowds of feet and make their way towards Haruma's pockets, he didn't know what would be better. Finally making it to the front of the line, Haruma reluctantly paid for his ticket with a large collection of coins, and made his way into the Dianoid.

The place itself was, as advertised, filled with booths related to the Kanamin franchise. Haruma doubted he'd need to protect it considering the location and large number of people, but he made sure that his wallet chain was still attached - the last thing he wanted was for someone to steal and waste his money on figurines of some anime girl. Noticing that the nearest map was crowded with other con goers, Haruma decided to simply check out the various booths. After all, there was no need to rush for the financial booths - may as well make the money he spent on a ticket worthwhile.

Haruma had quickly realized the temptations that led people to spending so much yen at conventions - the food looked far better than it normally did, and there simply seemed to be an air around the place that encouraged spending. Of course, it was a lot easier for Haruma to resist when he saw the price tag for most of the stuff, and that he could probably find the same thing online for far less.

Not that he wanted the stuff of course... J-just hypothetically speaking.

Haruma eventually noticed one of his schoolmates talking with a vendor and, in an uncaring manner, simply left the well-dressed man to show his wares to other customers. Haruma didn't recognize the girl, but he simply assumed she was a fan of the show - after all, why else would she have come to the convention if not for that? Walking past the man, Haruma was quick to note the asking price of the figurines he was selling. Steep, but considering how obsessive some collectors could be when things go out of stock, maybe it'd be worth it?

Haruma shook his head and kept walking. He didn't have time to keep fooling around, and it seemed like the maps were open finally. He made his way over to them and, upon finding the path to the financial section, began to walk.

Sirens sounded in the distance, but Haruma didn't really pay much mind to it.

Finally, Haruma managed to find a section of booths that were significantly less crowded. This must have been where the investors came to - after all, Haruma was only here because he knew he could make a bit of money. Hell, he already made 10,000 Yen just from walking around! There was especially a lot of money from the charity auction going on nearby, which was the only reason Haruma stayed in the area. He had no interest in the contest - Luck was something he relied on a lot, but he knew people rarely won these things.

Besides, even if he did win, he already had his beautiful truck~.

Finally shaking his attention from the large sum of coins in his pockets, Haruma finally managed to make it to the Orbit Portal Company booth. One of their members seemed to be busy talking to a young girl, so Haruma motioned for another worker to come to him.

"Good Afternoon Sir - My name is Gotou Haruma, High school student and Professional Scrounger." Haruma reached into his suit jackets pocket and extracted a business card, handing it to the man.

"I was hoping to become an investor for the Orbit Portal Company - would you mind if I do so here?"

Even if they didn't let him, Haruma was definitely going to invest in them - they had 3% Dividend Yields, and considering the nature of their business and success in their field, they were certainly quite stable.
@Stern Algorithm


The passing days were spent in a flurry - after it became very apparent that no one wanted to play, and Iva was guaranteed to not have any more issues, Hayim made his way back to Akhuz and then to a human village near the east of the main continent. His visits to the various tribes had taken a slight pause, so it was a good idea to get back on track. The tribes were the first in awhile to have the honor of Hayim spending the night, a right usually reserved for those who had chosen to come with him to Akhuz. Ten days passed in this fashion, with eight of the villages receiving one of the seedlings that Hayim had made to aid them while Hayim was gone.

The other two villages no longer existed on that realm, having been accepted into the meadows of Akhuz.

By the end of the eighth day, Hayim had regrown his strength enough to begin his normal level of divinity - and spawn more seedlings, of course. Hayim's goal to put a seedling in every Human community would take a long time, but would be well worth it. If he didn't need to heal them on his visits, their would be far more time left over to play! Unfortunately, the period allowed for Hayim to produce Seedlings was cut short once more, on the tenth day.

Hayim experienced the need to sleep, similar to many mortals - this was what allowed him to listen to the thousands of prayers he received daily, in only the span of a few hours. They were organized based on importance, urgency, and severity. Most passed through subconsciously - completely ignored, only altering his actions slightly and the village he chooses to stay at that day. It was only in matters of life and death where he truly heard these messages - and the knowledge that someone was being slowly twisted out of their form was quick to shake the young god to alertness.

Snapping awake in the early hours of twilight, Hayim knew that there were people who needed his help - and the prayers were familiar. A boy who was deformed from an accident, a woman who had nearly died from disease. A girl whose village was destroyed from his absence. The god quickly rushed to the nearest bush - luckily, there were many bushes similar to it in the area he wished to go. Unlike before, he sensed nothing about the spire's nature from the exit of his realm. Perhaps Fear was simply more contrary to his nature, or maybe the domain of this spire was just too similar to him already - whatever the case, Hayim exited Akhuz, completely unaware of the spire until he was already in it's presence.

While it was unfelt in Akhuz, Hayim could sense it much easier within the confines of it's demesne. The beams of twirling light could be seen in the distance, but they proved of little concern to the god. Looking around frantically, Hayim found there to be a complete lack of life. Well, animal life - no animals were seen in the immediate area, and certainly no humans. It took nearly a minute of examination to finally notice the odd shape of the bushes, how the shrubs almost looked rodent-like.

How the trees were screaming in agony and fear.

Hayim immediately rushed to the first tree, the features too distorted to discern gender. Touching it, he forced his essence into it, as he did all of his healing. The foots retracted, the branches growing more numerous and less thick - but it was far more energy than normal, and Hayim knew that the effects were only temporary. As soon as he stopped dripping his divine power into the human, they would revert back to the twisted form of bark and pain. There was only one cause of this.

The spire - those spires that forced such drastic changes, like the one that had elicited such fear from him and all life near it. Now, the spires did more than simply move away his friends - Plant-friends prospered, but animals suffered. The Humans...

Hayim decided what to do. He'd heal each creature, individually, and lead them away from the spire. Then, he could find another god to solve the spire issue. He had no idea who solved the last one, but maybe Iva would know what to do? If not, Dirka could probably pull some trick. Hayim was about to touch the tree and enact this plan, before a mighty roar stayed his petal. Looking to the horizon, Hayim was both shocked and appalled.

Drakairós swooped above the treeline, in the long serpentine body that he occasionally took - Hayim was not fond of this, as it was always difficult to tell the bodies apart. With a single motion of the dragon's head, a burst of flame erupted from the god and slammed into the surrounding vegetation, setting it alight. The fantastical nature of the display nearly distracted Hayim from the very, very real fact that the plants were not just plant-friends (and burning them was bad enough already...), but that they were animal-friends and Humans too! The young god immediately began to jump up and down, screaming at the dragon-god.


Of course, the tiny god was not heard by Drakairós, and the god immediately began to turn around and perform another sweep. Hayim knew that his old plan would no longer cut it - not with Drakairós burning the forest faster than he can save it. There was only one way to stop this - stop the spire, and hope that they'd realize that they were burning humans.

Hayim would have to do damage control after stopping the spire.
I'll have to drop my interest due to a full schedule, but thanks for being so considerate and giving a lot of time for me to put in a CS! I appreciate it.

Good luck with the RP guys!
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