Avatar of Duoya


Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Current Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
6 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
9 mos ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.


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Vito was careful to maneuver the Hummingbirds into a good position - he had brought all three with him, and was already bugging the campus with their eggs. One of the hummingbirds was quietly flying around the auditorium, laying its eggs mostly in small crevices or on the walls - he was barely paying attention to the speech by Headmistress Blackheart, and simply planned on reviewing the video later when he had free time. He had situated himself near the back so as to avoid any staff complaining about this, and he also had his three Sparrow units standing close by.

After he finished bugging the auditorium and the speech was coming to a close, Vito allowed the Hummingbird's AI to take over and start placing the cameras wherever they deemed fit. He could adjust the placing later, but he was mostly just doing this for his information gathering major anyways. Some students were already beginning to socialize and talk among themselves, and with the steadily increasing volume in the auditorium, Vito eventually decided to move - he hated working in chaotic conditions.

Luckily, Hummingbird #2 already found the dorms, so it was a perfect opportunity to settle himself. Vito apparently had a shared dorm room with a Mr. Kirk, much to his disappointment, but if he was lucky then the person might be another Mad Scientist major. The Sparrow Units carried his luggage as the Hummingbirds bugged the cafeteria and the common room of the dorms. Upon entering, he immediately had his Sparrow Unitsput away his luggage in his assigned room. He'd focus on organizing later - he needed to cover the bases and verify what resources he had at his disposal.

The common room had a TV, and the kitchen appliances might offer a few building supplies... Well, his dormmates would probably not appreciate him cannibalizing the appliances, and the last thing he needed was pissing off a bunch of future villains. He finished shortly later and started going over the speech from earlier, laying down on the couch and having his Sparrow units enter sleep mode when they finished unloading his things.
@Crimmy I AM HERE!

Will probably make a different mech and char, probably a focus on shields.
Very little that Vito wouldn't do for cash.

I'm gonna post soon, sorry or taking a bit guys.



Magic Shield

Unfortunately, the glowing aura that came from Mass Aggravate did little to the pack of Wargs. At the very least, the strongest of the monsters was stuck attacking Dennis, if he read the description of the spell correctly. He quickly wondered why the Wargs weren't leaping at the chance to attack him after using his Aggravate spell, but this contemplation was cut short as they rapidly began to tear into his allies - with Kira taking the brunt of the damage.

Dennis was about to rush to her aid, mostly just to use Living Wall and stand as a guard between her and the enemies, before a cutting sensation dug into his body. Thanks to a combination of armor, the Resolve passive, and the games natural settings, the pain was a far cry from what he knew it could have been. Trying to ignore it, Dennis took a step... only to find that his feet refused to move forwards. A glance at his status told him that he was 'Immobilized' - that was a thing? Realizing that River was giving aid to Kira allowed Dennis to relax somewhat, but the threat of combat still kept him on his toes.

"Tower move with me!"

Naomi rushed forwards, seemingly unaware of Dennis' predicament. He once again tried to move, but the whip held true.

"The Goblin's got me - sorry!"

A blast of fire nearly hit him, slamming into the goblin that stood a few feet in front of Dennis. He attempted to slash it, hoping that he would be able to connect a strike from his sword. Whether he missed or not, he then used Magic Shield to help mitigate any damage that would come next, regretting that he lacked any form of ranged attack.

Try and normal attack the Goblin Trainer.
Magic Shield

How's this guy look?

@A Lowly Wretch

Hayim raced ever towards the glowing, piercing light. At his current distance, he could feel it burning into his newly formed retinas, the light being present even with closed eyelids. More than anything else, he wanted to simply stop, sit down, and remain silent. He still had no need to breathe, but he could feel his body growing more ragged with the exertion than it healed and powered up from the spire. His eight limbs flung forwards in a rough synchronization, a meager attempt to increase his already ludicrous (well... by his standard) speeds. The light grew closer, but at a pace that was far from encouraging. Hayim could feel the energy of the light burning him even more, digging in, planting its roots in his very being and replacing him.

And it was far from metaphorical. Hayim fell down on the branch, his tentacle having been caught on one of the numerous growths of bark. He didn't manage to release it in time, before another root broke off of the main branch, wrapping itself against another leg and constricting him to the branch.

It was far less distressing than it would have been to the old Hayim. Now it was more... Annoying? Too light of a description. Frustrating? Too rough.

An inconvenience. The fact that he was now being buried alive in branches and wood was an inconvenience.

Still, it was a welcome inconvenience. Hayim's limbs were so tired, his stamina depleted. He wished for nothing more than to simply allow his body to fade into unconsciousness. The darkness of closed eyes wasn't even that scary anymore - Hayim was not the large plant creature, sitting on a branch that was larger than hundreds of trees. He was the blades of grass, the trees in the forests, the berries that the Humans and Animals ate with such eagerness, the bits of bark that now restrained him to the branch and were steadily crushing his old body. He was the canopies that offered shade and refuge from the sun and rain, and he was the logs that were used to make the Human's huts.

He was now the world tree and, more importantly, he was the world itself. He almost lost his sense of self, almost forgot the reason he struggled so desperately to reach the light. The screams were a good reminder.

Hundreds of voices cried out in pain - if he included the plants and not just the animals and humans, then it would easily be in the millions. He could see it without his old eyes - the heated plasma against bark and leaves, the photoreceptors sensing a bright light before fading away. Cracking open the complex structure that was once his eyes, Hayim saw balls of blue light crashing through the Spire's forest - his forest, leaving massive trenches and trails of destruction in their wake. They passed away with expected ease, cascading towards his World Tree.

It, of course, did only superficial harm. The forest would grow back, as it did in response to any damage. It didn't matter how bad a forest fire was - they always died, and the plants were always replaced. The trees, thick enough to compare to the oldest trees in Tabrasa, simply grew back once more, the surviving trees appreciating the sudden space. Hayim's bloodshot eyes traveled to the impact point on his World Tree. Red Fruit hung from the sites, far too gargantuan to be any real thing... But the appearance reminded Hayim of something. Villages filled with fleshy Humans, a sweet interior that was filled with juices, seeds that would be planted for the future of the tribe.

Hayim's mind was more mature - he knew the strength of the spire, the futility of his mission to destroy it. The old Hayim was wrong - this was just like the fear spire, if not worse. At least the fear spire was kind enough to show its colors early - this thing was insidious, seeking out to strike Hayim from the roots, change his very being. It was cutting his branches, pruning his essence and filling the empty space with more of itself. He would be reduced to nothing more than an extension of his World Tree

Hundreds of voices spoke in Hayim's mind, all chattering at once, paranoia and fear running rampant. The last bits of his domain sensed their unhappiness, and Hayim suddenly felt something he had lost in his sudden growth. He spoke to the voices, his own so much stronger thanks to his spire's influence.

"Don't worry Humans - I'm here to save you. I promise we'll all eat fruits again, so please just stay calm."

Hayim opened his eye once more, just realizing that it had been closed for the last few minutes. The bark was completely covering his old body, and he was in what appeared to be a cocoon of wood. He reached deep into his well of Health, speeding up the growth of the shell of plant matter. His bark pierced his old tentacles, wrapped around his old head, constricted his old body to the point of breaking.

He fell through space, landing a few feet away from the base of a large tree. The familiar warmth of Akhuz beamed down on his old body as he laid in the meadows of eternity.

Hayim's senses were the first to go - almost as soon as he entered Akhuz, his knowledge of the plant's feeling and thoughts faded, as did his awareness of them. His old body was, once again, his only body. It was nowhere near as uncomfortable as it has once been, but he hoped that it would revert back to normal soon. He laid on the grass of Akhuz, lying beneath the Akhuz version of the World Tree. It grew much like it's real-world counterpart, but unlike the real world, these fields were endless. Hayim gently rubbed his tentacle along the grass, touching the numerous flowers that blessed Akhuz's surface.

Hayim looked through the tree, being careful to not actually enter the real world - chaos reigned in the forest, and he bore witness to the plant dragons flying through the skies and over the great canopy of trees. The assault on the forest did nothing, only increasing the potency of the forest. Did the spire extract the godly-essence in the dragon's attacks? Did it use the new space and wounds to explore different applications of its vegetative might? Or were the attacks simply draining the Spire's well of power faster than it otherwise would, and they were more effective then they appeared.

Hayim's eyes drifted to the fruit that hung from the world tree. Out of the Spire's influence, memories were much easier to access - those were the same fruits he had given to a northern tribe of humans only a few weeks prior. A tribe that was composed of mothers, fathers, and children. A community that was ransacked by Ragnagedon's forces, his cult of human followers.

Humans that Hayim could not save.

Hayim lay at the base of the World Tree of Akhuz, tears gently falling from his yellow eyes, waiting for his strength to return and to give aid to the humans thar praised his name.
Sorry, been busy with school - will get my character out sometime tomorrow!
Interested in a Mad Scientist Student!

Haruma was ready for a lot at that moment - maybe they'd say that a teenager wasn't really fit for the company, and he'd have to invest online or something. Or maybe the girl would find the situation funny, begin to spread rumors at school. However, like many of the guests at Kanacon, he did not expect the lights to flicker off, plunging the area into darkness. Several long seconds passed before Haruma felt a presence in his hand - touch revealed it to be the lighter he carried at all times. Flicking it on, he was just in time to see the girl pull out her phone and use the flashlight feature.

That was much wiser. Then again, it wasn't like Haruma's power was especially wise - he wanted light, so it got him the most direct source it could find. Taking out his own cell phone, he mimicked Beppu in lighting up the surrounding area... Only to see her marching off on her own. Not like it really mattered to Haruma, in any case. He had her number and could contact her for that request she had any time he needed to. She began to shout out to the surrounding crowd and, ignoring her, Haruma addressed Kyuuichiro.

"I'm terribly sorry sir - it seems like the power went out. I am more than willing to wait for the power turns on before we see the inves-"

At that moment, a gunshot rang out throughout the convention, and a man with a megaphone began to loudly speak to the crowd. His threats, much to Haruma's terror, seemed to indicate he was related to the gunshots from earlier...

Immediately Haruma turned off his phone light and began to look for space to hide from the light of the torch. 'Shit, shit, shit, gotta get away from the light-'

Haruma tried to shake the thoughts from his mind, but he was worried it might have been too late - the last thing he needed was for his power to activate on the (presumably armed,) dangerous terrorists and knock their torch away. At the very least, he wasn't easy to anger. The last thing he wanted was to accidentally crush the guy's eyes or something, cause that would immediately start up some violence.

Doing his absolute best to appear nonchalant, or at least as nonchalant as possible in a full suit, Haruma slowly made his way over to the back of the Investor Booth. He had already made decent progress before another thought occurred to him, and he turned back, trying to make his way to Beppu without surprising her too much. When he was close enough, he whispered to her under his breath.

"C'mon this way, I'm gonna hide in the booth Kyuuichiro-san is in - that should buy us time to wait for help."

He didn't say it, just in case anyone could overhear him, but Haruma was definitely going to call the cops the second he felt he could get away with it - hiding behind the booths with the lowest volume and brightness on his phone might give him the opportunity to do so.
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